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Regional people's governments, municipal committees, offices, and municipal bodies:


The Beijing Municipal Programme for Disease Control and Stabilization and the Implementation of Economic Growth is now available to you in order to ensure that it is fully implemented.





To ensure that the economy operates within a reasonable framework, the “Five” network of services and integration into the new development landscape is maintained, the new era of capital development is advanced, and the programme is tailored.


I. Sustained and sustained efforts to help poor and business environments to stabilize economic fundamentals


(i) Retention on tax refunds “direct entitlement”


Strict national value added tax (VAT) credits to refunds, services, “one-on-one” accurate transmission of information, whole-of-the-web coverage, ensuring that the qualifying business stock credits until 30 June 2022 are “restricted”. (Responsible units: Beijing Municipal Tax Administration, Municipal Financial Administration, People's Bank Administration)


(ii) Social insurance fees and housing public funds “should be relaxed”


2. In accordance with the national social security policy and the extension requirements, it is clear that it is difficult for companies to apply, expand the scope of the application, simplify the procedures for raising old age, unemployment, occupational accident insurance benefits, and exempt them from the benefits until the end of 2022. (It is the responsibility of the Municipal Human Resources Social Security Agency, the Municipal Financial Administration, and the Beijing Municipal Tax Administration)


3. During this period, employees who do not have their own housing to rent goods in the city can draw on the housing stock without being subject to a monthly deposit. Those affected by the epidemic do not pay back the individual housing loan regularly, do not make overdue payments, do not affect credit records, and are exempt from penalty.


(iii) Rent deductions are granted on a “receivable-as-you-go” basis.


4. In 2022, three months of rent for small micro-enterprises and individual businesses in Kyoto tax-service companies were exempted from rent in Kyoto for rental of housing in different types of countries. In the case of small-scale enterprises and businesses listed as high-risk areas for rental of housing in China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, the United Kingdom, China, China, China, China, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Thailand, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, and Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey,


(iv) Water and electricity “continue to be supplied”


Small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and individual businesses that have been affected by the epidemic and which have been unable to pay in time for water, electricity and gas are “unreliable” until the end of 2022. The average cost of broadbanding and know-how for small and medium-sized micro-enterprises is reduced by another 10 per cent. (Responsible units: municipal urban management boards, municipal water authorities, market regulatory boards, municipal economics and informationization boards, municipal communications authorities, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Board, district governments)


(v) Launching of the "Multicipated Drive"


6. Small and inclusive loans grew at a rate greater than 10 percentage points in each loan in 2022.


7. Encourage financial institutions to extend debt service payments to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual businesses, truck drivers and individual housing and consumer loans affected by the epidemic, simplify the application process, support the network, without adjusting the loan risk classification due to the epidemic, without affecting credit records and without penalty. (Responsible units: Beijing Silver Guard, People's Bank Administration, Municipal Financial Supervisory Authority)


8. Increased financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises to cover new bank loans from small and medium-sized enterprises that were more affected by the epidemic in 2022, at a rate of 0.5 per cent, free of the cost of the policy creative insurance scheme, and less than 20 per cent of the total compensation for the actual occurrence of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2022. (Responsible units: Municipal Financial Administration, Municipal Financial Supervisory Authority, Beijing Silver Insurance Agency, Municipal Economic and Information Development Agency)


9. Encourage insurance institutions to set up a business risk and pay a certain amount for insured businesses that have ceased or ceased to operate as a result of the outbreak. Promote inclusive commercial health insurance and provide additional coverage for basic health insurance. Accelerate the introduction of new industrial insurance schemes such as the flat economy, sharing the economy and so on. (Responsible units: Beijing Silver and Financial Supervisory Authority, Municipal Health Insurance Authority, Municipal Economics and Informatization Authority, Municipal Human Resources Social Security Board, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Board, regional governments)


(vi) Subsistence of the business environment “terrestrial”


“Acceleration” of the policy of “a network” and “acceleration” of “a fast-tracking” of business operations during the period of the epidemic. Without credit records and letters of credit, the company’s business promises will remain valid for six months after the expiry of the food licence (non-special food products) have been approved by the executive branch and made available to the public. “Credit waiver requests” for fast-track services for companies that are unable to change food production permits (special food products) in the regulatory area in time, and for food licences that are valid for 30 days after the lifting of the embargo.


