金色Web3.0日报 | 币安董事会新增3名独立成员 其中之一担任董事会主席

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比特币买卖交易网报道,币安4月1日悄然更新了其网站,任命了三名新董事会成员。据官方网站称,该董事会主要由币安高管组成,新增Gabriel Abed、Xin Wang和Arnaud Ventura作为独立成员。 Abed还担任董事会主席,根据币安网站上的简历,他创立了Bitt,并曾担任巴巴多斯驻阿拉伯联合酋长国大使。Wang是上市公司Bayview Acquisition Corporation的首席执行官,该公司是一家特殊目的收购公司(SPAC),也还是一名律师。Ventura是东京投资控股公司Gojo&Company的合伙人,也是Binance France的董事会主席。 彭博社最先报道了这一消息,币安任命其首届董事会,董事会包括四名币安内部人士、三名独立成员,该公司尚未宣布其全球总部。



比特币买卖交易网报道,OpenSea现在在其NFT市场中支持代币桥接和交换功能,使用户能够在以太坊、Arbitrum、Base、Optimism、Zora和Polygon等七个链之间无缝转移资产。该功能支持ETH、WETH、USDC、MATIC和DAI的交换,并利用Socket的流动性聚合协议。 OpenSea未来可能会收取桥接费,但目前提供的桥接服务不收取额外费用。Socket的桥接插件允许dapp开发人员构建自己的桥接,包括自定义widget设计、预设链选择、批准的桥接列表和选定的代币列表。该功能只需极少的编码工作即可实现桥接。


4月1日消息,Metaplex 推出的 Solana 生态 NFT 标准 Core 已在主网上线。 据悉,Core 基于 Metaplex 团队在 2021 年创建首个 Solana NFT 标准的经验,致力于消除复杂性,为数字资产提供了一个简化的规范,显著降低成本并简化开发者体验。Core 专为 NFT 设计,使所有关键数据仅存储在一个链上账户中,大大简化了开发者的工作,同时通过单账户模型,降低了网络负担,提升了 Solana 的运行效率。Core 引入的灵活插件系统,允许用户在不等待标准更新的情况下,扩展 Core 资产的功能,从内置质押到基于资产的积分系统,插件为定制开启了广阔的可能性。



4月2日消息,COTI Foundation在X平台宣布正式推出COTI V2白皮书,旨在利用关键技术为Garbling Protocol(混淆协议)兼顾隐私和性能。据悉该协议实现了比同类解决方案快1000倍的计算速度、减少250倍的存储需求以及降低100倍的延迟。 此外,COTI V2还提出了去中心化排序器概念,使用改进的PBFT算法增强安全性和透明度,为Web3保密交易、DeFi、AI等用例提供支持。


    4月2日消息,以太坊基金会研究员 Mike Neuder 近期撰写的一篇名为《发行问题》的文件支持通过调整代币发行来解决当今以太坊现实中的一些问题。这些问题包括维持独立质押相对于流动性质押协议的可行性,以及忽视会损害质押奖励的高水平质押。Neuder 主张在以太坊的下一个升级“Electra”中减少发行量,但其他研究人员和开发人员强烈拒绝了这一立场。反对者认为,目前对调整以太坊发行曲线的推动完全是对无根据的中心化担忧的过度反应,此外该提案的目标不明确,当前的发行曲线并未导致价值侵蚀。

      3.Aave社区发起将sUSDe 添加到以太坊上的Aave V3的ARFC提案

      4月2日消息,Aave Chan Initiative(ACI)发起新的 ARFC 提案,旨在调整 DAI 稳定币的风险参数。该提案建议在所有 Aave 部署上将 DAI 的贷款价值比(LTV)调整为 0%,并从 Merit 计划中移除 sDAI 激励,自 Merit Round 2 及以后的轮次生效。 此举意在应对 MakerDAO 近期 D3M 计划的激进行动,由于该计划导致 DAI 信贷额度在不到一个月内从零增长至预测的 6 亿 DAI,并可能在短期内增至 10 亿 DAI,使得 DAI 作为抵押物的风险性增加。考虑到目前只有一小部分 DAI 存款在 Aave 上用作抵押,且用户可以轻松切换到 USDC 或 USDT 作为替代抵押选项,提案目的在于在不显著影响用户基础的情况下,减轻潜在风险。


