蹭蹭 SBF 热度 聊聊和鲨鱼共舞的注意事项

币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 03:34:26 评论:0



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玩了一辈子的巴哈马,最终被鲨鱼闪了腰,shake it!

曾记否,链闻犹在时,一篇讲述 FTX 发家史的《与鲨鱼共舞》的文章火出天际,我看了不下一百遍,3 年估值 180 亿,拳打 Coinbase 等币圈老前辈,更是超越 Stripe 等金融新秀。


那是一切都无比美好的时代,每个人都相信 FTX 将重复和超越 Binance 的故事,去中心化将在罗宾汉的身上实现,以一种无所顾忌的方式摧毁一切旧时代的虫豸。

Coinbase 笑到了最后

如今留给 SBF 的时间已经不多了,站在 2024 看往昔,Luna-UST 事件最大受害者是 CZ-SBF,而不是 SOL-ATOM 倒也真的是令人唏嘘,Cosmos 币价向来和生态无关,Atom 正常表现实属正常。

不正常的反而是 CZ 和 SBF,一前一后,现在要狱中见了,就是不知道美国公民和加拿大公民会不会关到一个地方。


从中国币圈人的角度来看,爆炸头是少有的延续了 Arthur 这一代美国人币圈发家史的最后遗珠,同样起源于香港,同样重视大陆-华人市场,我还记得 FTX 非常重视中文社区,很多老板也把真金白银放到了 FTX 内。

一切看起来都是如此美好,直到大厦崩塌,发现裸泳的竟然是浓眉大眼、家世良好、世代精英、出席国会、大佬支持的 SBF,给人的震撼不亚于本杰明巴顿奇事的倒叙人生。

不过 SBF 算是把能体验的都体验了,高光时刻的二元期权产品可以猜总统,低谷时期可在大牢内维持 Vegan 人设,乃时也运也命也。


大部分扛不住这种压力,必须将其庸俗化,或者说是一种刻奇,这种大众心理将其顺势演绎为一种《恶心》基调下的存在,直到 CZ 以圣徒形象入狱,将剧场的节奏推向高潮,吃瓜群众在 FTX 债权人的悲凉中无比满足。

我们在谈 FTX,所以要提到 Binance,我们在谈 SBF,所以要提到 CZ,一长一短,没有绝对配合的韵脚,但是在相当多的华人地区,如台湾和新加坡,监管部门因为 FTX 是美国人办的而高看一眼,欧风美雨下的华人因为 SBF 不是大陆人所以格外信任。

最终的崩塌不怪他们,只怪 SBF 的操盘术不精,在 FTX 之后,华人在交易所领域的支配度堪比比特币在加密货币,交易的血脉传承于福建、江浙的民间集资,也潜藏于大马、台湾的彩票狂热中,更别提香港、新加坡对金融的深度融合,大妈大爷不跳广场舞,玩起了老虎机。


SBF 的鲨鱼吞噬了自身,加密货币真的是未来吗,在进入行业内的数年间我一直反复诘问自己,除了 DeFi 和交易,好像什么都没有,去中心化也只是一个美好的传说,现实中 V 神一举一动都受人关注。


从生理年龄来看,SBF 被关个十年出来都是正青春,按照美国人的平均寿命计算他还有大把时光,Zhu Su 都能绝处逢生,SBF 没道理不能,只是此一时彼一时,三起三落首要做好心态,司马懿也是靠苟完成了绝杀。


  • 该交保护费要及时准备,不论是给官家还是业内大佬,做人留一线,总比坐牢流亡强;

  • 初创时的混乱更多是敌人攻击的切入口,为之付费是必经之路之路,总要想着上岸后的美妙人生,没必要锱铢必较;

  • 虎鲸偶尔会袭杀大白鲨,靠的是体重优势和突然撞击,防不胜防要多留小鲨鱼,给自己翻盘的本金,切记浪费;

