币安比特币 L2 首秀:如何读懂 BEVM 空投合作背后的长线逻辑?

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 03:16:42 评论:0



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4 月 5 日,币安 Web3 钱包和比特币 Layer2 项目 BEVM 合作推出了空投活动,尚未发行代币的 BEVM 也明确表示分配其总代币供应量的 0.5%(1050 万枚代币)用于此次空投。

需要注意的是,即便目前市面上的「比特币 L2」项目多如过江之鲫,但币安此前还未与任何一个项目达成合作,那此次 BEVM 凭什么能与币安达成合作,背后有可能埋伏着怎样的草蛇灰线?

币安「需要」比特币 L2

我们只需要回顾下 2023 年以来 CEX 围绕比特币生态的竞争格局,就会明白 2024 年 BTC L2 在 CEX 的 Web3 钱包等维度竞争中的战略意义。

众所周知,2023 年 OKX 无疑是比特币生态浪潮中最大的赢家,从与 UniSat Wallet 合作共建 BRC-20 行业标准,到率先支持 BRC20 铭文和 BTC NFT 交易与质押、推出比特币生态标准 BRC20-S、铭文工具等组件,布局都极为迅速,在最早期圈了一波又一波的市场需求与用户流量。

这也助推其率先支持 BRC20 铭文和 BTC NFT 交易、质押的 OKX Web3 钱包在 2023 年大放异彩,不仅成为不少业内用户人手必备的得力工具,甚至不少用户开始使用 OKX Web3 钱包取代 MetaMask 等老牌钱包玩家,一跃为加密钱包赛道中最亮眼的新星。

与此同时,作为交易所的绝对龙头,币安在 Web3 钱包和比特币生态的布局方面却均明显落后于 OKX,导致大量围绕比特币生态的流量被抢占,错失了比特币生态这个潜在的巨大市场蛋糕。因此从去年底开始,币安 Web3 钱包和比特币生态方面的建设布局也一直在提速,优先级不断抬高。

随着 OKX 等对手的优势不断稳固,对币安来说,该如何寻找突破口,实现比特币生态的弯道超车,自然就成了 2024 年的一个核心课题。

而在所有叙事中,基础设施类项目往往是扮演「卖水人」角色,一般会伴随着赛道的不断建设成为刚需中的刚需,所以对币安来说,扶持基建类的项目 BTC L2,倒不失为一个好的方法和策略:

通过扶持一个比特币 L2 头部玩家作为抓手,吸引并承载比特币生态的用户流量与社区注意力,打开市场资金涌入的管道,从而实现对 OKX 比特币生态布局的弯道超车。

如果从这个角度看的话,币安与 BEVM 的合作或许就是试金石。此外,由于头部交易所往往拥有天量的 Web3 资源,无论是资金支持还是产品窗口,都可以赋予比特币 L2 项目极大的催化作用,彻底释放其流动性,像 OKX 就已早早布局比特币 L2 项目 B² Network 和比特币生态项目 Bitmap Tech(原 Recursiverse)。

因此对币安来说,及时扶持自己的比特币 L2 战队,是和 OKX 在 2024 年进行比特币生态长线竞争的关键,这也将极大扩展整个比特币 L2 赛道的体量与玩法,可能成为新一轮行情的催化剂之一 。

为什么是 BEVM?

总的来看,币安与 BEVM 的合作关键也在于此——通过 BEVM 加速拥抱比特币 L2 生态这片亟待建设的热土,进一步拓展币安在比特币新叙事中的领先地位,为新一波的 DApps、新用户以及最终比特币生态 TVL 的增长奠定基础。

当然,目前市面上除了 BEVM 之外,其它「比特币 L2」项目也多如过江之鲫,币安为什么会选择 BEVM 呢?

首先,从某种角度看,其实 BEVM 一直算得上是比特币生态经过时间和市场考验的「技术老兵」。少为人知的是,BEVM 团队创建于 2017 年,创始人 Gavin 2016 年就曾参加央行数字货币(DCEP)研发,并基于比特币和以太坊区块链编写了第一个可行的 CBDC Demo。

到了 2017 年,更是从 0 到 1 完成知名公链比原链的底层代码,随后在 2017 年底离开比原链创建 BEVM 至今。

其中他在 2018 年推出的基于 Polkadot 的 BTC L2 解决方案——ChainX,实现了 10万+ BTC 跨链和 50万+ BTC Hash Lock,并于 2021 年基于比特币 Taproot 升级完成全新的基于 Schnorr Signature 和 MAST Contract 的 BTC L2 解决方案,成为目前众多比特币 L2 广泛采用的普遍标准之一。

在此基础上,2023 年 5 月,BEVM 团队总结近 7 年的 BTC L2 创业和实战经验,提出了完全去中心化的基于 Taproot 的 BTC L2 解决方案——Taproot Consensus。

