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自2024年开年以来,币安Launchpool上线的6期项目中,有4期项目与游戏有关,依次是虚拟伴侣游戏Sleepless AI、Layer3游戏公链、元宇宙农场游戏Pixels、专注游戏跨链的Protal平台。


其实不止币安在加大对链游的支持,还有多个游戏项目也在建设自己的GameFi专用链。2月15日,ApeCoin社区宣布将基于Arbitrum开发者堆栈构建ApeChain;2月22日,号称Web3任天堂的TreasureDAO社区投票通过基于Arbitrum生态开发Treasure Chain,并计划今年Q3上线主网。


与EVM兼容的游戏专用链Ronin Network(RON)

Ronin Network简称Ronin是专门为游戏应用设计的EVM兼容链,由玩赚游戏代表Axie Infinity开发团队Sky Mavis搭建。该平台旨在解决在以太坊拥堵和GAS费过高、交易速度慢等问题,为玩家提供了一个更加流畅和无缝的游戏体验。




不过,2月23日,Ronin网络再闹安全乌龙。有用户在推特平台反馈,检测到价值约1000万美元的RON(约300万枚)被黑客盗取后,并通过混币器Tornado Cash转移。

很快,Ronin联合创始人Psycheout回复表示,Ronin和跨链桥都没有问题,这只是一个鲸鱼钱包被盗。这位被盗的鲸鱼竟是Axie Infinity和Ronin Network的联合创始人Jihoz,他解释到,其两个个人地址遭到安全攻击,此次攻击仅限于其个人账户,与Ronin链的验证或运营活动无关。本次乌龙事件并未影响RON代币价格走势。

其实,过去一年,Ronin也在一直不断完善其基础设施。为了提高网络的安全性和稳定性、降低中心化风险,保障了用户资产的安全,去年4月份,Ronin先是将其网络共识机制由PoA(Proof of Authority)共识升级为DPOS,升级共识后网络验证者节点数由9个增加到22个,比起之前更加去中心化。

此外,Ronin还上线了RON质押功能,并启动质押奖励,还宣布了第一批基于Ronin的游戏工作室合作伙伴,包括Directive Games、Tribes Studio、Bali Games、Bowled.io和SkyVu。

随后,Ronin吸引了诸如Pixels等优质成熟链游项目的加入,平均每月都有链游宣布迁入其生态。先是P2E链游Pixels于10月份宣布从Polygon迁移至Ronin网络,随后,韩国游戏制作公司ACT Games在11月表示将旗下所有游戏迁移至Ronin Network,卡牌对决链游Apeiron于12月迁移到Ronin网络等。

今年1月,Ronin推出游戏内物品线上商店Mavis Store,玩家可购买链上和链下物品,支持RON、AXS、SLP、WETH和USDC付款,并将收入的0.5%捐给Ronin Treasury。

目前,Ronin网络生态已集成了游戏聚合平台Mavis Hub、NFT交易市场Mavis Market等专注于链游的配套产品,还有DeFi类应用DEX平台Katana、支持游戏资产抵押的借贷产品MetaLend、Launchpad平台Impossible Finance,及基础设施钱包Ronin Wallet、预言机Pyth Network、跨链桥Bridge等。




1、P2E玩赚游戏鼻祖Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity是Ronin上最大的加密数字宠物养成游戏,并开创了P2E(Play-to-Earn)模式,游戏玩家可饲养、繁殖和交易NFT化且称号为“Axies”的生物,互相之间可以组建名为 Axies 的生物团队进行对战。

截至今日,Axie Infinity基于Axie生物已经衍生了Axie Classic(初始版本)、Origins(支持玩家免费入场)、HomeLand(土地建设游戏)、Raylights(面向Land持有人的农场耕作游戏)、Defenders of Lunacian Land(Axie生存游戏)、Project T prototype(Axie游戏早期原型)等多个游戏。


去年7月,Axie Infinity推出AXP(Axie Experience Points)链上升级机制,用于促进Axie宠物的养成和部件升级。




与此同时,还开放了Mystic、Origin系列中的4877个NFT的商业版权限制,支持Axie NFT所有者可以其NFT角色作为吉祥物来开展各种业务,包括Axie主题咖啡馆、漫画、餐厅或玩具系列等。

