Helium 5G:每月赚取 3,000 美元

币圈资讯 阅读:29 2024-04-22 04:58:19 评论:0



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在不到 1 个月的时间内让您的氦矿机恢复正常感觉就像是遥远的记忆。尽管我相信这些市场状况永远不会重现……但事实似乎再次证明我错了。氦气矿工再次通过一台放置良好的设备每月赚取数千美元 。

物联网与 5G

然而这一次,我不是在谈论那些优秀的老物联网矿工。不,氦气 5G 挖矿现在很流行。

这怎么可能?3 个多月前,HNT 的价值还不到 2 美元,现在又回到了 10 美元。但上涨的不仅仅是HNT。$MOBILE 和 $IOT 代币都有不错的收益。然而,$MOBILE 代币的举动最为令人印象深刻。为什么?因为 Helium 既顺应了 DePin 的叙述,又提供了具有竞争力的 20 美元全包移动套餐,你猜怎么着:人们再次猜测这对未来意味着什么。


为什么我说猜测呢?因为如果你看看Helium Explorer,我们会发现 Helium 网络平均每天带来 2,500 美元的收入,也就是每年 100 万美元。然而,过去几周我们并没有看到收入呈指数级增长。这就是为什么可以安全地假设人们认为/希望收入会随之而来,并将转化为他们刚刚购买的代币的效用价值。


重要提示:人们对 Helium 的估值已经达到 2B 美元。这是当前预计收入的 2000 倍。我说:泡沫。



设置 Helium IoT 设备非常简单,现在仍然如此。如果您对此感兴趣,请务必查看我之前的视频。您可以以便宜的价格找到物联网矿工,并且它们仍然可以为您带来不错的年度回报。只是不要指望在一个月内收回你的钱。

Freedom Fi Helium 5G 网关 + Baicells 无线电

这次的机会是 5G 矿工,他们在移动计划的炒作中冲浪。遗憾的是它们仅在美国销售。幸运的是,像Helium Deploy这样的公司允许来自世界各地的人们共同投资 5G 矿机,或者您可以使用HotspotRF提供的主机匹配服务为您要购买的矿机找到一个家。

Helium Mobile 20$ 无限制


另一个重要提示:去年很明显,您不应该将资金投资于室内 5G 矿机,而应该专注于室外矿机。

回到户外5G矿机,它们比我们习惯的小型物联网矿机要大得多。它们的设置也更具挑战性,因为它们由 2 个设备组成:网关和无线电。此外,您必须向政府注册您的设置并获得批准才能使用。这需要大量信息,记录硬件和无线电的确切位置。

最后一个大区别是价格:您可以花 200 美元购买 Helium IoT 矿机,而 Helium 5G 设置的最低投资为 2000 美元,而基于盈利能力最受欢迎的设置是 FreedomFi Helium 5G 矿机和 Baicells NOVA 430H 捆绑包。


虽然 2K 的投资很高,但如果有合适的矿机,第一个月就可以收回投资。迈阿密的这个矿工就是一个例子,它每天的收入高达 300 美元:


您可能会问自己:如果 Helium 网络每天只带来 2,500 美元的收入,这怎么可能?其原因是 Helium 和以前一样具有奖励性覆盖范围。除非有覆盖,否则移动用户不会加入网络。因此,为了激励人们在美国各地建设网络基础设施,他们提供奖励以解决先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。



覆盖点是一回事,钱本身从哪里来?钱来自代币价值。矿工获得代币,投资者从矿工那里购买代币。因此,只要投资者愿意为网络的未来潜力买单,$MOBILE 代币的价格就会保持在高位。一旦投资者想要支付网络产生的当前价值,回报当然就会下降。这就是为什么我认为这是一个短期机会。但尽管如此,我们正处于牛市的开始阶段,这仍然是一个机会,而 DePin 是这个周期中的热门话题。

第二个因素是网络中 Helium 5G 矿工的数量。支付给矿工的 Helium 代币数量是固定的。例如,如果 Helium 每天支付 1000 个 $MOBILE 代币用于覆盖范围,并且我们有 10 个在线矿工 -> 每个矿工平均将收到 100 个 $MOBILE 代币。然而,如果明天我们有 1000 名矿工在线,那么每个矿工平均每个区块只能收到 1 $MOBILE。当然,网络越大,它的价值就越高,代币的价格也应该越高。除非……投资者已经计算出网络的未来价值。