  • 所有的光环和神圣性都是营造的氛围感,生意场本就是你方唱罢我登场,没有绝对的善与恶、对与错,萍水相逢皆是人生过客。

  • 最重要的一点,养好身体,一般金融犯罪不杀人,留足交公的钱,钱是王八蛋,没了还能赚。


The Bahamas, which has been playing for a lifetime, was finally shaken by a shark. Do you remember that an article about dancing with sharks about its family history caught fire in the sky? I have read it for more than 100 times. The old-timers and financial rookies, such as billions of punches, have become permanently invalid with the news. The English original has lived to this day, which is a wonderful time. Everyone believes that decentralizing the story of repetition and transcendence will be destroyed in Robin Hood in a reckless way. All the insects in the old days laughed at the end, and now there is not much time left. It is really embarrassing to stand and look at the biggest victims of the past events. The price of money has always had nothing to do with ecology. The normal performance is normal and abnormal. Instead, it is going to see you in prison one after another. I wonder if American citizens and Canadian citizens will be locked up in a place and look at Beijing to cherish the memory of the explosive head. From the perspective of China currency circle people, it is rare to continue this generation of Americans. The last legacy of the coin circle's history also originated in Hong Kong and attached great importance to the mainland Chinese market. I still remember attaching great importance to the Chinese community. Many bosses also put real money in it. Everything looked so beautiful until the building collapsed and it was found that the naked swimmers were heavy-eyed, with a good family background. The support of the elite attending the Congress was as shocking as Benjamin Barton's flashback life, but it was just a binary options product that experienced all the highlights. You can guess when the president was in the trough. It's inevitable that people can be kept in prison at the right time, and things will develop, or as Weiss said, the whole human world is an accident, and most of them can't bear this pressure, so they must vulgarize it or be a kind of strangeness. This popular psychology will interpret it as an existence in a disgusting tone until they are imprisoned as saints and push the rhythm of the theater to a climax. The people who eat melons are extremely satisfied with the sadness of creditors, so we have to talk about it, so we have to talk about it. There is no rhyme of absolute cooperation, but in quite a few Chinese areas, such as Taiwan Province and Singapore, the regulatory authorities take a high look at the European style and beautiful rain because they are Americans. Because they are not mainlanders, they especially trust the final collapse. They don't blame them for their poor trading skills. After that, the dominance of Chinese in the exchange field is comparable to that of Bitcoin in the blood of cryptocurrency trading in Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is also hidden in the lottery fanaticism in Malaysia, Taiwan Province, not to mention Hong Kong and Singapore. Deep integration, aunt and uncle didn't dance square dance and played slot machines. Contrary to the small world we get along with, the financial liberalization in Europe and America has been deeply rooted and the whole society has been firmly bound. It is a problem that does not need to be considered and discussed, because the shark that has actually operated like this has swallowed up its own cryptocurrency. Is it really the future? In the years since I entered the industry, I have been repeatedly asking myself that nothing seems to be decentralized except trading, which is just a beautiful legend. Every move has attracted people's attention, but the fact is not as good as what I have seen. The lightning network really has practical uses in Latin America. Encrypted wallets kill the quartet in Africa, and even privacy transactions do, by the way. Privacy is also good and evil. From the physiological age, it is full of youth. According to the average life expectancy of Americans, he still has plenty of time to survive. It makes no sense that Sima Yi can't just keep a good attitude. When the last wave of young people, including myself, dance with sharks, we should pay attention to the following matters: we should pay protection fees and prepare in time. Whether it is to leave a line for the official or the big shots in the industry, it is better than to go to jail and go into exile. The chaos at the beginning is more the entrance for the enemy to attack. Paying for it is the only way. We must always think about the wonderful life after landing. It is not necessary to haggle over every penny than the killer whales occasionally attack and kill great white sharks. It depends on the weight advantage and the sudden impact. We must leave more small sharks to turn over for ourselves. Remember that wasting all the aura and sacredness is a sense of atmosphere. The business field is based on your singing. There is no absolute good and evil when I come on stage. Meeting right and wrong by chance is the most important thing for passers-by in life. Take good care of your health. Qian Qian, who doesn't kill people in general financial crimes, is a bastard. He can still earn money without it. The meeting is over 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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