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In addition, it is an important investment asset. Unlike other small mountain coins, it has a smaller chance of falling apart, and it still has great potential to generate astronomical profits for investors after its upgrading and consolidation.

在进入2024 年后,以太坊代币ETH 涨势强劲,并一度突破 3,900 美元,创2022 年1 月以来的新高。然而,尽管有所上涨,但ETH 目前在短期内仍面临一些担忧。考虑到这一点,我们将探讨它是否能够维持看涨势头,或者是否即将创下新低。

After entering 2024, the Etherno coin ETH was strong, and at one point passed $3,900, reaching a new high since January 2022. However, despite the rise, the Ether is still facing some concerns in the short term. With this in mind, we will explore whether it will be able to keep up the momentum, or whether it is about to set a new low.


This article will analyse the trend in the prices of Taiwan and try to predict the future performance of the trend in the currency. Please remember that, due to the unpredictability and volatility of the market for encrypted currencies, all estimates of the price of encrypted currencies should be qualified. This paper does not constitute an investment proposal.

进入2024 年,以太币涨势强劲。

In 2024, the talisman was strong.

在比特币成功突破价格高点后,带动山寨币集体上扬。其中,以太坊成功突破3,900 美元,创2022 年1 月以来新高。

After Bitcoin managed to break through the high price point, it led to a collective upturn. Among them, Etheria succeeded in breaking through $3,900, reaching a new high since January 2022.

截止台湾时间3 月7 日,以太币(ETH)报价$3,798,在过去24小时上涨了7.41% 。

As of March 7, Taiwan time, the offer of $3,798 in ETH has risen by 7.41 per cent in the last 24 hours.

以太坊(Ethereum)是2015 年才发展起来的一种新的底层区块链技术,它和比特币一样,是基于P2P 网路与密码学建立起来的区块链机制。不同的是,以太坊每个节点上都运行着一个以太坊虚拟机(EVM),该虚拟机可以用来执行完成的程式。这些程式被称为智能合约。

The Etherum is a new bottom block chain technology developed only in 2015

以太坊的主要目标是将自己打造成一个全球dapp 平台,使世界各地的用户能够创建和执行能够抵御审查、停机和欺诈活动的软体。目前,以太坊以成为最全面、最具吸引力的区块链平台之一,并且因其巨大的内在价值和为投资者提供独特的盈利机会的能力而受到加密货币爱好者的高度评价。

Its main objective is to create itself as a global dapp platform that enables users around the world to create and implement software that is resistant to censorship, shutdown, and fraud. At present, it is one of the most comprehensive and attractive segmental platforms, and is highly valued by encrypted money fans for its immense intrinsic value and ability to provide unique profit opportunities for investors.


It has played an important role in the development of block chain technology, transforming industries around the globe. It has promoted block chain projects, increased efficiency, accelerated transactions, and promoted decentralised applications. The following are the main examples:

  • 去中心化金融
  • DAO
  • 智能合约
  • NFT
  • 去中心化应用程式


It provides utility and value in a number of areas, including entertainment, real estate, and health care. Industry is using the community’s block-chain solutions to develop applications and tools tailored to their specific needs.

去年,以太坊成功实施了「合并」,这是一项期待已久且备受期待的技术变革。这项转变以前称为以太坊2.0,涉及从能源密集型工作量证明(PoW) 共识机制切换到更永续的权益证明(PoS) 模型。目标是解决人们对加密货币对环境影响的担忧,并提高以太坊网路的可扩展性。

Last year, Ether was successfully implemented as a “merger,” a long-awaited and much-awaited technological change. This shift, formerly known as Ether 2.0, involved a shift from energy-intensive work-proven (PoW) consensus to a more permanent (PoS) model.


The consensus-based block chain is designed to eliminate the requirement of centralizing intermediaries to verify transactions.

