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Bitcoin is crashing again!


On the first day of the holiday (1 May), the global virtual currency player was harvested. On the same day, the Bitcoin board showed a big jump, with a drop of more than 8%, and the same goes for Ether, BNB, dog coin, etc.

Coinglass数据显示,24小时内,超过15万人在虚拟货币市场爆仓,爆仓金额达5亿美元,折合人民币36亿元。周三美股盘前,全球第二大加密货币交易平台Coinbase的股价跌超3%(该股此前两天已跌去了13.7%)。另外,加密货币概念股Marathon digital在美股盘前跌近4%,Riot Platforms跌超3%。

Coinglass data show that more than 150,000 people burst in the virtual currency market within 24 hours, amounting to $500 million and equivalent to $3.6 billion. The stock price of Coinbase, the world’s second largest encrypted currency trading platform, fell by more than 3 per cent before Wednesday’s shares (the unit had fallen by 13.7 per cent in the previous two days). Moreover, the cryptographic currency concept unit, Marathon Digital, fell by nearly 4 per cent in front of the US stock plate, and Riot Platforms by more than 3 per cent.


According to the analysts of the Chartered Bank, the price of Bitcoin has fallen by $60,000 and is currently hovering around $57,000, which could further fall to about $50,000.


On the same day, May 1st, the currency ringers, the former “Chinese richest”, and the founder of the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, Zhao Chang Peng, who was sentenced to four months' imprisonment in the United States, were significantly shorter than the 36 months previously recommended by the United States prosecution. Before that, Yuan and Zhao Chang Peng were cumulatively fined $7,216 million in the United States (approximately $52.2 billion).


over 150,000 people exploded


On the afternoon of May 1, Beijing time, a virtual currency headed by Bitcoin re-emerged. Of this, $60,000, $590 million, $588 million and $577 million were lost in mid-bitcoin, with a drop of more than 8% in 24 hours and a low of $56663.8.


At the time of the issuance of the coupon by Chinese journalists, the newspaper Bitcoin had fallen by $56883.9 per day, or 8.16 per cent in 24 hours. Other currencies have also fallen sharply, with dog and Tonco falling by more than 10 per cent and Etherno, BNB, and Solana falling by more than 7 per cent. In the last seven days, Bitcoin has dropped cumulatively by more than 14 per cent, by more than 12 per cent, by more than 24 per cent, by Solana, and by 24 per cent, and the total market value of the encrypted currency market has also fallen from $2.45 trillion to $2.11 trillion.


Coinglass data show that, in the last 24 hours, the virtual currency market has exploded with 15.14 million people, amounting to $506 million and equivalent to 3.6 billion yuan.


Bitcoin’s price surged from $71,000 to $61,000 on 12 and 13 April, reaching $1.83 billion in two days, with a total of hundreds of thousands of people. In the early hours of 18 April, Bitcoin fell by over 5 per cent and broke $60,000, causing more than 80,000 people to explode.


The above-mentioned volatility occurred on the eve of the halving of Bitcoin. Beijing time on 20th 24th, at 809:27 p.m., the Bitcoin block rewarded the completion of the fourth halve in history, the “miners” received the block reward from 6.25 bitcoins to 3.125 bitcoins, and the fifth half was projected to take place on 17 April 2028. Historically, Bitcoin experienced four “half” events, on an average of four years, on 28 November 2012, 9 July 2016, 11 May 2020, and 20 April 2024.


enters "Technology Bear"


It is worth noting that Bitcoin fell by 22 per cent from its historic high in March and has entered the “Technology Bear Market.” However, since this year, Bitcoin has increased by more than 34 per cent, twice the price for the same period last year, thanks in large part to the billions of dollars flowing into the new spot Bitcoin ETF in January.

据路透社报道,Fineqia研究分析师Matteo Greco表示:“最近的下跌趋势可归因于在2022年和2023年经济衰退期间进入市场的投资者,以及在2024年初几周进入市场的ETF投资者的获利回吐得太多,他们开始离场。”

According to Reuters, “the recent downward trend can be attributed to investors who entered the market during the 2022 and 2023 recessions, as well as to the ETF investors who entered the market in the early weeks of 2024, who began to leave the site” according to Fineqia research analyst Matteo Greco.


Analysts have pointed out that, at the macroeconomic level, a “perfect storm” against encrypted currencies may be coming. The Fed is not expected to make any changes in interest rates at a later stage, but investors are generally of the view that the Fed may not have reduced interest rates at all this year, which will hit interest-rate-sensitive assets such as encrypted currencies, global stock markets, and bonds and even large commodities.


