3EX AI跟单交易爆仓险有什么优势?

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  2. 使用AI跟单: 参与AI跟单爆仓险的前提是使用3EX平台提供的AI跟单交易功能。您需要通过平台选择并跟随一项或多项AI交易策略。

  3. 符合活动规则: 注意查看AI跟单爆仓险的具体规则和活动时间。保险保障仅适用于在活动规定时间内进行的跟单交易。


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  2. 选择AI策略: 在平台提供的AI交易策略中进行选择。选择前,请确保了解每个策略的具体详情,包括历史表现、风险等级等。

  3. 参与跟单: 一旦选定AI策略,根据平台指示进行跟单操作。此时,您的交易将自动适用AI跟单爆仓险(根据活动规则)。

  4. 监控交易: 虽然AI跟单爆仓险为您提供保障,建议您仍然定期监控您的跟单交易情况,以更好地管理您的投资组合。

  5. 自动保障: 如果发生爆仓事件,平台将根据AI跟单爆仓险的规定自动计算并触发保证金保障机制。您无需进行任何额外操作,保障金将直接划入您账户的福利中心。




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It is the first one-stop trading platform in the world to realize strategy customization, parameter adjustment, profit and loss simulation signal execution strategy through dialogue. With a single key, Documentary help agents pull new ones to help users make money. Introduction In the volatile digital currency market, investors are faced with a double-edged sword of high risk and high return, especially for traders who adopt strategic Documentary, the drastic fluctuation of the market is not only a big challenge, but also one of the risks they are most worried about. In this context, Documentary Explosion Insurance launched by the platform is a kind of risk. Innovative solutions provide unprecedented protection for users, aiming at alleviating this risk and changing the rules of the game. The introduction of documentary explosion insurance not only reflects the pursuit of technological innovation, but also attaches great importance to the safety of users' assets. By providing insurance protection for documentary transactions, it not only brings psychological comfort to users, but also substantially reduces the economic losses they may suffer. The introduction of this innovative service undoubtedly enhances users' confidence and promotes the healthy development of the platform. In-depth discussion on the core advantages of documentary explosion insurance and analysis of how it provides users with a safer and more reliable trading environment and its positive impact on the entire trading ecosystem in digital currency. We will unlock the principle behind documentary explosion insurance step by step and show how it has become an indispensable security partner in your trading journey in digital currency. Overview of documentary explosion insurance and its working principle Documentary explosion insurance is an insurance service specially designed for digital currency documentary traders. In order to protect investors from losses caused by drastic market fluctuations, when users conduct documentary transactions through the strategy of the platform, once an explosion event occurs, that is, the market price fluctuation causes the positions they hold to be forced to close, resulting in losses, the insurance mechanism will start to provide users with a certain amount of economic security. The working principle of this service is based on the automatic monitoring and guarantee system, and the platform will monitor all trading activities through strategic documentary in real time, and once the system detects that a transaction meets the conditions of explosion, it will automatically touch. The insurance guarantee process does not require users to apply for compensation manually, and the amount of compensation is calculated according to the preset insurance terms and directly transferred to the user's account, so as to realize the purpose and coverage of quick compensation for insurance benefits. The main purpose of documentary warehouse explosion insurance is to reduce the financial risks faced by users due to drastic market fluctuations and enhance users' confidence in using documentary transactions. By providing this additional safeguard platform, users are encouraged to actively participate in digital transactions. Currency trading also reduces potential losses caused by market uncertainty. The coverage of documentary warehouse explosion insurance includes all the trading strategies that have passed the platform certification. The upper limit of insurance premium and specific conditions such as payment ratio and payment period will be clearly defined according to specific insurance policies and activity rules. Usually, insurance premium covers warehouse explosion losses directly caused by documentary strategies, excluding losses caused by users' personal mistakes or violations of platform trading rules. The main advantages of single warehouse explosion insurance risk mitigation Documentary warehouse explosion insurance directly reduces the financial risk in the transaction process by providing economic guarantee. In the digital currency market, especially when using strategy to conduct documentary transactions, the drastic fluctuation of the market may lead to losses. Through Documentary warehouse explosion insurance, users can get a certain proportion of insurance protection even if adverse circumstances occur. This economic guarantee greatly reduces the losses that users may suffer due to market fluctuations, making users more calm and enhance their use in the face of market fluctuations. Customer confidence for many traders, especially novice investors, the uncertainty of the market is a big obstacle to participate in the transaction. Documentary warehouse explosion insurance provides users with a safety net, knowing that even in the worst case, some of their losses can be guaranteed by insurance money, which greatly enhances their trading confidence. Therefore, users are more willing to try documentary trading and actively explore and use various trading strategies and automatic compensation mechanisms provided by the platform, which provides great convenience. Beneficial users can get compensation without manual application, which greatly simplifies the guarantee process and accelerates the guarantee speed. This automatic service reflects the platform's emphasis on user experience, so that users can get insurance benefits quickly when they encounter unfavorable trading results, reducing waiting and uncertainty. The introduction of automatic guarantee mechanism not only improves the guarantee efficiency, but also increases the transparency and fairness of the service, further enhancing users' goodwill and trust in the platform. Case analysis of documentary warehouse explosion insurance in actual operation. Documentary warehouse explosion insurance has become an important safety net in the trading field of digital currency, providing users with additional asset protection. The following is a case study of successfully protecting users' assets through documentary warehouse explosion insurance, which shows the application and effect of this service in practical operation. A case of rapid response in a high-volatility market, in a typical high-volatility market event, the price of bitcoin dropped sharply in a short time, and a user followed a bearish strategy through the platform's documentary function. Unfortunately, the rapid reversal of the market leads to the explosion of the user's documentary transaction. In this case, the documentary explosion insurance will be started immediately, and the system will automatically detect this event and calculate the compensation amount. The user's account will receive insurance protection shortly after the explosion, which helps the user to alleviate the loss and enable them to continue to participate in the market transaction instead of completely withdrawing from the market due to an unfavorable event. Documentary explosion insurance provides a platform for users. An important asset protection measure The following is how users can qualify to participate in documentary warehouse explosion insurance and the specific steps to participate. The purpose is to ensure that every user can easily understand and join this protection mechanism. The platform users must be registered users of the platform and have real-name authentication. If you have not registered yet, you need to complete the registration process first and use documentary to participate in documentary warehouse explosion insurance through necessary authentication. The premise is to use the documentary trading function provided by the platform. You need to choose and follow one through the platform. One or more trading strategies conform to the activity rules. Pay attention to check the specific rules and activity time insurance protection of documentary explosion insurance, which is only applicable to the documentary transactions conducted within the specified time of the activity. Login to your account first. Before choosing the trading strategies provided by the platform, please make sure that you know the specific details of each strategy, including the historical performance risk level. Once you choose the strategy, you will automatically apply the documentary explosion insurance to your transactions according to the instructions of the platform. Monitor the transactions according to the activity rules. Although documentary explosion insurance provides you with protection suggestions, you still decide. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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