
币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 04:54:42 评论:0



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细究原因,OTC自身存在的反洗钱缺陷、市场秩序混乱以及缺乏投资者有效保护是本次引致监管的主要原因,尤其是在去年反响激烈的JPEX和Hounax事件中,部分加密货币找换店就成为了个中推手,虚假宣传平台已获得合规牌照。数据显示,JPEX事件中,投资者损失了1.8亿美元,而在 Hounax 骗局中,145名受害者共损失了1890万美元,截至目前,大部分投资者的资金仍未追回。

在此背景下,2024年2月2日,香港财经事务及库务局局长许正宇表示,政府认为有需要把虚拟货币场外交易所 (OTC) 纳入监管,并将于短期内就拟议的监管框架展开咨询,期望市民和持份者踊跃表达意见。随后几天,2月8日,香港政府就设立虚拟资产场外交易服务(OTC)提供者发牌制度的立法建议展开公众咨询,咨询日期截至4月12日为止。







另一方面,持牌实体交易所的申请最后期限也即将到来,根据证券及期货事务监察委员会于 2023 年中期制定的规则手册,持牌交易所必须在2月29日之前获得或申请许可证。


跟踪数字资产交易的Chainalysis亚太区政策主管Chengyi Ong表示,由于提供商必须管理犯罪、网络安全和其他运营风险,立法建议书中的场外交易框架“将导致现有机构的整合重组,头部效应会增强,而OTC平台作为加密货币入口的使用频率将会大大减少”。

专门提供金融监管咨询服务的Howse Williams律师事务所驻香港合伙人Jason Chan则表示,本次立法建议将香港海关部门与其他机构一起纳入其中,或将会给大众留下监管“过于碎片化”的印象。



One Satoshi是香港的连锁OTC公司之一,据其联合创始人Roger Li介绍,公司业务主要服务于散户投资者,通常进行1万港元或以下的小额交易。


本次规定并不影响加密交易所的申牌。目前,全港仅有两家获牌的数字资产交易所,分别是HashKey Exchange 和 OSL Group。从官网披露来看,截至2月27日,OKX、Bybit、Crypto.com和与Binance有关联的 HKVAX等总计19家机构已递交牌照申请,值得玩味的是,孙宇晨指导下的HTX在提交申请三天后撤回了其申请,并未公布撤回原因。


纵观全球,尽管美国已一骑绝尘,但香港也仍面临着与新加坡和迪拜等地区的加密资产业务主导权争夺战,因而香港始终坚持包容性与创新型兼顾的政策制定,在政策制定方向走在前列。此前,香港证监会允许交易所交易基金直接投资加密货币;而在比特币现货ETF在美国通过前,香港证监会就已表示“准备好接受虚拟资产现货 ETF 的认可申请”;就在日前,香港货币当局宣布正在制定稳定币的规则。

从监管来看,普遍行业人士认为此举并非不可预见。加密货币交易所顾问Vince Turcotte表示:“将场外交易纳入监管结构是制度的自然延伸,可进一步促使香港加密市场合法化。”

但考虑到全球众多的离岸加密货币平台以及难以追踪的P2P交易,香港对行业和场外交易的流程化监管绝非易事。大和资本市场区块链研究主管 Carlton Lai就表示:“加密货币的去中心化给监管带来了巨大的挑战,用户可以轻松访问离岸的加密货币交易所和应用程序,即使是在避开政府的监管下。”




