Blast 主网上线 哪些生态项目已经把羊毛喂到了嘴边?

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 04:48:05 评论:0



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质押进去的 ETH, 将成为 Blast 生态项目们垂涎三尺的香饽饽。

加密市场的历史证明,每一次新的L2,都是一次新的流动性跑马圈地。重复造轮子也好,跑出新项目也罢,新的Blast 上,必然会诞生各类生态项目;


于是,我们或许会在Blast 主网正式上线的早期,看到一个“买方市场”。

TVL和用户活跃为王,你都已经在 Blast 上质押ETH了,那么生态项目们也必然会通过各种预热活动,想方设法让你使用自家的产品,最好还能为自家产品提供流动性。



那么, 当前市场上有哪些容易薅羊毛的生态项目? 本期内容我们就来进行一个盘点,为大家在Blast的早期淘金提供可行的参考。

Blasterswap:原生DEX,质押 ETH 即有代币预空投

Blasterswap是Blast上的原生DEX,支持代币的实时兑换、限价单和定投,同时也自带 Launchpad的功能,满足生态中代币上线、兑换和投资的需求。






相比于肝任务和交互,这种进来即有份的羊毛更加友好。考虑到Blast L2更低的gas,领取羊毛的成本也并不会高。

Wen Exchange:NFT市场,同样见者有份

Wen Exchange是 Blast 上的原生NFT市场,支持0交易费用,以及自带blast的原生收益。





Pacmoon: 与Blast创始人名称相似的MEME

相信没有人不知道 Blast 创始人Pacman的大名,而这个名字实际上也有一个更早的来源:吃豆人游戏。

与 Pacman名字类似,一个社区驱动的MEME代币 Pacmoon已经出现,并且在视觉元素上很明显的参考了吃豆人;同时Moon的意义不言而喻,暗示着一飞冲天。





Blast Disperse:批量发送交易赢取空投奖励

Blast Disperse 是 Blast 上一个高度激励的 dapp,它允许同时将 ETH、代币和 NFT 发送到多个地址。由 $DISP 提供支持。


如果说前几个项目都是喂饭到嘴边,那么Blast Disperse 则需要自己动手吃饭。当然,获取空投的方式也很简单:





