Solana 上的哪些模因币将在 2024 年为您带来 100 倍收益?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 03:17:18 评论:0



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最近,2024 年 3 月,BTC创下历史新高,达到 73,700 美元!





Meme 币通常与各种互联网 meme 相关,包括青蛙(如Pepe)、狗(DOGE)、猫和其他动物,甚至总统。

第一个模因币是 DOGE,它是基于带有柴犬照片的模因。它有自己的区块链,这使得它与其他模因相比脱颖而出:

埃隆·马斯克经常在他的 Twitter 帖子中提到DOGE(这是 meme 币增长的潜力之一),因此 DOGE 仍然是许多加密货币爱好者关注的焦点。

例如,当埃隆将他的 Twitter 徽标更改为 DOGE 徽标时,代币立即上涨了 30%,但这对于 meme 币来说只是小幅增长,因为在 2024 年,还有潜力更大的 meme!

Solana 上的 Meme 硬币

现在让我们来看看更有趣的 meme 币,即 Solana 上的 meme 币。

*如果您还不熟悉 Solana 区块链及其生态系统,请按照本文了解项目的主要发行版。

随着比特币的兴起,Solana 也随之增长(从 20 美元增至 220 美元)——所有掉落猎人和迷因猎人的主要区块链,而且越来越受欢迎。

由于 Solana 网络上的费用可以忽略不计,Solana 上的 meme 币成为加密货币爱好者的一个有趣的领域。

目前, Solana 上每天创建超过20,000 个代币,其中很大一部分当然是 meme(或盾币),它们在 Web3 世界中没有任何价值。

让我们看看 Solana 上最有潜力的 meme 代币,它们的图表已经变成了抛物线。


DogWifHat是 Solana 上流行的模因代币,基于“戴帽子的狗”模因创建。这听起来可能令人难以置信,但该代币迅速受到欢迎,并成功达到35 亿美元的市值。


Meme 币本身于 2023 年 11 月创建,其价格从 0.00155 美元上涨到 4.0281 美元的历史最高点 (ATH)(5 个月内),增长超过 225,000%!

该代币的成功得益于忠实追随者筹集的 700,000 美元,用于在拉斯维加斯的外部屏幕上展示“戴帽子的狗”!


BONK是支持BONK生态系统的多功能代币,旨在创建一个去中心化的社区平台。正如Solana 文章中提到的,该项目甚至分发了其独特的空投。

目前,该代币由超过 650,000 名用户拥有,并且 meme 代币继续模仿以狗为主题的以太坊模因币(例如狗狗币和柴犬)。

令许多人惊讶的是,该项目的生态系统已经联合了超过 119 个项目,其中包括 Wormhole 和 Injective 等领先的 DeFi 平台。

该代币目前的市值为 25 亿美元以上,并于 2024 年 3 月达到 ATH,短期内涨幅超过 52,000% 以上:

PENG是另一种著名的模因币,特别是企鹅模因币,旨在增强 Solana 区块链的流动性。虽然PENG币采用了企鹅形态,但它暗示了青蛙中的PEPE meme币。

该代币的增长是由 X 的大量订阅者推动的,在发布一周内订阅者数量超过 14,000 名。



BOME——今年 3 月 Solana 上讨论最多的模因币。

该代币于 3 月中旬推出,最初令买家失望(价格跌至 0.00005848 美元),但在 3 月 16 日之后,它成功达到 0.02689 美元的峰值(两天内超过 45,000%!),市值突破 10 亿美元!


代币飙升的另一个可能原因是 Meme 代币爱好者的 FOMO,尤其是那些错过了 WIF 暴涨的人。



SLERF — Solana 区块链上的新生模因代币。

该代币因其开发者在放弃合约所有权时燃烧鲸鱼和 LP 代币而闻名,这些代币是为空投而保留的。

尽管存在这样的矛盾,该代币在 1 天之内就从 3 月 18 日的 0.3693 美元上涨到第二天的 1.30 美元。







该代币本身的价格于 2024 年 1 月 5 日下跌至 0.003797 美元,然后于 2024 年 3 月 15 日达到 0.3723 美元的历史新高,不到三个月的时间增长了 9700% 以上!


WEN - 代表猫机器人的模因币,旨在扩展 Solana 生态系统(不要与 WEN 项目混淆,我们在Blast 文章中讨论了其空投)。

该币的独特之处在于,每个 WEN 为 WEN 社区提供了喵诗《给文兄弟的情书》的平等所有权和分数 NFT。

此外,该项目还开发了一个新标准,允许在 Solana 区块链上创建代币化资产。

与其他 meme 币一样,WEN从 2024 年 1 月 26 日的 0.0000156 美元上涨到 2024 年 3 月 9 日的 0.0004106 美元,增长了 2532.05%。


因此,迷因币是 2024 年的一个有趣的故事,但永远记住,哪里有高利润,哪里就有高风险!

就 Solana 上的 Meme 币而言,每天生成的 20,000 个代币中只有 1% 表现出巨大的收益,就像 BOME 一样,因此保存资金至关重要!