In order to strengthen the city, district, and street (town) third-tier “service packages” system, improve the visiting services system, actively develop the role of the industry and its property managers, improve the system of business complaints, and enhance the capacity of the various levels of government to finance the development of service enterprises. Stabilization of the Ministry’s business presence in Kyoto has led it to a number of major projects within the capital’s capital city strategy. Support for the development of new and innovative businesses, and support for the development of new ones and the creation of new ones, their applications, and the marketing of capital funds, has accelerated the development of a unicorn, “specially new” and “hidden champions” (units: the Municipal Development Reform Commission, line managers, the Beijing Economic Technology Development Board, and regional governments).


12. The opening of a special operation to clear the accounts of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the finding of settlement of the outstanding amounts, together with a firm payment plan by 30 June 2022, strictly forbidding new arrears on government investments. (Customs of responsibility: the Municipal Bureau of Economics and Informationization, the Municipal Financial Administration, the Municipal Council, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Market and Market Management Board, the Beijing Committee for the Development of Economic Technology and Regional Governments)


13. To accelerate progress in financial spending, reduce general spending on meetings, training, travel, etc., recover all of the remaining funds, and fund urgently needed areas such as disease prevention and control. (Responsible units: municipal finance authorities, municipal ministries, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Council, regional governments)


14. Increased public procurement efforts have led the government to reduce the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises by increasing the use of United Nations investment and reasonable subcontracting. Increasing the government's price deduction for small and medium-sized enterprises by 10-20%. Increasing the price deduction for goods and services purchased by small and medium-sized enterprises to over $2 million.


15. Full promotion of electronic subscriptions and random extraction during the epidemic makes it difficult to determine the subject matter of the evaluation, which may be determined by the applicant in accordance with the law. Full promotion of insurance (insurance) in lieu of cash guarantees, and encouragement of tenders (buyers) to exempt creditworthy micro and small enterprises from the label. (Responsible unit: relevant director department, municipal public resource trading centre)


II. Striving through key points to facilitate the safe and stable supply chain


(i) Efficient management and management of the epidemic


There is a great deal of stability and orderly progress in the rehabilitation process, as well as a strong commitment to “motivating zero” guidelines, and social control measures. The sub-locations are updated in time, guidelines for the management of disease prevention and control are updated, dynamically adjusted, and city-based linkages are resolved in time for the rehabilitation of enterprises that have been re-established as a result of the epidemic.


A “white list” system of high-priority enterprises, with sound classification and dynamic management, will be established, with more focus in the city and higher- and lower-lying enterprises participating in the “white list” of the national supply chain, and will create a “white list” of three key functional, preventive, prophylactic, prophylactic, promotive and proximate enterprises in Kyoto.


(ii) Full security


A system of “white lists” for public, foundation-based logistics infrastructure and cold-chain logistics has been introduced to increase municipal fixed capital investments, local government bonds, and support for local government bonds.


19. In 2022, the country’s domestic passenger flights were successfully implemented as a financial compensation policy. A steady and orderly resumption of international air passenger flights in the city led to an aggressive struggle to increase the number of international cargo line flights in the city.


(iii) Expedited rollout of the Kyozin platform with a focus on the domain chain


20. Launching a high-precision industry chain-up operation, with all the support needed to raise the capacity of dragon-headed enterprises to deliver the chain of services around Kyoto. With the full use of new energy vehicles, biomedical drugs, new-generation information technologies, industrial networks, etc., the city’s urban conglomerates. Launching the National Technology and Innovation Centre in Kyoto, leading to a three-way process of in-depth cooperation in the development and use of community-based technology and results. (Unit: Municipal Economics and Informatization Bureau, Municipal Commission, Central Chinese Village Council, City Treasury Council, City Council)


III. Full exercise of the power of corporate initiative and continuous upgrading of high-precision industrial development capabilities


(i) Promoting the continued development of corporate health


To support the development of technological and technological breakthroughs in smart cities such as smart transportation, smart business circles, smart neighborhoods, and smart family applications. To guide the transformation of technological and technological applications in high-profile enterprises, to support companies and national laboratories, national focus laboratories, new research institutions, universities and other institutions, to speed up the expansion of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, sector chains, production systems, processing devices, etc., and to support the participation of local enterprises in new computing systems. To support the promotion of digital retail, social power, online gymnasy, online therapy, cloud tourism, cloudy tourism and other digital economic models, to expand the “Internet+” waste landscape, to speed up the advancement of household life and publicization of homes.


(ii) Support for innovative business development


Increased financial support for innovative business ventures, increased access to S funds based on the Beijing Stock Exchange, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the Beijing Stock Exchange, expanded and purchased second-tier market transactions, supported financial institutions to work with external investment agencies in accordance with the law, and actively explored multiple models of financial services, led private equity funds, innovative investment institutions, and increased support for corporate ventures.


