OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

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4 月 9 日,OKX Ventures 合伙人 Jeff 出席了由 OKX Web3 赞助的 2024 香港 Web3 嘉年华活动,并在主会场发表《探索比特币生态的未來》主旨演讲。本场论坛以比特币为主题,由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 和 Nervos CKB 共同举办。

OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

Jeff 首先分享了比特币生态发展情况。他表示,近两年来,加密货币市场不断发展,OKX Ventures 团队更是始终看好其底层价值属性和发展韧性。从交易量来看,本轮上涨的周期开始于 2023 年 9 月。截至 2024 年 3 月,其月度总交易已经突破 7 万亿美元。

OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

而且,对比世界银行公布的 2022 年数据来看:美股总交易量为 43.22 万亿美元,加密货币交易量已与其处于同一水平。其次,从加密市场投融资角度来看,经历了 2021 年、 2022 年的疯狂, 2023 年的市场投资总额回落到 100 亿美元左右。投资的领域主要聚焦在基础设施、游戏、DeFi 等领域。2024 年一季度的投融资总额超过 26 亿美金,对比历史数据,暂处于一个温和状态。

当然,更值得关注的是,基于比特币的 UTXO、SegWit 等技术以及 Taproot 升级,以及 Ordinals、Atomicals 等协议为 BTC 的 NFT、Token 的等资产的发行构建了底层基础设施。截至 2024 年 4 月 1 日,根据 OKLink、Dune 与 brc-20.io 的数据统计:铭文的总量为 64, 066, 164 。

OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

在谈及比特币生态发展时,Jeff 认为,在比特币本身不具备图灵完备且不支持智能合约的特性,限制比特币更复杂的生态业务发展的背景下 比特币 Layer 2 应运而生,这些协议的开发目的是通过处理比特币主链之外的交易来为比特币网络提供可扩展性,进而提高比特币的整体性能。

当然,除生态进展外,今年的 BTC 现货 ETF 上市更是行业的里程碑事件。年初美 SEC 终于批准了比特币现货 ETF 上市。截止 4 月 1 日,比特币现货 ETF 日均净流入资金量 2.19 亿美元,日均交易量已为 33.7 亿美元。

OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

那今年来讲,BTC 减半是另一件行业级别的大事。此次减半受到比特币生态新进展的多方面影响,特别是铭文增长和现货 ETF 上市。比特币铭文的出现为链上活动注入了新活力,持续增长的链上活动得益于开发者的重新关注和比特币区块链的创新。同时,比特币 ETF 的广泛采用可能会吸收卖压,重塑市场结构,为 BTC 价格提供新的稳定需求来源。这些因素共同对 BTC 价格产生了一定影响。

除了比特币本身相关的动态,AI 与 Crypto 的结合也是最近行业内关注的重点,目前,我们看到从技术面发展上分析可能有以下几个结合点:

  • 通过区块链的去中心化及永久存储特性,为 AI 的数据和模型提供坚实的完整性支撑

  • Token 经济的引入将更有效地支撑 AI 在数据、模型和计算资源方面的激励与支付机制

  • 随着区块链技术的不断发展和算力的提升,未来有望实现在链上部署 AI 模型,推动区块链与人工智能的深度融合,为各个行业带来前所未有的变革和创新机遇。

OKX Ventures合伙人Jeff:谈比特币生态系统当前发展趋势及未来

而在谈 OKX Ventures 的投资布局时,Jeff 坦言,在面对充满挑战和基于的加密市场,OKX Ventures 始终积极拥抱行业建设,并坚持贡献自身的微薄之力。2023 年,OKX Ventures 对外投资总额超 5000 万美元,涵盖比特币生态在内的多个领域,核心领域聚焦在基础建设方面。

“OKX Ventures 积极投资和支持 BTC 生态系统内的创新项目,不仅提供财务支持,还提供额外资源以促进成功。比如我们曾和其他行业伙伴共同组织比特币生态项目冬季路演,积极引导和激励更多开发者投身比特币生态。未来,OKX Ventures 也期待与更多优质项目方积极合作,深度支持,为用户提供优质服务,为行业添砖加瓦。” Jeff 总结道。

