市值跻身前十 TON还有多少上升空间?

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 03:17:01 评论:0



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首先不能忽视的是,在2023年,TON获得了多笔融资,首先是在2023年5月,Mask Network投资,金额不详。在2023年10月,TON其对外宣布完成一笔8位数千万美元级融资,MEXC Ventures参投。2023年11月,则是Animoca Brands参投,金额不详。

今年,TON也放出消息称寻找愿意长期持币的大户,把TON代币“打折”出售。当然,这也是一种融资行为,通过这种方式,Mirana Ventures在2023年3月投资了TON800万美元。

2022年4月,TON基金会宣布成立2.5 亿美元的生态系基金TONcoin Fund,资金来自火币、KuCoin、MEXC、3Commas Capital、TON Miners 等交易所与机构。同时,基金会从176个独立用户筹集了5.27 亿美元,这些都是早期矿工自发的捐款。

同年TON的挖矿结束后,DWF加入了其2500万美元的TON 加速器计划,DWF Labs 将为TON生态系统的代币经济学、做市和流动性提供贡献,同时也支持包括投资和其他生态系统服务。



而在《TON 2024 年路线图和亚洲扩张》这个主题演讲中透露出的信息可看到。TON将推出优化版 Jetton、Wallet v5、稳定币工具包、Gasless 交易,开发者还可构建快速、便宜、可扩展的 TON 稳定币。TON 还将推出 Multisig 2.0,允许 TON 与各类硬件钱包交互。

在治理方面,TON 将进行 Elector 与 Coinfig 升级,支持质押者链上投票,并将改进代币经济学,加强质押池与钱包投票参与。TON 还将引入一种新的跨链技术 Teleport。无需中介与私钥,实现无缝跨链交易,TON 还将把所有跨链桥升级成支持所有链的跨链桥。



从今年年初开始,TON就不断传出利好消息,如投放在Telegram上的广告可以用TON 支付。创始人杜罗夫称Telegram在明年会实现盈利,并且将考虑在美IPO。



建设者越来越多,TON链上的生态不断丰富,今年专为 Telegram 生态系统设计的 Web3 原生智能手机 Universal Phone已经开启了预售。据悉其上也会有丰富的空投活动。

除 Telegram尝试在其应用程序中注入TON链的实用性之外,去中心化的TON基金会也在努力促进该链本身的使用。其开放联盟活动于4月1日开始,将向应用程序和用户分发3000万TON(按当前价格计算价值2.04亿美元),并用额外100万TON来激励用户加入HumanCode(该链的身份证明原语) 。所有这些计划的对币价以及各种链上指标都非常积极: 3月初相比TON链上的钱包数量增加了一倍,TVL增加了6倍。





2023年2月,一项TON 代币经济模型优化提案通过,该提案提议临时冻结非活跃挖矿钱包48 个月,据了解这些钱包从未被激活并且在其历史记录中没有任何传出转帐。目前有171 个不活跃的挖矿钱包,这171 个钱包共持有超10.81亿枚TON,占据当时TON总供应量的21%左右。



TON源源不断产生,会稀释价格,针对这一影响价格的隐私,TON基金会也曾提议了一种销毁机制,销毁TON 网络上所有交易费用的 50%。 但该提议的销毁数量对 TON 的通货膨胀水平的影响较小。该提案需要得到大多数 TON 验证者的批准才能生效。