以太坊在繁忙时期因拥塞问题而闻名,导致交易处理延迟和汽油费波动。此次合并并未解决Gas 价格的计算或征收问题,Gas 价格在高峰时段可能会变得过高,从而使消费者难以承受较小的交易(2022 年5 月平均每日Gas 费将达到近200美元)。

This merger does not address the calculation or collection of Gas prices, which may become too high at peak times, making it difficult for consumers to afford smaller transactions (the average daily cost of Gas in May 2022 would be close to $200).

上海硬分叉标志着以太坊从PoW 到PoS 的过渡,允许用户透过EIP-4895取消质押他们的ETH 。此外,它还提高了去中心化应用程式的交易效率并降低了Gas 费用,包括EIP-3651、EIP-3855 和EIP-3860。

Shanghai hard fork marks the transition from PoW to PoS, allowing users to cancel their pledges via EIP-4895. In addition, it improves the efficiency of decentralised applications and reduces Gas costs, including EIP-3651, EIP-3855 and EIP-3860.

以太坊透过Capella 升级经历了重大飞跃,与上海升级一致。这些进步融合在一起,在加密社区中创造了“Shapella”。从4 月12 日开始,升级使质押合约释放了约1,800 万个代币,价值350 亿美元。令人惊讶的是,此次升级并没有造成抛售压力和潜在的价格下跌,反而引发了以太币价格的上涨,达到2,100 美元。

Ether has made a major leap through the Capella upgrade, which is consistent with the Shanghai upgrade. These advances have combined to create & ldquo; Shapela” in the crypto community. Since April 12, the upgrade has resulted in the release of about 18 million tokens worth $35 billion in pledge contracts.


is the original encrypted currency in the Taiku, used for transactions, value storage, etc. .


Simply put, the Ether is the exclusive pass for the platform in the Tether chain, and if the user wants to transfer, trade in or create a new application on the Ether platform, the user has to pay for the platform's handling fees as long as it uses the Ether platform's block network, and the Ether is the only negotiable currency allowed on the Ether platform.


There is a wide range of uses for the purchase of Tails, including: 1) investment prospects for , 2) payment for fuel costs for the relevant application, 3) pledge, 4) purchase of most of the NFTs for .


Overview in tusk

总供应量120,119,794 ETH
24 小时低价/ 24 小时最高价US$3,508.16 – US$3,897.96
7 天低价/ 7 天高价US$3,330.65 – US$3,881.15


(The above data are updated to 2024/3/7)

当比特币在2020 年底恢复牛市时,以太币作为市值第二大的加密货币也紧紧跟随其后。当时大多数山寨币都停滞不前,而以太坊不断扩大的用例让不少投资者看到了它巨大的潜力。尽管大多数投资者预计以太币的价格不会像现在那么高,但与2018 年相比,乙太币已经上涨了两倍多。

By the end of 2020, when Bitcoin was restored to the cattle market, it was followed closely by the second-largest encoded currency in market value. Most of the mountain coins stagnated at the time, and many investors saw its enormous potential in the expanding examples of Taiku.


Next, let's see how the prices of the past 10 years are moving in tautons.

2013 年,程式设计师Vitalik Buterin 开发了以太坊。在进行了两年的开发工作和众筹后,以太坊网路于2015 年正式上线,当时一个乙太币的币价低于1 美元。

In 2013, program designer Vitalik Buterin developed Ether. After two years of development work and public fund-raising, Ether was officially launched in 2015, at a cost of less than $1.

在上线的第一年,以太币的价格时时刻刻都在变化。但从2016 年年初开始,以太坊开始飙升。2016 年1 月至3 月,投资者经历了1300% 的牛市行情,ETH 的价格从略高于1 美元飙涨至15.20 美元。但随后出现了重大调整,以太币价格下跌了一半以上,在2016 年的收盘价略高于8 美元。

From January to March 2016, investors experienced 1,300% of the cattle market, and the prices of ETH jumped from just over $1 to $15.20. But there was a major adjustment, with prices falling by more than half in the same currency, and in 2016 they collected just over $8.

