IT男工资低被女友甩 靠挖矿赚到别墅和车

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  2010年5月22日,美国的一位名为“Loszlo Hanyecz”的程序员,用1万个比特币换了两个价值25美元的披萨——这是比特币历史上的第一笔交易。到了今年6月,比特币的价格一度突破3000美元,短短7年,涨幅就达到惊人的100多万倍。

On May 22, 2010, a U.S. programmer named Loszlo Hanyecz exchanged two 25-dollar pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins – the first deal in Bitcoin’s history. By June, Bitcoin’s price had passed 3,000 dollars at a time, seven years short, an alarming increase of more than a million times.

  看到如此“火爆”的行情,联想到自己这几年沉浮曲折的比特币挖矿经历,南京资深比特币“矿工”钱波(化名)心中感慨万分……紫牛新闻记者 陈勇 杨志敏 实习生 徐路平 胡兰兰 韩瑜

Seeing such a “flamming” movement, thinking of his few years of sank bitcoin mining experience, Nanjing's senior bitcoin miner, Quinpo, was impressed by the purple cow journalist, Chen Yong, Yang Zhimin, intern, Xu Luping, Julanan, Han Yoon.




legends >/strong


“This house, including the cars outside, has been made in virtual currency over the years.” In a villa on the outskirts of Nanjing, the Bitcoin player, Chanpo, said to the Viagra journalist. In 2011, Chanbo entered the Bitco “mining” ring, taking a single fight from a common computer (a mining machine) to a workshop with dozens of “mine machines” to obtain bitcoins through “mining”, which has become his main income.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The low salary of {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} is being dumped by a girlfriend.


In July 2011, Chanpo graduated from a polytechnic university in Nanjing and joined the computer technology company, repeating the maintenance of the system on a daily basis, reaching less than $3,000 at the end of the month.


The girlfriend who had been talking about it since college found out that after taking a few months of meagre pay, he felt that living standards had fallen too much and broke up.


"I was thinking about how to get rich, thinking about money, and I was going crazy." After breaking up, Chanpo helped people work off the website, sometimes on a part-time basis, doing a lot of work that I never thought about, but still didn't get the income I wanted.


And that's when Bitcoin went into the eyes of the money wave. In a test-and-test mentality, it installed bitcoin "mining" software on the computer, "So-called mining is the process by which the computer calculates the location of bitcoin and acquires it by running a particular algorithm."


One evening, after he played the game, he opened the mining software with his hand. He was soaked in the pain of breaking up, he drank a few white wines and fell asleep, and woke up the next day. His sleeping eyelids, sitting on the computer, were shocked by what was on the screen: in less than 20 hours, he dug up nearly 50 bits of bitcoins, and "I feel so amazing now that happiness is so sudden."


When you go to the bathroom, the market value fluctuates at $2,000.


In 2013, virtual coins received increasing attention. After dealing with some of the bitcoins that had previously been left behind, a number of specialized “mine machines” were acquired to officially begin a “mining” career.


After a taste of the sweetness of Bitcoin, he was also interested in investing in virtual money trading platforms and was involved in some virtual money investment. "One time, I went to the bathroom, fell down with my pants off, and the boys in the studio shouted out, saying that bitcoin fell to 2,000."


Chan Bolton was in a hurry, “because he saw the market value on the trading platform, and it's 3,000, and now he's got all the money in his hand?” A cold-sweet money wave, rushing out of the bathroom with his pants on the back of his hand, checking out the value of Bitcoin.


"I can't believe that Bitcoin's value went up to 4,000, which is exciting." In less than ten minutes, in the last bathroom, the difference between the price of bitcoin fluctuations was over 2,000, leaving the money that had been in the ring for a long time.


's mine was hit by hackers and lost a sedan


Soon after entering the circle, Chanbo discovered that it was impossible to dig up bitcoin simply through a few computers. At the instigation of a miner, he invested in a bounties pond.


“The pit is like digging on a certain land with gold, where one can dig for five years, but the individual can't wait long, so many people are organized to dig together and share the proceeds.” The money wave was introduced to a purple cow journalist.


After joining the “mine pool”, the income of the money waves became more stable in the virtual currency, “with little less stability than that of the working people.” However, an attack on the “mine pool” caused him pain.


"That morning, our group of QQs suddenly blew up, saying that the "mine pool" had been hacked and the wallet stolen." In this hacker attack, Chanbo lost 15 bitcoins. To buy and pay for the miner's "mining" revenues, he also paid himself a lot of money, "it's like stealing a sedan from me, these bastards..."


After the hacking incident, which coincided with the collapse of virtual currency across the roads, including Bitcoin, Qianbo temporarily dismantled the “mining” studio and sold most of the machines.


At that time, Chanbo said, he still felt that there was room for a future increase in the virtual currency, so he retained a small bit of the bitcoin "miner" and thought that he would rise again.




comes back after the mine disaster


During the second half of last year, virtual currency prices, such as Bitcoin, were warming, and Quinpo and a friend sold their holdings of bitcoins and purchased “mining” equipment to create new studios.