To accelerate progress in the financing of the Beijing City Science and Technology Programme, to revise the financial support policy of the China-China Development Reform Committee, the Municipal Fiscal Council, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Council, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Council, the regional governments, etc.


Support for a group of intelligent green digitized technology adaptation projects, as well as the allocation of no more than 30 per cent of the total investment for the eligible “new ingenuity 100” project and the green low-carbon project, and the award of no more than 20 per cent of the contract for the “new ingenuity” digitized capability of small and medium-sized enterprises.


25. Supports the Beijing Stock Exchange by exempting listed companies from annual fees in 2022 and enhancing the delivery of electronized materials in the Nuclear Cycle, with appropriate tolerance for businesses that have experienced a significant decline in their performance as a result of the epidemic. (Responsible units: the Beijing Stock Exchange, the Municipal Financial Supervisory Authority, the Western District Government)


(iii) Development of external trade through the construction of “two zones”


Support for high-technology enterprises such as the “Ten Zones” and the opening and overhaul of the country's high-tech enterprises, the opening of the international market for offshore enterprises registered in the Trade Zone, the strengthening of the security of land, water, energy, etc., and support for the integration of foreign-resource development centres registered in the Central and Central Village Countries for the creation of new areas, in accordance with the relevant regulations. Support for high-technology enterprises such as the “Ten Zones” with technology transfer benefits. Support for high-tech enterprises such as the “Ten Zones” and the opening and overhauling of state-owned enterprises, the opening of international markets for foreign-owned enterprises registered in the Trade Zone, research on the opening of medium- and European classes, the “One thing” integration of services, such as the “Significe of Certification” of the Central and Central Villages, the “One thing” of foreign-owned enterprises with export credit guarantees.


IV. Advance major project development to scale up effective investment


(i) Greater emphasis on investment in the domain


27. Increased investment is needed to accelerate progress in the construction of priority areas and sub-centres, the construction of a batch of building blocks, new energy vehicles, and major projects in the field of medical and health care, such as Beijing's Binz vehicle manufacturing upgrades, the Tokyo Center for Life Technology and Innovation.


28. Initiation of the city’s renewal of investment and promotion of the city’s renewal regulations, the creation of a system of cross-cutting planning and implementation that would lead to a reasonable mix of residential functions, land-use compatibility and building conversions. The inventory country has a policy of land incentives, such as the use of built-in land, and a mix of functions.


29. Development of an implementation program for the development of modern-day infrastructure and infrastructure systems, to compile a list of major projects in the field of rail transport, energy, water services, logistics facilities, etc., and to report early on on the three phases of rail traffic that allow for the implementation of supporting provisions.


(ii) Sustained mobilization of private investment


During the course of the year, two public launches were made to the public to promote the participation of key players in the public domain, with a total investment of more than $100 billion by the end of June 2022. Support was given to a reasonable expansion of the capital base, focusing on strategic industries and major projects in the city. (Responsible units: Municipal Development Reform Commission, Municipal State Property Commission, regional governments)


(iii) Increased efficiency of investment projects


In the first half of the year, the second batch of commodity housing has been centralized by means of land rehabilitation and municipal financing. In the second half of the year, the second batch of commodity housing has been completed, and the second batch of secure housing has been completed, and the next six months has been made more intensive. The next six months have seen the opening and construction of secure housing projects.


Strengthening major projects to plan a reserve that combines two major investment poolings over the course of the “14th Five-Year Plan year, in order to prepare for pre-trial work, implement elements guarantees, and initiate an early start of work on major projects in the period of review and approval, leading to a rolling-over system of “implementing, storing, and scheming”. (Responsible units: Municipal Development Reform Commission, relevant line ministries, Beijing Governing Board for the Development of Economics and Technology, regional governments)


V. Accelerating the recovery of bulk and new forms of consumption and building on the potential of consumption


(i) Big push for bulk costs such as cars


33. The purchase of 2.0 litres of single-car prices (excluding value added tax) and less than $300,000 per vehicle between 1 June and 31 December 2022, with a reduction of half of the tax on cars. A number of measures have been taken to facilitate the circulation of used cars, to improve the policy of phasing out old motor vehicles. By the end of 2022, the cancellation or transfer of vehicles registered in the city for more than one year in his name, the purchase of new vehicles in the city's automobiles by firms and companies, and the sale of new energy in the city's own cars, and the payment of no more than 10,000 yuan/subsidies by individual consumers on the market, with 50 per cent of the amount required by the city's two-tier fiscal divisions. (Unit of responsibility: the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Beijing Municipal Tax Administration, the City Transport Board, the City Environment Agency, the City Public Security Bureau of Public Security, the City Bureau of Economics and Information, the City Treasury, the Beijing Economics and Technology Board, and the regional governments.)


