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USDT暴跌7.5% 导致比特币等其它主流币大涨

USDT fell by 7.5%, causing other mainstream currencies like Bitcoin to rise


Last afternoon, USDT fell sharply, reaching 7.5%, and fell by 0.88 dollars, while large sums of money poured into the purchase of mainstream currency, such as bitcoin. The short-line rise was particularly significant, with a 24-hour increase of almost 15%, after a short-term rise of Bitcoins, which broke through the $7,500 threshold, and nearly 10% in the first 50 currencies in almost 24 hours.

哈佛招生歧视亚裔 美国联邦地区法院开庭审理

Harvard Admissions Discrimination Against Asians United States Federal District Court sitting at


Harvard University, accused of deliberately discriminating against Asian applicants in the process of admission for many years, opened the case on 15 days in the United States Federal District Court in Boston. The case was heard by federal judge Alison Bølles, whose team of lawyers gave separate statements on the same day. Counsel for the prosecution argued that Harvard University, in over-considering ethnic considerations in admissions, had adopted a de facto racial quota, rigid racial bias and higher admission criteria, deliberately discriminating against Asian applicants to control the number of Asians.

长春长生被罚91亿 向问题疫苗受害者单人最高赔偿65万

Long Spring Long Lives is fined $9.1 billion, up to 650,000 per person for vaccine victims.


On 16 October, the National Institute of Medicine and the Jillin Provincial Food and Pharmacy Authority imposed various administrative penalties on the Long Spring Longborn Company. The National Drug and Monitoring Service imposed fines totalling $9.1 billion for three offences. Longborn organisms announced that the large fines resulting from the sanctions could result in the company's risk of suspension or withdrawal from the market, with a lump sum compensation of $200,000/person for general disability; $500,000/person for severe disability or paralysis; and $650,000/person for death.


informed sources claim that FF's two subsidiaries refused to turn to the traffic seal.


According to close-to-history sources, Beijing's wisdom and Shanghai Fayyam, which are now fully-owned subsidiaries of Greater Faraday (Guangdong), refused to hand over their business and financial chapters to a large party, which is one of the reasons why their employees were required to re-sign labour contracts. He also stated that during the transfer process, the same number of jobs, salaries, and positions were provided by large parties, so there were no proactive reductions.

小米将于10月25日发布小米MIX 3,为全球首批5G商用手机

On October 25, .

小米宣布将于10月25日发布小米MIX 3,小米手机官方微博称,小米MIX 3是全球首批5G商用手机。从官宣的海报中可以看到,小米MIX3 将采用滑盖式的设计。而且下巴超窄,屏占达接近90%.与OPPO Find X的半升降式不同,小米将前置镜头集成了在了滑盖面板上,整体向上滑动就可以使用。

Mi announced that MiIX3 would be released on October 25th, and MiIX3 was the first 5G commercial mobile phone in the world. As can be seen from the official poster, MiIX3 will be designed in a slippery cap. And the chin is extremely narrow, with a half-litre drop of close to 90%. Unlike OPPO Find X, the millet combines the forward lens on the slide panel and the whole slide can be used.

华为发Mate 20系列手机

Sends Mate 20-series cell phones

华为昨日正式在英国伦敦发布Mate系列新品Mate 20、Mate 20 Pro、Mate 20 RS保时捷设计。屏幕方面,Mate 20系列均采用全面屏,其中普通版为水滴屏,其他版本为刘海屏。三款手机均采用后置三摄设计,搭载麒麟980处理器。

Yesterday, China officially released the Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, and Mate 20 RS Porsche designs for the Mate series in London. On screen, the Mate 20 series uses a full screen, the normal version being the drip screen and the other version being the Liu Seascreen.


wants to increase its Indian smartphone production ninefold


According to the external media, the company plans to increase its smartphone production in India by ninefold, to one million per month, by 2019, according to the top pipe Tuesday, in association with PC computers and smartphone manufacturers. The increase in production does not include the production of Motorola branded mobile phones under the umbrella of the association. The company has established an exclusive partnership with the Indian power provider, Philipkat, to sell joint mobile phones in India through this platform.


Apples' new bug: photos can be sent to others using VoiceOver under a lock screen

据中国香港地区媒体报道,有业余iOS黑客发现iOS新漏洞,只要利用VoiceOver功能,就能在iPhone锁屏的情况下,查看当中照片并发送出去,此漏洞在最新的iOS 12.0.1尚未修复。科技网站AppleInsider用安装最新iOS 12.0.1系统的iPhone X及iPhone XS,成功入侵两部手机,证实了该漏洞的存在。

According to regional media reports in Hong Kong, China, there are amateur iOS hackers who have discovered a new iOS bug, which can be viewed and sent on an iPhone screen, using the Voiceover function, and which has not been repaired in the latest iOS 12.0.1. The technology website AppleInsider, using iPhone X and iPhone XS to install the latest iOS 12.01 system, successfully invaded two mobile phones, confirming the existence of the bug.