The Fed will publish its May interest rate resolution at 2 a.m. on Thursday, Beijing, and US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will hold a press conference at 2:30 a.m. The Fed’s response to persistent inflation will be crucial, and the market is reacting to this “critical issue.”

渣打银行外汇和加密货币研究主管Geoff Kendrick在一封电子邮件中写道,“过去几周对数字资产来说是一场完美的负面风暴。比特币ETF的流入已经停滞,而以太坊ETF现在看起来不太可能像预期的那样在5月份获得批准。”Kendrick指出,美联储推迟降息的可能性越来越大,中东冲突升级的风险也使得比特币价格承压。

Geoff Kendrick, Head of Foreign Exchange and Encrypted Currency Research at Chartered Bank, wrote in an e-mail: “The past few weeks have been a perfect negative storm for digital assets. Bitcoin ETF inflows have stagnated, and it seems unlikely that ETF will be approved in May, as expected.” Kendrick notes that the Fed is increasingly likely to delay interest cuts, and that the risk of escalation of conflict in the Middle East is pushing Bitcoin prices.


Investors responded accordingly, with the top 10 active bitcoin ETFs in the United States facing the largest single-week outflow since their establishment in January. LSEG data show that the spot amounting to $496 million was released this week, mainly as a result of a slowdown in the flow of funds to the iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) under the Belaid flag. In terms of holdings, IBIT is the largest spot currency ETF.


Bitcoin’s so-called “50-per-cent event” last month hardly supported prices. Bitcoin has fallen by about 15% since it was halved on April 20.

渣打银行表示,由于比特币价格已跌破6万美元大关,目前徘徊在57000美元左右,可能会进一步跌至5万美元左右。渣打银行外汇和加密货币研究主管Geoff Kendrick表示,比特币价格适当突破6万美元现在已经重新开启了通往5万—5.2万美元区间的道路。驱动因素似乎是特定加密货币和更广泛的宏观因素的结合。随着资金连续流出美国,现货比特币ETF目前平均购买价格低于58000美元,存在清算风险。超过一半的现货ETF头寸处于水下状态,因此还必须考虑其中一些头寸的清算风险。

As the price of Bitcoin has fallen by $60,000, it is likely that it will fall further to about $50,000. Geoff Kendrick, head of the Chartered Bank’s foreign exchange and crypto-currency research, said that a proper 60,000-dollar breakthrough had now reopened the road to 50,000-$52 million. The driver seemed to be a combination of specific encrypted currencies and broader macro-factors.

从技术图表来看,FXPro平台的高级市场分析师Alex Kuptsikevich表示,比特币的下跌正进入一个新阶段。Alex Kuptsikevich表示,“比特币周二的收盘价成为2月底以来的最低价,且还跌破3月和4月的支撑位以及重要的心理整数位,这确认了下跌趋势。”现在的技术下行目标似乎是55700美元,这是自去年10月份上涨以来的61.8%斐波纳契回撤位,下一个支撑则是51000美元至52000美元区域,即1月底的盘整区域。然而,今天晚些时候的FOMC会议和周五的非农月度就业数据都有足够的潜力加速或扭转比特币的下跌趋势。”

According to the technical chart, the FXPro platform's senior market analyst, Alex Kuptsikevich, said that the decline in Bitcoin was entering a new phase. Alex Kuptsikevich said that “the fall on Tuesday was the lowest since the end of February, and fell back on March and April, as well as on important psychological integer points, confirming the downward trend.” The current technological downside seems to be $55,700, which is 61.8 per cent of Fibonacci's withdrawal since last October's rise, and the next supporting area is $51,000 to $52,000, or the end of January.” However, later today's FOMC meeting and Friday's non-farm employment data have sufficient potential to accelerate or reverse the decline in Bitcoin.”


Despite the current “perfect storm”, Kendrick said: “We believe that the bad news has been reflected in bitcoin and in the prices of the Taikus, and that as negative factors subside, positive structural drivers will once again dominate.”


Chiu Chang Peng was sentenced to four months' imprisonment


On 30 April, local time, the founder of the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, former “China's richest”, Zhao Chang Peng, was sentenced to four months' imprisonment in the United States.