2017 年初,以太坊的价格保持稳定。但从3 月开始,由于NFT 市场爆发式增长,升格为价值数十亿美元的行业。以太坊由于有智能合约的功能,变成时下最流行用来铸造、购买和交易NFT的平台,市场对NFT的高需求使购买ETH的人数猛增,以太币的价格也开始飙升,4月价格达到53美元时,价格进一步上涨。尽管ETH 的价格在2017 遭遇了40% 的大幅回落,但这并没有阻止乙太币在2018年1月达到1430美元的新ATH。

At the beginning of 2017, the prices of the Taikus remained stable. But starting in March, the NFT market rose to billions of dollars in industry as a result of an outbreak of growth in the NFT market. As a result of its intellectual contract function, it became the platform most popular at times for casting, purchasing, and trading NFT, high market demand for NFT led to a sharp increase in the number of buyers of ETHs, which began to rise in the same currency, with prices rising further in April when they reached $53.


After the Athens Olympics in 2018, Etheria entered the city of Bears for many years. The price fell sharply to $97 during the global sale ban in March 2020. At that time, investors were horrified, but the fall was temporary, as Ethereum had hit the bottom and started climbing to $481 in September 2020.


Prices fluctuate until the end of November 2020. The price of the Ether began to surge in December, then reached a peak of $4,300 in May 2021, creating a new market. Investors who entered the stock market in March 2020 enjoyed 4,600% of the cattle market. This has not yet come to an end. Although Ether lost 60% of its value after setting the ATH, it did so again in November 2021, creating a new ATH at a cost of $4840.


It has been on a downward trend since the creation of the ATH. It lost 64 per cent of its value, reaching $1715 in May 2022. We saw a slight increase in prices at the end of May, but it may fall further. That makes sense, because the encryption market has shown that it is inclined to try back at the previous high point. By falling to $1,400, it will try again at the highest level in January 2018.

截止台湾时间3 月7 日,以太坊在BTCC 上的报价为3,807.33 美元,目前在整个加密生态系统中排名第二。以太坊的流通量为120,119,794 ETH,市值为457,139,439,363美元。

As of March 7, Taiwan time, the price of the Taipan on BTCC was $3,807.33, which is now the second highest in the entire encrypted ecosystem. The market value is $457,139,439,363 based on its circulation of 120,119,794 ETH.

在过去24 小时内,该加密货币的当前价值已上涨了7.77%。如果我们将ETH 目前的市值与昨天进行比较,您可以看到市值也在上涨。

In the last 24 hours, the current value of the encrypted currency has risen by 7.77%. If we compare the current market value of the ETH with that of yesterday, you can see that the market value has also risen.

过去7 天,ETH 上涨了11.37% 。在过去一个月内,ETH 的价格上涨了59.58%,这种上涨表示以太币价格正在复苏,并很有可能成为一项有利可图的资产。

Over the past seven days, the ETH has risen by 11.37%. Over the past month, the ETH price has risen by 59.58%, which means that it is recovering at a talisman price and is likely to become a profitable asset.


We have a brief overview of the historical price trends of Etherpau above, and then we will analyse what factors affect Ether prices.


It is well known that Bitcoin is valued through its scarcity and can be used to combat inflation, so it is known as "gold 2.0".


The Ethercopic is valued through its functionality, and investors are basically betting that it will continue to be used and expanded by developers, so it is more like "oil 2.0".


One of the most important factors affecting the price of the talisman is the upgrading of the entire system in the Taipan, which, when upgraded, will have a significant impact on the pay model of the talisman.


Before the upgrade, Ether introduced the PoW Workload Certification Mechanism, which used card mining in exchange for miners’ remuneration, similar to the Bitcoin mining model, but which, in addition to being too green, required high electricity charges. After the upgrade, it changed to the PoS Proprietary Mechanism, where pledges in the current currency were paid in exchange for current interest rates.


