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随着美国比特币现货 ETF 的批准、DeFi 领域 RWA 协议的发展,加密货币正加速走向台前,越来越多的用户参与链上 DeFi,试图寻找新的收益机会。然而,繁琐的链上操作步骤正令一些 Web3 新来者望而却步。

Web3 世界已拥有成千上万种加密货币,加以无数的 Layer1、 Layer2和现在的 Layer-3,以及连接不同区块链的跨链桥,在这个广阔、创新的生态系统里,新用户越来越难以直观地发掘哪种途径是他们进行交易的最佳选择。 

「Intent-Centric」(以意图为中心)赛道正是要为新用户解决这个难题,从而实现 Crypto Mass Adoption,让 Web2 更广泛的用户群体享以丝滑的使用体验,轻松跨越进 Web3。


在 Web3 世界中,“意图”是指用户希望在区块链生态系统中实现的特定目标,是这一特定目标的最终状态的表达。一般来说,事务明确指应“如何”执行某个操作,而意图则指该操作的期望结果应是什么。


例如,如果你想从 A 点到达 E 点(目标/意图),目前 old vision 交易需要你从 A-> B-> C-> D-> E,一步步完成。这只是目前的 DeFi 世界的冰山一角,更不用说还需要将 Token 从 CEX 转移至链上,实际上交互复杂度可能远超想象。

然而在意图协议的情况中,你提出“我想从 A 到 E”这个意图后,A-> B-> C-> D-> E 的每一步都由求解器(Solver)执行。这里的求解器可以是人、AI 或其他协议。

如果一笔交易事务是“先到 A,然后到 B,支付一定数量的 C 才能换到 E”,则意图是“我想要 X,并且我愿意支付一定数量的 C”。用户将他们的意图提交给协议,然后协议将每一步任务委托给求解器去执行。

有了意图协议和求解器,除了能为新用户抽象掉繁琐的交易流程外,还可以在一定程度上节省 Gas 费用,以及求解器以最有力的价格执行交易,提高效率。对于区块链技术变得越来越重要的当下,这样的范式将改变格局,使 Web3 交互更高效和安全,也更易于吸引 Web2 数十亿用户的体验。

意图赛道的火热发展因 2023 年 6 月 Paradigm《意图结构及其风险》一文拉开序幕,时至今日,有哪些值得关注的热门项目?



意图执行网络 dappOS 因 3 亿美元估值 A 轮融资和集成项目 GMX 面向活跃用户的 10 万枚 $ARB 大额空投而在推特上成为热搜。

dappOS 于近期完成了由 Polychain 领投的 1500 万美元 A 轮融资,估值达到 3 亿美元,使之成为了意图赛道新晋“明星项目”之一。去年该网络也获得了 Binance Labs、红杉中国、IDG 等顶级 VC 的投资。

此外,GMX V2 集成 dappOS 两个月以来,新用户增加 30,596 名,过去 30 日新增 TVL的 15% 来自于 dappOS 用户。为了激励 dappOS 活跃用户,GMX 空投了 10 万 $ARB。随着 dappOS 网络的进一步壮大,像这样的空投机会将会越来越多,使之成为 Airdrop 交互的金铲子工具。

dappOS 作为一个解决可定价意图的意图执行网络,正在满足用户极低的链上交互门槛。用户只需要提交意图,dappOS 及其求解器节点将以去中心化的方式执行意图落地。dappOS 能够执行的意图形式多种多样,包括应用合约交互铭文铸造策略复制交易Telegram 机器人交易等等。

与此同时 dappOS 还提供了与该网络兼容的中间件,开发者能够低成本的将这套“意图”能力向更多 dApps 拓展,并保持去中心化特性。因此,dappOS 正在推动所集成 dApps 到“去中心化意图应用”的凡是转变。

随着 dappOS 生态的壮大,其将会吸引越来越多的用户参与其中,尤其是在“金铲子”效应的加持下加速转化为粘性用户,并逐渐形成网络效应,这也将加速 dappOS 意图网络对于服务节点的优化,意图执行网络将会更低成本、更高效,用户体验更好,反过来这又会促使更多的 dApps 支持 dappOS。同时值得一提的是,dappOS 正在引入治理代币 $DOS,网络收入、交易的增长也会进一步为 $DOS 持有者提供收益。