If you are interested in observing, you can find that there are many cryptocurrency exchange shops scattered on the streets of Hong Kong. In the shops, users can freely exchange cash and cryptocurrency without asking any questions. According to field visits last year, a single exchange shop can exchange up to HK$ 10,000 at a time, and the exchange party only needs to reserve a phone or email address. Compared with the high handling fee of the Hong Kong Digital Exchange, the exchange rate of the exchange shop is undoubtedly more cost-effective and convenient, which reflects Hong Kong finance from a certain perspective. The characteristics of freedom have also caused some people in the industry to worry about anti-money laundering. Recently, freedom has been curbed. Hong Kong announced that it will issue new rules to stop OTC exchange, and the above-mentioned companies are likely to face the challenge of business restriction or even withdrawal due to imminent supervision. The concept is not unfamiliar to people in the industry. As the name suggests, places that independently match transactions outside the regular exchange can be regarded as OTC exchanges. Generally speaking, encryption mainly covers three carriers, namely Online platform based on social media matchmaking, offline physical change shops and encryption machines According to the preliminary field observation of law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong, it is estimated that there are about one physical virtual asset over-the-counter store in Hong Kong, including an over-the-counter store operated by an ATM, and about one online active virtual asset trading service provider. According to the survey, the change shop is an important part of over-the-counter encrypted currency transactions, accounting for the main part of the billion-dollar digital assets flowing through Hong Kong as of last month. The defects of anti-money laundering, chaotic market order and lack of effective protection of investors are the main reasons for this supervision, especially in the fierce response and incident last year, some cryptocurrency change shops became a false propaganda platform, and the data showed that the investors lost $100 million in the incident and the victims lost $10,000 in the scam. Up to now, most investors' funds have not been recovered. Chang Xu Zhengyu said that the government thinks it is necessary to bring virtual currency OTC into the supervision, and will start consultation on the proposed supervision framework in the near future, expecting the public and stakeholders to express their opinions enthusiastically. Next, the Hong Kong government will start public consultation on the legislative proposal to establish a licensing system for OTC service providers of virtual assets. As of the date of consultation, according to the legislative proposal, Hong Kong plans to establish a licensing system for online platforms and offline entities including computers under the customs department. Anyone who engages in any spot trading service of virtual assets in Hong Kong must apply to the Commissioner of Customs for a license. Licensed OTC operators of virtual assets must abide by the anti-money laundering regulations and other regulatory requirements. In short, OTC providers of cryptocurrency need to collect customer records and increase personnel to monitor improper trading behavior. The regulatory scope of OTC business of virtual assets has officially come to an end. The currency that households can trade is also restricted. It is suggested that the services provided by the OTC virtual assets licensee can only cover the tokens traded by retail investors on at least one virtual assets trading platform licensed by the CSRC and the stable currency issued by issuers licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the HKMA after the implementation of the proposed stable currency issuer licensing system. The proposal also clearly stipulates the penalties for anyone who violates relevant laws and regulations and engages in regulated OTC virtual assets clothing without a license. In addition, if the licensee commits misconduct, such as violating other regulatory requirements, he can be punished by administrative penalties, including suspending or revoking his license, condemning and ordering to make corrections, and/or fined not more than $10,000. The source of the proposed crimes and the maximum penalty proposed in the consultation document on virtual assets is Jun He. From a macro perspective, with the introduction of over-the-counter trading of virtual assets into the regulatory framework and the upgrading of the existing license plate system for securities-based virtual assets trading. Securities-type virtual assets provide advice, license plate upgrade management, portfolio license plate upgrade with virtual assets, the CSRC's guidelines for token securities business and the upcoming stable currency issuer license system undoubtedly mean that Hong Kong's governance framework in the encryption field has gradually matured and formed a relatively perfect regulatory mechanism covering both on-site and off-site with licenses as the starting point. On the other hand, the deadline for applications from licensed physical exchanges is coming soon, according to the Securities and Futures Commission. The rules manual formulated by the members' committee in the middle of the year, licensed exchanges must obtain or apply for licenses before, but they are concerned about the differences in the impact of laws and regulations. Different subjects can be said to have different opinions. The Asia-Pacific policy director who tracks digital asset transactions said that the over-the-counter trading framework in the legislative proposal on criminal network security and other operational risks will lead to the integration and reorganization of existing institutions, and the head effect will be enhanced, and the frequency of using the platform as a cryptocurrency entrance will be increased. The partners in Hong Kong of law firms specializing in financial supervision and consulting services will be greatly reduced. They said that the legislative proposal to include the Hong Kong Customs Department together with other institutions will leave the public with the impression that the supervision is too fragmented. In response, a spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said that in view of the customs' own business function, the customs department is the most suitable institution to supervise cryptocurrency over-the-counter service providers. The spokesman added that the rules manual of the proposal provided the necessary wind. Risk control and maximum investor protection are inevitable trends for exchange shops caught in the whirlpool of supervision. It is one of the chain companies in Hong Kong. According to its co-founder, the company mainly serves retail investors and usually conducts small transactions of HK$ 10,000 or less, indicating that although the company has carried out certain anti-money laundering and inspection, new requirements related to compliance personnel and record keeping may increase costs. In this case, OTC companies must either stop. Cryptographic currency business should either apply for a new license. He is also waiting for the introduction of clearer policy guidance. This regulation does not affect the application of cryptographic exchanges. At present, there are only two licensed digital asset exchanges in Hong Kong, namely, and from the disclosure of official website, as of March, and a total of related institutions have submitted license applications. It is interesting to note that under the guidance of Sun Yuchen, their applications were withdrawn three days after the application was submitted, and the reasons for withdrawal were not announced. The list of institutions that have applied for licenses comes from the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, official website. Looking at the world, Hong Kong is still facing an increase with Singapore and Dubai. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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