金色Web3.0日报 | 距离比特币区块奖励减半仅剩约4天时间

币圈资讯 阅读:30 2024-04-22 03:13:05 评论:0



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DeFi总市值 数据来源:coingecko




过去24小时去中心化交易所的交易量 数据来源:coingecko




DeFi项目锁定资产前十排名及锁仓量 数据来源:defillama





NFT总市值、市值排名前十项目 数据来源:Coinmarketcap




NFT总市值、市值排名前十项目 数据来源:Coinmarketcap



24小时内销售涨幅前十的NFT 数据来源:NFTGO



4月16日消息,据Kine Protocol报道,数据显示,距离比特币区块奖励减半还剩余574个区块,大约3天19小时46分钟。 据悉,去中心化衍生品交易平台Kine protocol福利中心2.0震撼来袭,多重权益与挑战赢取最高6600USDT奖励。


    1.Bored Ape Yacht Club地板价已跌至11.079 ETH

    比特币买卖交易网报道,行情显示,Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)地板价已跌至11.079 ETH(约33,924美元),较历史高点下跌92%。

      2.比特币Layer 2项目Bitlayer宣布推出官方NFT Lucky Helmet

      4月16日消息,为庆祝主网上线,比特币Layer 2项目Bitlayer宣布推出官方NFT Lucky Helmet,总量5,000枚,并计划于2024年5月4日10:00 - 2024年5月5日10:00(UTC)开放铸造。 Bitlayer Lucky Helmet持有者将享有优先治理权、潜在代币空投,以及后续官方活动的积分和多重倍增权益。Lucky Helmet采用比特币NFT资产铸造的新范式:在比特币上铸造,在Bitlayer自由高效流通,支持用户使用跨链功能将其转回比特币一层。所有NFT将以白名单的形式分配给比特币布道者和社区的活跃参与者,其中,社区用户可通过积极参与Bitlayer于4月15日-5月1日发起的一系列官方活动,包括与OKX Wallet、Galxe等平台发布的活动等,并有机会获得白名单。


      1.Solana 上DEX Drift 计划空投 1 亿枚 DRIFT 代币

      比特币买卖交易网报道,Drift 网站和知情人士透露,基于 Solana 的去中心化交易所 Drift 协议计划推出 DRIFT 治理代币,并在几周内将资产空投给用户,并建立基于代币的治理结构。新代币遵循为期三个月的积分计划,本次空投的 1 亿枚代币中的大部分将流向 Drift 的长期用户。 DRIFT 的代币经济模型中,DRIFT 总供应量的 10% 将分配给用户、22% 分配给风险投资者、43% 的代币将用于生态系统开发(其中可能包括交易奖励、流动性激励和未来空投),25% 的代币被保留用于支付给 Drift 贡献者的协议开发。

      2.Arbitrum 生态 DEX CVEX 完成 700 万美元融资

      比特币买卖交易网报道,Arbitrum 生态 DEX Crypto Valley Exchange (CVEX) 完成 700 万美元融资,Fabric Ventures 和 Kyber Capital Crypto Fund 领投,AMDAX、Wave Digital、Funfair Ventures、Seier Capital Family Office、Five T Group 和 Saxon 参投。资金将用于今年夏季启动其去中心化交易所(DEX)主网。

        3.DePIN 项目 SendingNetwork 筹集 750 万美元融资

        比特币买卖交易网报道,DePIN 项目SendingNetwork已在一轮种子扩展融资中筹集了 750 万美元。包括 Nomad Capital、Symbolic Capital、Web3.com Ventures、Galxe、SWC Global、Balaji Srinivasan 和 Yield Guild Games 联合创始人 Gabby Dizon 在内的几位投资者加入了本轮融资。继去年初种子轮融资 1,250 万美元之后,此次种子延期融资使 SendingNetwork 的总资金达到 2,000 万美元。 Sending Network 还在构建 SendingMe,这是一款将聊天、社交和交易结合在一起的去中心化应用程序,让用户可以控制自己的社交层。Sending Network 预计今年将推出多个测试网,并于 2025 年第一季度推出主网。

          4.以太坊首个去中心化ZK Proof验证层Aligned Layer完成260万美元种子轮融,Lemniscap领投

          比特币买卖交易网报道,由Eigen Layer提供支持的以太坊首个去中心化ZK Proof 验证层Aligned Layer完成260万美元种子轮融,Lemniscap领投,Bankless Ventures和Paper Ventures Sreeram Kannan、Brandon Kase、Daniel Lubarov、DCbuilder、Chainyoda、Weikeng Chen、Sami BENYAKOUB (samnode_)、Peter Fittin (SizeChad) 和Lucas Kozinski等参与,以及StarkWare和O(1)Labs的战略投资。 这笔资金将用于团队扩张和加速Aligned Layer主网的启动,计划于2024年第二季度启动。