与Galxe类似,Blast上也有自己的任务平台 BlastScore。









AI WAIFU:虚拟女友游戏,参与LBP代币发行领空投

AI Waifu是一款由 AI 驱动的虚拟女友游戏,通过AI大语言模型和动漫形象的虚拟女友,陪伴玩家共同成长,在精神陪伴的同时获取游戏中的收益。



试玩邀请码:9L6KD IA8FX

在之前的 Blast Big Bang 开发者激励活动中已经赢得了次优组(RunnerUp)的奖励,官方已承诺会将在活动中的100%的开发者激励空投分享给用户。


其中,可售代币数量为30,000,000个,初始单价为0.169 U,初始FDV为$1690万。

3月8日,代币在LBP后就会正式产生,推测参与的玩家需要再次回到 Fjord 进行申领才算正式得到了WAIFU代币;同时在11日游戏的正式版本将会启动。

对于空投时间来说,AI Waifu 官方将在收到Blast Big Bang奖励的空投以及LBP结束后才能发放空投;确切日期和时间待公布。


最后总体来看,可以确定的是Blast L2的正式上线必然会掀起一阵生态项目热潮。



Yet we called and urged a thousand times before she started toward us attracts revenue points and airdrop operations to play with flowers. Finally, it is officially announced that it will be officially launched at 8: 00 a.m. Hong Kong time. Considering the long-standing gameplay, I believe many people have already deposited it on the Internet. While earning interest and official points, don't forget that the encrypted market you pledged will become a coveted beacon for ecological projects. The history proves that every new one is a new liquidity, and it is also new to make wheels repeatedly and run out of new projects. All kinds of ecological projects are bound to be born in the world, and the total liquidity is so much. The projects in the same track will inevitably compete for liquidity, and the projects in different tracks will also grab liquidity objectively. So we may see a buyer's market and users are active in the early days of the official launch of the main network, and you have already pledged on the internet. Then the ecological projects will certainly try their best to let you use your own products through various preheating activities, and it is best to provide liquidity for your own products. Some ecological projects have already This buyer's market has reached the extreme. You don't need to do anything. You just need to come to me and have a look. According to the amount of your pledge, you will be pre-airdropped. That is to say, in the case of scarce liquidity, bonus hunter has become easier in ecological projects. So what are the easy ecological projects in bonus hunter in the current market? In this issue, we will make an inventory to provide a feasible reference for everyone's early gold rush, that is, the pre-airdrop of tokens is the real-time exchange limit of native support tokens. At the same time, single and fixed investment also have their own functions to meet the needs of online exchange and investment of tokens in the ecology. At present, users only need to click here to pledge and stabilize the coins or pledge the pre-issued tokens without any interactive operation, and the size of the pre-issued tokens depends on the amount of pledge. Players can visit here to check the number of tokens they can obtain. The normal logic is that when the main network is online, the pre-issued tokens will become the main network tokens for players to solve. Lock cycle conditions and additional operations need to pay close attention to the social media information of the project. At the same time, the project has been publicized and shared on Twitter before, and additional airdrop acceleration will be obtained. However, official website shows that the snapshot is over, and players can still link wallets normally to obtain pre-airdrop token shares. Compared with liver tasks and interactions, this kind of wool is more friendly. Considering the lower cost of collecting wool, it will not be high. The market also supports transactions in the primary market. The cost and the original income of Twitter are the same. This project is also a model that everyone can share. As long as you pledge stable coins or tokens that you can get, the more the three assets are pre-airdropped, the more tokens you can get. Players can click here to check the number of pre-airdrops they can get. At the same time, posting on Twitter and inviting others can get more airdrops. Although we don't know what the unit price of tokens will be, the time cost is completely free. The investment income will inevitably attract more people to participate in the name similar to the founder's name. I believe that no one does not know the name of the founder, and this name actually has an earlier source. The Pac-Man game is similar to the name. A community-driven token has appeared and obviously refers to Pac-Man in visual elements. The meaning of it is self-evident, suggesting that Twitter has soared to the sky. At present, there is no actual product introduction on the website. The whole page is very simple, retro and more like a symbol. It is also related to the name of the founder. This project also opens the game of airdrop points. As long as you have deposited on the website, you can get an initial airdrop point, and invite others to get additional points to finally form a total point and participate in the competition of the leaderboard. Players can click here to check their points and wait for more details of the subsequent airdrop. Winning airdrop rewards in bulk is a high incentive. It allows tokens to be sent to multiple addresses at the same time. If Twitter provides support, It is said that the first few projects are all fed to your mouth, so you need to eat by yourself. Of course, the way to get airdrops is also very simple. You can send assets to other addresses in batches on the test network. Players can visit here to enter the project website and send others to the target address in batches according to the preset format of the home page system, or you can check your scores on the page of getting airdrops as shown in the figure below. From the author's experience, the more times you send, the more airdrops you get, so that the points are converted into tokens. You need to wait until the main network is officially launched before you can get more detailed task platforms to earn points. Similarly, you also have your own task platform Twitter. Players in official website can view the task completion conditions set by different projects on this platform, such as paying attention to social media and interaction, and get different points and token rewards. However, the specific reward rules are completely linked to the conditions designed by the project party on the platform, which requires players to do the tasks themselves, but the advantage is that the project brings two layers of potential. Earnings first, the tasks released by the projects on the platform get the token rewards related to the project. Second, the platform is used more, and it is also possible to win the airdrop rewards of the platform itself. From the point of view of the project, the airdrop expectation has been hung up, so for hardworking players, you can try the virtual girlfriend game to participate in token distribution. Aircast is a driven virtual girlfriend game, which is accompanied by a large language model and an animated virtual girlfriend to grow up together with the players and get the income in the game. Click here to try out the Twitter game, and the invitation code for trial play has won the award of the sub-optimal group in the previous developer incentive activity. The official has promised to share the developer incentive airdrops in the activity with users, and the player will get airdrops on the premise that he will participate in the token issuance that will be launched on the month of the project, in which the initial unit price of the saleable tokens is 10,000, and then it will be officially generated. It is presumed that the participating players need to go back to apply again to officially get the tokens. The official version of the game will be launched in Japan. For the airdrop time, the official will not release the airdrop until it receives the reward airdrop and ends. Therefore, the logic of the airdrop of this project is actually the expectation of the increase of the token. By the way, the additional airdrop will be obtained after the token. In the end, it is certain that the official launch will definitely set off a wave of ecological projects. It is a reasonable choice to participate in some projects with the lowest time and capital cost while ensuring the safety of wallets and connections. As for how far the ecology can go, it still needs time and market tests. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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