关于 OKX Ventures

作为 OKX 的投资部门,OKX Ventures 专注于探索和投资区块链技术和数字货币生态系统中的创新项目。我们致力于通过投资支持,推动行业的健康发展,并寻找能够推动数字经济向前发展的新兴技术和商业模式。

On April, the partner attended the sponsored Hong Kong Carnival and delivered a keynote speech on exploring the future of bitcoin ecology at the main venue. The forum was based on bitcoin, and Wanxiang Blockchain Lab and co-sponsors talked about the current development trend and future of bitcoin ecosystem. He first shared the development of bitcoin ecology. He said that the cryptocurrency market has been developing continuously in the past two years, and the team has always been optimistic about its underlying value attributes and development resilience. From the perspective of transaction volume, this round of rising cycle began. As of June, its total monthly transaction has exceeded one trillion dollars. Partners talk about the current development trend and future of Bitcoin ecosystem, and compared with the annual data released by the World Bank, the total transaction volume of US stocks is one trillion dollars, and the transaction volume of cryptocurrency has reached the same level. Secondly, from the perspective of investment and financing in the encryption market, the total market investment has fallen back to around one hundred million dollars after the crazy year, and the investment areas mainly focus on infrastructure games and other fields. Compared with the historical data of more than 100 million US dollars, it is in a moderate state for the time being. Of course, what is more noteworthy is that the underlying infrastructure has been built based on technologies such as Bitcoin and upgrades, as well as the issuance of assets such as agreements. As of March, according to the total amount of data and inscriptions, the current development trend and future of Bitcoin ecosystem are discussed for partners. When talking about the ecological development of Bitcoin, it is considered that Bitcoin itself does not have the characteristics of Turing completeness and does not support smart contracts, which limits the more complicated life of Bitcoin. Under the background of the development of state business, Bitcoin came into being. The development purpose of these agreements is to provide scalability for the Bitcoin network by dealing with transactions outside the main chain of Bitcoin, so as to improve the overall performance of Bitcoin. Of course, in addition to ecological progress, this year's spot listing is a milestone in the industry. At the beginning of the year, the United States finally approved the deadline for the spot listing of Bitcoin. The daily average net inflow of Bitcoin has reached $ billion, and the daily average transaction volume has reached $ billion. Partners talk about the current development trend of Bitcoin ecosystem. In the future, halving this year is another industry-level event. This halving is affected by the new progress of bitcoin ecology in many aspects, especially the growth of inscriptions and the appearance of spot listing of bitcoin inscriptions, which have injected new vitality into the chain activities. The growing chain activities benefit from the renewed attention of developers and the innovation of bitcoin blockchain. At the same time, the widespread adoption of bitcoin may absorb selling pressure, reshape the market structure and provide a new stable source of demand for prices. These factors have jointly produced prices. A certain impact, in addition to bitcoin itself, the combination of dynamics and integration is also the focus of attention in the industry recently. At present, we see that from the technical development analysis, there may be the following combination points to provide solid integrity support for data and models through the decentralization and permanent storage characteristics of blockchain. The introduction of economy will more effectively support the incentive and payment mechanism in data models and computing resources. With the continuous development of blockchain technology and the improvement of computing power, it is expected to be realized in the upper part of the chain in the future. The agency model promotes the deep integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence, bringing unprecedented opportunities for change and innovation to various industries. Partners talk about the current development trend and future of bitcoin ecosystem, and when talking about the investment layout, they admit that they have always actively embraced industry construction and insisted on making their own modest contribution in the face of challenging and based encryption market. The total amount of foreign investment exceeds 10,000 US dollars, and the core areas covering bitcoin ecology focus on active investment and support for students. Innovative projects in the state system not only provide financial support, but also provide additional resources to promote success. For example, we once organized a winter roadshow of Bitcoin ecological projects with other industry partners, actively guided and encouraged more developers to join the Bitcoin ecological future, and also looked forward to actively cooperating with more high-quality project parties, providing in-depth support to provide users with high-quality services and contributing to the industry. Finally, the investment department focused on exploring and investing in blockchain technology and innovative projects in the digital currency ecosystem. We are committed to promoting the healthy development of the industry through investment support and looking for emerging technologies and business models that can promote the development of the digital economy. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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