In keeping with its intellectual information system, it is necessary to create a “white list” system of home-based businesses and home-dressing employees, and to provide for the “screwing” of employees' “three-way inspection” requirement to safely and orderly home-dressing, home-based and home-based housing, and to effectively carry out home rental, home-based and home-based electricity-discharges.


(ii) New consumption of positive growth numbers


35. Develop a programme for the promotion of digital consumer upgrading, including the urgent need for jobs in the telecom industry in the relevant human resources catalogue of the city, and encourage the districts to give rent supplements and financial incentives to qualified and high-quality live electricity service providers. Promote public and household Internet-based cost reductions. A new collection of green-coloured coupons will allow companies to participate in the business, increase the number of suitable electronic commodity models, extend the period of policy implementation, and open up the development and promotion of smart offices, smart households, and the end-of-life of mobile wisdom. (Responsible units: Municipal Economics and Information Management Agency, Municipal Business Office, Municipal Human Resources Social Security Agency, Municipal Communications Authority, Municipal Treasury, Beijing Economic Technology Development District Board, regional governments)


(iii) Promotion of food and cultural recreation


36. In order to promote the revival of the catering industry, the Consortium has issued food and drink vouchers for the flat business, which were reduced in June 2022 by the company, to compensate for the cut-off costs associated with the temporary suspension of meals and drinks. A maximum of 50% of the funding is allocated to the catering industry, which is included in the city-wide life service development programme and supports it.


The 10th Precious People's Cultural Week is being held, and cultural spending is being promoted. Tourist enterprises, travel agencies are being encouraged to launch summer sports programmes for young people outside their homes, science courses, culture, and so on.


Six, take measures and open up wide access to employment, hold on to the bottom of social life .


(i) Strengthened focus group employment services


38. Over the past two years, the city has seen a certain increase in the number of graduates from higher education institutions and a steady increase in the number of graduates from higher education institutions.


The policy is implemented up to the end of 2022. (Responsible: Municipal Department of Human Resources Social Security, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Board of Education, Beijing Board of Economics and Technology Development, Regional Government)


In the year, 50,000 new workers from rural villages will be insured for urban jobs. (Intensifying cross-regional interfaces and supporting services, improving access to urban resources, giving priority to rural labour.)


41. To expand the community’s efforts to recruit workers from the off-the-shelf industries such as boarding drinks, cultural entertainment, travel fairs, educational training and retailing, and to work as part of the community’s prevention and control of the epidemic, and to provide appropriate supplements. To use a common platform, and to meet the demand for industrial transfers, to support the flat companies in providing jobs and jobs for affected businesses such as meals, literary tours, fairs and so forth, and to develop new job-oriented job safety and protection sites from the workforce. (Responsible units: Municipal Human Resources Social Security Bureau, Municipal Civil Administration, Municipal Economic and Information Services, Municipal Business Administration, Municipal Financial Administration, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Board, regional governments)


(ii) Improvement of urban safety practices


A three-year plan of action to strengthen the Public Health Emergency Management System in the capital city has been put in place to improve the preparedness of disease-control infrastructure, such as district self-war, “school self-war” emergency response mechanisms.


Social assistance and security standards and price increases have increased by around 3% throughout the year. Social assistance and security standards and price increases have been introduced, with short-term discounts in time for the start-up of prices. A reasonable increase in the minimum subsistence standards of the city in 2022. (Responsible units: Municipal Development Reform Commission, Municipal Civil Administration, Municipal Financial Administration, Municipal Veterans Bureau, Municipal Human Resources Social Security Bureau, Municipal Business Office, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Council, regional governments)


44. Guarantee food, energy security, and the timely release of a one-time subsidy for the actual food farmers, which, in the light of market conditions, triggers food purchases and ensures that food, soybeans, vegetables and vegetables are distributed to more than 1 million acres, 42,000 acres, and 750,000 acres.


45. Intensifies the operation of special security measures, conducting major city-wide security inspections, preventing traffic, construction, gas, etc., and conducting self-constructed home safety inspections, in order to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property. (Responsible units: Municipal Emergency Response Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Administration, Municipal Housing Town and Village Construction Board, Municipal Urban Management Board, Municipal Fire and Rescue Unit, Beijing Economic and Technological Development District Board, Regional Government)


This implementation programme shall be effective from the date of its publication until 31 December 2022 (the relevant national regulations, or specific measures, if any, to implement them).


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