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Dov Wo@dov wo


1. 牛市产品不重要,叙事和情绪更重要。Meme 已经在反复反复证明这一点。融资的钱至少一半拿来拉盘。

2. 本轮牛市最核心的能力:操盘能力和喊单能力。如果你没有操盘能力,请去练习喊单能力,我也在帮一些项目方找 KOL 做推广,欢迎来接我给的商单。有很多 binance、OKX 都投了的项目找不到合适的国内/海外推广渠道,虚假繁荣/买盘就是刚需。

3.VC 的地位越来越差,解锁慢、估值高,散户不认。如果不能给项目方带来额外的资源(如交易所关系、某特定地区的资源和社区、经济模型设计、推广能力等),大部分纯财投 VC 只能当大怨种。拿最近找我的某个项目举例,给 KOL 轮的额度估值比 VC 还低,且解锁比 VC 还好。(本项目由西方某顶级VC领投)

KOL > VC 不是空穴来风,是真实存在的。所以我也在做一个小的精品的 KOL agency 来卖卖铲子。

4. 最火的活动是 Berachain、Solana、BTC;ETH 生态相对不太活跃,很大的一个 Meme 梗为 Layer 69(Solana 自己拍的搞怪恶搞 ETH 的视频)

5. Side Event 人非常多,这次活动可能有几百场 Side Event。反而主会场没有什么人;项目方们或许需要反思昂贵的主会场展台是否还值得;比如 Berachain、Solana都是没有主会场展台的,而是自己办活动。OKX是展台活动全都有,最顶级状态,反观Binance 继续是一个活动没有。

6. 普通人一定要当 KOL,找好自己的定位,比如喊土狗就只喊土狗,好好做分析就好好做分析。都能接到不错的商单的。我找喊土狗的 KOL 喊单,每条价格从200U-2000U不等。不会喊单的VC活不下去,不会喊单的KOL赚不到钱。你有流量,会有大量的项目方主动找你合作,你会有更好的信息和更多的资源。请再看一遍第二条。质疑带单老师,理解带单老师,成为带单老师。

7. 今年HK聊合规、牌照的少了,聊操盘和攒资源多了(也可能是因为我走到了更高的阶段能听懂和参与了)。主会场一进门最大的是 OKX 和 DWF 的展台,谁有资源和谁有钱大家都知道了吧。

Ethan yu@EthanYu2020

喝了 2 天,听了听牛逼

1.华人机构 Fomo 比特币生态和 Restaking,欧美/海外基因的机构 Fomo Solana 上的 DePin,少量机构 Fomo Cosmos 生态相关的 Bearchain,部分机构因为上轮被套在 GameFi,所以现在只能继续硬头皮推,不过所有最后都殊途同归都要大割,估值简直都离谱到家了。

2. 几乎所有共识是 Solana 上金狗真的太多了,暴富效应一直在持续,这几天去 Base 的土狗流水盘又转回 Solana 了。

3.不是 Kol 作用比 VC 大,是因为 KOL 资金比较灵活也可以随便喊单删推,解锁方式也更友好,让机构官推喊单你肿么办?另外一方面机构也不是人傻钱多,你一上来就 1 亿美金估值,整个 3 年 36 个月才能完全退出,又不上 Binance、OKX , 让我现在投 50 万美金是你傻还是机构傻?


NP Hard @xingpt





Allen Ding鼎@0x_Allending





4.喜欢炒情绪的,下面可以看看其他layer1的生态机会,基金会都在酝酿自己的meme season。





Kay Capital@keyahayek




—《2024 Web3 香港大会所见所闻》


CKB的活动人巨多,他们接下来会 focus on 闪电网络,而且生态建设比预想的快。感觉人人都有/曾经持有 CKB,大部分人持乐观态度。

Solana生态:看到的主要还是DePIN 项目,AI+DePIN 层层挖矿,预计之后类似 sol 手机的挖矿设备会层出不穷,比如手表、手环、戒指以及各种 AR 穿戴设备。不同与手机的是,它们记录健康数据,并让用户选择是否共享给 data 项目来赚取收益。

AI:主要是隐私和数据相关,利用 AI 处理各种数据,当然还有许多老项目转去做 AI,神奇的是,AI 项目没有我想象中的多,而且没看到什么 AI 的国人项目。

TON 生态:TON 愿景很大,看的出很想把生态做起来,听说对生态项目的扶持也很多。TON 的展位正对门口,展位上的人天天都很多。

最后几个小点:有不少做支付/web2.5 项目比我想象中对 web3 的了解更深入;对牛市持续时间的看法,外国人比国人更乐观;OKX 展位很热闹,外国人不感冒,用户大部分还是国人;游戏和 meme 项目都很会玩,请帅哥美女和 cosplay 满场宣传,想不注意都难。

