币圈最传奇的故事:一个散户KOL打爆华尔街空头,并暴赚 4000 万

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Roaring Kitty,有史以来最牛的散户交易员之一,他在?$GME 上将 5.3 万美元变成了超过 4600 万美元。隐世三年,他又回来了,并带动了新一轮的 MEME 狂潮,无论是美股还是加密货币,$GME 重新开启登月模式,这是他的故事以及启示。



Roaring Kitty,真名叫 Keith Gill,生于 1986 年,家庭不是大富大贵,也不是名校毕业。大学时,是一名田径明星。2009 年毕业后先是在亲戚家一个做股票分析软件的创业公司打工,后面跳了几次槽,2019 年开始为麻省共同人寿保险公司(MassMutual)工作。

Roaring Kitty, real name Keith Gill, born in 1986, was not a wealthy family, nor a famous school graduate. At college, he was a track star. Graduated in 2009, he worked with an entrepreneurial firm at a relative's house to do stock analysis software, then jumped several times, and started working for MassMutual in 2019.


2014 年,他以「寻找股票并抓住投资机会」为目标创建了自己的 Twitter。2015 年,他还加入了 YouTube,定期进行直播,展示他的交易和市场研究。他还于 2019 年以用户名 DFV (DeepFuckingValue) 加入 Reddit。

in 2014, he created his own Twitter with the goal of "seeking stocks and seizing investment opportunities." In 2015, he joined YouTube, where he regularly broadcasted his trade and market research. He also joined Reddit in 2019 with the user name DFV (DeepFuckingValue).


用今天流行的话来说,Keith Gill 是一个美股 KOL。

in the words popular today, Keith Gill is a beauty kol.


传奇故事的转折发生于 2019 年,Gill 在这个时候开始买入 GME 的股票,据称是他觉得 GME 的股票被严重低估了。

The turn of legend occurred in 2019, when Gill began buying shares of GME, allegedly because he felt that the shares of GME had been seriously underestimated.


当时同样看好 GME 的,还有华尔街大佬 Michael Burry,此人正是《大空头》的主角原型中,一己之力对抗华尔街,做空美国地产次级债最后赚的盆满钵满的神人。不过后来大家才知道,Burry 在 GME 股票发疯前(20 年 4 季度)就清仓了。

The same thing that looked good on GME, and Big Wall Street, Michael Burry, who was one of the main protagonists of Big Empty, who fought Wall Street with his own power and became the full god of America's real estate sub-debts. But it was only then that everyone knew that Burry had cleared himself before the GME stock went mad (20 years and 4 quarters).


最初 Gill 买了大概价值 53000 美元的 GME,建仓价格 5 美元,然后开始在 Reddit 论坛的 WallstreetBets 子论坛上公布自己的持仓,并且在 YouTube 和 Twitter 上大肆宣传,直播讲自己的投资组合和投资策略。

Gill initially bought a GME worth about $53,000, built a warehouse price of $5, then began to announce its own holdings at the Walltreet Bets sub-forum of the Reddit Forum, and made a big campaign on YouTube and Twitter to tell live about its portfolio and investment strategy.




当时 GameStop 还是一家深陷财务泥潭的「烂公司」:当季度亏损超过 8000 万美元,销售额同比下跌 25%,即使裁员和关店也无济于事。

GameStop was still a "bad company" in deep financial quagmire: when the quarterly loss exceeded $80 million, sales fell by 25% the same amount, even when layoffs and lockouts did not help.


有人在他的帖子下留言:「老哥,是什么让你在 GameStop 上投入 5.3 万美元?」Gill 表示,自己始终相信这家公司的未来潜力。

> someone left a message at his post: "What made you invest $53,000 on GameStop?" Gill said he always believed in the company's future potential.


2020 年 7 月,Gill 有了一个足以改变命运的发现:GME 的做空股数量是流通股的 150%。


As a rule, stock is empty, the institution borrows the stock and sells it, and then buys it back at a given date. If stock prices fall, hedge funds can earn a price differential. If stock prices rise and empty stocks have to be bought back, they may push up stock prices, causing them to run.


Gill 发现了其中的机会,空头可能会有轧空风险,做多有机会能赚钱。

strang>Gill discovers opportunities in which there may be a risk of emptiness and opportunities to make money.


他并把这一发现发布在 WSB 版块上,并号召网友一起参与其中,对 Reddit 用户而言,GameStop 也有特别的意义:它曾是许多人童年买游戏的地方。

He posted the discovery on the WSB section and called on web users to join it. For Reddit users, GameStop also has a special meaning: it used to be a place for many children to buy games.