Anoma 协议是最早引入“意图”概念的协议,提供了以意图为中心的通用 dApp 架构。该架构旨在满足广泛的请求,使提供服务的 dApp 能够将意图与求解器网络保持一致,促进用户意图与跨各种应用程序和场景的求解器的匹配。值得一提的是,Anoma 实际上是一个“接口”,是一系列可以被自由复制的代码,而不是一条中介链,因此不会有 Anoma 链。也就是说,Anoma 可以被部署到当前的任何 L1、L1.5、L2 或非 EVM 链,例如以太坊主网、Arbitrum、Solana、Cosmos、Eigenlayer AVS。

Particle Network

很多小伙伴是通过 MerlinChain 而认识了在幕后提供账户抽象、BTC Connect 等服务的 Particle Network,事实上该协议除了在链抽象领域颇有建树外,也正在布局意图领域。

Particle Network 正在建设通用 dApp 框架 Intent Fusion Protocol,用于表达、转换和执行意图。开发者可以通过它创建意图应用程序,用户表达的意图将被提交到求解器网络进行链上执行。


通过将 Intent Fusion Protocol 与 Particle 成熟的链抽象、模块化智能 WaaS 和跨链原子交换解决方案相结合,来自 Web2 的开发人员可以便捷地利用 Web3 的独特能力,同时为用户提供最简单的用户体验。


Essential 自称为是第一个“声明式区块链”(The First Declarative Blockchain),实则仍然是围绕“意图”概念。

Essential 认为,自第一个通用区块链以太坊诞生以来,每个通用区块链都使用了命令式编程模型,由于它们依赖于代码的线性执行来实现状态更新,因此用户与这些区块链交互的唯一方法是通过命令式指令(例如交易和智能合约)。的确,Web3 新用户对区块链最常见的用户体验批评无外乎就是不确定的结果、失败的交易、MEV、高滑点——实际上它们都是对底层命令式模型的批评。

接下来让我们看看 Essential 的“声明式区块链”是如何做的?

根据官方解读,声明性区块链意为利用约束实现状态更新而无需执行的区块链。或者我们换句话说,Essential 允许用户以想要的(声明性)结果而不是(强制性)指令来签署他们预期的交易。其实也在意图的范围内。

Essential 在求解器上的要求会高,相比于 1+1=2 的普通求解器,当用户提交意图后,Essential 网络的求解器必须尽最大努力提出最优解,不仅要满足用户的意图,还要最大限度地提高用户的满意度。更简单地说,用户提出意图后,每一个求解器都会竞相回答以下问题:给定约束和目标后,我认为哪种新状态可以最大限度地提高用户的满意度?

Essential 的技术堆栈有三个核心支柱:

- 无需执行的区块链:类似于 ZK Rollup,对用户意图的计算在链下完成,而欺诈证明验证部分则在链上进行,以此来为应用程序和用户提供更大的吞吐量、更低的交易费用。

- 基于约束的领域特定语言(DSL):允许用户仅仅通过自然语言表达来提出意图,开发者简单描述业务逻辑,可以将交易或计算逻辑外包给求解器,以使用户更方便得到想要的交互结果,开发者更轻松地创建更复杂的 dApp。

- 求解器网络:为整个网络中用户提交的意图提供最优解决方案。

Self Chain

Self Chain 是一个基于 Cosmos SDK 的模块化、以意图为中心的全新区块链,在上个月结束的激励测试网 V2 中,Self Chain 拿下了 366 个应用程序及 1.9 万用户的不错成绩。

其实这个项目我本想与已经上线了主网的 Ruby Network 一起介绍,因为这两者太像了,都以 Mass Adoption 叙事起步,从 MPC、账户抽象、链抽象再到意图,能蹭的热点都蹭上了。不过相比于缝合怪 Ruby,Self Chain 在意图叙事中所下的技术功夫还是大很多的(Ruby 似乎只是挂上了“意图”这个标签)。

Self Chain 通过三层结构将意图概念集成到其区块链架构中:

- dApps 层:用户通过简化的界面与 dApp 进行交互。该层会收集用户的意图,并将其使用类似于 GPT-4 的大型语言模型(LLM)翻译为简单的、结构化的意图。

- 意图访问层:该层将搜索实现用户的意图所需的各种路径,找到满足用户请求的最佳方法。

- 意图求解器:意图求解器介入,高效执行交易。

Orb Stack、Orby

Orb Lasb 正在开发一种模块化的跨链意图协议堆栈 Orb Stack,允许用户能够发出跨域意图。它是由 5 层组成的:

- 可扩展的轻客户端,提供了系统的安全基础

- 消息框架,优化速度、成本和可配置性

- 代币包装协议,支持资产跨链

- 跨域意图协议

- 统一账户系统,允许用户在不同的链上托管资产

除此以外,开发团队还在开发意图引擎 Orby,可以被集成到任何 dApp 前端,使来自任何链的用户能够使用它。它也可以被集成到钱包中,使用户能够与任何链上的任何 dApp 进行交互,而无需将钱包资产碎片化到各个链上地址。Orby 的愿景是支持多链交互,并将交易转换为可以通过 Orb Stack 在任何链上执行的意图。

Orbiter Finance(Orbiter Rollup)

Orbiter Finance 是领先的 Layer2 跨链协议,有超过 300 万用户通过该协议在不同的 L2 之间进行了资产跨链。今年 1 月,Orbiter Finance 宣布未来将推出基于 ZK 的 Orbiter Rollup,成为以太坊的意图层,主要用于聚合 Orbiter 用户的跨链意图。在与合作伙伴的共同努力下,Orbiter Rollup 将会解决执行问题,即用户在该网络上无需逐步执行跨链操作,便可实现他们期望的结果。

Across v3

与 Orbiter 类似的还有跨链协议 Across。在最近推出的 V3 版本中,Across 增加了一个可组合的意图引擎。由以下部分组成:

- 基于意图的 RFQ 订单流

- 具有离链流动性的第三方求解器网络

- 具有 Optimistic 验证的结算系统

Aperture Finance

Aperture Finance 是一个基于意图架构的 DeFi 平台,将 AI 与意图相结合,构建了一个聊天机器人,用户可以用自然语言表达他们的意图,并利用求解器网络以得到结果。

这就是典型的 AI + Intent 的最好例子。通过直接与 AI 文字互动,表达需求,AI 自动提取识别并确认用户意图,提交给求解器网络,求解器网络寻求最优解决方案,最后通过竞标模式交给最优的求解器去执行。

除了交易,还有一个有趣的用例是用 Aperture 去领取空投,我们只需要跟 AI 说,“帮我尝试领取 Airdrop 空投,系统就能自动根据用户的钱包地址和授权,去各个链上搜寻有空投的项目,并自动完成领取”。这种自动化可以为用户大大减少了与每个项目空投领取网站直接交互的时间,更是免除了用户被钓鱼网站欺骗的风险。