如果您想快速计算自己能赚多少钱,可以使用 HotspotRF 制作的 5G 矿机盈利能力和投资回报率计算器:https: //hotspotrf.com/helium-5g/

最重要的因素是您每天开采的 $MOBILE 数量(我将在几秒钟内解释如何计算)以及 $MOBILE 代币的价格。

该计算器还允许您输入所需的网络增长。因为越来越多的人会意识到挖掘 $MOBILE 非常有利可图,这意味着更多的矿工将争夺同样的奖励。这种情况将持续下去,直到人们不再觉得值得投资。


  1. 到达页面后,单击“计划者”,然后单击“登录”。创建一个新帐户并确认您的电子邮件。

  2. 登录后,单击“Planner”选项卡,然后单击“Create New Plan”

  3. 填写位置信息

Helium 移动规划器


  1. 从位置名称开始,这对您来说是有意义的

  2. 地址将在您输入时自动完成,尽可能准确

  3. 将根据地址为您计算纬度和经度

  4. 天线**:如果您还没有决定购买什么,请使用黄金标准:Baicells Nova 430H。他们目前为您提供最物超所值的服务。如果您对该设置感兴趣,您将在此视频的说明中找到一个链接。

  5. 高度很重要,因为通常位置越高,覆盖范围就越好

  6. 仰角是指无线电面对的角度。默认情况下,最好将其保持在 0。但是,如果您想让无线电向下瞄准,请填写负值,例如 -20°;如果您想向上瞄准,请使用正值 +20°


7. 最后一个值称为方位角,它简单地表示您的无线电所面向的方向。


在我们的示例中,我们想要击中紫色六边形,它们是提供额外奖励的“增强区域”。为此,我将使用 240,这使我的收音机看起来是西南方向,而且远非完美。

*重要提示:模拟器仅考虑 1 个天线。要增加覆盖范围,您可以将 5 个无线电添加到 1 个网关。遗憾的是,您可以模拟它,但您可以一一模拟每个天线设置并将其全部添加在一起。


Helium 移动规划器

获得“估计覆盖点”后,您可以在Helium 5G 奖励计算器中使用该值进行更准确的计算。在我们的示例中,按当前价格计算,我们每天赚取 27 美元,您可以看到我的设置远非完美。然而,它在短短 2.5 个月多一点的时间内就为我们带来了投资回报:

HotspotRF 投资回报率计算器

然而,只需将收音机的方向从 240° 更改为 180°,我的奖励就增加了 50% 以上,使我的收支平衡时间缩短到不到 2 个月。


这给我们带来了最后一个问题:这一切值得吗?正如您在这些简单示例中所看到的:位置和设置就是一切。因此,最好与能给您提供顶级位置的人分享您的利润,而不是将 100% 的利润保留在较差的位置。

除此之外:对于大多数人来说 2,000 美元是一笔重大投资,而且并非每个地点都能在 2 个月内给您带来投资回报。这意味着您将更长时间地暴露在非常波动的市场中,这会增加您的风险。

您的回报取决于人们对 Helium $MOBILE 代币未来的信任程度,这既受到 Helium 发布的消息以及加密市场炒作的推动。如果人们对“去中心化基础设施”的炒作感到厌倦,或者整个市场再次崩溃,你的回报也会如此。

最后:即使 $MOBILE 的价值不断上涨,您也必须意识到会有更多的人有动力去建立矿工,并且您拥有的矿工越多,您与其他人分享奖励的机会就越多。这意味着不仅快速获得矿机很重要,而且您还需要能够立即部署矿机。不要忘记:您需要政府批准您的安装,这需要时间。。