      比特币买卖交易网报道,流动性质押协议StaFi宣布在Sei测试网上推出StaFi的SEI流动性质押代币rSEI。目前,由于SEI的EVM尚未在主网上发布,rSEI将在测试网上进行测试,等待SEI EVM在主网上的正式上线。


        4月2日消息,DeFiLlama数据显示,以太坊链上DEX 4月1日交易量为20.19亿美元,排名重回第一。此外,BSC链上DEX昨日交易量为15.9亿美元,排名第二;Solana链上DEX昨日交易量为12.52亿美元,排名第三;Arbitrum链上DEX昨日交易量为6.6421亿美元,排名第四;Base链上DEX昨日交易量为5.0039亿美元,排名第五。


          1.Web3游戏开发商DOS Labs完成245万美元融资,AZA Ventures等参投

          比特币买卖交易网报道,Web3大逃杀游戏MetaDOS背后的开发公司DOS Labs宣布完成245万美元融资,Kangaroo Capital、AZA Ventures、Brainbox、GD10 Capital、Avalon Wealth Club等参投,具体估值信息暂未披露。MetaDOS结合了Web2和Web3收入模式的优势,使用区块链技术,玩家可以保持对其游戏内物品和货币的完全所有权,不局限于传统游戏生态系统中通常存在的限制,目前正在基于Avalanche子网的DOS Chain上构建,以提升游戏交易速度和体验。

          2.新加坡Web3游戏初创公司Gomble Games完成1000万融资,Binance Labs等参投

          比特币买卖交易网报道,新加坡Web3游戏初创公司Gomble Games宣布完成1000万融资,Binance Labs、Spartan、Hashed、Shima Capital、Animoca Brands、Altos Ventures、IOSG Ventures、Foresight Ventures、BigBrain Holdings等参投,GombleGames专注于开发区块链上的休闲游戏,该公司正计划建立一个参与性的 DAO(去中心化自治组织),通过让用户在营销、游戏制作和其他业务方面拥有发言权,进一步模糊玩家和创作者之间的界限。