In other words, when upgraded, Etherium could only be purchased and could not be mined again, production could also be made from daily production of 12,000 to 1280, with faster processing per second, and Etheeum would not only not increase, but would be in a state of scarcity every year since then, which would undoubtedly result in higher demand for ETH than supply, resulting in higher currency prices.

Standard DAO的行政总裁Aaron Rafferty表示。「过去两年,从EIP 1559到合并,基本上对以太坊是非常正面的,两者一并对协议造成了通货紧缩的效果」。「随着越来越多的公司如万事达卡和Visa卡使用该协议,以及未来几年更多的扩展解决方案被整合,我们应该看到链上供应在长期内成倍减少到一个点,在2030年几乎不可能从公开交易所购买ETH。」

“The past two years, from EIP 1559 to merger, have been very positive for Etheria, both of which have had deflationary effects on agreements.” “As more and more companies, such as MasterCard and VisaCard, use the agreement, and more expansion solutions in the coming years have been consolidated, we should see chain supply being doubled to one point in the long run, and it is almost impossible to buy ETH from an open exchange in 2030.”

目前,以太坊已经于2022 年9 月成功完成合并,并将于近期完成上海升级最后测试,让投资者可以安全提领其所质押的ETH,预计乙太币的价格波动有有所增加。Bernstein 分析师十分好看以太坊升级后的前景,并表示,上海升级之后,分片提案EIP-4844 将把交易成本降低10 倍以上。

Currently, Ether has successfully completed the merger in September 2022, and will soon complete final tests for Shanghai upgrades that will allow investors to safely take over their pledged Ether. Bernstein's analysts are looking very well at the outlook for Etherium upgrades and say that after Shanghai upgrades, EIP-4844 will reduce transaction costs by more than 10 times.

作为市值第二大的加密货币,以太币的价格也会随着整体市场的走势而上升或下降。在进入2023 年后,加密市场开始回温,乙太币的价格也出现上涨的趋势。

As the second-largest encrypt currency in market value, the price of the dar currency will also rise or fall as the overall market moves. After entering 2023, the encryption market will begin to cool, and the price of the ethyl currency will tend to rise.

AskTraders的高级加密货币和外汇分析师Nick Ranga表示,「高通胀、能源价格上涨和不稳定的地缘政治环境都导致了困难的市场条件,但我们可能会在今年晚些时候看到对风险较大的资产(如ETH)的回归。」

According to Nick Ranga, a senior encrypted currency and foreign exchange analyst for AskTransers, “high inflation, rising energy prices and an unstable geopolitical environment have led to difficult market conditions, but we may see a return to more risky assets (e.g. ETH) later this year”.

Seasonal Tokens的创造者及创始人Ruadhan O也表示,「当经济活动开始回升时,以太坊网络的交易成本将上升。这将迫使以太坊用户购买更多的ETH,为价格提供额外的上升压力。 」

The creator and founder of the Seasonal Tokens, Ruadhan O, also said, "When economic activity begins to pick up, the transaction costs of the Taiyo network will rise. This will force the user to buy more ETH to provide additional upward pressure on prices."


As more de-centralized applications are being built on the Taiyo platform, the price of the talisman will also be encouraged.

Unocoin Technologies Private Limited的行政总裁兼联合创办人Sathvik Vishwanath 认为,更多的去中心化应用正在以太坊平台上建立,而Dapps将被越来越多的企业使用,这应该有利于ETH的价格。

The Executive President and co-founder of Unocoin Technology Limited, Sathvik Vishwanath, argued that more decentralized applications were being built on the Taiwan platform and that Dapps would be used by an increasing number of businesses, which should benefit the price of ETH.


At the beginning of 2022, the price of the Taiwan came back and the mood of the encryption market began to flow, yet many experts assessed that, following the final wave of testing in August this year’s merger, the expansion of the Internet to 100,000 transactions per second could lead to a price breakthrough of US$ 1,800 by the end of the year. Next year’s prices will be quite optimistic, with funding from partners, coalitions, and communities.