With the development of the agreement on the approval of bitcoin spot in the United States, cryptocurrencies are accelerating to the front of the platform, and more and more users are participating in the chain to try to find new income opportunities. However, the cumbersome chain operation steps are making some newcomers discouraged. The world already has thousands of cryptocurrencies, which are numerous and present, and cross-chain bridges connecting different blockchains. In this vast and innovative ecosystem, it is increasingly difficult for new users to intuitively discover which way is the best choice for their transactions. Intention-centered track is to solve this problem for new users, so that a wider group of users can enjoy a silky experience and easily leap into what is intention in the world? Intention refers to the specific goal that users hope to achieve in the blockchain ecosystem, which is the expression of the final state of this specific goal. Generally speaking, the transaction clearly refers to how to perform an operation, while intention refers to what the expected result of the operation should be. So what new things can the intention agreement bring? In short, let it go. Users only state their goals and how they will be left to those who solve problems more professionally. For example, if you want to reach the goal from point to point, the current transaction needs you to complete step by step, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the current world, not to mention the need to transfer from chain to chain. In fact, the interaction complexity may be far beyond imagination. However, in the case of intention agreement, you put forward that I want every step from this intention to be executed by the solver. The solver here can be a person or other agreement. The transaction transaction comes first and then pays a certain amount, and then the intention is that I want and I am willing to pay a certain number of users to submit their intentions to the agreement, and then the agreement entrusts each step of the task to the solver for execution. With the intention agreement and the solver, in addition to abstracting the cumbersome transaction process for new users, it can also save costs to a certain extent, and the solver can execute transactions at the most powerful price to improve efficiency. It is becoming more and more important for blockchain technology. The paradigm will change the pattern to make the interaction more efficient and safe, and it will be easier to attract the experience of billions of users. The fiery development of the track is due to the article on the structure and risks of the year and month. What are the hot projects worthy of attention today? A list of recent hot intention network agreements. The intention execution network has become a hot search on Twitter because of the billion-dollar valuation round of financing and the integration project, which is aimed at active users. Recently, the valuation of the million-dollar round of financing led by the company has reached billion dollars. It has become one of the new star projects of Intention Track. Last year, the network also received top investments from Sequoia China, etc. In addition, the number of new users has increased in the past two months, and the number of new users has increased in the past few days. With the further growth of the network, there will be more and more airdrop opportunities like this, making it an interactive golden shovel tool. As an intention to solve the pricing intention, the implementation network is meeting the extremely low threshold of online interaction for users, and users only need to submit their opinions. Graph and its solver nodes will implement intention landing in a decentralized way. There are various forms of intention that can be implemented, including application contract interaction inscription casting strategy copying trading robot transactions, etc. At the same time, it also provides middleware developers compatible with this network, which can expand this set of intention capabilities to more at low cost and maintain decentralization characteristics, so it is promoting all the changes integrated into decentralized intention applications, which will attract more and more users with the growth of ecology. Participating in it, especially under the blessing of the golden shovel effect, will accelerate the transformation into sticky users and gradually form a network effect, which will also accelerate the optimization of the intention network for service nodes. The implementation of the intention network will be lower in cost and more efficient, and the user experience will be better, which in turn will promote more support. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the growth of revenue transactions in the token network is being introduced, which will further provide benefits for holders. The agreement is the first agreement to introduce the concept of intention, providing the intention-centered universality. The architecture is designed to meet a wide range of requests, so that service providers can keep their intentions consistent with the solver network, and promote the matching between user intentions and solvers across various applications and scenarios. It is worth mentioning that it is actually an interface, a series of codes that can be copied freely, rather than an intermediary chain, so there will be no chain, that is to say, it can be deployed to any non-chain at present. For example, many small partners in the main network of Ethereum realize that they provide services such as account abstraction behind the scenes. In fact, in addition to making great achievements in the field of chain abstraction, the protocol is also laying out a general framework in the field of intention, through which developers can create intention applications. The intentions expressed by users will be submitted to the solver network for chain execution. In this ecosystem, developers have a direct way to use the unique functions, and at the same time provide users with the best possible user experience, and focus on creating problem solutions. The combination of mature chain abstract modular intelligence and cross-chain atomic exchange solution comes from the unique ability that developers can easily use and provide users with the simplest user experience. In fact, the self-proclaimed first declarative blockchain still revolves around the concept of intention. It is believed that since the birth of the first universal blockchain Ethereum, every universal blockchain has used imperative programming model. Because they rely on the linear execution of code to realize state update, users communicate with these blockchains. The only way to interact with each other is through imperative instructions, such as transactions and smart contracts. It is true that the most common user experience criticisms of new users on blockchain are nothing more than uncertain results, high sliding points of failed transactions. In fact, they are all criticisms of the underlying imperative model. Next, let's see how declarative blockchain is made. According to the official interpretation, declarative blockchain means a blockchain that uses constraints to achieve state updates without execution, or in other words, we allow users to be declarative as they want. Results instead of mandatory instructions to sign their expected transactions are actually within the scope of intentions, and the requirements on solvers will be higher than those of ordinary solvers. When users submit their intentions, the solvers of the network must try their best to put forward the optimal solution, not only to meet the users' intentions, but also to maximize the users' satisfaction. Simply put, after the users put forward their intentions, each solver will compete to answer the following questions. Given the constraints and goals, I think which new state can maximize the users' satisfaction. The technology stack has three core pillars, and the blockchain that does not need to be implemented is similar to the users' intentions. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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