Earlier, on 23 April, local United States prosecution time stated in a court document that Zhao Chang Peng should serve 36 months in prison after admitting that he had violated the anti-money-laundering law. Zhao Chang Peng resigned from the post of Chief Executive Officer last November, when he admitted that he had committed the offence and the company agreed to accept $4.316 billion in fines.


In November 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice reached a settlement agreement with Yuan and Zhao Changping. According to a statement issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, the currency will pay $4,316 million in fines for alleged money-laundering, unlicensed remittances, sanctions violations, etc.; Zhao Changping admitted to violating U.S. anti-money-laundering laws, agreeing to pay $50 million in fines and resigning from his post as chief executive officer.


In addition, on 18 December 2023, local time, the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced a further $2.85 billion in penalties for currency security on the encrypted currency exchange and its former CEO, Changping Zhao.


Thus, the sum of $7,216 million (approximately $52.2 billion) has been fined to Yuan An and Zhao Changping.

据Court Listener法律数据库显示,当地时间4月23日,赵长鹏向负责案件的法官递交致歉信,为自己的错误决定道歉,并表示对自己的行为承担全部责任。在致歉信中,赵长鹏表示:“我为我的错误决定道歉,并为我的行为承担全部责任。事后看来,我应该从一开始就专注于在币安实施合规改革,但我并没有。没有在币安建立必要的合规控制,是我的失败。我希望自己能改变币安故事的这一部分。不过在我的指导下,币安目前实施了在美国以外的最严格的反洗钱控制措施。这些控制措施自2022年以来一直在实施。”

According to the Court Listener legal database, on April 23, local time, Zhao Chang Peng sent the judge in charge of the case an apology for his wrongful decision and expressed full responsibility for his actions. In his apology letter, Zhao Chang Peng said, “I apologize for my wrong decision and take full responsibility for my actions. After all, I should have focused from the outset on implementing compliance reforms in currency security, but I did not. I failed to establish the necessary compliance controls in currency security. I hope I can change this part of the currency security story. But under my guidance, he is currently implementing the most stringent anti-money-laundering controls outside the United States. These controls have been in place since 2022.”


Zhao Chang Peng mentioned that he is no longer the CEO of Yuanan, and that he cannot describe how much he has invested in the company. Improving the currency as a safe platform for providing financial services to hundreds of millions of users around the world is an important part of his life. “I thought I would do that for the next few decades. But that life is no longer for me. At first, it was difficult for me to accept that fact, but it has now been accepted.”


Referring to the future, Zhao Chang Peng said that he expected to have a positive impact in other areas. “The initial interest in encryption money was because it provided an opportunity for everyone in the world to be inclusive and equal. Looking ahead, I also saw many opportunities in the field of biotechnology.” Another area that Zhao Chang Peng said would continue to focus on is helping young people, from education projects in Africa to improving the living standards of poor youth in South-East Asia to university projects in Europe.


He moved with his family to Vancouver, Canada, when he was 12 years old. During college, he studied computer science at McGill University in Montreal. In 1997, Zhao Changpen, who graduated from university, entered the financial science and technology industry, first became a software developer at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, then went to New York to work for Pombo, to develop futures trading software, 27 years old, a team leader of the company's New Jersey, London, and Tokyo. In 2005, Zhao Changpen made the first barrel of money by creating news information (the fastest-growing high-frequency trading system for coupons) in Shanghai.


In 2017, the Zhao Jang Peng team created the currency and issued the digital currency, BNB. A short six months after its establishment, the currency attracted 6 million users with 1.4 million transactions per second, amounting to more than $10 billion a day, one of which jumped to the top of the industry and became the world’s largest encrypted currency exchange. In the first quarter of 2018, the currency earned $200 million. By 2021, it had 3,000 employees worldwide, with a daily turnover of $76 billion, more than its four largest competitors combined.


According to Forbes, the founder, Zhao Chang Peng, holds 30% of the shares. At the end of 2021, against the backdrop of a surge in encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, Zhao Chang Peng was rich with $94.1 billion (approximately $634.8 billion) from his family, and was also among the world’s top ten.


In 2023, with the recovery of bitcoin prices, Zhao’s wealth surged, far exceeding the fine that he agreed to pay to the US authorities. According to the Global Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion Billion Bill, released on April 3, this year, Zhao’s Billion Billion Dollars (approximately RMB 23.9 billion) was ranked 50th.


At present, on the Bloomberg billionaire index, Zhao Chang Peng is home to approximately $36.2 billion, the 42nd largest person in the world.


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