藥材好 藥才好(道地藥材巡禮·四川篇)

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Chinese medicine is the foundation of Chinese medicine’s heritage and development, and dodic medicine is a representative of my country’s traditional good medicine. Sichuan, as the Chinese medicine bank, has a unique topography that gives birth to a rich supply of Chinese medicine and a reputation for “no medicine is easy.”


In recent years, the Sichuan Provincial Council and the provincial government have given high priority to the development of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, integrating Chinese medicine fully into the Sichuan Economic and Social Development Agency, and playing an important role in the development of the 100-billion-grade medical and health industry's “promotion multiplier” and urban-rural integration. This reporter has recently interviewed the Sichuan Medical Administration's party secretary, Director Taning, and asked him to provide information on the situation.


The drugs have been exported to over 20 countries and regions in the United States, Italy, etc.


Reporter: What's the speciality of the Sichuan Dynasty? What is the place in the national Dharma Dynasty Bank? Where is the importance of the Tchikawa Dynasty?


There are more than 9,000 types of Chinese medicine, 86 types of Dato’s medicine, and 312 items, all of which are the country’s largest. In 2023, 8,48 million acres were planted in the province, with agricultural production valued at $38,34 billion.


On the domestic market, dots, dots, dots, dots, dots, dots, dots, dots, dots, and mothers account for more than 90% of the country’s market share.


On the international market, Sichuan medicine and extracts have been exported to more than 20 countries, including the United States, Italy, Australia, Japan, Korea and Singapore. Exports in 2022 amounted to $257 million, 20.24 per cent more than in 2020.


Third, the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is well organized, and the manufacturing industry is well developed. At present, 154 Chinese pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies of the province’s scale above receive $26,922 million, 93 Chinese pharmaceutical companies of the same scale earn $28,922 million, and 55,844 million Chinese pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical businesses of the same scale earn 35.4 per cent of the country’s top pharmaceutical industry.


We're building a drug resource base in one of the largest countries in the country.


Reporter: Some have unique efficiency and market demand, but are also rare and dangerous. How can industrial development be made more productive and sustainable?


Tianjun: The Sichuan Medical and Drug Department has made a serious effort to ensure that the provincial government decides to deploy the drug industry, to maintain the standard guidelines, to strengthen the use of resources, to rationally plan drug-planting areas, to improve the structure of drug-planting, and to promote the development of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry.


The Sichuan Department of Health and Medicine and the provincial and municipal regulatory boards set up the China Medical and Technical Commission for the Standardization of Medicines and Medicines. In addition, a series of Chinese medical and pharmaceutical standards have been issued, including the Chinese Medical Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines and Medicines in China and China.


The second is the continuous enhancement of the conservation and use of resources. A survey of drug resources is being conducted to map the bottoms of the Chinese drug stock in Sichuan province. A foundation for the development of the Chinese drug varieties needed for essential drugs in the country has been established, focusing on the development and production of more than 10 varieties of drug products such as the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the mother, the child, the child, and the mother, and the child.


Third, there is a rational scheme for the production of pharmaceutical products. The Sichuan Development Plan (2018-2025) has been published, which sets out the plan to combine regional resource advantages and divides the province into four sustainable, diversified and distinctive medium-pharmaceutical production regions.


In line with the Sichuan provincial government’s programme of action for the creation of a new and higher-level “Skyuan barn”, the Sichuan province has been working with the Sichuan Forest and Herb Bureau to promote the development of forest medicine. Breaking through the key technologies of forest medicine development to provide technological support for the development of the industry.


Increased research on genetic identification, selection of new products, etc.


Reporter: How can technological innovation be effectively enhanced and technological wings embedded in the development of pharmaceutical products?


In recent years, we have been fully engaged in technological innovation, with the creation of the China Medicines Development Risks Fund, and the establishment of the country’s first home-based medical transition institute. In 2023, five countries, such as China’s new drugs, such as Qin Weibo, China’s anti-pulmonary maintenance, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease, have been tested.