他们的最大的对手盘是 Melcin Capital,一家以做空闻名的对冲基金。

their biggest rival is Melcin Capital, a hedge fund known for being empty.


2021 年 1 月,著名电商公司 Chewy 宣布入股 GME,联合创始人 Ryan Cohen 加盟 GME 董事会,利好刺激下,越来越多散户涌入购买 GME 股票,股价单日最多上涨 50%,单月涨幅接近 700%。

In January 2021, Chewy, a leading electrician company, announced its share in the GME, co-founder Ryan Cohen joined the GME Board of Directors, encouraged by an increasing influx of wholesalers to buy GME stocks, up to 50 per cent of the stock market and close to 700 per cent of the single month's increase.


大涨之下,Melcin Capital 快要扛不住了,传奇做空基金香橼给予援助,注资 Melcin Capital,并宣布一起做空……

In the sky, Melcin Capital is dying.


华尔街的反击愈发激起了散户反抗,这也是一场战争,WSB 上口号响亮:空头必须死!

The Wall Street counter-attacks have given rise to a war in which the WSB slogan is loud: the empty head must die!


1 月 27 日,Melcin Capital 宣布平仓,放弃做空,一个月的资产规模蒸发超 50%,损失高达 68 亿美金,并成为 2008 年金融危机之后净值回撤最疯狂的对冲基金。


至此,散户阶段性胜利,但突然散户常用的交易平台 Robinhood 宣布限制交易,散户无法买入 GME 股票,股价应声下跌。

> >Setting has been a successful phase, but Robinhood, the trading platform commonly used for slobing, has announced that trading is restricted, that the slobs are unable to buy GME shares, and that the share price should fall.


这被视为华尔街开始耍赖皮,不遵守规则,GME 多空大战逐渐演变成为华尔街 VS 散户,两个阶级之间的斗争。

strong > is considered to be the beginning of Wall Street's debauchery, non-compliance with the rules, and the GME multi-air battles have evolved into Wall Street VS scattered, fighting between the two classes.


在这个过程中,Gill 被视为领袖,尽管后来大家发现这 GME 背后并不是单纯的散户力量,但被时代推到风口浪尖的 GIill 俨然成为一个旗帜,散户运动的带头人,他也因此收获了人生中最大的一桶金。

In the process, Gil was seen as a leader, and although it was later discovered that the GME was not simply a force of scattered households, Giall, who was pushed to the top of the world by the times, became a flag, the leader of the scattered movement, and as a result he reaped the largest barrel of gold in his life.


2019 年,5 美元建仓$GME;2021 年,?$GME 达到峰值 483 美元。2021 年 1 月,Gill 在 WSB 曾经贴出的业绩截图显示,其 GME 股票和期权的合计收益超过 3147 万美元,累计持仓达 4600 万美元。

2019, $5 silos $GME; 2021, $GME peaked at $483. , January 2021, Gill posted a performance cut on WSB showing that its GME shares and options together earned more than $3.14 million, with cumulative warehouse holdings amounting to $46 million.





strong's legend is enough to be a "stroking" material for life.



strong" is once a beautiful story, today's world of encryption familiar?


大量 VC 币涌入市场,散户成为 VC 们的退出流动性,于是互不接盘成为潜规则,不购买 VC 币如同几年前 WSB 散户的集体轧空,是一种阶级反抗。

The large amount of VC coins poured into the market, the scattered VCs' exit liquidity became a subterfuge rule, and the non-purchase of VCs, like the collective crash of the WSBs a few years ago, was a class revolt.


散户将注意力转向 MEME,Ansem 等 MEME KOL 在这个周期崛起,他对$WIF 的「传销」贡献有目共睹。

The diaspora turned its attention to MEME, Ansem et al. MEME KOL, which has contributed to the "distribution" of $WIF in this cycle.


如同 $GME 背后有着金融大鳄的支持,但时代与周期依然选中了 Gill 作为代言人,$WIF 也选中了 Ansem 作为代言人,二者相互成就。

like the financial gents behind $GME, but the era and cycle still chose Gill as spokesperson and $WIF as spokesperson for Ansem, both of which are successful.


在 MEME 为主流的市场中,强大的 KOL(或者叫 influencer)有能力影响市场,无论是马斯克还是 Keith Gill,亦或 Ansem,都是 MEME 周期下的超级明星。

strang> in MEME-mainstreamed markets where the powerful KOL (or influencer) has the ability to influence the market, whether it is Mask or Keith Gill, or Ansem, are superstars in the MEME cycle.


内容和影响力是杠杆,散户依然有机会成为超级 KOL,搅动市场,折腾出新天地。

The content and influence are leverages, and there is still a chance for the diaspora to become a super KOL, to stir up the market and free up new horizons.


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