累计融资6500万美元 新的Rollup Eclipse能否成为打通Solana和以太坊资产循环

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在2024年3月11日,Eclipse Labs宣布完成了5000万美元A轮融资,由Placeholder和Hack VC联合领投。2022年,Eclipse已经以超亿美元的估值,完成了1500万美元的Pre-seed和种子轮融资。目前,该项目的累计融资额达到了6500万美元。




Eclipse Labs最近公布的Eclipse Mainnet项目,标志着区块链技术进入了一个新的创新阶段。这一平台采取了一种多维融合的技术架构,巧妙地结合了以太坊的坚固安全性、Solana的卓越性能,以及Celestia等技术的先进数据可用性(DA)。它的核心目的是通过Solana虚拟机(SVM)的强大执行力,构建出市场上速度最快、适应性最强的Layer 2解决方案。这不仅仅是技术的汇集,更体现了Eclipse对于开放性和可定制性的高度重视。

Eclipse作为一个Rollup解决方案,它的出现为区块链的互操作性和定制化提供了全新的视角。该平台支持与多个Layer 1区块链的兼容,为开发者提供了前所未有的自由度。他们现在能够根据个人或项目需求,自由选择和定制从执行环境(如EVM、SVM、MoveVM等)到数据可用性层(如Celestia、Polygon Avail、EigenDA等)的各种组件。这种开放和灵活的设计理念,不仅使Eclipse能够适应各种不同的数据可用性需求,而且还允许这些不同的层共享Eclipse的结算层,进一步加强了技术的整合性和效率。



通过这样的设计,Eclipse Mainnet不仅是技术创新的产物,更是对区块链技术应用前景的一种拓展。它展示了如何通过技术的整合与定制,来解决现有的挑战,提高交易效率,降低成本,并最终实现更广泛的去中心化应用(DApp)部署。随着Eclipse的进一步发展和完善,它将可能成为推动区块链技术革新和应用普及的关键力量。

Eclipse Mainnet的推出不仅体现了Eclipse Labs技术团队的实力和创新精神,也向整个区块链社区证明了通过技术融合和定制化设计,可以有效提升系统的性能和适应性。未来,随着更多的开发者和项目选择Eclipse作为他们的技术平台,我们有理由相信,Eclipse将在区块链技术的应用和发展中,扮演越来越重要的角色,掀起新的技术革命浪潮。


在2022年10月,一则关于区块链界的重大新闻引发了广泛关注:前Terra生态系统开发者Neel Somani成功为其新项目Eclipse筹集了1500万美元的资金。这标志着一个重要转折点,不仅仅是Somani个人职业生涯的新篇章,也是对整个Solana生态的一次重要贡献。Eclipse,作为一个基于Solana的跨链模块化Rollup初创企业,展示了从失败中汲取教训、勇往直前的精神。

Somani此前在Terra生态系统中的项目Terranova失败后,并没有被挫败。相反,他汲取了宝贵的经验,特别是关于避免单点故障的重要性,并基于这些经验,构建了一个能够灵活交换其Layer 1组件的协议。这种创新思维引起了市场的广泛关注,并成功吸引了包括Solana联合创始人Anatoly Yakovenko在内的投资者的支持。

在夏季的Pre-Seed融资轮中,Eclipse从Yakovenko和Polygon等投资者那里筹集了600万美元。这一成功的融资轮紧接着引发了由Tribe Capital和Tabiya领投的900万美元种子轮融资。Somani将这一融资成就看作是他过往经验的结晶,特别是他对如何构建更加健壮、可靠的区块链解决方案的深刻理解。


在投资者支持方面取得显著成功的同时,Somani和他的团队成员,包括首席增长官Vijay Chetty、工程主管David Lin以及幕僚长Kayla Bu,正致力于Eclipse的进一步发展。据Somani透露,Eclipse计划在明年初开源其首个协议版本,这预示着其技术和创新可能对整个区块链生态产生深远的影响。

与此同时,Terra生态系统的其他一些显著人物正面临法律挑战,其中包括TerraForm Labs的前负责人最近在韩国被捕(尽管逮捕令随后被驳回)。这一背景下,Somani和Eclipse的故事提供了一个鼓舞人心的例子,展示了即使在面临逆境时,通过创新和坚持不懈,也能开辟新的发展道路。


随着OKX Ventures对Eclipse的战略性投资宣布,Eclipse——首个在Solana虚拟机(SVM)环境下运行的以太坊Layer 2解决方案——正面临新的变革和成长机遇。此次投资不仅标志着Eclipse技术成熟度的认可,也预示着其在提供快速、安全、灵活的Web3应用交互需求上的基础技术保障将进一步加强。

Eclipse的模块化组件允许开发者在EVM、SVM和MoveVM等多样化执行环境中定制开发,结合Celestia、Polygon Avail、EigenDA等数据可用性(DA)层进行高效数据结算。这种灵活性不仅为开发者社区创造了友好的开发环境,也确保了终端用户能享受到最安全、经济的交互体验,这得益于Eclipse采用的高效安全的ZK欺诈证明技术RISC Zero。






