比特币美金价实时_比特币 美金价

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比特币美金价实时_比特币 美金价

所谓比特币期权,就是对比特币未来涨跌进行预测, 本质上与现货一样,只不过支持买涨买跌。操作上,预期看涨则买涨,预期看跌则买跌。

The bitcoin option is to predict the future of the bitcoin, essentially the same as the spot, but only in support of the buy-up and the buy-down. Operationally, the expectation of the increase is the buy-up, the expectation of the drop-off is the buy-off.


What is the difference between options and spot?


For example, BitOffer's first global bitcoin option, no security, no fee, no right to move!


One, off-the-shelf, $7,500 to buy a bitcoin.


Two, options. Five dollars to buy a bitcoin.


Bitcoins increased from 7,500 to $8,000, cash made $500, options made $500.


The benefits are the same, but the cost difference is 1,500 times.


How exactly does the bitcoin options work?


For example, Bitcoin is now worth $7,500, and you think it's going to go up in the next hour, so you open a one-hour option, costing 10 USDTs. As expected, Bitcoin has increased by $500 in an hour, the one-hour maturity system is automatically settled, and you get 500 USDTs in return, 50 times more than the principal.


This is the case with options, as with spot-based calculation of profit spaces, except that no full payment is required and only a small down payment is required.



You sold btc to 700w and then you didn't want to go to work.


If you don't want it, you won't get it.


You can still make a contract deal with 700w, and you want to go to work because of the loss.


Be optimistic, maybe 10 times more.


I have 20 bitcoins, and I don't want to go to work. One bitcoin has now risen to $64 million, equivalent to more than 400,000 yuan. Twenty pieces are more than 8 million, and the bank has more than 100,000 interest a year.

恭喜你可以不上班了,但并非财务自由,可以 旅游 干点自己喜欢的事,但必须理财,不过大概率你都干不了,为啥?因为我早已看穿你次牛逼的本质,哈哈

Congratulations on dropping out of work, but it's not financial freedom, it's travel, it's going to do what you like, but it's going to take care of the money, but probably you can't do it.


I've been hearing a lot lately about the luck money and finally the power loss. So it's better if you take it easy.


In terms of bitcoin prices in the recent period, Bitcoin has reached a maximum of $61,800. At the exchange rate of 1:6.5, it equals 400,000 yuan. Twenty bitcoins are equivalent to 8 million. This money is a lot of money for the working people. You can stop working, but first of all, you have to get it in your hands. Before you get it, it's just an asset, it's floating, and he's going to fall, and he's going to shrink. At this point, Bitcoin is already at a very high level. There's not much room for an increase. Even if the United States releases water again in 2021, this wave of water release is likely to be a big bear.


That's why I advise you to make it happen, to get the money in your hands, and to get the money in your hands, that's the way you really say goodbye to the working people.


Twenty bitcoins.


If you sell at the highest point of $64,843.03, you will have $129,6860.6 equivalent to $8,277990.9.


Even at a current price of $36160 per piece, you'll have $723,200, equivalent to $4616257.92.


The price of bitcoin a few years ago is not as high as it is this year, even now at 35,000.


On September 2, 2017, Bitcoin passed a new height of $4810. On December 19, it amounted to $18,824.


Between January 2018 and October 2020, Bitcoin remained at $10,000.

今年1月10日,比特币突破40000美金,刷新了 历史 记录。2月19日,比特币再破51000美金新高。4月14日,比特币上涨到64843.03美金。

On January 10 this year, Bitcoin broke $40,000 and updated its history. On February 19, Bitcoin broke another $51,000 in new heights. On April 14, Bitcoin rose to $64,843.03.



If you're satisfied, this city will be free of wealth. The rest of your life is to eat and drink and do whatever you want.


Keep your head down. Keep your head down.


I don't want to go to work either, but I'm not as lucky as you are, and there are 20 BTBs. Honestly, if I had 20 bitcoins, I'd go to work. Now it's worth a while. Who can guarantee that it's going to go up. If it's me, I can sell a portion of 10, and I can use it to make money, buy real estate, buy shares, etc.