The studio is located in a residential building near Nanjing, on the racks on the side of the wall, with dozens of “mining” equipment specially designed for it, which is arranged through a seamless line of connections. Each of the rooms has a ventilating device in the east and west of the room, making it a hot windway for the entire room.


He said, “There's a continuous process of `mining' here, where the proceeds are invested in the acquisition of new equipment, and it's getting bigger and more money.” In this studio, there's a “mining” of various virtual currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethers, and A Currency. “I realized a bit of bitcoins and paid down the house when Bitcoin was taller in the first half of the year.” The money was so funny that, “You see the forecasts of the authorities, including Goldman Sachs, are looking at the market for multiple virtual currencies, and the teams like us are going to be rich in the near future.”


With respect to the amount of specific profits, the question was carried out with a big laugh.


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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Where the electricity costs are low {\/strong}


Chanbo says that the main cost of “mining” is the purchase of two major pieces of electricity and a “digger”, “in fact, most of our “diggers” are in the field, and in summer, we get to Sichuan, Guizhou. In winter, the heat is cheap, and we go to Inner Mongolia.”


According to Chanbo, companies in Guoyang are receiving preferential policies for big data-related businesses, and some Bitcoin players are now moving the “mines” to Guiyang. Purple journalists interviewed recruiters in Guiyang. Staff members stated that enterprises identified as being dedicated to block-chain projects were granted full rental subsidies for the previous three years; their renovations were subsidized up to a maximum of $500,000; their daily operation of utilities, etc., were subsidized to varying degrees; and, where revenues were generated, they were given a mandatory incentive of $200,000 to $200,000 to $2 million.


"Effects of mining"


> >

  在南京珠江路华海3C电脑城,数码专营店店主周先生告诉紫牛新闻记者,用来“挖矿”的高端显卡中,性价比较高的是gtx1060卡,1060 3g的价格是1500元,1060 6g价格在2000元到2700元。高端一点的gtx1070 8g显卡,目前价格在3000元左右。和之前相比,这些卡的价格基本涨幅约1000元。

In the 3C computer city of Luo Hua, Nanjing River, the owner of the digital store, Mr. Zhou, told the promote cattle journalists that in the high-end cards used for “mining”, the value of the cards was higher: gtx1060, 1060,3g at $1,500, 1060,6g at $2,000 to $2,700. The price of the high-end gtx1070,8g cards is now around $3,000. Compared to earlier, the price of these cards has increased by about $1,000.


“In the first two months, because the virtual currency went up, there were more people buying the ‘mining’ card, and we'll help install it, and a ‘mine machine’ will have six cards. In the last month, the Bitcoin exchange rate has fallen, and no one has bought the card.” Mr. Chow said.

  周先生表示,“现在基本上都是用专业‘挖矿机’,并且是组团挖。目前,装一台‘挖矿机’大约要两万元,如果是个人用单片显卡‘挖矿’,可能还收不回本钱,并且非常费电,gtx1060 6g显卡‘挖矿机’的耗电量,相当于两台家用空调。”

According to Mr. Zhou, “it's basically a professional ‘digger’, and it's a ‘digger’, and it's a ‘digging machine’, which currently costs about $20,000. If it is a personal card, it may not be able to recover it, and it is very expensive to charge electricity, and the ‘digger’ of gtx1060 6g is equivalent to two household air conditioners.”

  随后,紫牛新闻记者又来到南京雄狮手机电脑城,一家数码专卖店的店长也证实,gtx1060 6g显卡,去年卖1900元左右,现在涨到了2700元。

Subsequently, a purple cow journalist arrived in the town of Sioux's mobile phone computer in Nanjing, and the head of a digital store confirmed that gtx1060 6g card, sold around $1900 last year, had now risen to $2,700.


The owner said, "The mine has to last at least six months, and if the gamer wants to buy a high-end card, he can wait a few more months, and the price of the card will fall fast."


expert opinion


Central Bank intervened, and Bitcoin suffered a serious challenge .


Chen Seon-yung, Associate Professor of Finance, Xiamen University, has a great deal of research on digital money, and in an interview with Yanko's Yao Niu journalist, stated that digital money, represented by bitcoin, does not have a value base as a circulating currency, and that they are a code that is generated by encryption algorithms and “in essence not money”.


Chen Seon-un has pointed out that the price volatility of digital currencies since their introduction has changed from a new method of payment to a tool of speculation. Moreover, there is evidence that Bitcoin, because of its encryption characteristics, is very popular with illegal trades and lawbreakers.


Chen Seon-un also stated that the Central Bank's Digital Monetary Institute had recently been established and that if the Central Bank had issued its own digital currency — a more secure way of electronic payment — the core mission of Bitcoin would have been seriously challenged, the circulation of social paper money would have been severely compressed, and the central bank's digital currency would have enabled the entire society to make leaps forward in the way payments are made.

  陈勇 杨志敏 徐路平 胡兰兰 韩瑜

Chen Yong, Yang Zhimin, Seo Lupin, Hulanlan, Han Yo.


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