The price of public chain tokens of the author's Bitcoin trading network has been hitting a new high in 2006. This week, its market value has jumped to the ninth year, and it has nearly quadrupled so far. Since it was issued on the main online line in 2006, its development has been tepid. Although it has this 900 million traffic pool, its highest increase was only three times in the last bull market. Before that, it was asked to return most of the funds raised for the purpose of creating a chain because of the US lawsuit. After that, it was ostensibly stripped of its independent development and announced that it would be deeply integrated. Backing on this 100 million-flow reservoir is the most attractive story in the narrative. The development of blockchain must constantly attract users and cooperate with them in depth. In this narrative, it undoubtedly plays the role of a bridge. For investors, it is worried that early miners will manipulate the price of coins because they hold too many positions, which is completely different from the technical route of Ethereum. For programmers in the industry, it is basically necessary to re-learn their programming techniques. All of the above have led to the failure of the ecology on the chain. The reason why the price of currency has been tepid has changed this year. The institutions that are quietly lying in ambush and the technological progress that is improving steadily cannot be ignored. First of all, in 2006, a number of financings were obtained. First, the investment amount was unknown in January, and it was announced that it had completed a tens of millions of dollars-level financing in December, and the participation amount was unknown. This year, news was also released that it was looking for large households willing to hold currency for a long time to sell tokens at a discount. Of course, this is also a financing bank. In order to invest $10,000 in this way in May, the Foundation announced the establishment of an ecosystem fund of $100,000, with funds from exchanges and institutions such as Huobi, and at the same time, the Foundation raised $100,000 from independent users, all of which were spontaneous donations from early miners. After the mining in the same year, it joined its accelerator program of $10,000, which will contribute to the market making and liquidity of the ecosystem token economy, and also support the industry including investment and other ecosystem services. The mainstream institutions in China have a deep cooperative relationship, and the above information can be confirmed that the price will be blessed and participated by well-known market makers of well-known exchanges, and it can be guessed that they will enter an accelerated period of development in the annual meeting under the more frequent rounds of financing in. What is certain is that they are vigorously expanding the Chinese-speaking market in Asia and becoming the first sponsor of the carnival held in Hong Kong in April, which is a very clear signal, while the road map and the theme of Asian expansion in. The information revealed in the speech can be seen that an optimized version of the stable currency toolkit will be launched. Developers can also build fast, cheap and extensible stable currencies. They will also launch a platform that allows interaction with various hardware wallets. In terms of governance, they will support the pledge chain voting, improve token economics, strengthen the voting participation of pledge pools and wallets, and introduce a new cross-chain technology to achieve seamless cross-chain transactions without intermediaries and private keys. All cross-chain bridges will also be upgraded to cross-chain bridges that support all chains. There is a consensus that the development is still in the early stage, and the continuous updating of these technical directions can predict that in the last year or two, the ecology will get a leap-forward progress news, and with the rising price of the currency, good news has been continuously sent out since the beginning of this year. For example, the advertisement placed on the Internet can be paid for, and the founder Durov said that it will be profitable next year, and it will be considered in the United States. If last year, hackers were constantly being held to encourage developers to set up on the Internet, then this year is here. The harvest time this year, the marketing routes of the Foundation are very clear. Various airdrops are used to promote users' use of the chain, and the good news is constantly released. With the help of the market, the Foundation has airdropped 10,000 pieces of about 10,000 US dollars to the most active currency traders in the world. More and more builders are enriching the ecology of the chain. This year, the original smart phone designed for the ecosystem has been pre-sold. It is reported that there will also be rich airdrops on it, except trying to inject it into its application. In addition to the practicality of the chain, the decentralized foundation is also trying to promote the use of the chain itself. Its open alliance activities will start on March, and will distribute 10,000 yuan worth of identification primitives to applications and users at current prices, and use an extra 10,000 yuan to encourage users to join the chain. All these plans are very positive in currency prices and various indicators on the chain. Compared with the number of wallets on the chain at the beginning of the month, it seems that the wallet access on the chain is just a chain. At present, most of the overall application types in the observation chain are the fusion of "harmony", which can be said to be the fusion of "harmony" and "harmony". For users, the entry threshold is very low. In the process of vigorous ecological development and increasing users, more people will see that its price will continue to rise. How many years can it go up? The currency has only tripled in the last round of bull market, but the market value has risen twice from the lowest point of bear market in this round of bull market. What investors are most concerned about is how many years can it go up. A proposal for optimizing the token economic model proposes to temporarily freeze inactive mining wallets for next month. It is understood that these wallets have never been activated and there is no transfer in their historical records. At present, there is an inactive mining wallet, which holds more than 100 million pieces, accounting for about the total supply at that time. This is actually one of the solutions to people's concerns about too many tokens held by early miners. Early mining has ended, and every year, some of them are newly created as rewards for verifiers' work, which will dilute the price. In view of this, the Privacy Foundation has also proposed a destruction mechanism to destroy all transaction costs on the Internet, but the proposed amount of destruction has little impact on the inflation level. The proposal needs to be approved by most verifiers before it can take effect, and in order to stabilize the price, Durov, the founder of the proposal, has limited the holding share from exceeding the supply. Out of the plan, the excess will be sold to long-term investors in the form of annual lock-in at a price lower than the market price, so as to lock in the stable ecosystem and reduce the volatility. How to dilute the early whale's hands and how to reduce the bad influence of inflation on the currency price as much as possible can be seen from the above measures. In the short term, if the spot is not on the line, the currency price will definitely be further pushed up, but in the long run, the continuous development of the ecology on the chain, especially the narrative story of relying on hundreds of millions of users, and the increase in the application of the chain is the root of the rising currency price. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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