Taproot Consensus 可以实现通过 1000+ 比特币轻节点组成的 BFT 共识网络来实现完全去中心化的比特币管理,从而解决 BTC 以去信任的方式引入到二层网络的问题,最终实现比特币的扩容。

要知道目前市场上各类 BTC L2 解决方案五花八门、纷繁复杂,从技术实现角度,大致可以分为:比特币侧链、UTXO+客户端验证、Taproot Consensus、多签+EVM、Roullp 五类。

其中除了可扩展性较差、落地门槛高的比特币侧链和 UTXO+客户端验证方案外,当下绝大多数所谓比特币 L2 的核心玩法还是「EVM+多签跨链桥」,这和当年把 BTC 用 tBTC、renBTC 这些 ERC20 封装代币引入 EVM 生态没有本质区别。

但多签虽然解决了单点的安全风险,中心化风险却很难规避,因此无论比特币 L2 的项目运营方如何看待「去中心化」这个 Crypto 世界的核心议题,与其相信比特币 L2 会「不作恶」(Don't Be Evil),远远不如从机制设计上使其「不能作恶」(Can't Be Evil)。

基于比特币原生技术 Taproot Consensus真正做到了完全去中心化 BTC L2 ,并且该方案不管是从技术的原生性,去中心化程度以及可落地性等方面都要优于市面上其它BTC L2项目。我想这也是币安web3之所以选择BEVM作为首个合作的BTC L2项目的重要原因。

另外值得一提的是,BEVM前不久刚刚以 2 亿美元估值完成数千万美元融资,其中不乏 Rocktree Capital、Waterdrip Capital、Arkstream Capital、ViaBTC Capital、MH Venture、Mapleblock 等近 20 家顶级加密机构参投,足以说明BEVM在资本市场的认可度。3 月 28 日BEVM正式上线主网,短短一周时间,主网已拥有超过 60 万个用户地址,表现可谓是一枝独秀,也印证了其在 BTC L2 赛道的市场与社区竞争力。



BEVM 作为币安首次官宣合作的比特币 L2,无疑给市场留下诸多想象空间。币安的下一步会是什么?BEVM会是币安首批投资的BTC layer2项目吗?甚至,BEVM会是币安交易所上线的第一个btc layer2吗?这一切都有待揭晓答案。

但可以肯定的是,这次的合作必定只是「币安比特币 L2 战略」落地的开始,也是币安想要打造自己的「币安比特币 L2 版图」的一次重要试探。

其实以币安往日的风格来看,常规的 Binance Labs 孵化器计划项目都多会遵循固定的路径:「获得投资——新币挖矿/上线交易对」,而从这个角度看的话,币安与 BEVM 的首次空投合作大概率只是开端,接下来 BEVM 会成为 Binanace Labs 的 portfolio 吗?可以期待一下。

值得一提的是,币安web3此次联合BEVM进行的BTC L2独家空投活动,BEVM拿出了 1050 万枚 BEVM 代币合计代币总量千分之五的份额来进行激励。可见决心之大,这也是 BEVM 首次大规模向社区分发代币。强烈建议可以使用币安钱包的用户都可以去参与下!

另外,4月10日,很少发起线上twitter space的Binance web3用官方推特发起了一个比特币生态主题的twitter space,唯一的BTC L2项目嘉宾就是BEVM,可见关系之不一般!

不管怎么说,作为最具想象空间的比特币L2赛道,正如 2021 年的 Arbitrum 与 Optimism 等以太坊 Layer2 一样必定会跑出数个百亿级甚至千亿级别的项目。币安押注BTC L2赛道,既是赛道天花板使然,也是大势所趋。没有哪个交易所会愚蠢到漠视比特币生态这样一个如此巨大且性感的加密蓝海市场。

而对于普通用户来说,看准项目,找准机会也是抓住这一波财富机会的核心。作为首个和币安web3合作的BTC L2项目,BEVM必定是不可多得的值得重点关注的BTC L2。