不过,这并没有在社区引起太多关注。根据官方数据显示,2023年Axie Infinity财库收益仅有340万美元,DAU为6万。


2月14日,Axie Infinity宣布推出Origins第7赛季,本季总奖池规模18,900 AXS和 1,374,051 SLP,价值约合20万美元。




2月8日,Pixels上线币安新币挖矿第46期项目,并于次日宣布完成480万美元融资,本轮融资由Framework Ventures、Yield Guild Games、Sky Mavis等参投。



本次宠物狗NFT发行总量3000枚,面向此前游戏内已完成“Key to Success”任务的玩家,铸造费用为500PIXEL(约合250美元)。截止发稿,该NFT在Mavis Market上地板价为180RON(价值495美元)。

3、卡牌游戏Zoids Wild Arena

Zoids Wild Arena是由韩国知名游戏公司ACT Games开发的一款策略TCG游戏(集换式卡牌游戏)。该游戏玩家可以收集Zoids系列机械生物卡牌NFT,支持使用30张卡牌组建牌组,并相互对战以争夺霸主地位。



去年11月,ACT Games宣布将旗下所有游戏引入Ronin网络,Zoids Wild Arena是其旗下第一款迁移至Ronin的游戏。




2月28日,Apeiron Arena公开测试版在Epic Game商店发布,玩家可以通过下载并参与竞技赚取ANIMA空投积分,ANIMA空投积分可用于玩家角色NFT的增强升级,或用于游戏奖励池中质押。


5、多人射击游戏The Machines Arena

The Machines Arena是一款4v4多人在线射击游戏,游戏玩家角色是以虚拟英雄呈现,并提供单机和多人玩法两种模式,玩家将以坦克或辅助英雄的身份在科幻战场上进行对战。

The Machines Arena的开发商Directive Games是一家总部位于中国香港的游戏开发团队,专注于AR游戏的开发。



Xai是由Offchain Labs基于Arbitrum Nitro技术堆栈构建的、专为满足Web3游戏的需求而定制开发的Layer3网络。专注于降低Gas成本、增强网络稳定性等,同时它也是币安Launchpool第43期项目。






去年6月,Xai就宣布已与知名游戏团队ExPopulus合作,开发了卡牌游戏Final Form和元宇宙LAMOverse两款游戏。

目前,Xai生态内已上线了角色扮演游戏Tarochi、Final Form、LAMOverse、折纸主题游戏Kashi等在部署,还上线了Camelot DEX、Rarible NFT市场和Web3开发工具包Thirdweb等产品。





2月11日,Tarochi发布Genesis Trainer NFT,可以用于加速游戏进程和提前试玩新产品等。该NFT发行量1万个,31个小时内售罄。

截至2月29日,Genesis Trainer NFT在OpenSea平台显示的交易量为60ETH,地板价为0.0113ETH。

2、卡牌收藏游戏Final Form

Final Form是由ExPopulus开发的卡牌收藏游戏,玩家可通过收藏角色卡牌,参与战斗赢取奖励,该游戏计划于2024年4月发布。






Immutable也称Immutable X原是使用StarkEx技术构建的、专注与NFT与GameFi的zkRollup系Layer2,具有快速交易确认、零Gas费用和高可扩展性。去年3月,Immutable转向与Polygon合作开发zkEVM网络,1月30日宣布推出 Immutable zkEVM主网,并将对公众开放。

目前,Immutable生态内有Immutable X和Immutable zkEVM两大Layer2网络,二者最大的区别是Immutable X网络不支持智能合约。此外,还为开发者提供了开发NFT和游戏的相关配套基础设施,如NFT市场开发模板、NFT Mint工具、优化NFT流动性的API等。

去年12月,Framework Ventures还宣布对Immutable生态系统进行战略投资,具体金额未披露。

根据2月2日Immutable发布的《2024年度计划》显示,Immutable网络上已上线了200多款游戏,其中100多款基于 Immutable zkEVM 构建,许多游戏将于2024年推出。