Getting your helium miner back to normal in less than a month feels like a distant memory. Although I believe these market conditions will never reappear, the facts seem to prove me wrong again. Helium miners once again earn thousands of dollars a month through a well-placed equipment. However, this time, I am not talking about those excellent old IoT miners who don't dig with helium. It is very popular now. How can it be that the value was less than US dollars more than a month ago? Now it is back to US dollars, but it is not just rising. Yes, there are good returns with tokens. However, the token's actions are the most impressive. Why? Because it not only conforms to the narrative but also provides a competitive all-inclusive mobile package in US dollars. Guess what? People once again guess what this means for the future. Why do I say guessing? Because if you look at us, we will find that the Internet brings an average daily income of US dollars, that is, US$ 10,000 per year. However, in the past few weeks, we have not seen an exponential increase in income. This is why we can be safe. Let's assume that people think that the income they hope will follow and be converted into the utility value source of the tokens they just bought. Helium Explorer is an important reminder that people's valuation has reached US dollars, which is twice the current estimated income. I said bubble, but that's enough. We are concerned about how much money we can make before the bubble bursts. Getting started and setting up the equipment is very simple. If you are interested in this, please be sure to check out my previous video. You can find Internet of Things miners and them at a cheap price. It can still bring you a good annual return, just don't expect to get your money back within one month. The opportunity this time is miners. They are surfing in the hype of the mobile plan. Unfortunately, they are only sold in the United States. Fortunately, companies like this allow people from all over the world to jointly invest in mining machines, or you can use the host matching service provided to find a home for the mining machines you want to buy. Now, whether you are from the United States or Europe, this article is worth reading because. Before you invest, you want to know exactly how big the potential of miners in a certain place is. Whether you set up miners by yourself or by external services, this will not change another important tip. Last year, it was obvious that you should not invest money in indoor mining machines, but should focus on returning to outdoor mining machines. They are much bigger than the small Internet of Things mining machines we are used to, and their settings are more challenging because they are composed of 10 devices, gateways and radios. In addition, you must register your settings with the government and It takes a lot of information to record the exact location of hardware and radio before it can be used. The last big difference is the price. You can spend dollars to buy mining machines, and the minimum investment is dollars. The most popular setting based on profitability is mining machines and bundles. How much money can you make? Although the investment is high, if you have the right mining machine, you can recover your investment in the first month. This miner in Miami is an example. His daily income is as high as dollars. You may ask yourself, for example. If the network only brings in US dollars a day, how is this possible? The reason is that it has the same reward coverage as before, unless there is coverage, mobile users will not join the network. Therefore, in order to encourage people to build network infrastructure in all parts of the United States, they provide incentives to solve the problem of chicken or egg first. It is equally important to know that this particular example is enjoying the benefits of system errors. He has gained a lot of coverage points on the other side of the ocean, which is meaningless. The latest proposal will solve this problem. If you want to know more about this proposal, you can find a link in the explanation of this video. The coverage point of the proposal is one thing. Where does the money itself come from? Miners get tokens. Investors buy tokens from miners, so as long as investors are willing to pay for the future potential of the network, the price of tokens will remain at a high level. Once investors want to pay for the current value of the network, the return will of course decline. This is. Why do I think this is a short-term opportunity? Nevertheless, we are at the beginning of a bull market. This is still an opportunity but a hot topic in this cycle. The second factor is that the number of miners in the network is fixed. For example, if we pay a token every day for coverage and we have an online miner, each miner will receive an average of 20 tokens. However, if we have a miner online tomorrow, each miner can only receive an average of 10 tokens per block. The bigger the network, the higher its value, and the higher the price of tokens, unless investors have calculated the future value of the network. If you want to quickly calculate how much money you can earn, you can use the calculator for profitability and return on investment of mining machines. The most important factor is the amount you mine every day. I will explain how to calculate and the price of tokens in a few seconds. The calculator also allows you to input the required network growth, because more and more people will realize that mining is very profitable, which means more. Many miners will compete for the same reward, and this situation will continue until people no longer feel it is worth investing. How to calculate your reward? After arriving at the page, click Planner, then click Login to create a new account and confirm your email. After logging in, click Tab and then click Fill in Location Information. Don't feel too overwhelmed, because it is not as complicated as it looks. Starting with the location name, the address that is meaningful to you will be completed automatically as accurate as possible. The latitude and longitude antenna will be calculated for you according to the address. If you haven't decided what to buy, please use the gold standard. They currently provide you with the best value for money. If you are interested in this setting, you will find a link height in the description of this video. It is very important because usually the higher the position, the better the coverage. Elevation refers to the angle that the radio faces. By default, it is best to keep it at, but if you want the radio to aim down, please fill in a negative value, for example, if you want to aim up. Please use a positive source. The last value is called azimuth, which simply indicates the direction your radio is facing. Source hotspots. In our example, we want to hit the purple hexagon, which is an enhanced area that provides extra rewards. For this reason, I will use this to make my radio look southwest and far from perfect. Important note that the simulator only considers one antenna to increase the coverage. Unfortunately, you can add one radio to a gateway, but you can simulate each antenna setting one by one and add them all together. After setting all the values, you can click Submit the coverage plan because of this service. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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