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According to Cointelegraph, on 11 November, Brian Brooks, the Acting Administrator of the Monetary Supervisory Authority of the United States, said that about 60 million United States citizens currently held some kind of encrypted currency, with a total market value close to $43 billion. These figures clearly show that this payment mechanism is now firmly embedded in the financial mainstream. Brooks argues that encrypted money has become a popular mechanism for sending payments for goods and services received in real time, as transactions are real-time and provide convenience and security.


In recent years, US traditional institutions have also continued to grow their interest in investment in cryptographic currencies. As the size of US encryption funds, such as the Greyscale Trust Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., continues to grow, so have many listed companies that have entered the US to start encrypting market investment allocation, while global encryption market pricing rights have shifted to the US.

消息人士:中国矿工正大量购买英伟达显卡开采ETH:消息人士称,英伟达的GeForce RTX 3系列显卡作为挖采ETH的工具,在中国已经越来越流行。据估计,以目前的价格,一台GeForce RTX 30 60笔记本电脑每年可以挖出大约2.3枚ETH(约合3900美元),显然能够弥补笔记本电脑的成本和中国的能源成本。据悉,GeForce RTX 30系列显卡电脑于1月26日上市,售价在1000美元至2000美元之间。(Cointelegraph)[2021/2/9 19:16:39]

Sources: Chinese miners are buying a large amount of the British Weida Shanka mining ETH: According to sources, the GeForce RTX 3 series of cards are becoming more popular in China as a tool for digging for ETH. It is estimated that, at current prices, a GeForce RTX 3060 laptop can excavate about 2.3 ETHs per year (approximately $3900), apparently covering the cost of laptop computers and China’s energy costs. According to the source, the GeForce RTX 30 series of cards was marketed on 26 January at a price of between $1,000 and $2,000. (Cointelegraph) [2021/2/9 19:16:39]


Moreover, according to CoinDesk’s latest news, the Biden campaign team officially announced on 10 November that Gary Gensler, former Goldman Sachs executive and former US Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, had been hired to lead the Financial Policy Transition Team for Biden. The encryption expert Gary Gensler, who was well known for his extensive application of encryption technology, was hired by the US government to lead the Financial Policy Transition Team, which also clearly shows the importance that the new US leadership attaches to the encrypt currency market.

调查显示:57%中国矿商认为未来6个月内会有大量新BTC买家进场:5月5日消息,根据加密服务公司RockX 5月4日的一项调查,57%的中国矿商预计,未来6个月内会有大量新的比特币买家进场。RockX对42名知名比特币矿工和亚洲矿业社区成员进行了调查。超过71%的受访者认为,市场对比特币的信心已经恢复。此外,45%的受访者认为,未来6个月,比特币的价格将保持在1万美元至1.2万美元之间;近24%的受访者认为,比特币的价格将保持在1万美元左右,波动性较小;而超过14%的受访者认为比特币的价值将超过1.5万美元。(Cointelegraph)[2020/5/5]

According to the survey, 57% of Chinese miners believe that there will be a large number of new BTC buyers in the next six months: on 5 May, according to a survey conducted by the encryption service company RockX on 4 May, 57% of Chinese miners expect a large number of new Bitcoin buyers to enter in the next six months. RockX surveyed 42 prominent Bitcoin miners and members of the Asian mining community. More than 71% of respondents believe that the market's relative currency confidence has been restored. In addition, 45% of respondents believe that the price of Bitcoin will remain between $10,000 and $12 million over the next six months; nearly 24% of respondents believe that the price of Bitcoin will remain around $10,000, which is less volatile; and more than 14% of respondents believe that Bitcoin will be worth more than $15,000.


The United States now owns 60 million citizens with encrypted currency, which is an indication of the relatively mature and friendly environment in which the country’s crypto-money-trading market environment has developed, and we can assume that the United States may have become a fertile ground for the development of the encryption industry, given the long history of its capital and traditional institutions. In recent years, the United States has been at the forefront of the world’s developments in the area of encryption money.

动态 | 中国矿池卖空比特币以对抗币价下跌:据crypto-news报道,随着比特币不断走低,许多矿场变得无利可图,有些矿场不得不关闭而稍具规模的广场则选择卖空比特币,以对冲比特币价格下跌。由于价格暴跌至4500美元以下,为了降低损失,他们选择卖空比特币以使币价进一步走低。然而,并非所有矿工都认为未来是悲观的, Coinshares最近进行的一项研究发现,他们中的许多人对比特币的前景持乐观态度,并暂时重新安置他们的业务。不过,矿工自己卖空比特币是一个令人担忧的发展,这表明在不久的将来,加密货币的价格不会出现任何大幅的反弹。[2018/12/7]

According to Crypto-news, as Bitcoin continues to decline, many mines become unprofitable, and some mines have had to close and small squares have chosen to sell bitcoin in exchange for falling prices. As prices plunged below $4,500, they choose to sell bitcoin to lower currency further in order to reduce their losses. However, not all miners consider the future to be pessimistic, and a recent study by Coinshares found that many of them are optimistic about the future of bitcoins and temporarily relocate their business.


The BTC day has a narrow, narrow, rounded-up, and the BTC day is 15,400 lines of continuous, narrow-size, round-ticked, one-hour-level view. The market has been in that position for some time, with a gradual reduction in amplitude, a steady decline in turnover, a gradual weakening of differences between the multiple sides, a short-term market that may choose the direction, a certain amount of volatility at night, and a possible direction at night. The solar-line level, owing to an earlier small increase, is still in the state of yesterday’s upswing, and is still in the state of a high-plate. In the evening, constant attention is paid to changes in the volume of transactions and to the breakthroughs at the 16,000 whole gate above and to the 15400 below.


After all, if you want to keep the money safe and secure, you'll only have to dig! Returning to the core is the basic foundation of the chain, and mining is certainly the least cost, the fastest way, and the safest way to get one of them, in Taiyuan and Bitcoin. The mine-drawing platter continues to be shrouded and collapsing, as long as the money is in hand every day! And cloud-drawling is the only way in which the public can be involved to steal your bitco and tatterco!


The cellular mining model does not require the purchase of a miner because it provides a platform for a mining machine to rent. Users do not need to buy expensive mine machines and search for cheap power sources and mine hosting maintenance, but simply lease mine machines to dig up their own bitcoins and Ether. The mine is now operating for five years, with nearly half a million mine machines in eight of the country's major mines, and 120 MW mines in the Middle East that are constantly exporting bitcoins to customers. Users can come to the mine any time to find out.


Label: bitcoin


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