In the next step, we will take a firm approach to the development of the country’s medium- and medium-sized drug-reform pilot zone and Chinese medicine department, and will concentrate our efforts on multiplying the quality of the Chinese medicine industry. First, we will make full use of the Chen Slim team’s Benhexetic Group to study excellence and leadership, to reveal the causes and causes of the heritage of medicinal products, to deconstruct the source of the effects, to continuously increase research in genetic validation, new seeding, bio-synthesis, middle-drug evaluation, and discovery of new medicines, and to assist in the development of high-quality medicinal materials in Liagawa Province.


The second is to support universities, research institutes, businesses, etc. in the development of a new technology platform for Chinese medicine and medicine that integrates the whole chain, focusing on the core technology of industry development, the development of large varieties, etc., and to set up a set of “show-and-show” research projects.


Third is the strengthening of medical information infrastructure to accelerate cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the use of the chain in the Chinese medicine field.


Reporter: Good medicine, good medicine. The quality of Chinese medicine is directly related to the efficacy of Chinese medicine. How do you guarantee that Chinese medicine will be grown in a way that allows production to take place? What does Sichuan do in this respect?


The United Forest and Herb Bureau of Sichuan Province has identified 10 demonstration sites for the sustainable planting of medicinal plants in forest herbs and promoted the sustainable planting of medicinal plants in forest herbs throughout the province.


The National Platform-Provincial Platform-Provincial Platform-Provincial Platform-Provincial Platform-Provincial Platform is linked to the National Drug Retroactivity System, which promotes the planting, processing, circulation, and use of the full-range retroactive system. 229 state-level operators, 335 plant sites, 82 product varieties, 460,000 acres have been established.


Pushing into macro-regulation to ensure a balance in the supply of potion.


Reporter: For farmers of dodgy medicine, the price is the most volatile. How to prevent dodgy drug prices from going up and down? How to help do the dodgy growers actually increase their production?


The first is the establishment of a system of surveillance and pre-screening of Chinese pharmaceutical products, using the Chinese price index of the market for pharmaceutical products in the China-China Drug Field Information Centre and the Chengdu Flower Pool, which provides the basis for a review of the province’s environment for the planting, processing, distribution, consumption and other aspects of pharmaceutical products.


The second is the establishment of a well-established multilayered system of insurance for the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, which actively expands the range and area of insurance for the Chinese drug industry, further meets the market risk protection needs of the growers and stabilizes the confidence of the growers.


The third is the strengthening of the market inspections, which investigate the illegal price hikes on the illegal accumulation of medicines, focusing on the opening of price checks on the unusual increase in the prices of Chinese drugs, and the imposition of severe penalties for violations of the laws and regulations.


An active marketing cooperation platform has been set up to ensure market transparency.


One is to build a cooperative platform for marketing products, to promote direct linkages between growers, businesses and medical institutions, and to promote models such as “customized drug parks” “shared sharing”, which link supply and consumption directly, reduce the middle circle, and further stabilize the market price of pharmaceutical products.


The second is the construction of a “storage” model for site-based drugs, which combines the government and the supply side, demand side, and service end into an industry-based consortium, with transparency in “price transparency, quality transparency, process transparency” and a “benefit-sharing, responsibility-sharing, risk-sharing” scheme that mitigates the impact of market price volatility.


The third is the introduction of the Sichuan State capital to establish a limited liability company for investing in the pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries in Sichuan province, with a reserve of $3 billion, to fully leverage provincial investment platforms, and to optimize the integration of upstream and downstream resources into the industry chain, with a role for the country as the backbone of business in stable prices.





South River County, Sichuan Province


Insurance gold and silver.


Silver and silver flowers from the South River, medicine from the Nanjiang county in Sichuan Province, and the Chinese national geographical logo, mainly produced at the depths of Bashan, 800 to 1,400 metres above sea level, are of natural and odoury quality, with the effect of heat-free summer, thirst-free life, and good health-care drinking products.


In 2023, the insurance policy covered a total of 37634.4 acres of local gold and silver, providing a risk guarantee of $37.63 million.


In June 2023, a heavy storm and storm hit the South River County, causing large numbers of flowers to fall and losses to farmers. The safety risk immediately triggered a fast-track system, which hit farmers with first-time payments and a cumulative amount of 10.89 million dollars for 23 affected farmers to help them recover.


At 7 a.m. on 13 June 2023, the head of the Yuen Poshan family farm in South River County reported the case to the company’s agricultural risk worker.




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