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The organic integration of block-chain technology with information technology such as cloud computing, 5G communications, and artificial intelligence will be an important infrastructure for the digital economy and intelligent society. To further advance the ecological development of block-chain industries, the block-chain accelerator “Team Industrial Accelerator - Block Chain” is being officially launched today, focusing on three main directions: technology, services, and applications.


As an important component of the tungsten industry accelerator, the block chain accelerator aims to combine the resources of the global block chain industry, link good block chain enterprises, create multi-dimensional service platforms based on technology, resources, business opportunities and capital, and jointly promote technological autonomy in the block chain, enable the deployment of technology to local industry scenes, and build industrial boom ecology.



This Steam Industry Accelerator-Plus Chain focuses on three main recruitment directions, including the “Industrial Block Chain Solutions” that provide block chain solutions and products across industries and vertical areas; the “Industrial Block Chain Infrastructures” that provide infrastructure at the bottom of the block chain and public infrastructure; and the “Industrial Block Chain Surrounders” that integrate industrial technology, scenes and other resources to provide services for landing applications.


Like the three main accelerators, AI, SaaS, and WeCity, the Stretch Industrial Block-Accelerator will continue to provide ecological support to selected member enterprises at the ecological, resource, business, capital and other levels through a combination of “money, assistance” and exclusive eco-GAS. From technical research on the block chain, to the application of site-based industrial scenes, to the eco-connection of block-chain industries, to a combination of 30 accelerator members, working together to promote ecological cooperation in the area of the block chain and to achieve value for business.


At the technical level , the tung block chain accelerator will follow a “clouds-linking” model to provide one-on-one block chain project growth support for cloud computing, block chain capacity of selected enterprises for tweaking.


In terms of resource support


in business opportunities cooperation, tweets provide `business plus flow' imports, selected enterprises have access to business cooperation priorities, create solutions, drive projects to land, and work together to build industry markers for block chains.


, on the side of capital support, the tem industry accelerator-block chain will also provide member enterprises with opportunities for eco-investment in the tether industry. The project will be able to access priority ecological investment routes in the tether industry, link to the VC Union, and provide an efficient capital interface.


In addition to resources and ecological support, the selection project will receive a one-year acceleration booster provided by the tungsten industry accelerator-block chain, including four closed coaching sessions and one overseas tour opportunity + N business interface.


The search for an arithmetic consensus to promote a landscape consensus; embrace the community of developers to link to the community of warmakers; build new ecological values based on the trust of the code; and tap the industrial accelerator — the chain of blocks will build on ecological forces, collect intelligence, pool energy, empower 30 selected member enterprises to promote the evolution of the block chain industry.


Industry think tank, investment agency deeply involved, offering exclusive mentoring


It is interesting to note that this tweaking industry accelerator – a chain of blocks that brings together nearly 30 top mentors from industry, telecommunications, investment agencies, mission education, and member firms to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the tweak chain industry. The China Institute of Information and Communications, and the China Computer Society’s section chain professional committee, will also serve as academic guides for this tweak industry accelerator – a chain of blocks.


At that time, the Senior Executive Vice-President of Tseng Corporation, the Managing Director of Yun and Smart Industries, the Vice-President of Tseng Corporation, the President of Tsingyun Corporation, the Vice-President of Yao Ping, the Vice-President of Tseng Corporation, Ding Ko, the Vice-President of Tseng Corporation, the Managing Director of Tseng Finance Science and Technology, Lin Hai Feng, the Vice-President of Tseng Corporation, the Director-General of Fuming Bank, Ltung Ji Ming, the Director-General of Tseng Tseng Institute, the Vice-President of Tseng Tseng Clouds, the Vice-President of Tseng Tseng Cseng Finance Technology, Liu Yung, the Vice-President of Tseng Koon, the Chief Executive Officer of the Platform, Li Song, and the relevant business leaders will also be deeply involved in the project and will bring to the participants a wide range of sharing and mentoring, including technological foresight, industry analysis, business reality warfare, etc.


In addition, the tweaking industry accelerator – the first industrial accelerator to secure the deep involvement of many venture capital institutions. The tweaking industry accelerator – the block chain links IDG capital, distributed capital, NGC capital, nodal capital, investment in gold sprouts, Linkvc, FBG capital, acquired capital, etc., to provide more exclusive advice for the financing and business development of the accelerator enterprises.



Until now, block chains have been formally incorporated into new infrastructure, and technologies such as cloud computing, 5G communications, and artificial intelligence have become an important new infrastructure for the country’s economic development. The industry Internet, as one of the major pathways to upgrading the digital transformation of traditional enterprises, has become a key entry point for the industrial landscape of the chain of technologies, as well as a network of computing resources that can be flexible at any time and in any place to handle large amounts of data, and a network of trust resources that allows for deep-sharing and collaboration.


In the preamble to the new book Industrial Block Chain, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Directors stated: “Information technologies such as block chains and cloud computing, 5G communications, and artificial intelligence are being organically integrated to form an important infrastructure for the digital economy and an intelligent society. These new types of infrastructure are bound to profoundly influence and reshape our models of economic and financial organization and social governance.”


Ten years after Bitcoin’s birth, the development of the block chain has entered a new phase. Block chain technology can transform all production factors, empower the real economy, and accelerate autonomous technological innovation in the block chain.


Focusing on the industrial sector chain, it continues to break through the five dimensions of research, technology, platforms, industrial applications, and industrial ecology. Through the joint “two-twin” model of real and Internet-based technology enterprises, the “block-plus” industry solution has been brought to the ground and the value of the industry landscape and the block-chain has been accelerated.


As is the case with the industry Internet, the best path to the development of the industrial block chain will be “initiating” with the partner. The announcement announced the launch of the block chain industrial accelerator, which will combine the trust, the value of safety, and the industry landscape by integrating global block chain industrial resources, building bridges for outward extension and connectivity, integrating the block chain with the industry landscape, helping the block accompanies more industrial scenes and building industrial prosperity.


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