Caesar On The Moon@czreth





4. DePin和RWA现在是传统IT业者转型Web3赛道的首选,看到了Wifi分布式Mesh网络,去中心化充电桩等项目,目前都是主打东南亚市场,以新加坡为主力据点。





March is the last day of Hong Kong Carnival, and it also marks the end of Hong Kong Blockchain Week. As in previous years, social activities and punching cards have been kept. Hong Kong has once again gathered a group of cryptographers. In the diversified collision of retail projects and even government officials, the future of Hong Kong and encryption is also being spread out. In this process, small essays have become an indispensable part of large-scale events. Participants or quips are talking about trends or simply pointing to the key points or simply venting their emotions or Xu's views are not consistent, but the spectators who have not been able to experience it in the unique Huashan sword can also get a glimpse of the current hot spots and perceive the mood and atmosphere of the encryption circle under the review of the current situation and development trend of the industry. Some essays on the gyro financial special summary platform hope that Hong Kong in the eyes of participants can lead to more thinking perspectives. The essays in Hong Kong are full of prejudice, and the bull market products are not important in narrative and emotions. It has been repeatedly proved that at least half of the financing money is used to pull this round of bull market. If you don't have the ability to trade and call orders, please practice the ability to call orders. I am also helping some project parties to find promotion. Welcome to pick up the business orders I gave. There are many projects that have been invested, and there is no suitable domestic and overseas promotion channels. False prosperity and buying are just getting worse and worse. Unlock the slow valuation and high retail investors will not recognize it. If you can't bring additional resources to the project parties, such as exchange relations, resources in a specific region and the ability to design and promote community economic models, most of them are pure. Financial investment can only be regarded as a big complaint. Take a project that recently came to me as an example. The valuation ratio of the quota given to the round is lower and the unlocking ratio is better. This project is led by a top western company. It is not groundless. It is real, so I am also making a small boutique to sell shovels. The most popular activity is that the ecology is relatively inactive. There are many funny and spoof videos taken by a big stalk. There may be hundreds of people in this activity, but there are no people in the main venue. The project parties may need to reflect on the expensive main venue booth. Is it still worth it? For example, there is no booth in the main venue, but the activities are all in the top state. On the other hand, it is still an activity. No ordinary people must find their own position. For example, if you call a local dog, just call the local dog and do a good analysis. You can get a good business order. I will call a local dog for a price. If you can't live, you can't make money. You will have traffic and a lot of project parties will take the initiative to cooperate with you. You will have a better letter. Please look at the information and more resources again. The second question is that the teacher with the bill understands that the teacher with the bill has become the teacher with the bill. This year, I talked less about trading and saved more resources. It may also be because I have reached a higher stage and can understand and participate in the main venue. When I entered the door, the biggest thing was the booth. Who has the resources and who has the money? Everyone knows it. After listening to the awesome Chinese institutions, Bitcoin ecology and a small number of institutions related to overseas genes in Europe and America, because of the last round of quilt cover. Now, we can only continue to push hard, but in the end, all roads lead to the same goal, and the valuation is simply outrageous. Almost all the consensus is that there are too many gold dogs, and the effect of getting rich has been going on for a few days. The running pool of the local dog has turned back, which is not because the funds are more flexible and the unlocking method is more friendly, so that the agency officials can push and shout, what are you swollen? On the other hand, the agency is not stupid, and you have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to finish the valuation for a whole year and a month. It's true that many young people are active, enthusiastic and eager to learn, and they don't have any industrial burdens. But there are not enough newcomers, so the bull market is still in its initial stage. The threshold for starting a business in this cycle continues to increase. The domestic wild teams that are newly admitted can only send local dogs or do hair-rolling studios. It is basically difficult for a few people who are doing bitcoin ecological projects to get into the confusion of big money. How can we make European and American funds? Investing in our domestic funds is confusing how we can invest in the currency circle where European and American projects are the most moist. These days, Chinese practitioners, second-class big households and top-flow ding are too busy to say a few points quickly, hoping to help you. The market is still more determined and more will definitely reverse. At present, the exchange rate is under pressure mainly because there is little probability of a month passing and there is a lawsuit in the fight, which lacks a new narrative. However, I still think it is the only public chain that can undertake large financial needs and has the best developer atmosphere. It's still the first choice, and the upcoming release should drive a wave of cattle's own strategy. No problem, it has become my biggest position at present, but there are too many emotional air coins in the ecology, which can't be transferred normally recently. At present, I focus on launching a financial platform that allows users to better participate in the project and like to speculate. Let's take a look at other ecological opportunity foundations, all of which are brewing their own. Re-emphasize that speculation by news in the bull market is the highest utilization rate of funds as long as you have reliable letters. The source of information can breathe and make money. How can you make more friends with reliable information sources? The biggest reason comes from the process of changing low-liquid assets into high-liquid assets. I have been paying close attention to it recently and welcome comments in the field. Everyone is doing it, especially the coin circle and the grass-roots team. As long as you can get a few key angels and a few large overseas institutions to handle the coin security, congratulations on the valuation of 100 million yuan. I will use the points I have saved for one year to book a hotel investment of several hundred yuan. About 5,000 of the project owners live in Grand Hyatt, and the project owners buy cars and buy houses. What the Hong Kong Congress saw and heard was quite a lot of bitcoin ecology. Some of the bitcoin ecological projects made deals, some made asset distribution agreements and some made mining machines, but the gap was quite big. There were so many activists in both technology and products that they would lightning the internet and the ecological construction was faster than expected. Everyone felt that most people were optimistic. What they saw in the ecology was mainly the pre-mining of projects at different levels. After the plan, mining equipment similar to mobile phones will emerge in an endless stream, such as watches, bracelets, rings and various wearable devices. Unlike mobile phones, they record health data and let users choose whether to share them with projects to earn income, mainly for privacy and data-related utilization and processing of various data. Of course, there are many old projects that have turned to do. The magic thing is that there are not as many projects as I expected, and the ecological vision of Chinese projects is very great. I heard that there are also many booths that support ecological projects. There are many people in the booth at the door every day, and there are many payment projects in the last few spots than I expected. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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