          5.Paradigm已开源与OPStack兼容的测试网Rollup Reth Alphanet

          比特币买卖交易网报道,Paradigm宣布开源了Reth AlphaNet,这是一个兼容OP Stack的测试网络,旨在最大化Reth性能并推动以太坊前沿研究实验。 AlphaNet是一个测试网,不持有真实价值的资产。它实现了3个独特的EIP,并致力于突破每秒1千兆加斯的性能壁垒。该项目基于Reth构建,而不是对其进行分叉。Reth SDK允许对节点进行极端定制,而不需要分叉节点。AlphaNet的短期目标是测试Reth性能,长期目标是与社区共同推动以太坊和其L2生态系统的扩展。



            比特币买卖交易网报道,Meta 于 4 月 15 日宣布,该公司正在将其企业级虚拟头显 Quest 服务引入教育领域,并推出面向 13 岁及以上儿童的教育元宇宙,据悉相关新产品的名称和详细信息将在“未来几个月”公布,预计将于 2024 年底全面推出。


                The total market value of data tokens is billion dollars. The total market value of data sources is billion dollars. The transaction volume of centralized exchanges in the past hours is billion dollars. The transaction volume of centralized exchanges in the past hours is locked in assets. The project is locked in assets. The top ten rankings and positions are locked. The total market value is billion dollars. The top ten rankings of project data sources are billion dollars. The hourly transaction volume of total market value is billion dollars. The top ten rankings of sales growth within the top hour of project data sources are the distance bits. There are only about days left to halve the reward for the currency block. According to reports, the data shows that there are still about days, hours and minutes left before the reward for the bitcoin block is halved. It is reported that the decentralized derivatives trading platform welfare center has been shocked to win the highest reward with multiple rights and challenges. The floor price has fallen to the bitcoin trading network. The market report shows that the floor price has fallen to about US dollars, which is lower than the historical high. The announcement of the official launch of the bitcoin project is to celebrate the announcement of the launch of the main online bitcoin project. The official total amount of coins is planned to be opened on the year, month, year, month, month, and month, and the holders will enjoy priority in governance. The potential tokens will be airdropped, and the points and multiple multiplication rights of subsequent official activities will be cast on Bitcoin in a free and efficient circulation by adopting a new paradigm of bitcoin asset casting, supporting users to use the cross-chain function to transfer them back to the first floor of Bitcoin. All of them will be distributed to Bitcoin evangelists and active participants in the community in the form of a white list. Among them, community users can actively participate in the series launched on the month, month and day. The official activities include those released by platforms such as Yahoo! and have the opportunity to get a white list. The website and people familiar with the matter disclosed that the decentralized exchange agreement based on plans to launch governance tokens and airdrop assets to users within a few weeks and establish a governance structure based on tokens. The new tokens follow a three-month integration plan, and most of the billion tokens airdropped this time will flow to the total supply of long-term users' token economy model. The tokens that will be distributed to users and venture capitalists will be used for ecosystem development, which may include trading incentives, liquidity incentives and future airdrops. The tokens will be reserved for payment to contributors. The development of ecological completion will be $10,000 in financing. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that the ecological completion will be $10,000 in financing and lead investment and participation funds will be used to start its decentralized exchange main network project this summer to raise $10,000 in financing. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that the project has been in a round of seed expansion financing. Several investors, including the co-founders, have joined this round of financing. After the seed round of financing of $10,000 at the beginning of last year, the total capital of this seed deferred financing has reached $10,000, which is still under construction. This is a decentralized application that combines chat, socializing and trading, so that users can control their social layer. It is expected that several test networks will be launched this year and the first decentralized verification layer of the main network Ethereum will be launched in the first quarter of 2008 to complete the seed round of financing of $10,000. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that the first decentralized verification layer of Ethereum, which provided support, completed the $10,000 seed round financing, equal participation and strategic investment of Harmony. This fund will be used to expand the team and accelerate the start-up plan of the main network. In the second quarter of 2008, the Bitcoin Trading Network reported that it was open source. This is a compatible test network aimed at maximizing performance and promoting the cutting-edge research experiment of Ethereum. It is a test network with no real value. It has achieved a unique performance barrier and is committed to breaking through gigahertz per second. The project is based on construction rather than forking, allowing extreme customization of nodes without forking nodes. The short-term goal is to test performance. The long-term goal is to jointly promote the expansion of Ethereum and its ecosystem with the community, and launch an educational metauniverse bitcoin trading network for children aged and above. It was reported on March that the company was introducing its enterprise-level virtual head display service into education. It is reported that the names and details of related new products will be announced in the next few months, and it is expected that the disclaimer will be fully launched at the end of the year. The contents of the articles published by Bitcoin Trading Network as a blockchain information platform are for information reference only, not as practical investment suggestions. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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