You've got a lot of bitcoin out of work, now it's more than 300,000, 67 million.


20 bitcoins, calculated by OKEx in real time: it's about 6 million now. It's about 7.49 million at the top. I have to say, it's impressive, and most people can't make it in their lives.


So the real question is: is the $6 million that sustains your present and future life?


The question needs to be considered in two ways: first, the level of consumption in your city, and what kind of life you think about. Second, how do you use that money to achieve compound benefits?


If you're in the first or the new city, you're advised to go back to work... if you're in the small county town, normal consumption is enough for the rest of your life. If you're single now, you're advised to go back to work, because marriage, children, parents are old, houses... there's a lot of continuous spending. And from a stable point of view, it's more work-oriented.


As for how to use this money, if you're in a small city, you can deposit it directly with a bank, with interest of about 100,000 per cent per year, which is higher than normal working income. That's enough to support rational consumption. If you want to continue investing, suggest that the principal be raised first and then regularly. Stability is the king.


It's a complicated question, but let's think about it. It's important to note that there's a lot of luck in investing, and being a survivor doesn't mean that we can keep making money.

#比特币# #区块链# #投资#

# Bitcoin # # block chain # # investment #


Having 20 bitcoins is a good thing, you can make it out first, equivalent to about 700w yuan, and it's a very substantial amount of money, I have to say.


You can be free of wealth by making it happen.


One, you can choose to invest in finance.

2 旅游 享受生活(但到头来还是会穷)

2 Tourism Enjoying Life (but in the end it'll be poor)


3 spend this money fighting their dreams to be the winner of their lives.


But whether you end up working or not, I want you to have your own life and be happy.


I've known bitcoin in 11 years, but I won't look after bitcoin, and I've heard about bitcoin all the time.



Wen Jie-hwan!


In fact, after the outbreak of the conflict in Russia, the encoded currency fell across the line, with BTC falling by about $35,000, BTC falling by about 10 per cent per day and seven days by 20.4 per cent, while 151,000 people lost 510 million in the last 24 hours. Not only did Bitcoin's “creaking” and other encrypted currencies were “bloodwashed” by 10-20 per cent.


Bitcoin has always been seen as a tool for risk avoidance, but the war has come to a low level. Compared to the low performance of the “digital gold” bitcoin, real gold has gone into the air, and cash gold, driven by money avoidance, has stood up on 24 days for US$ 1950/ounces, refreshing its height since January last year. Gold has shown real risk avoidance in relation to bitcoin.


The technical impact of the Soviet war on bitcoin is minimal.

乌克兰、俄罗斯境内的比特币算力、交易量在全球总量中占比都很小。算力方面,有传言乌克兰最大比特币矿场被俄制导弹击中,目前矿场离线,算力下降33%。但根据欧科云链链上大师数据显示,目前比特币全网算力并无太大变化,为197.18EH/s,24小时内只下降了1.6%。从交易量看,根据Coinhills数据显示,最近24小时全球比特币交易总量达530561.39 BTC。俄罗斯卢布的比特币交易量以526.89 BTC排名第九,乌克兰货币格里夫纳的比特币交易量为170.29 BTC,位列第13。

In terms of computing, there are rumours that Ukraine’s largest bitcoin mine was hit by a Russian-made missile, which is now offline, with a 33% reduction in capacity. However, according to the master data on the Ocowin chain, there is no significant change in Bitcoin’s full network capacity, which is currently 197.18 EH/s, a decrease of only 1.6% in 24 hours, based on the volume of transactions, according to Coinhills, in the last 24 hours the total number of global Bitcoin transactions was 530561.39 BTC. Russian Lub’s bitco’s volume is 9th in 526.89 BTC, and Ukraine’s currency Griffna’s Bitco’s volume is 170.29 BTC, ranking 13.


Prior to China's strictest regulatory order, the mining activities in Bitcoin accounted for more than 65 per cent of the total net capacity; the second United States for 7.24 per cent and the third Russia for 6.90 per cent; the fourth Kazakhstan for 6.17 per cent; the fifth Malaysia for 4.33 per cent; and the sixth Iran for 3.82 per cent. Other countries accounted for no more than 1 per cent of the total net capacity.