  • 风险承受能力——主要因素,因为模因币随时可能崩盘,你可能会损失你的资金。

  • DYOR — 通过在搜索引擎中插入 ($TICKER, #TOKEN NAME) 来研究项目的愿景、网站、研究 Twitter,并滚动到底部以确定代币历史的开始位置。

  • 分析社区——这是一个关键因素,因为即使项目很糟糕,但社区相信代币,从长远来看,meme币可以表现出收益。

  • 多元化——不要把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,购买 meme 币时分配不超过 5% 的风险。此外,如果代币在不久的将来增长,请考虑出售代币的标准(例如,当代币显示 2 倍增长时锁定在 50%)。

  • 跟随叙述- Meme 币对市场非常敏感,因此请使用文章中的 DeFiLlama 等平台来跟踪主要趋势的资金流入,不仅是 Meme 币,还包括空投!

In recent years, it has reached a record high of US dollars. With its rise, many other tokens have become active, including meme. What is meme? In short, meme is a currency with no value or utility. If it is compared with other tokens or cottage coins with their own products and services, economics and marketing, meme is essentially an empty shell coin, which is usually related to various Internet, including frogs, dogs, cats and other animals, and even the president's first meme is that it is based on a photo with Shiba Dog. The meme of the film has its own blockchain, which makes it stand out from other memes. Elon Musk often mentioned in his posts that this is one of the potential of currency growth, so it is still the focus of many cryptocurrency lovers. For example, when Elon changed his logo to a logo, the currency rose immediately, but this is only a small increase for the currency, because there are coins with greater potential in 2006. Now let's take a look at the more interesting currency, that is, the currency on the blockchain, if you are not familiar with it. Please follow this article to understand the main distribution of the project. With the rise of Bitcoin, the main blockchain of all falling hunters and meme hunters has also increased from US dollars to US dollars, and it is becoming more and more popular. Because of the negligible cost on the Internet, coins have become an interesting field for cryptocurrency lovers. At present, more than 10 tokens are created every day, a large part of which are of course or guilders. They have no value in the world. Let's take a look at the most potential tokens in the world. The chart has turned into a parabolic dog hat, which is a popular meme token in the world. It may sound unbelievable, but the token quickly became popular and successfully reached a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars. Like most coins, the token has no effect but was created to encrypt the entertainment of money lovers. The coin itself was created in June, and its price rose from US dollars to an all-time high of US dollars. The success of the token exceeded the beauty raised by loyal followers. The Bunker Dog is a multifunctional token to support the ecosystem. As mentioned in the article, the project even distributed its unique airdrops. At present, the token is owned by more than 100 users and continues to imitate the dog-themed Ethereum memes such as dogecoin and Shiba Inu. To many people's surprise, the ecosystem of the project has combined more than 10 projects, including and other leading ones. The current market value of the token on the platform is more than 100 million dollars, and it rose more than the above in a short period of time in October. Peng is another famous meme currency, especially Penguin meme currency, which aims to enhance the liquidity of blockchain. Although the currency adopts Penguin form, it implies that the growth of the token in frog is driven by a large number of subscribers, and the number of subscribers exceeds 10,000 within one week after its release. During this period, the token has increased from the lowest point in history on October to the current market value of 10,000 dollars. The meme currency discussed most in the book last month, which initially disappointed the buyers when it was launched in mid-month, but it successfully reached the peak value of the US dollar after February, and exceeded the market value by over 100 million US dollars within two days. On the same day, the coin was launched on the perpetual contract, and the leverage ratio was more than doubled. However, it also triggered the accusation that there was insider trading on the platform, although it was eventually rejected after internal investigation. Another possible reason for the soaring token is that the token lovers, especially those who missed the skyrocketing. But now the hype surrounding the token has subsided, and it is not clear whether there will be new tokens. It is not clear whether there will be new memes on the Sliver blockchain. The tokens are famous for their developers burning whales and tokens when they give up the ownership of the contract. These tokens are reserved for airdrops. Despite this contradiction, the tokens rose from the US dollar on January to the US dollar on the next day within a day, and then the project was transferred to the exchange for listing. Within a few hours, the price soared. Sliver popular meme marks related to cats. According to the project, in a series of videos, a cat named oatmeal opened its mouth and formed letters, which triggered the hype around the meme. The price of the token itself fell to US dollars on, and then reached a record high of US dollars on, and it increased in less than three months. At present, the meme coin representing the cat robot is aimed at expanding the ecosystem. Don't be confused with the project. We discussed its airdrop in the article. The uniqueness of the coin is that each meme is provided for the community. Equal ownership and scores of love letters to Wen Brothers. In addition, the project has developed a new standard to allow the creation of token assets in the blockchain, just like other coins, which has increased from the US dollar of the month to the US dollar of the month. Therefore, meme coins are an interesting story in 2008, but always remember that where there is high profit, there is high risk. As far as the coins are concerned, only one token generated every day shows huge income, so it is very important to save funds. There are many, many factors to consider, but let's emphasize the main factor, risk tolerance, because meme coins may collapse at any time, and you may lose your money. Study the vision of the project by inserting it into search engines, and scroll to the bottom to determine the starting position of the token history. Analyze the community, which is a key factor, because even if the project is bad, the community believes that tokens can show diversification of income in the long run. Don't put all eggs. In addition, if tokens grow in the near future, please consider the standard of selling tokens, such as locking in the narrative when the contemporary coins show double growth. Coins are very sensitive to the market, so please use the platform in the article to track the main trends, not only coins but also airdrops. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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