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BHP(Global Intelligent Computing Power Network)是一种全球智能算力网络。BHP将基于算力信用建立一套围绕算力生态的基础设施,为以加密数字货币算力、基因算力、IPFS算力、AI算力为代表的各种新兴算力生态提供基础服务,拓展这些算力的应用场景,打造围绕算力信用的生态系统,推进各种新兴算力在全球范围的便捷供给、获取、流转、交易、清算和衍生金融服务。

The BHP will build an infrastructure based on arithmetic credit that provides basic services for the various emerging computing ecosystems represented by crypto-digital numeric numeric numeracy, genetic numeracy, IPFS numeracy, AI numeracy, and expand the application of these arithmetic credit-based ecosystems to facilitate the global availability, acquisition, transfer, trading, liquidation and derivative financial services of emerging numeracy.

算力币(BHP Coin,简称 BHP)是 BHP公链的原生代币,也是权益代币,用于激励公链建设,治理公链生态。

Arithmetical coins (BHP Coin, or BHP) are the original and equity tokens of the BHP public chain and are used to stimulate public-chain construction and to regulate the public-chain ecology.




为了打破算力垄断,确保机器智能时代的人类安全,解决算力的供应者和使用者之间的供需不平衡, 各种不同算力网络之间算力的供给、管理、交易、交割、清算以及衍生金融服务等都急切需要一个去中心化的、智能的、中立的、不属于任何人或组织的区块链网络,以开放透明的方式融合各种算力生态,将不同算力持有人和生产者的权益引入到一个新的共识机制中,进而利用智能合约、侧链、跨链等技术扩展算力生态,在不同的算力间提供“连通”、”流转、“信用”等各种服务,打造一个具备可持续性、安全性、可信任框架的去中心化算力基础设施,让每个人都能轻松分享AI时代的算力红利。

In the current era of artificial intelligence, the development of large-scale data, cloud computing, material networking, robotics, 5G communications, block chains, etc., will be directed to artificial intelligence, and a large number of arithmetic intelligence systems will gradually begin to fall into various industrial areas. In addition to the Hash computing power applied in the area of encryption digital money, complex genetic computing for bio-medical engineering, IPFS computing power for distributional storage, new computing power requirements such as Arithmetic Arithmetic Arithmetic power, increasing demand for arithmetic resources from all walks of life, while humans are entering the era of “data monopolies” and “assemsing resource monopolies” with a tendency to centralize.





Efficient and stable numeracy path: excellent calculation of resource utilization, effective upgrading of network efficiency, user experience of
leading cross-chain service technology: support for the architecture of the `Arithmetic Main Chain + High Performance Multi-Sectoral Chain', achieving efficient exchange of multi-asset
unique value access
quantitative criteria: fine-tuning quantitative numeric access standards, raising the level of factor supply
upper chain: using block-chain technology to integrate numeric ecology, then using smart contracts, cross-link technology, etc., to expand the numeric power chain
: building improved multi-trust mechanisms, and enhancing asset transactions and management efficiency
fast-track digital asset chain transactions: achieving transactional quick payments based on BHP network, advancing commercial applications for digital asset payment based on extremely low transaction costs




在 BHP 公链中,用户可通过 BTC 算力(目前)抵押获得稳定币进行日常支付,既可以享受资产的增值,又可获得更广泛的支付接受度。同时,BHP 公链高并发、低手续费、 高安全性的特点,极大地提高了小额支付的便利度。 BHP公链将通过开放共识节点等措施与交易所、金融机构、商户共享利益,建立支付联盟,打通支付壁垒,给用户创造越来越好的支付体验。

payment systems and their ecological construction
In the BHP public chain, users can obtain a stable currency for daily payment through BHP numeracy (currently) collateral, both to enjoy the value added of assets and to gain wider acceptance of payments. At the same time, the BHP public chain is characterized by high co-generation, low transaction costs, and high security, which greatly enhances the convenience of small payments. The BHP public chain will share benefits with exchanges, financial institutions, businesses, etc., by building payment alliances, opening payment barriers and creating an increasingly good payment experience for users.

BHP 公链的应用场景包括:
? 算力生态服务:为算力生态提供算力上链、溯源、流转、收益分发等服务。
? 算力抵押借贷:基于跨链和智能合约的算力抵押借贷发行。
? 数字资产流通:为基于算力以及算力担保的稳定币,提供安全高效的线上、
? 其他扩展金融服务

BHP Public Chain applications include:
? Arithmetic ecological services: provision of arithmetic hierarchies, traceability, flow, revenue distribution, etc. for arithmetic ecology.
? Arithmetic mortgage lending: issuance of arithmetic mortgages based on cross-chain and smart contracts.
? Digital asset flows: provision of safe and efficient line-based,
line-based payment services for a stable currency based on arithmetic and arithmetic security.
? Other extended financial services.





The process of virtualizing each of the new algorithms is the process of generating a new side chain. Calculators need a transparent and credible access link in the side chain, which we call the “calculatory route” in the BHP network. The mechanism of the algorithm is, in fact, the mechanism of the algorithmic chain, the process of cutting between producers and users, the process of switching between the “calculatory path” and the “calculatory path”. Multi-source algebraic algorithms, as long as they are measurable and severable, can be used as a multi-source factoring model that can be validated in the BHP network, completes asset determination and achieves the transfer of rights of use, or the flow of digital assets in the BHP network.