接下来,让我们来看看不同网站的ETH 币价格预测。

Next, let's look at the ETH price forecast for different sites.

据Cryptonewz 称,到2025 年,以太坊预计最高价格将达到6,500 美元,最低价格将达到4,500 美元。到2030年,预计代币价格最高可达20,500 美元,最低价格为14,000 美元。

According to Cryptonewz, by 2025, the maximum price is expected to reach US$ 6,500 and the minimum price to US$ 4,500. By 2030, it is expected to be up to US$ 20,500 and up to US$ 14,000.

就连几位资深分析师和市场专家也相当看好以太坊,并对以太坊的价格前景保持乐观。有些人预计到2030 年,以太币的价格甚至会达到4 万美元。

Even a few senior analysts and market experts look well for the Etherm and are optimistic about the future of the Etherm. Some expect to reach even $40,000 by 2030.

全球投资基金公司VanEck似乎相当看好以太坊,并认为以太坊的潜力是「三重资产,包括资本资产、消费资产和价值储存手段」。VanEck 断言,在适当的情况下,以太坊的市值可能会超过2 兆美元。

Van Eckk, a global investment fund company, seems to look pretty good at Ether, and believes that the potential of Ether is “triple assets, including capital assets, consumer assets, and the means to store values.” Van Eck claims that, in appropriate circumstances, the market value of the Ether may exceed $2 trillion.

Digital Capital Management 董事总经理Ben Ritchie表示,如果一切顺利的话,ETH 可能会在今年结束时达到2,500 美元的水平。

Ben Ritchie, Managing Director of the Digital Capital Management, stated that if everything went well, ETH could reach the level of US$ 2,500 by the end of the year.

即使是Gov Capital 和Traders Union 等流行的加密货币部落格也对以太坊充满信心,并对其保持看涨观点。

Even popular encrypt currency blogs like Gov Capital and Trades Union have confidence in and an uplifting view of Ether.

Gov Capital预计到2025 年,该币的价格将达到7,200 美元,而Traders Union分析师Anton Kharitonov 认为,到2025 年底,该币的交易价格可能会达到6196.08 美元,到2030 年,该币的价值可能会达到31656.34 美元。

Gov Capital expects the value of the currency to reach US$ 7,200 by 2025, while Trading Union analyst Anton Kharitov believes that the price of the currency may reach US$ 6196.08 by the end of 2025 and that the value of the currency may reach US$ 31656.34 by 2030.

而且,交易平台Abra 的执行长Bill Barhydt曾在接受CNBC 采访时表示,以太坊的价格可能会达到4 万美元。他说,这要归功于以太坊区块链和以太加密货币的各种用例。

Moreover, Bill Barhydt, the executive director of the trading platform Abra, in an interview with the CNBC, said that it could reach $40,000 at a cost of too much. He said that this could be attributed to a variety of examples of taepan block chains and too encrypted currencies.

专家认为,以太坊2.0的推出将是未来几年支持ETH的关键因素。ETH 2.0将在很大程度上帮助解决以太坊区块链由于交易处理速度低和交易手续费高而面临的关键问题。

Experts believe that the introduction of Etheria 2.0 will be a key factor in supporting ETH in the coming years. Ether 2.0 will help to a large extent to address the critical problems faced by Ether Block chains due to the low processing speed and high transaction processing costs.

尽管最近的价格走势,以太坊到2030 年底可能会达到20,000 美元。大多数加密货币专家都看好以太坊的未来,以太坊可能会在未来几年内回升。从目前的趋势来看,以太坊呈现区间波动的主要原因之一是联准会为应对通膨而采取的一系列激进升息举措。

Most crypto-currency experts see the future of Etheria, which is likely to pick up again in the coming years. Given current trends, one of the main causes of inter-district fluctuations is the series of radical interest hikes that the Association has taken to deal with inflation.


