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2023 link of the latest national award to the Internet's Triple Challenge Cup for Young People's National Gold Award's full-blown work programme + accompanying PPT+ Certificate Certificate of Winners + Learning Information Access Link



Read the above links to the whole work.

三创赛优秀作品示例三创赛历年获奖作品三创赛优秀作品三创大赛作品范例三创赛创意点子三创赛优秀作品在哪里看三创赛优秀ppt示例三创赛历届获奖作品电子商务三创赛优秀作品#三创赛优秀作品 #电子商务三创赛

So, where are the three-initiated, three-initiated, three-initiated, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-initiative, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-in-in-in-one, three-in-one, three-in-one, three-one, three-in-in-one, one-in-one, one-in-one, one-in-one-one-in-in-one, one-one, one-in-in-one-one-one, one-one, one-one, one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one., one-one.

刚开始做竞赛,特别是大一 对于这个社会的市场需求、自己的生活经历都比较少,如果纯自己想出项目难度很大 那“合适的项目”到底怎么来挖掘呢? 一、多看优质项目计划书 在专业知识缺乏的时候,只能依靠前期的大量输入。 二、多从生活中挖掘 其实一个好的项目是从实际问题出发,解决实际问题的,切合生活,结合政策 三、多看看往届的金奖项目和银奖项目(此资料几乎包括了所有类型的项目,你想要的类型都能找到) 我们可以从别人的优秀作品出发,去看别人怎么想的,怎么做的 这样学习优秀的作品,会给自己带来一些启发和思考 这里举例几篇2022年最新创赛指南正版获奖作品计划书和配套PPT、包括了互联网、电子商务三创、小挑战杯、大挑战杯、创青春创业竞赛全套作品

In the absence of expertise, has to rely on a lot of input from the previous period. II, a lot of digging out , a lot of people in their lives, has to do with real problems, a lot of real problems, a lot of real life, a combination of policy III, a lot of past gold awards and a lot of silver awards.


It is updated free of charge in February of each year.

每类创业竞赛其实都差不多,很多获奖队伍也是一稿多投,所以大家可以每类创业竞赛作品都好好看看,差别不大的。 2022年最新互联网国家级金奖作品计划书和配套PPT举例。

Each type of entrepreneurship competition is similar, and many of the winning teams have contributed more than one piece, so you can look at every category of entrepreneurship contests, not much different. The latest national gold award program and accompanying PPT in 2022 are examples.

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Plans for 124 pages of text-specific documents in tens of thousands of words

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It's a national gold prize, PPT.

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An example of the latest three-nation award scheme and accompanying PPT for e-commerce, 2022.

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A total of 216 pages of text content documents, the specific content of which is suitable for small-scale learning.

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And an accompanying national prize, PPT.

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An example of extra-curricular academic science and technology and accompanying PPT in 2022.

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A total of 77 pages of specific extracurricular scientific and technical works.

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Compatible state prize, PPT.

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An example of a silver work plan and an accompanying PPT, the latest Small Challenge Cup, 2022.

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A total of 93 pages of text content documents, the specific content of which is suitable for small-scale learning.

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Complement PPT

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下面是具体资料介绍,上面只是举例部分,下面还有很多其他类型的国奖省奖作品,各个类别基本都包含了,篇幅有限,无法全部列举,整个一套资料的价值是非常高的,你的任何一个选题基本都能找到类似的计划书来参考学习。 1省国奖完整案例

The following is an example: the following is an example: there are a number of other types of provincial awards, which are basically covered, limited in length, cannot be exhaustively listed, the whole set of information is of great value, and a similar plan can be found on any of your options. 1 — the full case of the provincial prizes

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Our award-winning work, which is a small program and an APP class, has a large portfolio of 92 pages, close to 30,000 words, as well as some of the winning works and all the material that we have prepared for our own study.

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Annual updates are free of charge, including business plans and PPTs, financial data, planning document formats, award-winning certificates, partial presentation of names.

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Each is a complete content document of tens of thousands of words and dozens of pages, which is very helpful to Xiaobing and is also a small-procedure platform national award proposal.

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2其他资料介绍 1.财务数据 日常中遇见学弟学妹们最多的问题就是财务问题,不会计算 这一款Excel表格,可以自动生成基础的财务数据 当然项目千千万万,不同项目财务不一样,强大的Excel集成了数百个公式 基础的财务数据没有问题

2 - other information on . Financial data > The most common problem of day-to-day encounters with junior students is financial issues, which do not compute this Excel table, which automatically generates the underlying financial data.