Thus, the Russian-Ukrainian war itself is not technically enough to cause great fluctuations in bitcoin behaviour, more so in the market itself.


Bitcoin has always been seen by currency circles as a “digital gold” “risk-free asset.” Bitcoin does have some attributes of gold: it is based on consensus, which transcends national boundaries; it is a decentralized centre of departure, with no issuing agency.


But is that true?

在疫情期间,各国为了对抗疫情,拯救本国经济,大量注入流动性,导致全球资产牛市。2020年,美国机构资金大量进入加密货币,币价走势和美国金融市场、 科技 股出现了高度相关性。从这个角度,比特币的疫情牛市,并不是因为市场对疫情的避险,恰好相反,是因为其投机性迎合了疫情期间流动性泛滥。

In 2020, US agencies invested heavily in encrypted currency, currency price movements, and high relevance to US financial markets, technology, and equity. From this perspective, the market in Bitcoin’s Epidemic Cattle is not safe from the epidemic, but, on the contrary, it is speculative in keeping with the surge in liquidity during the epidemic.


Prices are inflated and, naturally, rebounded, with countries starting to contract their liquidity as the world economy emerges from the epidemic. Bitcoin continued its slump at the end of the year in early 2022. After entering February 2022, Bitcoin slowly rebounded to $46,000, followed by a consecutive downswing of more than 30 per cent of the intra-monthly earthquake. So, from this period, Bitcoin is still in the recovery phase.


In the run-up to the Bitcoin retreat, Ukraine’s crisis has become more intense, geopolitical tensions, and wars have erupted, generating panic. Not only has this panic driven the markets of bitcoin, stock markets, and so forth, but it has also pushed the gold of traditional hedge assets to surge, reaching their highest levels since the beginning of 2021, and the crude oil, grain, and so on.


Emotions, while subjective, have their own logical basis for objective facts.

比特币并不那么适合风险中的交易。在区块链中,区块会对这段时间的交易数据进行打包并广播。如果是每十分钟产生一个 1MB 大小的区块,每笔交易需要 250B 来存储数据,那么,1MB 只能存放 4194 个交易数据(Transaction),也就是说,10分钟处理4194个交易,一秒钟最多处理 7 笔交易。显然,这个速度是无法满足全球的正常交易需求。当整个比特币网络交易数量过多,区块容量接近上限,比特币网络拥堵,比特币的交易就会变慢。这种缓慢的交易,实际上推高了交易成本——时间。过长的交易时间,使得它无法进行小额交易——在逃命中,你无法为了加油等待1小时;也无法为了兑换货币等待一小时。但黄金的分割性更强,简单的计量工具就可以支持从数百元到数万元的交易,这一点古人都做得很好,已经被人类 历史 所证明。

Bitcoin does not fit much for transactions in risk. In the block chain, blocks package and broadcast transaction data for this period. If a block of 1MB size is created every 10 minutes, 250 B for each transaction is needed to store data, then 1MB can only store 4194 transaction data, i.e. 10 minutes handles 4194 transactions, i.e. a maximum of 7 transactions in 10 seconds. This speed is clearly not enough to meet normal global transaction needs. When the entire Bitcoin network is too large, the block capacity is close to the upper limit, and the Bitcoin network is crowded, transactions are slower. This slow transaction actually pushes up transaction costs — time. The length of the transaction makes it impossible for it to make small transactions — in case of escape, you cannot wait an hour to refuel; you cannot wait an hour to exchange money. But the gold is much more fragmented, and simple measurement tools can support transactions from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars, which the ancients have done well, as human history has shown.


More importantly, by virtue of its decentralized character, Bitcoins are able to block regulation and make it stronger, so they are extra-national in nature, so they are safe. But, to some extent, bitcoins are still central.


Social media are free, highly mobile, very easily accessible, fast, and can be picked up and read on almost any device with screen and network connections. More importantly, everyone is the audience and the distributor, the essence of which is a de-centralized way of communicating.


