以太坊gas limit什么意思

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"Strong" one, smart contracts are so good, they're not for nothing.


Smart contracts, by definition, refer to contracts in which computer codes can be executed automatically; Ether's virtual machine is used to execute smart contracts; smart accounts are vehicles in which smart contracts can be executed. In other words, smart accounts, this “account” can be controlled by a Tai's virtual machine, based on what, and by which, smart contracts.


There's no free lunch in the world, there's no such thing as a smart contract, it's not for nothing, you pay a fee to a miner when you're dealing in Ether, so what's the charge on the Ether system?


What's the connection between Gas and the fees?

二、 以太坊 Gas 是怎么回事?


Gas, which is like car fuel, is driven by a smart contract. Gas is an English word, meaning: gas, gasoline, this is a consumer in everyday life. Why does Etheria produce "fuels"?


What do you mean, Gas? In fact, Gas is related to transaction costs. This Gas is a method of calculating fees.


In Ether's setting, the transaction fee is similar to an encrypted fuel, Gas, which drives the intelligent contract movement. When Ether carries out the transaction on the block chain, the fuel will gradually be consumed according to the characteristic rules.


From this point of view, Gas is really what it was meant to be, like car fuel, to start a car, it had to be fueled.

三、 以太坊 Gas 和比特币交易费有哪不同?

III,   what difference does it make between the trade fees in Ethio Gas and Bitcoin?


As far as fees are concerned, they may be familiar. No free lunches in the world, whether in Etheria or Bitcoin, require fees, but they are in a different way. Bitcoins pay Bitcoin directly as a transfer charge, not in Ethio.


In essence, Ether is a virtual machine, which is decentralized, a virtual machine owned by the peoples of the world, that unites to form a “world-class computing network.” When you send token, execute contracts, transfer Ether, or do something else on the block, the computer has to calculate the transaction, and the calculation process has to consume network resources. In this way, you have to pay “fuel fees” (that is, Gas) in order for the computer to work for you and for the miners to handle the transaction for you.

通常情况下,发送方愿意支付的Gas价格越高,矿工从交易中获得的价值就越大,矿工们也就越有可能选择这个交易。通过这种方式,矿工可以自由地选择交易。为了给发送者设置Gas 价格做参考,矿工们可以直接提出他们执行交易所需的最低Gas 价格。

Typically, the higher the price the sender is willing to pay for Gas, the greater the value the miners get from the transaction, the more likely the miners are to choose the transaction. In this way, miners are free to choose the transaction.

四、 以太坊 Gas 的消耗量该如何计算?

iv,   how do you calculate the consumption of tas?


When dealing with transactions with the Taiwan virtual machine, the virtual opportunity is handled on a case-by-case basis on the basis of one of the operational instructions identified in the transaction, each of which has a specified level of Gas consumption.


The Etherbank system provides for two accounts: one is a normal account and one is a smart account.


(a) The normal transfer transaction, i.e. the call to the “normal account”, requires that the Gas be fixed at 21,000;

而调用“智能账户”的的话,因为智能合约的复杂程度不同,使得所需要的Gas也不同。处理交易占用的资源(计算量、内存等)越多,那么所需要的Gas也就越多,比如:执行一次加法运算将消耗 3Gas,如果执行更复杂的运算,那么消耗的Gas就更多。

The more resources (calculations, memory, etc.) are needed to handle a transaction, the more Gas is needed, for example, to run a one-up operation that will consume 3 Gas, and if more complex calculations are performed, the more Gas is consumed.


So you might ask one question: when a user's deal involves a malicious smart contract, which is so complicated, what happens when the contract is executed with unlimited fuel? The idea of the Etherwood system is to avoid malice.


Smart contracts cause unlimited gas consumption, and users need to set a maximum allowable fuel consumption limit at the time of the transaction, i.e.,

GasLimit,这样一来,就算有恶意智能合约,最坏情况也只是消耗 GasLimit 所规定的燃料范围之内。

GasLimit, even with malicious intelligence contracts, the worst-case scenario is to consume the fuel range specified by GasLimit.

五、以太坊 Gas 和交易手续费有什么关系?

What does it have to do with the transaction fee?

以太坊上,你所支付的手续费等于:GasPrice 乘以GasUsed。

By the way, the fee you pay is equal to: GasPrice multiplied by GasUsed.

你可以把 GasPrice 理解为是燃油单价, GasUsed 理解为汽车所需多少升燃油。

You can interpret GasPrice as the unit price of fuel, and GasUsed as how many litres of fuel would be needed for cars.


For cars, if every litre of gasoline is 20 dollars, 10,000 litres of gasoline is 200,000 dollars.