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2、计划书格式 格式极差的计划书容易被淘汰 而格式是有理可循的 因此下面的格式是总结了多份国奖计划书的格式写出来的

2, plans in planning format are easily eliminated and the format is reasonable, so the following format is a summary of the format of several national awards. ]

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3、创赛答辩问题史上最强总结与终极预测 这是查看了国内数百场主流创赛(互联网+、创青春、三创等)省国赛路演视频 记录、筛选、归纳了50个评委常提的问题。 这些问题基本涵盖了创赛中一些提问要点和采分点。

3, the strongest summary and ultimate prediction in the history of the question of the creation contest , is a view of hundreds of major national contests (Internet+, youth creation, triple creation, etc.) of provincial track-tracking videos documenting, screening, and summarizing 50 issues that were frequently raised by the judges. These questions basically cover some of the questions and points of score in the start-up contest.

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4、主赛道与红旅赛道PPT制作内容模板 这部分详细写了ppt制作中需要制作那些内容,需要注意什么。 也是翻阅数百份国奖ppt总结而出,含金量极高。 5、另外一些资料截图

4, the content template for PPT production on the main track and the Red Brigade track , which details the content that needs to be produced in the ppt production and what needs to be noticed. It's also a review of hundreds of national awards at the ppt summing up, with a very high amount of gold. 5 and other information clippings

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3创新创业大赛视频课程讲座 我们都知道,一个好的创赛成绩对自我提升、保研、落户等都有很大帮助 比较直接的有

3 > > > >, we all know that a good start-up is a great help to self-improvement, preservation, home placement, etc.

  • 保研或者考研复试中有实践经历自我提升、锻炼自己的能力,培养多维能力综测加分、奖学金评比出国留学或者工作简历上有东西


It's in the directory.

  1. 互联网+大学生创新创业大赛获奖指南(视频课程)创赛如何找到好创意(视频课程)创赛零基础搞定商业计划书(视频课程)创赛如何找到靠谱的队友(视频课程)创赛黄金团队分工与管理(视频课程)创赛如何申请专利?(视频课程)创赛如何做好PPT(视频课程)创赛零基础搞定答辩(视频课程)


You can see the gold in just a few headlines of thought.

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The highest quality of information, such as national prize works, each containing dozens or hundreds of pages of content files, including the most recent ones, was awarded by our team after a first-hand practical study, thus significantly increasing the winning rate.


Concept II: Block chains + public goods


Users in need of help can apply to the platform to launch an open and transparent fund-raising campaign on a public interest section. The platform’s investigative body conducts audits, which result in a smart contract that is published with the request on the block chain public service platform.

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(四) 产品技术

(iv) Product technologies

图 2 公益活动流程图

Figure 2 Flow chart of public interest activities

share 平台是基于以太坊公共区块链平台建立起来的区块链+众包应用。

The share platform is based on a block chain and crowd-packed application that has been built on the Taiwan public block chain platform.


Etheria is a public block chain platform with a variety of functions, as follows:


1. A good faith trading system

(1) 智能合约

(1) Smart contracts


Users register to use the products of this paragraph and automatically generate a related smart contract after reaching a consensus and choosing to cooperate with the users of the other party. When both parties click to make sure, the contract enters into force under the current legal system.

在众包板块,发布任务者与接受任务者的每一笔交易都会自动生成智能合约。智能合约经过加密算法记录此次交易的相关信息,不可更改,具有法律效应。避 免交易中发生的信用问题。

Each transaction between the publisher and the recipient automatically generates a smart contract in a crowdbin. Smart contracts record information about the transaction in an encrypted algorithm, which is unalterable and has legal effects.


In the public interest block, when the recipient receives the targeted amount of funds, the platform automatically closes the recipient’s channel and ensures that the recipient does not receive too much assistance.


A copy of the book contains a time-specific account. The public can check the location of the public good on the block chain public goods platform, enhancing the platform’s credibility and ensuring transparency in the use of the funds.

(2) 加密算法

(2) Encryption algorithms


While intellectual products are widely disseminated through information networks while also causing a number of disputes over private rights of individuals, such as their copyrights, the system ensures the security of information and trust transactions at all nodes through computer cryptographic algorithms, with users having to sign digitally and all nodes checking the reconciliations. Block chain technology, because of its volume of astronomical numbers, makes subsequent manipulation difficult, substantially reduces trading fraud and effectively guarantees the security and reliability of information.

(3) 去中心化点对点交易

(3) To centralize point-to-point transactions


In block chains, users can directly find their own tasks, items, and click on information to communicate directly with each other. In private direct transactions, decentralised trading platforms display only asset hosting, brokering and asset liquidation functions, all transactions are distributed by courier points, and the platform is not decisive for transactional information.