The author announced the completion of a round of financing of $10,000 in April, and jointly led the investment in $10,000. At present, the accumulated financing amount of this project has reached $10,000. It is reported that efforts have been made to create a platform with core advantages in order to improve the compatibility, security and expansibility of blockchain technology. The following introduces the core purpose of this project, and builds a stronger solution through the performance of virtual machines. The recently announced project marks that blockchain technology has entered a new stage. In the new innovation stage, this platform adopts a multi-dimensional integrated technical architecture, which skillfully combines the strong security and excellent performance of Ethereum and the advanced data availability of other technologies. Its core purpose is to build the fastest and most adaptable solution in the market through the powerful execution of virtual machines. This is not only a collection of technologies, but also a great emphasis on openness and customization. As a solution, its emergence provides interoperability and customization for blockchain. With a brand-new perspective, the platform supports compatibility with multiple blockchains, which provides unprecedented freedom for developers. Now they can freely choose and customize various components from the execution environment, such as the data availability layer, according to individual or project needs. This open and flexible design concept not only enables the settlement layer to adapt to various data availability requirements, but also allows these different layers to share, which further strengthens the integration and efficiency of technology. It has played a unique role. In fact, it relies on the sovereign summary, focusing on bridging and passing proof without directly participating in the execution of any intelligent contract. This innovative settlement summary mode entrusts all the execution operations to an independent execution chain, which not only ensures the efficient processing of transactions, but also lays the foundation for the scalability and flexibility of the platform. This design is not only the product of technological innovation, but also an expansion of the application prospect of blockchain technology. It shows how to integrate and fix the technology. System to solve the existing challenges, improve transaction efficiency, reduce costs and finally achieve a wider decentralized application deployment. With the further development and improvement, it will probably become a key force to promote the technological innovation and application popularization of blockchain. The launch not only reflects the strength and innovative spirit of the technical team, but also proves to the whole blockchain community that the performance and adaptability of the system can be effectively improved through technical integration and customized design. In the future, with more developers and projects choosing as their. Technology platform: We have reason to believe that it will play an increasingly important role in the application and development of blockchain technology, and set off a new wave of technological revolution. Over-binding in the early stage led to constant turmoil in the later stage. How to slowly get out of the shadow of the industry? In January, a major news about the blockchain industry attracted widespread attention. The former ecosystem developer successfully raised $10,000 for its new project, which marked an important turning point, not only a new chapter in his personal career, but also a new chapter for the whole ecology. The second important contribution, as a cross-chain modular start-up based on, shows the spirit of learning from failure and going forward. Previously, the project in the ecosystem was not frustrated after failure. On the contrary, he learned valuable experience, especially about the importance of avoiding single point of failure, and based on these experiences, he built an agreement that can flexibly exchange its components. This innovative thinking attracted widespread attention in the market and successfully attracted the support of investors including co-founders in the summer. The successful financing round raised $10,000 from investors such as Hehe, followed by the seed round of $10,000 led by Hehe. This financing achievement is regarded as the crystallization of his past experience, especially his deep understanding of how to build a more robust and reliable blockchain solution. The background is equally impressive. As a former quantitative analyst, his encryption engineering career was only a part-time job at first, and he conceived to explore with virtual machines during the development process. The possibility of making it into its own chain in some way, shape or form. When the project collapsed, it did not stop, but continued to move forward. Using his previous network of contacts and his geographical advantage near the headquarters in Chicago, he created a further development that he and his team members, including the chief growth officer, engineering director and chief of staff, are working on. It is revealed that it plans to open source its first agreement version early next year, which indicates that its technology and innovation may be right. The whole blockchain ecology has a far-reaching impact. At the same time, other prominent figures in the ecosystem are facing legal challenges, including the recent arrest of a former person in charge in South Korea, although the arrest warrant was subsequently rejected. This background and the story of Harmony provide an inspiring example, showing that even in the face of adversity, through innovation and perseverance, a new development path can be opened up, and whether the main network will be opened online and the billion-dollar value cycle of Ethereum will be announced as the first one with the strategic investment. The Ethereum solution running under the virtual machine environment is facing new changes and growth opportunities. This investment not only marks the recognition of technical maturity, but also indicates that its basic technical support for providing fast, safe and flexible application interaction needs will be further strengthened. Modular components allow developers to customize and develop in diverse execution environments such as and combine with other data availability layers for efficient data settlement. This flexibility not only creates a friendly development environment for the developer community, but also ensures the end. End-users can enjoy the safest and most economical interactive experience, thanks to the adoption of efficient and safe fraud proof technology. The news that the main network will be launched in the second quarter of this year has further deepened the expectation of its technical strength and market potential. With the successful launch of the test network, commemorative awards have been given to the first batch of developers who deployed contracts on the platform, which not only inspired the community's enthusiasm for participation, but also demonstrated their commitment to promoting high-quality development. However, the challenges they face cannot be ignored. The release of the architecture will need to find a balance between technology upgrading, ecosystem expansion and market fluctuation, especially in the growing competition in the encryption market. How to continuously provide innovative solutions while ensuring the stability and security of the platform will be an important issue to be faced. Token unlocking events and upcoming market dynamics will also bring new liquidity challenges. How to absorb newly unlocked tokens without affecting price stability will be a test of market resilience. Generally speaking, it stands at the new frontier of development, and its potential and challenges coexist in encrypted goods with the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of the ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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