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01 香港比特币/以太坊ETF的获批背景





因此,对于熟悉香港加密资产监管风向的小伙伴们实际上对香港通过比特币和以太坊现货ETF的受批并不意外。在加密资产交易所选择方面,根据公开渠道消息,已获批的基金中,两家都选择了OSL,而另一家则选择与HashKey携手前进,可见,OSL和HashKey作为获批允许散户客户交易的持牌加密资产交易平台的巨大优势已经开始展现。值得一提的是,HashKey旗下的加密资产投资机构HashKey Capital Limited(简称“HashKey Capital”)近期刚获得了SFC的9号牌照升级,已获得专业投资者豁免,可向更大范围内的用户提供服务。








02 对于投资者来说,香港加密资产ETF意味着什么?









03 写在最后



Author Xiao Sa Team Source Xiao Sa On March, three fund companies successively announced through social media officials that they were approved to issue financial products that can be invested in spot bitcoin and spot ethereum. The news immediately triggered a global capital market reaction. As the farthest and fastest in the operation of encrypted assets and financial capital in Asia, Hong Kong added a fire to the encrypted bull market by itself. Today, Sister Sa's team started from the approval of bitcoin and ethereum spot online in Hong Kong, which is of great significance to investors. Economists analyze Hong Kong's encryption policy to help you make a more rational judgment. The background of the approval of Bitcoin Ethereum in Hong Kong not long ago, the US Securities Regulatory Commission passed more than a dozen bitcoins in one breath, which became a milestone in the encrypted asset market. Now Hong Kong, as a pioneer of encrypted assets in Asia, has also passed the issuance of encrypted asset products, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, which not only provides investors with more choices, but also provides further integration between the traditional capital market and the encrypted world. For Hong Kong citizens, Hong Kong Bitcoin Ethereum means that local residents can directly purchase spot bitcoin and Ethereum with their securities accounts without opening an account in the Cryptographic Assets Exchange. There was a clear message before the spot issuance of Hong Kong Cryptographic Assets. In fact, Hong Kong had given a clear message about the spot of cryptographical assets as early as six months ago, and issued a circular on the authorization of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission to invest in virtual assets and the virtual assets of relevant intermediaries. In the two circulars, the relevant regulations on the issuance and management of Public Offering of Fund products, which account for more than virtual assets, are clarified. At the same time, requirements are also made on the subscription, redemption and custody valuation of encrypted assets. The circular on the authorization of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission to invest in virtual assets also clearly points out that Hong Kong may approve the spot of mainstream encrypted assets such as Bitcoin Ethereum. At that time, users can choose to purchase and redeem encrypted assets in cash. Therefore, for those familiar with Hong Kong encrypted assets, In fact, the small partners who are in the regulatory trend are not surprised that Hong Kong has been approved by Bitcoin and Ethereum spot. In terms of the selection of encrypted asset exchanges, two of the funds that have been approved according to public sources have chosen, while the other one has chosen to go hand in hand. It can be seen that the great advantages of being a licensed encrypted asset trading platform that has been approved to allow retail customers to trade have begun to show. It is worth mentioning that its encrypted asset investment institution has recently obtained the license upgrade. Industry investor exemption can provide services to a wider range of users. Second, what is the difference between the spot of encrypted assets in Hong Kong and the United States? Sister Sa believes that there are two main differences between the spot of encrypted assets in Hong Kong and the United States. The underlying assets are different. The range of encrypted assets approved in Hong Kong is larger than that in the United States, including not only the spot transactions of Bitcoin, but also the spot transactions of Ethereum. The spot of more than ten encrypted assets approved by the United States in June only includes Bitcoin, a single encrypted asset. Currently, There is no news about the approval of other encrypted assets for the time being. In the previous analysis article, Sister Sa's team has explained that American regulators have always maintained a cautious attitude towards encrypted assets. Sister Sa's team believes that the simultaneous approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum is a very great leap forward for Hong Kong regulators, which is not only a pioneering initiative that dares to be the first, but also a major encouragement to the industry and the encrypted asset world. The different ways of applying for redemption can not only make Hong Kong, China. In short, you can use bitcoin or Ethereum to directly purchase assets, which is obviously more obvious than that in the United States. However, Sister Sa's team suggested that the use of encrypted assets to apply for redemption products at the specific operational level will inevitably be subject to stricter supervision, especially for the application of large encrypted assets, it is necessary to abide by the strictness of financial institutions in Hong Kong. What does it mean for investors to use encrypted assets in Hong Kong? From the advantages and disadvantages of Hong Kong's encrypted assets, this paper briefly introduces the advantages of Hong Kong's encrypted assets. The investment technology threshold of Hong Kong's encrypted assets is low. The spot of Hong Kong's encrypted assets can be traded directly on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in a way similar to traditional securities trading, without the need for complicated registration on the major encrypted assets trading platforms in Hong Kong. This greatly reduces the technical threshold of encrypted assets trading. At the same time, the traditional stock exchange is more than most existing encrypted assets due to the problem of capital volume. The trading platform is more mobile, and the relevant regulatory measures are more perfect. The security of encrypted assets is relatively higher. Simply put, it is not necessary to actually hold and store assets such as Bitcoin Ethereum to buy encrypted assets. Investors no longer have to worry about the loss of the private key of their stored encrypted currency. A customer served by Sister Sa's team has experienced a large number of lost private keys of Bitcoin due to improper storage. Tax incentives are more practical to invest in the spot of encrypted assets in a specific way. However, in other jurisdictions, especially those that have started or are planning to start taxing encrypted assets, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are regarded as property. In the case that Hong Kong agrees to directly purchase spot encrypted assets with cryptocurrencies, high property taxes can be avoided by replacing them with cash. Assuming that the bull market of the underlying encrypted assets can last for a long time, you can also enjoy the low tax preferential policies in various jurisdictions to encourage long-term holding of securities. 2. Notes on the spot of encrypted assets. The spot of encrypted assets cannot avoid the investment risks of encrypted assets. What investors need to understand is that the spot of encrypted assets is just an investment tool, which cannot isolate the investment risks of encrypted assets. Of course, encrypted assets themselves are investment portfolios, and multiple investment targets can dilute the risks of encrypted assets. There will always be an investment time difference. Encrypted assets are not encrypted assets themselves, but an investment product that fluctuates dynamically by tracking and anchoring the price of the underlying encrypted assets. In other words, if the encrypted assets themselves cannot anchor the price of encrypted assets in time, it is very likely that they will be temporarily decoupled from encrypted assets, which will lead investors to take measures in the encryption ecology of the currency circle. In short, the approval of investment opportunities is a historic event for Hong Kong's encrypted asset market, which means that Hong Kong has effectively fulfilled its embrace. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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