The same is true of Bitcoin, which, although it appears to be decentralized, is bound to be affected when regulating the centralized Internet. When real risk comes, it reduces bitcoin's robustness. So-called roughness is the ability of the system to survive in unusual and dangerous situations. For example, the ability of a computer system to function in the event of disk failure, impact, network overloading, and attack is the power of the system.


Gold, by contrast, is truly decentralized and much stronger. Gold storage, trading, does not require any electricity, networks, or trading platforms.


For example, gold is much stronger when governments stop drug dealers, even if they are uncertain, but closing the entire neighbourhood’s network can prevent smooth transactions, but gold-based transactions can still take place clandestinely. So, at a time of low risk, when regional financial systems, power systems, communication systems, and without strong regulation, Bitcoin may become a “avoid” tool.


As a result of this shock, some misperceptions about Bitcoin will emerge. Characteristics such as “de-centralization” of the long-provoked “digital gold” avoidance tool will be rediscovered.


However, with the emergence of new technologies, a decentralized, completely uncontrolled, undeclared hardware network is no longer an illusion in science fiction. For example, mobile phones are not just a link to a router, an operator’s endpoint, but rather a node in the network as a whole, when the block chain is truly decentralized from hardware.


Of course, it is conceivable that the pace of the transaction will still be slow, but at least it will be truly de-centralized, and then the block chain currency will be re-positioned. But this completely de-centralized hardware communication network will change not only the encoded currency, but the world as a whole.


(author, Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law)



The short-line Bitcoin rises by over $59,000, and writes that it is very likely to break through $100,000, because we all know that bitcoin is a very magical currency, and that many people use it to increase their earnings is actually a very good idea, and we must say that we all know that bitcoin prices are very floating, and that this time they are very innovative, and they show everyone the wonders of bitcoin.


One year ago, yesterday was a dark day in the history of Bitcoin, and last year, in 30 minutes, there was a fall of $2,000, the largest fall of which was 44.24 per cent, the second day was still a fall, and the total market value of the virtual currency fell by $200 billion, showing that the risk of bitcoin was still very high, but it had to be said that a very large number of people wanted to rely on bitcoin for wealth, but what we need to note is that much of the money was money that they expected, and if it went beyond their own perception, there would surely be very big problems.


So what we need to pay attention to is that in everyday life, if you choose to invest in bitcoin, you have to pay attention to rational investment, because the risk of that currency is too great, because sometimes it breaks by $100,000 a day, and sometimes falls by $100,000 a day, so it's one of them. The risk is so great that in everyday life we have to be aware that, if you see someone playing bitcoin, you have to stay away from him, because they're either geniuses or lunatics, and they have a lot of geniuses who see bitcoin's horrors after they make money, and they choose to quit, but there are a lot of fools who, when they see Bitcoin up and then buy a lot of them, have to say that there's a lot of people in the world who want to make money by selling them, and it's really not right that we should make our own money through our own hands, and that's the only way to get us a better life, and if we do it in the way of speculating, there's gonna be a lot of negative material for us.


It is also to be hoped that everyone will recognize this, and what we need to note is that there is a choice in everyday life. The funds of the state debt are to manage the money, not the virtual money, because it is not to be responsible for their lives, and we want everyone to be stopped if they run away in their lives and to avoid even more serious problems.



In 2009, when Bitcoins first appeared, the price was less than a cent, and the dollar was worth 1,300 bitcoins, which means that the RMB 7 was worth 1,300 bitcoins. On May 5, 2017, Bitfinex, the overseas platform for digital currency transactions, offered $1,700 in Bitcoin’s plate, amounting to approximately RMB 11737.


The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, designing the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based. Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.


The Bitcoin economy uses distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions, as well as cryptography designs to ensure the security of the money flow chain. The monetary system was only 10.5 million in four years, and the total number will be permanently limited to 21 million.


Bitcoins can be cashed and converted into the currencies of most countries. Users can buy virtual items in bitcoins and, if accepted, in bitcoins for real-life goods.


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