Investors are constantly concerned about the risks and uncertainties associated with the crypto-currency market, and are therefore looking for better options to invest in their money than the crypto-currency market. However, when Bitcoin finally reaches the $30,000 mark, prices have risen across the market.


With the strengthening of the Etherm web and the team’s commitment to developing innovation functions, the Etherm and its investors are likely to experience sustained growth and prosperity in the current and coming years. Now, let’s explore the long-term price projections of the Etherms.

在考虑ETH 币价格预测时,重要的是要记住,加密货币市场仍然极度波动,因此很难准确预测几个小时内代币或代币的价格,更难以给出长期估计。因此,分析师和基于算法的预测者可能而且确实会做出错误的预测。

When considering the ETH currency price forecast, it is important to remember that the market for encrypted currencies remains highly volatile, making it difficult to predict accurately the price of a token or a coin within a few hours, and making longer-term estimates even more difficult. Therefore, analysts and algorithm-based forecasters may and do make erroneous predictions.


If you are considering investing in an encrypted currency, we suggest that you do your own research at all times.

由于经济因素的持续改善以及4 月的比特币减半事件,人们普遍预计2024 年将出现加密货币牛市,历史上每次发生比特币减半事件(每四年一次)都会引发牛市。在此之前,我们还可以看到比特币ETF,甚至以太坊ETF 的批准,这两者都会对以太坊的价格产生正面影响。

As a result of the continuing improvement in economic factors and the April halving of Bitcoin, it is widely expected that an encrypted currency bull market will emerge in 2024, which will be triggered by every four-year period in history (every four years). Until then, we can see the adoption of the Bitcoin ETF, or even the Taiwan ETF, both of which will have a positive impact on the price of the Taiku.


For example, global macroeconomic factors may worsen. This year, some experts are concerned that the global recession may be imminent.

另一个考虑因素是SEC 可能对以太坊提起诉讼,特别是因为SEC 主席Gary Gensler 先前曾将以太坊称为证券。

Another consideration is that the SEC may have sued the Etheria, especially since the SEC Chairman, Gary Gensler, used to call it securities.

尽管如此,仍有许多因素可以帮助ETH 在2024 年实现成长。例如,英国和杜拜的目标是成为全球加密货币中心、香港欢迎Coinbase 在那里设立办事处、欧盟正在推动其市场在2024 年的发展。加密资产框架。

Nevertheless, there are many factors that can help ETH to grow in 2024. For example, the UK and Dubai aim to become a global crypto-currency centre, Hong Kong welcomes Coinbase’s presence there, and the EU is pushing its market in 2024.

关于SEC FUD,加密货币是一种全球工具,不仅限于一个国家。因此,相信比特币减半仍可能引发新的牛市,使ETH 价格在2024 年突破当前区域。

With regard to SEC FUD, crypto-currency is a global tool, not limited to one country. So, it is believed that halving bitcoin could still trigger a new cattle market that would allow ETH prices to break through the current region in 2024.

考虑到这一点,我们的以太币价格预测预计到2024 年底以太坊价格将达到3,200 美元。

With this in mind, our projection in taser prices is expected to reach US$ 3,200 by the end of 2024.

虽然价格可能会高于此水平,但全球经济状况和FUD 可能会使2024 年更难达到高价。因此,我们也预测可能的低点为1,800 美元。

Although prices may be higher, global economic conditions and FUDs may make it harder to reach higher prices in 2024. So we also predict a possible low of US$ 1,800.

如果加密牛市发生,我们可以预期以太坊将在2025 年创造新的ATH。多头市场通常持续18 个月,因此如果它从2024 年第二季开始,2025 年第四季可能会达到顶峰。

If the encrypted cattle market happens, we can expect that Ethio will create a new ATH in 2025. Multiple markets usually last 18 months, so if it starts in the second quarter of 2024, the fourth quarter of 2025 may peak.

