福布斯:美国需要拥抱比特币的 3 个原因

币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 07:31:22 评论:0



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作者:Sean Stein Smith,约城市大学雷曼学院教授 来源:forbes 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

美国的比特币和其他加密资产领域一直充满争议和辩论,这早已不是什么秘密。从最初被美国几乎所有传统金融机构嘲笑,到如今 11 支现货比特币 ETF 自成立以来迅速吸引了数十亿美元资金,很明显,美国私营部门已经拥抱了比特币和代币化支付。这些机构包括全球最大的资产管理公司贝莱德和美国最大、最有影响力的银行摩根大通。与此同时,比特币投资继续屡创新高,其他指标也继续指向人们对加密领域的更大兴趣,例如稳定币的市值和 NFT 领域的复苏。

尽管私营部门出现了这些积极的趋势、新闻和指标,但美国政策制定者的抵制却非常激烈。美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 继续推动将几乎所有加密资产归类为证券,并对注册于美国证券交易委员会的交易所 Coinbase 提起诉讼,同时还对与以太坊基金会开展业务的组织启动了新的调查。此外,尽管比特币和其他代币化资产取得了明显成功,但政客们之间的争论仍在继续。伊丽莎白·沃伦仍然是美国最强烈反对加密货币的政客之一,随着白宫最近重新提出对比特币矿工征收 30% 税的潜在方案,她的立场得到了加强。



根据旧金山联邦储备银行的一项研究,仅有 19% 的美元交易总额和 6% 的美元交易价值使用现金进行。无论使用什么指标来衡量美元交易的数字化转型,现实都非常清楚:美元已经数字化了。这并不是要否定围绕央行数字货币 (CBDC) 的争论,双方都提出了需要以建设性方式解决的合理担忧。

然而,围绕 CBDC 的争论可能会掩盖这样一个事实:即无论企业还是个人,其交易本质上已经越来越数字化/虚拟化。从这个角度来看,似乎可以合乎逻辑地得出这样的结论,随着代币化支付和基于区块链的交易在频次和价值上不断增加,这些技术将成为美元交易的一部分。



基于第一点,越来越明显的是,货币不再是一种货币(更不用说物理单位的过时),而更像是一种技术。随着全球经济各个方面的数字化加速,无论是由区块链还是其他技术驱动,货币正在转向另一种技术应用。随着数字和虚拟交易在总交易量和交易额中所占的比例越来越大,并且 TradFi 资产的代币化正在顺利进行(由 TradFi 机构领导),货币和技术之间的界限几乎是看不见的。




通过美元作为全球储备货币的角色,美国享有任何国家都可以经历的最奢侈的特权之一。近 70 年来,美元一直是金融交易和全球市场的支柱,几乎无法想象世界上的情况并非如此。困难,但这种心态忽视了历史先例;过去,多个国家和帝国都曾持有全球储备货币,而美国只是众多货币保持这一地位的国家和帝国之一。



It is no secret that the field of bitcoin and other encrypted assets in the United States has been full of controversy and debate. It has been ridiculed by almost all traditional financial institutions in the United States at first, and now the spot bitcoin has attracted billions of dollars since its establishment. Obviously, the private sector in the United States has embraced bitcoin and token payment. These institutions include BlackRock and the United States, the world's largest asset management company. JPMorgan Chase, the largest and most influential bank, meanwhile, bitcoin investment continues to hit record highs, and other indicators continue to point to people's greater interest in the encryption field, such as stabilizing the market value of the currency and the recovery of the field. Despite these positive trends and indicators in the private sector, the resistance of US policy makers is fierce. The US Securities and Exchange Commission continues to promote the classification of almost all encrypted assets as securities and file lawsuits against exchanges registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, despite the obvious success of bitcoin and other token assets, the debate among politicians continues. Elizabeth Warren is still one of the strongest politicians in the United States who oppose cryptocurrency. With the recent re-introduction of the White House's potential tax plan for bitcoin miners, her position has been strengthened. This disagreement is unlikely to last and is not conducive to reshaping the future currency and commerce. The rational dialogue of technology: the dollar has been digitized. According to a study by federal reserve bank of san francisco, the only total amount of dollar transactions and the value of dollar transactions are carried out in cash. No matter what indicators are used to measure the digital transformation of dollar transactions, the reality is very clear that the dollar has been digitized. This is not to deny the controversy surrounding the central bank digital currency. Both sides have raised reasonable concerns that need to be resolved in a constructive way. However, the controversy surrounding it may cover up the fact that no matter the enterprise, It seems logical to draw the conclusion that with the increasing frequency and value of token payment and blockchain-based transactions, these technologies will become a part of dollar transactions. So far, well-known companies including JPMorgan Chase and PayPal have respectively launched token payment products and stable coins for internal use. It seems short-sighted to fight these trends. Based on the first point, it is becoming more and more obvious that money is no longer a currency, not to mention the obsolescence of physical units, but more like a technology. With the acceleration of digitalization in all aspects of the global economy, whether it is driven by blockchain or other technologies, money is turning to another technology application. With the increasing proportion of digital and virtual transactions in the total transaction volume and transaction volume, and the token of assets is progressing smoothly, the boundary between money and technology is almost invisible. Video game streaming media content and augmented reality continue to become the mainstream. These trends have not even touched on the important role that digital and token transactions will play. The meta-universe may be over-hyped at first, but augmented reality and virtual reality are constantly improving and represent an almost ideal use case of token technology currency. The United States has long been a hotbed of technological innovation. Ignoring the evolution of currency will damage the development of consumers and enterprises. The reserve status is not a right through the corner of the US dollar as a global reserve currency. The United States enjoys one of the most luxurious privileges that any country can experience. In recent years, the US dollar has been the pillar of financial transactions and the global market. It is almost unimaginable that the situation in the world is not so difficult, but this mentality ignores the historical precedent. In the past, many countries and empires held the global reserve currency, and the United States is only one of many countries and empires that maintained this status. With the continuous emergence and rise of challenges facing the US economic and geopolitical strategy, coupled with the digitalization and The increasing status of the US dollar as a reserve currency in science and technology countries should not be taken for granted. On the contrary, policy makers should incorporate the technology of tokenization, embrace the digitalization of the US dollar and actively invest in currency on the basis of private market efforts. In the future, US policy makers should not go against the trend, but should follow the example of the private sector and embrace bitcoin and other encrypted assets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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