                Total market value of data tokens is billion dollars. Total market value data source The transaction volume of centralized exchange in the past hours is billion dollars. The transaction volume of centralized exchange in the past hours is locked in the data source of assets billion dollars. The project is locked in the top ten of assets and locked positions. The data source is billion dollars. The total market value is ranked in the top ten of project data sources. The hourly transaction volume is billion dollars. The total market value is ranked in the top ten of project data sources. The top ten data sources are the top ten of sales growth within the top hour. There will be an independent member, one of whom will serve as the chairman of the board of directors. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that the website was quietly updated on February Day, and three new board members were appointed. According to the official website, the board of directors was mainly composed of senior executives of Coin Security, and he also served as the chairman of the board of directors. According to the resume on the website of Coin Security, he founded and served as the ambassador of Barbados to the United Arab Emirates, and was the CEO of a listed company. The company is a special purpose acquisition company and also a The lawyer is a partner of Tokyo Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and the chairman of the board of directors. Bloomberg first reported the news. Coin Security appointed its first board of directors, including four insiders and three independent members. The company has not yet announced that its global headquarters hotspot supports token bridging and exchange functions in its market. Currently, it supports seven chains. Bitcoin trading network reports that it now supports token bridging and exchange functions in its market, enabling users to seamlessly transfer assets between seven chains such as Ethereum and others. The liquidity aggregation protocol supported by this function may charge a bridging fee in the future, but the bridging plug-in currently provided does not charge extra fees, which allows developers to build their own bridges, including custom design of preset chains, selection of approved bridging lists and selected token lists. This function can be bridged with very little coding work. The ecological standards launched have been launched on the main network, and the ecological standards launched by the news on the day of the month have been launched on the main network. It is reported that the first one was created based on the team in. The experience of this standard is devoted to eliminating complexity, providing a simplified specification for digital assets, significantly reducing the cost and simplifying the developer's experience. It is specially designed to store all key data in only one chain account, greatly simplifying the developer's work, and at the same time reducing the network burden through the single account model, improving the operating efficiency. The introduced flexible plug-in system allows users to expand the functions of assets from built-in pledge to asset-based integral system plug-in without waiting for the standard update. The system has opened up broad possibilities, and hot spots have released a white paper. It is planned to use the protocol to give consideration to privacy and performance. The official launch of the white paper is announced on the platform. The purpose is to use key technologies to confuse the protocol with both privacy and performance. It is reported that the protocol has achieved twice the computing speed, twice the storage requirements and twice the delay compared with similar solutions. In addition, the concept of decentralized sorter has been put forward, and improved algorithms have been used to enhance security and transparency, providing support for use cases such as confidential transactions. The proposal to reduce the amount of money triggered a heated discussion in the encryption community. Recently, a document entitled "Issue Issues" written by researchers of Ethereum Foundation supported the solution of some problems in the reality of Ethereum today by adjusting token issuance. These problems included maintaining the feasibility of independent pledge relative to the liquidity pledge agreement and ignoring the high-level pledge that would damage the pledge reward. Other researchers and developers strongly rejected this position. The opponent thinks that the current push to adjust the issuance curve of Ethereum is completely an overreaction to unfounded centralization concerns. In addition, the goal of the proposal is unclear, and the current issuance curve has not led to value erosion. The community initiated a proposal to be added to Ethereum. A new proposal was launched to adjust the risk parameters of the stable currency. The proposal suggests that the loan-to-value ratio should be adjusted to and removed from the plan to take effect from the next round. This move is intended to cope with the recent plan. Aggressive action As a result of this plan, the credit line has increased from zero to predicted billion in less than one month, and may increase to billion in a short time, which increases the risk of being used as collateral. Considering that only a small amount of deposits are used as collateral on the Internet at present, and users can easily switch to it or use it as an alternative mortgage option, the proposal aims to reduce potential risks without significantly affecting the user base. The liquidity pledge token was launched on the test network, and the liquidity pledge agreement was announced. At present, the liquid pledge token launched on the test network has not been released on the main network, so it will be tested on the test network, waiting to be officially launched on the main network. Yesterday, the transaction volume of the Ethereum chain exceeded US$ 100 million, and the news data showed that the daily transaction volume of the Ethereum chain last month was US$ 100 million, ranking first. In addition, yesterday's transaction volume on the chain was US$ 100 million, ranking second, ranking third and ranking fourth. Game developers ranked the fifth hot spot for $100 million have completed $100,000 financing and participated in the bitcoin trading network. The development company behind the Great Escape game announced that it had completed $100,000 financing and other specific valuation information has not been disclosed yet. Using blockchain technology, players can maintain full ownership of their in-game items and currencies, which is not limited to the restrictions that usually exist in the traditional game ecosystem. Currently, it is being built on the basis of subnets to improve the trading speed of the game. Experience Singapore Game Start-up Company Completed Ten Thousand Financing and Other Participation in Bitcoin Trading Network Report Singapore Game Start-up Company announced the completion of ten thousand financing and other participation, focusing on the development of casual games on the blockchain. The company is planning to establish a participatory decentralized autonomous organization, which will further blur the boundary between players and creators by giving users a say in marketing game production and other businesses. The online digital asset market is the main network, and the Bitcoin Trading Network reports the number of gamification. The word asset market announced that the first airdrop snapshot of the main network will be completed within days. Disclaimer The content of the article published by Bitcoin Trading Network as a blockchain information platform is for information reference only, not as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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