Uber or at the beginning of next year's IPO, with investments valued at up to $120 billion


According to informed sources, Uber recently received a proposal from Wall Street Bank, valued at $12 billion in a possible IPO at the beginning of next year, almost twice the value of Uber in the previous round of financing two months ago. According to informed sources, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley submitted a valuation programme to Uber last month. These documents usually provide advice on how to allocate stocks to potential investors, which is a common step before banks are formally hired to cover IPO operations.


The theft of Facebook data affects 3 million European users, with a fine of up to $1.63 billion


According to external sources, the Irish Data Protection Commission reported on Tuesday that some 3 million European users had been affected by the security invasion on Facebook in September. The social network could be fined up to $1.63 billion.


New Zealand Air and Larry Page Investment Co. pushed an electric flight vehicle

新西兰航空周二宣布,将与谷歌创始人拉里·佩奇投资的飞行汽车创业公司Zephyr Airworks合作,计划在该国境内推出无人驾驶电动飞行出租车。 新西兰航空在一份声明中写道:“合作将为所有新西兰人民带来无人驾驶的电动空中旅行。”两家公司目前没有公布任何合作方案的细节,也没有公布任何在新西兰上空推出电动飞行出租车的时间框架。

New Zealand Airlines announced on Tuesday that, in cooperation with Zephyr Airworks, a flying car company invested by Google’s founder, Larry Pec, plans to launch an unmanned electric taxi in the country. In a statement, New Zealand Airlines wrote: “Cooperation will bring unmanned electric air travel to all New Zealanders.” The companies have not yet published details of any cooperation programme, nor a time frame for the launch of an electric taxi over New Zealand.

Epoch Partners Limited宣布全球首个与加密货币相关的IPO

Epoch Partners Limited announced the first global IPO related to encrypted currency

总部位于开曼群岛的投资公司Epoch Partners Limited宣布了世界上第一个与加密货币相关的IPO。该基金的证券登记声明已于9月下旬提交给日本金融厅的的官方披露系统EDINET。根据官方发布的公告披露,此次IPO的认购额将达到1000亿日元,约合9亿美元左右。

The Fund’s securities registration statement was submitted to the Japanese Financial Office’s official disclosure system, EDINET, in late September. According to an official announcement, this IPO subscription would amount to 100 billion yen, or about $900 million.


Fuday invested in the establishment of a digital asset service company to encrypt currency transactions


According to Reuters, Fuda announced on Monday that a new company, Fuda Digital Assets Services, had been launched for its institutional clients to trade and store digital assets, such as Bitcoin. The company would conduct encrypted currency electronic transactions on behalf of hedge funds, family businesses and other financial institutions. The company would initially provide trading services in two of the largest encrypted currencies, Bitcoins and others, and plans to expand the asset list next year.


Tea Drinking Classification and Tea Analysis?


Forward-looking Industry Researcher : First, let us look at the characteristics of tea consumption in our country through an interesting phenomenon theory in the Chinese tea industry:


The senior tea branding consultant and founder of the National Tea Laboratory, the army, once had a model of the “one-third Chinese tea consumption theory”, in which one third of the tea was not sold, left on the production end and on the consumption end; and the other two thirds were successfully sold. But half of the tea sold to the user was not consumed. The reason behind this is that consumers keep opening new tea without drinking the already-opened tea, which is called “sinking”.


Some of the one-third of the tea that is not sold at the end of production translates into tea that can be stored over a long period of time, such as tea, tea, and so on. The reason is that the tea that is produced is not effectively released, which leads to a “one-third phenomenon” from the end of consumption, where only one-third of Chinese tea is effectively consumed.


Secondly, we look at the classification and status of tea, which can be divided into traditional tea sullen teas and new teas (e.g. teas).


For a long time, the traditional tea culture, while providing rich spiritual wealth, has somewhat constrained the consumption of tea, with complex processes and sophisticated tea sets holding young consumers back. The emergence of new teashows suggests that the tea industry has moved away from traditional tea culture into modern, fashionable, popular consumption models.


In 2017, the tea structure continued to improve. In 2017, the share of green tea in total production continued to decline to 61.0%; the ratio of black tea and white tea continued to rise.


The breakdown shows that tea products in the internal market are fine-tuned, but the pattern remains stable, with green tea still the dominant type of tea, with faster growth in black, red and white tea.


In the last few years, traditional Chinese tea and milk tea forces have been extended to “new tea” and have triggered a large-scale market expansion. According to incomplete statistics, the potential market for new tea has reached nearly 50 billion yuan, more than 50% of the coffee industry that has grown in China’s market for 20 years.


By the end of 2017, China had 440,000 existing restaurants, 30,000 more than in 2016, with an annual growth rate of 7 per cent. Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen ranked among the top three cities in the country by 16420, 15225 and 1,4125, respectively.


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