一般来说,对于成熟的加密货币来说,每次多头市场的成长都比之前的ATH 要少。这是因为随着资产的成熟,提高其价格所需的流动性就会增加。换句话说,最不稳定的加密货币通常是较新且市值较低的加密货币。

In general, for mature cryptographic currencies, the growth of multiple markets is lower every time than before. This is because, as assets mature, the liquidity needed to raise their prices increases.

例如,根据CoinMarketCap 的数据,以太坊在2018 年达到了1,270 美元的ATH,比2016 年的18.9 美元的ATH 成长了6,600%。然而,从其2018年到2021年的ATH,仅成长了285%。

For example, according to CoinMarketCap, Etheria reached $1,270 in 2018, an increase of 6,600 per cent from $18.9 in 2016. However, from 2018 to 2021, it grew by only 28.5 per cent.


However, it is also worth noting that the shift in the currency from workload to equity certification is considered to be a “perfect currency.” This is because a small portion of each deal is burned down.


According to Ultrasound.Money, the rate of combustion in the Tai Ho is currently greater than the emission of the Etheria that rewards the certificationists. Or, simply speaking, the Ether is now a deflationary currency.

考虑到牛市将导致以太坊网路活动增加,流通中的ETH 总量可能会大幅减少。

Considering that the cattle market will lead to an increase in Internet activity in the etherms, the total number of ETHs in circulation may be significantly reduced.

考虑到这一点,我们的以太坊价格预测预测以太坊可能会比目前的ATH 上涨120%。到2025 年底,这可能会达到10,760 美元的高点。

With this in mind, we predict in the tatai shop price forecast that it might be 120% higher than the current ATH. By 2025, this could reach a high of $10,760.

我们的平均预期以太币价格预测为7,630 美元,我们预测潜在低点为4,500 美元。

Our average expectation is projected at $7,630 in the Tai currency, and we predict a potential low of $4,500.

由于加密货币产业的动荡性,很难说到2030 年以太坊会处于什么位置。

Due to the volatility of the crypto-currency industry, it is difficult to say where the Etheria will be in 2030.


It is likely that it will be adopted on a large scale and used by Governments, companies and individuals for a variety of purposes, from payment to decentralizing social media.


On the other hand, smart contract risk or a global blow to encrypted currency aimed at implementing a central bank digital currency could significantly hamper the growth of Ether.


Looking ahead, the Ether chamber will undoubtedly face the test and the ordeal, but it offers enormous value and is one of the most promising encoded currencies.

考虑到这一点,我们预计以太币将在2030 年达到下一次牛市的顶峰。然而,值得注意的是,加密货币是一项新兴技术。许多已知和未知的风险可能会损害ETH 的价格。

With that in mind, we expect to reach the next peak in the cattle market in 2030. It is worth noting, however, that encryption currency is an emerging technology. Many of the known and unknown risks could damage the prices of ETH.

因此,我们的以太币价格预测预计到2030 年底平均价格为9,800 美元。

As a result, our projection of the price in the taser is projected at an average price of $9,800 by the end of 2030.


When investing in taupe or any other virtual currency, price volatility is only a part of the transaction, and if you want to invest in encrypted currency, it is certainly preferable to start with the two most well-known old-class encrypted currencies on the market: Bitcoin and Ether.


Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency with a higher price, with the current average price of individual bitcoin being approximately $20,000, while the threshold for doing so is well below Bitcoin and currently hovers around $1,500.


There are similar risks in both Bitcoin and Etheria, so most experts say that if you have just started investing in encrypted currency and cannot choose between the two, you can actually consider investing simultaneously, but only to determine that the amount is within the range of losses that you can afford.


As mentioned earlier, Ether’s investors look primarily at its development prospects, because it is supported by the entire encryption industry, and because industry experts agree with the technical analysts, not only because it is cheaper than Bitcoin, but because of the unlimited potential of its technology and upgrading, it is absolutely feasible to use Ether as an investment tool.

Tag:eth   价格预测  


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