(4) 分布式记账

(4) Distributed accounting


Distributed bookkeeping technology is a database distributed over multiple nodes or computing devices, each node can be copied and maintained by a ledger, and each node can be independently updated. Its feature is that the ledger is not maintained by any central agency, and the ledger update is constructed and recorded independently by each node.


2. Currency exchange system


(1) The Platform issues its own token — a currency that is a virtual currency of the [easy] platform, is a document of the assets of the user and allows the user to use the currency for transactions and is a reflection of the value of the block chain.

(2)在 MINA 平台中,每个账户都会拥有一个属于自己的钱包,资产由密钥安全保存。用户之间直接使用钱包储存代币,使用代币进行交易活动,能够用它兑换服务。

(2) In the MINA platform, each account has a wallet belonging to it and the asset is safely preserved by the key.


(3) Transactions between users do not involve the replacement of third parties for the storage of currency, transactions between users create smart contracts, the entire transaction takes place within the platform, and the transaction platform between users automatically collects commissions.

(五) 产品功能板块

(v) Product function plates

平台的小程序板块设置有“发布需求板块”、“个人主页板块”、“交易广场”、 “消息”、“公益帮助板块”、“反馈机制”六大块,产品构建图如图

The platform's applets are set with six main sections: "Distribute Needs Block", "Personal Home Page Block", "Trade Square", "message", "Community Help Block", "Responsive Mechanism" and a product-building chart.


1. Release of demand plates


Product Build Diagram

用户若有需要帮助的事件,可以在“劳务众包”板块发布,如图 4。

If a user has an event that needs help, it can be published on the "Labour Pack" section, e.g. Chart 4.

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图 3 发布求任务信息

Figure 3


In order to demonstrate more accurately the mandate requirements of the mandate issuer and the selection of the task by the recipient, we classify the task as follows.

a) 等级分类

(a) Classification of grades

i. 专业级

i. Professional level


In addition to the fact that task recipients at the professional level require a certain degree of experience and expertise, they must apply to the Platform before they can accept the assignment as a professional task recipient after the Platform has conducted a series of tests. Professional tasks guarantee the quality of the task and the cost of the task at the professional level is relatively higher.

ii. 优质级

ii. Quality level


High-quality mission recipients need to have a pool of relevant knowledge and experience in the performance of their tasks.

iii. 普通级

iii. Normal level


The recipients of ordinary-level tasks are large groups of ordinary people, who use their own fragmentary time to solve small things for others in their daily lives or in their learning, etc., and who choose to help themselves to perform their tasks at a relatively high cost.

b) 金额分类

(b) Classification of amounts

i. i.0-50 元 ii.50-100 元 iii.100-150 元 IV.150 元以上

i. i. $0.0-50 ii.50-100 iii.100-150 ii.00 — over IV.150

c) 时间

(c) Time

i. 完成周期

i. completes the cycle

ii. 最终完成时间

ii. Final Completion Time


Users are required to indicate when the task will be completed at the latest.

d) 任务类型

(d) Type of mandate


i. 应用型

i. Applications

应用型任务类似于目前国内的一些零散的 QQ 群、微信群里面发布的任务,任务委托者委托接收者进行智力等形式的劳动。例如制作PPT,制作小程序等。

Applied tasks are similar to those currently distributed in the country by scattered groups of QQQs, micro-message, and mandate-holders entrust recipients with intellectual and other forms of work. For example, production of PPTs, production of small programs, etc.

ii. 线下型

ii. Underline type


Underline tasks require tasks that the recipient of the mission is able to perform in the immediate vicinity of the real living environment.

iii. 咨询型

iii. Consultancy

1. 专业知识

1. expertise

2. 相关经验



The expertise of mission publishers can be varied. From heaven to geography, there is always someone who can solve your confusion in a platform with huge crowds.

e) 行业领域

(e) Industry

f) 关键字

(f) keyword


2. Public Help Blocks

在“公益”界面可以找到,并且向需要帮助的人伸出援手,详情见图 5。

They can be found at the “public good” interface and reach out to those in need, as shown in figure 5.

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3. Personal home page plate

图 4 公益活动板块

Figure 4 Group of public interest activities


Users can set their own personal visible information at the personal homepage interface, where other users can see personal information, such as:

a 自己的个人简介,例如学历、经历、兴趣等如图 6 所示:

a Their personal profiles, such as academic qualifications, experiences, interests, etc., are shown in figure 6:

b 可接收任务范围、类别。

b Receivable mission scope, category.