On February, Coin 'an Wallet and Bitcoin project jointly launched an airdrop activity, and those who have not yet issued tokens also clearly indicated that they will allocate 10,000 tokens of their total token supply for this airdrop. It should be noted that even though there are so many bitcoin projects on the market, Coin 'an has not reached any cooperation with any project before, so why can we cooperate with Coin Andacheng this time? What kind of grass snake gray line may lurk behind Coin 'an's need for Bitcoin? We only need to review the bitcoin ecology since next year. The competition pattern will understand the strategic significance of the competition in dimensions such as wallets in the year. As we all know, the year is undoubtedly the biggest winner in the wave of bitcoin ecology. From cooperating to building industry standards to taking the lead in supporting inscriptions, transactions and pledges, the layout of components such as the inscription tool for bitcoin ecological standards was extremely rapid. At the earliest stage, waves of market demand and user traffic were circled, which also helped the wallets that took the lead in supporting inscriptions and transaction pledges to shine in the year, which not only became a necessity for many users in the industry. At the same time, as the absolute leader of the exchange, the layout of wallet and bitcoin ecology is obviously behind, which leads to a large number of traffic around bitcoin ecology being seized and missing the potential huge market cake of bitcoin ecology. Therefore, since the end of last year, the construction layout of coin wallet and bitcoin ecology has been speeding up and giving priority. Raising with the steady advantages of competitors, how to find a breakthrough to realize the overtaking in the corner of bitcoin ecology has naturally become a core topic in 2008. In all narratives, infrastructure projects often play the role of water sellers, which will generally become a just-needed need with the continuous construction of the track. Therefore, it is a good method and strategy for Bitcoin to support infrastructure projects by supporting a bitcoin head player as a gripper to attract and carry bitcoin students. State of user traffic and community attention to open the channel for the influx of market funds, so as to achieve overtaking in the corner of bitcoin ecological layout. If we look at it from this perspective, the cooperation between Bitcoin and Security may be the touchstone. In addition, because the head exchange often has a large amount of resources, both financial support and product window can give Bitcoin projects a great catalytic effect, and completely release its liquidity, just as Bitcoin projects and Bitcoin ecological projects have been laid out early, which is timely support for Bitcoin. Our own bitcoin team is the key to the long-term competition of bitcoin ecology in, which will also greatly expand the volume and gameplay of the whole bitcoin track, and may become one of the catalysts for the new round of market. Why is it that the key to the cooperation between Bitcoin and Security is to further expand the leading position of Bitcoin in the new narrative by accelerating the embrace of Bitcoin ecology, and lay the foundation for a new wave of new users and the final growth of Bitcoin ecology, of course, at present. Besides, there are many other bitcoin projects in the world. Why did you choose it? First of all, from a certain point of view, it has always been a technical veteran of bitcoin ecology that has stood the test of time and market. Little known is that the team was founded in, and the founder participated in the research and development of digital currency, the central bank, and wrote the first feasible one based on bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain. In, it was from the completion of the underlying code of the well-known public chain to the completion of the original chain, and then left the original chain at the end of the year. Among them, he has been created so far. In 2006, the solution based on realized 10,000-span chain and 10,000-span, and in 2006, the new solution based on sum was upgraded based on bitcoin, which became one of the universal standards widely adopted by many bitcoins at present. On this basis, the team summarized the entrepreneurial and practical experience in recent years and put forward a completely decentralized solution based on, which can realize the completely decentralized bitcoin management through the consensus network composed of bitcoin light nodes, so as to solve the problem of introducing it to the second floor in a distrustful way. Network problems ultimately realize the expansion of Bitcoin. We should know that there are various solutions in the market at present. From the perspective of technical realization, it can be roughly divided into five categories: bitcoin side chain client verification and multi-signing. Except for the bitcoin side chain and client verification scheme with poor scalability and high landing threshold, the core gameplay of most so-called bitcoins at present is multi-signing cross-chain bridge, which is not essentially different from the introduction of these packaged tokens into the ecology in the past, but multi-signing has solved the security of a single point. The risk of full risk centralization is difficult to avoid, so no matter what the project operators of Bitcoin think about decentralization, the core issue of this world is far better to make Bitcoin not do evil from the mechanism design. Based on the original technology of Bitcoin, it has been completely decentralized, and the scheme is superior to other projects in the market in terms of the degree of decentralization and landing. I think this is also the reason why Bitcoin chose to be the first cooperation item. The important reason for the purpose is also worth mentioning that tens of millions of dollars of financing have just been completed with a valuation of hundreds of millions of dollars not long ago, among which there are many top encryption institutions that have participated in it to show the recognition in the capital market. In just one week, the main network has more than 10,000 user addresses, and its performance is unique, which also confirms its market and community competitiveness in the track. What will be the next strong wind? The logic of the market has always been the grass snake gray line. The value discovery of body currency has its inherent development logic. As the first official cooperation of Coin Security, Bitcoin has undoubtedly left a lot of imagination space for the market. What will be the next step of Coin Security? Will it be the first investment project of Coin Security? Even the first one on the launch of Coin Security Exchange? All this remains to be revealed, but it is certain that this cooperation will only be the beginning of Coin Security's bitcoin strategy and an important test for Coin Security to build its own bitcoin map. From the past style, most of the conventional incubator projects will follow a fixed path to get investment, new coins will be mined and traded online. From this perspective, the first airdrop cooperation between Coin's security company and Coin's security company is only the beginning. Will it become next? It is worth mentioning that the exclusive airdrop activity jointly conducted by Coin's security company took out 10,000 tokens, accounting for five thousandths of the total amount of tokens, which shows great determination. This is also the first time to distribute tokens to the community on a large scale. It is strongly recommended that users who can use Coin's security wallet can participate in it. In addition, it is 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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