2024年开年后,多个游戏宣布加入Immutable生态。其中,1月24日链游开发商Endless Clouds宣布将旗下两款游戏Treeverse和Capsule Heroes加入Immutable zkEVM 生态;2月3日,RPG NFT游戏Pixelmon宣布将在进行Immutable zkEVM构建并推出战斗竞技场。

根据官网显示,Immutable生态已经完成集成的游戏数目已经有150+,NFT及游戏资产交易市场有20+,包括知名的卡牌游戏Gods Unchained(GODS)、角色扮演游戏Guild of Guardians和战斗类游戏Illuvium(ILV)等。




1、卡牌游戏Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained(GODS)是由Immutable X团队开发的策略类卡牌(TCG)游戏,该游戏玩法和暴雪出品的卡牌游戏《炉石传说》相似,游戏设定了神殿,有6位不同的神灵角色,玩家可选择一个角色,根据自方现有的卡牌组构建各种战术套牌,将对手的生命值减少到零。

2月29日,Gods Unchained游戏在Google Play和苹果App Store 上推出了其早期访问版本。




Illuvium生态系统内主要有3款游戏,开放世界探索模式Illuvium Overworld、RPG 对战模式Illuvium Arena 和土地经营模式Illuvium Zero3。

Illvium Arena是自动战斗游戏模式,玩家可以组建队伍,以各种模式进行竞争,例如生存竞争;

Illuvium Overworld:开放世界冒险,玩家探索外星景观,捕捉被称为Illuvials的野兽,并收集资源增强Illuvials技能;

Illvium Zero是一款专注于战略和城市管理的城市建设游戏,允许玩家建造和管理数字综合体并从资源中获利;

2月14日,Illuvium表示,计划于2024年Q2推出Illuvium:Overworld版本的Illuvial Hunting游戏,也称Illuvial狩猎冒险游戏,提升玩家在开放世界的游戏体验。



Shardbound原本是由Spiritwalk Games推出的PVP卡牌对战策略游戏,由游戏工作室Bazooka Tango开发。去年3月,宣布与Immutable工作室合作,推出区块链游戏版本,目前注册量已经超过了8万人。



该游戏曾在2022年3月完成价值1500万美元的Token和NFT出售融资,该私募由BITKRAFT Ventures和Delphi Digital领头,参投方包括Immutable、Animoca,以及Yield Guild Games(YGG)、Merit Circle、Avocado等。

