
2023-04-15 14:00:08 views

The fees of lawyers and consultants in bankruptcy proceedings are expected to reach billion dollars. What is the income of lawyers in bankruptcy field? The developer of virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency has compiled an online chart, which details the fees of lawyers and consultants to be paid in bankruptcy proceedings. The data shows that the relevant fees reported to the court have reached the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency, and the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency. How is the income of lawyers and consultants in bankruptcy proceedings expected to reach billion dollars? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

开发者Cam Crews编制了一份在线图表,详细统计了Celsius在破产程序中需支付的律师及顾问费用。数据显示,Celsius Network已向法院报告的相关费用达到了1.02亿美元,预计仍将支付4200万美元,合计1.44亿美元。这些费用将流向十余家法律服务机构,其中Kirkland Ellis预计将获得4880万美元。(Cointelegraph)
