律动 BlockBeats 消息,据 Trustnodes 报告,去中心化交易平台 Uniswap 年收入超过 10 亿美元。从 2020 年 10 月到 2021 年 10 月,该公司共赚取了 11 亿美元的费用。按目前 200 亿美元的完全稀释市值计算,该公司的市盈率约为 20 倍。 在 2021 年 12 月 4 日,Uniswap 处理了 41 亿美元的交易量。这意味着当天的日营收约达到了 1000 万美元。
: The annual income of data exceeds US$ 100 million, and the price-earnings ratio is about times. The annual income of data exceeds US$ 100 million, and the price-earnings ratio of data is about times. It is reported that the annual income of decentralized trading platform exceeds US$ 100 million. From January to September, the company earned a total of US$ 100 million. According to the current fully diluted market value of US$ 100 million, the company's price-earnings ratio was about times, and the transaction volume of US$ 100 million was processed on January, which means that the daily revenue of that day reached about US$ 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
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