Gas是20吉伟(吉伟是以太币的数量单位),一万个 Gas 就是:20乘以一万,等于20 万吉伟,2万吉伟等于0.0002以太坊,也就是说,本次交易手续为 0.0002以太坊。

Gas is 20 gigabytes, 10,000 of which is: 20 times 10,000, which is 200,000 gigabytes, and 20,000 gigabytes, which means that the transaction is 0.0002 and 0.0002.


The specific exchange values are shown in the table below:


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(Note: The base unit for the size of the Tai currency is “Wei” and the number of “Weith, Finny, Ether” is used for ordinary transactions; the term “Fenni” is used for micro-trading; and the terms “Sabo” and “Wei” are used for cost and contract enforcement.) Thus, we can see that Gas is not Ethako, it is a separate system, and its exchange rate is proportional to that of Ether, which ultimately results in transaction costs.


For specific exchange rate queries, the following Web sites are available:



Gas prices are freely regulated by the market, but the difference between them is that the price of the talisman is subject to market fluctuations, while Gas prices are determined by the miners, who refuse to deal if the fuel price is below the minimum requirements of the miners. Gas and Etheria are separated from each other, protecting the system from possible fluctuations as the prices of the tatais change rapidly.

通常来讲,大部分矿工都会选择利益优先,处理交易时候,他们会按Gas价格从高到底排列,优先处理Gas价格高的,如果你很着急交易 ,就需要提高Gas价格,让矿工早点看到你;如果你不着急呢,你只需要设定一个Gas价格,这个价格在矿工设置的Gas价格底线之上就行了。

Usually, most miners choose to prioritize their interests, and when dealing with transactions, they prioritize Gas prices from the top to the bottom. If you're in a rush, you need to raise Gas prices so that the miners can see you earlier. If you're not in a hurry, you just have to set a Gas price, which is above the Gas price line set by the miners.

六、 Gas 是怎么获取的呢?

6; nbsp; how did Gas get it?


In fact, Gas was purchased from miners in NT, so that users could buy Gas from miners in NT in their own accounts and automatically use it to buy Gas from the TP clients on the basis of a specified maximum spending limit for the transaction.

七、 Gas 最后去了哪里?

每笔交易,交易发起方都要设置交易的Gas限定和 Gas价格,不同的操作会产生不同的Gas成本,Gas用完时矿工将停止执行,使用的Gas会作为奖励,奖励给挖矿的矿工,这将涉及到几下几种情况:

For each transaction, the trade sponsors set trading limits and Gas prices, different operations would result in different Gas costs, gas miners would cease to do so when they ran out of time, and the use of Gas would provide incentives to miners, which would involve several scenarios:

第一种情况是,如果有剩余Gas,那么这些剩余的Gas会退还给交易发起方或智能合约创建者,比如我发送1个以太坊给依依,我设置的 Gas limit 是 5万,正常需要消耗的Gas是21000,,那么,剩下没有被消耗的29000会返还给我。

In the first case, if there is a surplus of Gas, then the remaining Gas will be returned to the starter of the transaction or to the creator of the intelligent contract, for example, I will send an Ether-Ey, I set up the Gas Limited is 50,000, the normal need to consume Gas is 21,000, and the remaining 29,000, which is not consumed, will be returned to me.

第二种情况是,如果我设置的Gas limit太低,或者我账号中的以太坊不足以支付我的Gas消耗,那么,这笔交易会因为Gas不足而被取消,并且用于计算的Gas不会退回到我的账户。

In the second case, if I set Gas limit too low, or if the Ithaya in my account is not enough to pay for my Gas consumption, then the transaction will be cancelled because Gas is inadequate and Gas will not be returned to my account.


In the third case, if the transaction fails, I will also have to pay for the calculation resources already occupied.

八、 怎么设置合理的 Gas 价格?

8 & nbsp; how to set reasonable Gas prices?

每次交易之前,可以查询这个网站来确认需要设置的Gas价格: https://ethGasstation.info/ 总结一下,这篇文章我们主要介绍了以太坊的Gas和手续费:Gas相当于燃油,你在以太坊虚拟机上处理交易,会消耗计算资源,也就是Gas。在以太坊上,你所支付的手续费等于:GasPrice 乘以GasUsed,也就是:Gas的单价乘以消耗掉的Gas总量。操作的复杂程度不同,产生的Gas成本也不同,Gas用完时,矿工将停止执行,使用的Gas会作为奖励,奖励给挖矿的矿工,矿工会优先选择Gas价格出的高的交易者。

Before each transaction, this site can be consulted to confirm the price of Gas that needs to be set: https://ethGasstation.info/  in summary, the article focuses on Gas and fees in the Tailings: Gas is the equivalent of fuel, you handle the transaction on the Taifu virtual machine, and you consume resources, or Gas. At the Ether House, the fee you pay is equivalent to: GasPrice multiplied by GasUSed, or Gas's unit price multiplied by the total amount of Gas consumed. The complexity of the operation is different, and the cost of Gas is different.

gas limit


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