The technical architecture of the block chain: BHP block chain architectures are bottom-up: bottom-up data layers, using asymmetric encryption combined with public and private keys, hash functions to ensure that information is not tampered with, chain-based storage structures, time stampes, Merkel numbers, etc.; the network layer consists mainly of the P2P network, trade radio broadcasting and transaction validation mechanisms; the core consensus layer, addressing the consistency of the distributed system, which is PoS; the distribution mechanism and incentive mechanism in the incentive layer, which is a combination of economics and distributional calculations, allowing highly decentralized nodes to participate consciously in the maintenance and construction of the system; the contract layer, which is a virtual machine operating smart contracts, a contract enforcement engine, a consensus algorithm, a contract script code that can be deployed; and the application of layers to various applications of the sector chains, such as user interfaces, smart contracts API, software hardware wallets, multi-chain wallets, cross-border payment systems, etc.


smart segment network:
Increases in network traffic through block expansion and horizontal expansion, BHP public chains use autonomous dynamic segmentation technology based on intelligent load balance to achieve block chain expansion. Each segment can handle different transactions within the same time frame, and the entire network can be dealt with in a straight line. During each cycle, the system randomly organizes the nodes into a section, the nodes only verify the respective transactions and broadcast the results to the main chain to help the chain finalize the blocks. Each node in the smart segment network stores a distributed account of the main chain.


block trading model: In the BHP payment system, an average of about 15 seconds a block is created, consisting of blocks and blocks of bits. Blocks consist mainly of transactions generated during this time period, including the Harshi Hr-1 value of the previous block, the MerkleX of the current transaction, the time stamp T and random nence, etc.. Since the block contains Hashi value to the upper block, the block forms a “chain” structure.
BHP block logbooks are consistent with the Bitcoin principle. The BHP model of unexpended trading exports (UXTO) replaces traditional accounts. The UXTO system adheres to two rules:
that all sources of financing must come from one or more of the previously traded UXTOs;
that the total amount of any transaction must be equal to the total amount of the export.


Smart Contract System: BHP has an independent smart contract system: BHPontract. It is a micro-core, platform-related smart contract enforcement environment that provides uncertainty in terms of stacking operations, process control, logical calculations, cryptographic calculations, string operations, arrays of instructions, in terms of hardware. However, since there is currently no AVM-backed translator and development environment, it makes smart contract development based on AVM rather difficult and open to smart contracts in the form of interfaces, so developers have to use a similar compilation of language for contracts to generate platform-related data, sustainable storage and access to the Internet.

BHP在双链原子资产交换协议上进行了扩展,可以让多个参与者在不同的区块链上进行资产交换,并保证整个交易过程中的所有步骤全都成功或全都失败。为了实现这个功能,我们将利用 智能合约的功能,为每一个参与者创建一个合约账户。可以跨越两个完全无关的区块链实现各自数字资产的交换。

Cross-linkages Exchange Agreement: BHP is a distributed network that supports multi-sectional links, supports the architecture of “arithmetic master chains + high-performance multi-sectional chains” that allow for efficient exchange between multiple assets. The BHP inter-linkage agreement consists of two parts: “cross-chain assets exchange agreement” and “cross-chain distributed services agreement.”
(1) Multi-chain Atom Asset Exchange Agreement
BHP is expanded on a two-chain atomic asset exchange agreement that allows multiple participants to exchange assets on different segments of the chain and ensures that all steps in the entire transaction process are successful or unsuccessful. To achieve this function, we will create a contractual account for each participant.




通过算力持有人和 BHP 持有人的混合权益委托共识机制,BHP 智能算力网络,将算力持有人引入到治理结构中,算力权益与 BHP 持有人权益相互捆绑、相互制约,实现算力信用向 BHP 公链的传递。本质上,BHP 公链是一条以算力为信用背书,并具备智能合约的去中心化区块链网络。

The BHP Smart Arithmetic Network introduces the Arithmetic Holders into the governance structure by means of a mixed rights-based consensus mechanism between the Arithmetic and BHP Holders, which binds and constrains the rights of the BHP Holders and delivers the Arithmetic Credit to the BHP Public Chain. In essence, the BHP Public Chain is a network of decentralized block chains that rely on arithmetic as a credit endorsement and have intelligent contracts.

BHP 联盟是一个独立的、非盈利性会员组织,联盟的目的是协调和提供 BHP 管理网络框架,维持并领导社会影响力进行资助。该联盟的成员由运行 BHP 公链的验证节点网络组成。BHP 联盟成员将包括分布在各地的多元化企业,非营利性和多边组织及学术机构。

The BHP Alliance is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization whose purpose is to coordinate and provide the BHP management network framework, and to maintain and lead social influence funding. The membership of the Alliance consists of a network of certified nodes running the BHP public chain.

此外,BHP 公链将对所有人开放:任何消费者,开发者或者企业都能使用 BHP 网络,在其上构建产品和为他们的服务增值。开放性访问确保了进入和创新的低门槛,并且鼓励利益受众进行良性竞争。

In addition, the BHP public chain will be open to all: any consumer, developer, or business can use the BHP network to build products and add value to their services. Open access ensures a low threshold for entry and innovation, and encourages beneficial audiences to compete.




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