Since the beginning of the year, the mid-term projects of Coin 'an online game are related to games, followed by virtual companion games, public chain games, universal farm games, and platforms focusing on cross-chain games. Coin 'an's move to launch the track assets one after another has revived the long-lost track, and two of its online game projects are more or less related to the game-specific chain, of which the first one on the side chain of the game is the ecological project of Coin 'an online. In fact, online native tokens are not only increasing the support for chain games, but also a number of game projects are also building their own special chains. The community announced that it will build a community called Nintendo based on the developer stack, and voted to find a new public chain and its high-quality game assets on the main network based on ecological development and plan to go online this year, and the combined assets of the new public chain and new games are becoming new in the encryption community. So what is the ecological development of the game public chain represented in the encryption market at present? Compatible game special chain is referred to as a compatible chain specially designed for game applications. The platform is built by the development team on behalf of the game. It aims to solve the problems of congestion and high transaction speed in Ethereum, and provides players with a smoother and seamless game experience. However, in September, the network was attacked by hackers, and the private key of a verifier was stolen. Hackers used the hacked private key to forge withdrawals, resulting in losses of more than 100 million dollars. It is one of the biggest hacking incidents in the field of cryptocurrency, and it is also a chain tour field. Since the attack, the most serious security incident happened, the network was once in a downturn, and the price of tokens plummeted from the high point of the US dollar for a long time, and fluctuated around the bottom of the US dollar. Recently, the explosive coins of the online eco-application meta-universe game were put on the line, and the trading pair regained its attention. However, the network became a security oolong again on January. Some users feedback on Twitter platform and detected that about 10,000 pieces worth about 10,000 dollars were stolen by hackers, and they quickly transferred them through the coin mixer. The co-founder replied and crossed the chain bridge. There is no problem. This is just a whale whose wallet was stolen. The stolen whale was actually the co-founder of Hehe. He explained that two of his personal addresses were attacked by security. The attack was limited to his personal account and had nothing to do with chain verification or operation activities. This oolong incident did not affect the price trend of tokens. In fact, in the past year, it has been constantly improving its infrastructure to improve the security and stability of the network, reduce the risk of centralization and ensure the security of user assets. Last month, it first reached a consensus on its network. After the mechanism was upgraded from consensus to consensus, the number of network verifier nodes increased from 10 to 10, which was more decentralized than before. In addition, the pledge function was launched and the pledge reward was started. The first batch of game studio partners based on it was also announced, including and subsequently attracted the participation of high-quality mature chain tour projects such as, on average, chain tours announced to move into their ecology every month. First, chain tours announced to migrate to the network in January, and then the Korean game production company said in June that it would move all its games to cards. The online store players can buy online and offline items to support and pay, and donate the income to the current network ecology, which has integrated the game aggregation platform, trading market and other supporting products focusing on the chain tour, as well as application platforms, lending products platforms supporting the mortgage of game assets, and infrastructure, such as wallet prediction machine, cross-chain bridge, etc. According to official website data, the amount of asset transactions completed by the network as of March has exceeded 100 million US dollars, with tens of thousands of addresses. Each transaction fee is only USD. The original token is quoted as USD, and the market value is USD billion. It ranks in the encryption market in recent months, and the increase exceeds that of the eco-game representative. The originator of the game is the largest encrypted digital pet development game in the world, and a model has been created. Gamers can raise, breed and trade, and creatures named can form a biological team to fight with each other. Up to now, the initial version based on biology has been derived to support players to enter the market for free. The land construction game is oriented to the farmers of the holders. Farming game, survival game, early prototype of the game and many other games are looking for the next chain. The representative of the special chain and ecological game on the chain launched the chain upgrade mechanism last month to promote the development of pets and upgrade parts. Players get integral points by playing the version. These points are not transferable and are bound to each part that can be used to upgrade and evolve pet characters. The introduction of grades and upgrade functions makes it a dynamic symbol that can be improved and personalized over time. Assets are transformed into digital biological support chains that can evolve through game activities. The upgradeable mechanism on the support chain will have a wider range of uses, such as the development of characters in games. At the end of last year, the official products were announced and online stores sold shirts, hats, accessories, plush toys with the value of dollars, etc., which supported the double payment of cryptocurrency and legal tender. At the same time, the commercial copyright restrictions of one in the series were opened to support the owners to use their characters as mascots to carry out various activities. This kind of business includes theme cafes, comic books, restaurants or toy series, etc. However, this has not attracted much attention in the community. According to official data, the annual income of the treasury is only 10,000 US dollars, and it is 10,000 US dollars. Looking for the next chain tour, combing the special chain and ecological games on the chain, the representative announced the launch of the first season, and the size and value of the total prize pool this season were about 10,000 US dollars. As of March, the game governance token quoted price rose to US dollars recently, ranking as the in-game token quoted price rose to US dollars, which The universe farm game with a value of US$ 100 million was originally a pixel wind yuan universe farm social casual game running on the Internet. In this game, players can get token rewards by operating farms, such as farming land and collecting crops, wood and stones. The first phase of the coin-mining project was launched on January, and the next day, it was announced that the financing round of US$ 10,000 was completed. The original tokens were launched at the issue price of US$ on January, and the price has now fallen back to the market value of US dollars. Announcing the opening of casting pets for the $100 million-month-day chain tour pet pixel dog will improve the range of players' activities in the game and increase the inventory space, etc. It will also play a role in the future mode. The total number of pet dogs issued this time is about US dollars for players who have completed tasks in the previous game. As of press release, the US dollar card game is a strategy game set-changing card game developed by a well-known Korean game company. Players can collect a series of mechanical biological cards to support the use of cards to form a deck and compete with each other for dominance. Players can also compete with other players. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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