图 5 个人主页图 图 6 智能合约

Figure 5 Personal Home Page Chart 6 Smart Contract


4. Trade Square

交易广场是人物接收者查阅任务的板块,在这里,拥有碎片化时间的用户能够轻易的找到能够满足自己碎片化时间的任务,如图 7。其具体板块如下:

The Trade Square is a section where people who have a time of fragmentation can easily find tasks that can meet their time of fragmentation, such as diagram 7. The specific plates are as follows:

a) 寻找交易

(a) Search for transactions

i. 条件删选

. delete .

1. 等级要求

1. grade requires

2. 金额

2. value

3. 时间

3. time

4. 任务类型

4. tasktype

ii. 高级搜索

ii. advanced search

b) 序时交易列表 c)推荐交易

b) List of transactions in sequence c) recommended transactions


Tasks are recommended on the front page of a task transaction, which is designed to help both mission publishers and mission recipients to accurately identify objects that meet their expectations. To accomplish this function, the platform uses information such as cloud computing analysis mission publishers and mission recipients in terms of geography, profession, age, range of activities, preferences, etc. to identify the best matching users through various evaluations.

在用户接单任务后,可以由对话气泡使双方进入即时聊天窗口,沟通任务的具体要求和细节,沟通交付任务材料、任务结果的形式等。在用户双方达成共识后,系统自动执行智能合约(如图 6),用户双方确认后,合约生效且全网分布式记账。

Once the user receives a single task, the dialogue bubble allows both parties to enter an instant chat window, communicating the specific requirements and details of the task, communicating the delivery of the mission material, the form of the mission result, etc.

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图 7 交易广场模块

Figure 7 Trade Square module

5. 消息

5. News

a) 交易消息 b)通知列表

a) Trading message b) notification list


The transactional information and the information that both users communicate with each other is presented on the transaction information plate. This is a place where users can communicate with their recipients as well as with their publishers to help them successfully complete the transaction, and task publishers can do so even if they receive the performance of the task.


6. Feedback mechanisms


A has the right to access the feedback page and apply to the platform for rights.

(六) 产品优势

(vi) Product advantages


1. Taking advantage of the market gap


There are no crowdsourcing platforms in the country that use the concept of “personal use-smart crowdsourcing” and there are still gaps in personal use of intelligent crowdsourcing services (technical support and advisory services).


2. Technical advantages of block chains


[Affordable] is a crowdsourcing platform in which block chain technology is used in the first paragraph. The transactions of the user become a true book of accounts and an intelligent contract is signed, so that the post-receipt operator uses a distribution software to account for the transaction and obtain a copy.


Decentralized point-to-point exchanges allow for off-platform transactions between users, simplify transaction processes, improve transaction efficiency, greatly facilitate, make it easier to maintain former customers and attract new customers.


3. Market prospects

目前,国内互联网金融-信息中介市场不断发展壮大,线上交易额超过60 亿。加上独家概念和区块链技术运用,项目发展前景十分可观

Currently, domestic Internet finance and information intermediation markets are growing, with more than $6 billion in online transactions. Together with the concept of exclusive ownership and the use of block-chain technology, the project is promising.


4. Easy to use


The product is built on the micro-credit program, which reaches a wide range of active users and allows access to the micro-credit program by pulling down the home page.


At the same time, micro-procedures are already in their initial shape and are well developed for online use, with significant implications for product extension and market access.


5. Freedom of time


Small-scale packagers can use their own fragmentation time to earn a certain amount of remuneration for their work through their skills, without the need for fixed working hours.


6. The public good has a strong statute of limitations


The sub-procedure provides a more rapid form of contribution for those in need, using the model of direct transfer of funds from donors to needs, compared to the modality of transfer of all funds from the platform to demand-side accounts when the funds have been pooled.


7. Make full use of fragmentation time

无论使拥有专业知识的人还是没有相关专业知识的人,都有自己的闲置时间,而利用这些闲置的时间却能够解决一些别人没时间完成或者难以完成的事情。我 们的众包平台就是将这些碎片化的时间收集起来,去把这一部分时间转化成属于 它的应有的价值。

Makes it possible for people with or without expertise to have their own idle time, and to use these idle time to solve things that others don't have time to do or that are difficult to do. Our crowdsourcing platform is to collect these fragmentary times to turn this part of the time into what it deserves.


8. Enhancing the credibility of the public good


Public goods blocks using block-chain technology do not involve unknown use of traditional public goods, platform embezzlement, public goods fraud, etc. Each contribution is recorded and documented because of the segmental accounting characteristics of the block chain. The funder can always have access to the status of the contribution so that the funder believes in and is willing to use our public goods.



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