比“澳本聪”更可能的比特币创始人 正被关在监狱里?

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  文/Jeremy Wall  译/岳巍


Source: InfoQ (ID: infoqchina)

  11月12日凌晨3点左右,Grin开发人员David Burkett在Grin官方电报群中表示,团队收到一笔50枚BTC的匿名捐款。随后,莱特币创始人李启威现身电报群称,该神秘人物是中本聪,理由该捐款地址交易账户是九年前建立的。

On 12 November, at about 3 a.m., Grin developer David Burkett stated in Grin’s official cable collection that the team had received an anonymous donation of 50 BTCs. Subsequently, the founder of Letcoin, Lee Qingwei, stated that the mysterious figure was Bint Nakae, for the reason that the contribution address trading account was established nine years ago.

  David Burkett笑称,虽然希望是中本聪捐的,但没有证据证明这一点。随后财经博主"好币"发微博表示,Grin开发基金再次收到50个BTC匿名捐赠,捐赠者是09-10年比特币元老。

David Burkett laughed, saying that although the hope was from China, there was no evidence of this. Then the financial publisher "good currency" tweeted that the Grin Development Fund had again received 50 anonymous donations from BTC donors, who were in Bytcoco '09-10.

  虽然这是寻找中本聪路上的一次小插曲,但关于“谁是中本聪”这件事大家一直没有放弃过。有新证据显示,比特币创始人中本聪的真实身份可能是加密软件E4M和True Crypt的设计者Paul Solotshi。

Although this is a small episode in the search for the middle-bonest path, the question of "who is the middle-bonest" has never been abandoned. There is new evidence that the true identity of Ben-bones among the founders of Bitcoin may be the designers of encryption software E4M and True Crypt, Paul Solotshi.

  现年46岁的Paul Solotshi在网上有一个“犯罪大师”的称号,同时也是E4M和True Crypt(据猜测,中本聪的100万比特币有可能存在True Crypt软件里)这两个加密软件程序的设计者。Paul Solotshi曾在网上发表过一份宣言书,与中本聪2008年的《比特币白皮书》出奇相似。

Paul Solotshi, a 46-year-old criminal master, is also a designer of two encryption software programs, E4M and True Crypt (the likely existence of 1 million bitcoins in True Crypt). Paul Solotshi published a manifesto online, which is uniquely similar to his 2008 White Paper on Bitcoin.

  不仅如此,宣言书的单词拼写和语言风格也像极了白皮书。Paul Solotshi喜欢赌博,而比特币的初始代码就包含一个扑克牌客户端。此外,Paul Solotshi从2012年起被关在监狱,恰好也解释了为什么中本聪账户里的100万比特币一直没人动过。

Paul Solotshi likes to gamble, and Bitcoin’s initial code contains a poker client. Moreover, Paul Solotshi has been in prison since 2012, which explains why one million bitcoins in the middle-bone account have never been moved.

  最重要的是,本文呈现的各种文件都显示Paul Solotshi与2016年自称是中本聪的另一位电脑科学家Craig Wright存在某种千丝万缕的关系。这些信息堆起来是不是更像一部007谍战戏?

Most importantly, the documents presented in this paper show that Paul Solotshi has some kind of entangled relationship with Craig Wright, another computer scientist who claims to be a middle-aged computer scientist in 2016. Is this information more like a 007 war scene?


1 with a high number of candidates


Bennett among the mysterious founders of Bitcoin has long been confused and has become the oldest mystery in the industry. Some say that he is a man, others say he is a woman, and some even think that he may not be a human being, but these speculations are gone. The version of speculation is changing, but the mystery is still a mystery.

  这期间,很多中本聪的推测和身份人选不断进入公众视野,其中包括公开宣称自己是中本聪的Craig Wright,不过他的大胆举动还是让他成为“假本聪”天团的一员。

During this period, a number of middle-aged conjectures and identity candidates continued to gain access to public opinion, including publicly claiming to be middle-aged Craig Wright, although his bold moves allowed him to become a member of the “false-breeding” group.


Wright’s actions have given rise to many controversy, with endless lawsuits and court hearings, including the Kleimanv.Wright case, which is all the more entangled, but it is very strange that a new piece of evidence has appeared in the course of the investigation (this piece of evidence, which looks like Wikipedia, is supposed to be unmodified). The evidence points to another person. This person is either Wright or our main actor, Satoshi.


2 and whose new identity is he?

  这位新发现的中本聪人选,全名是Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux,今年46岁,曾是一位大公司联盟组织的领导人,专门从事毒品和军火走私业务,同时还担任着美国缉毒局的线人,属于天生的编程高手。

The newly discovered middle-class man, Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux, aged 46, was the leader of a coalition of large companies, specializing in drug and arms smuggling, and also served as an informant for the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, a natural programmer.


LeRoux has been involved in various operations, such as gold smuggling, precious metals mining, money-laundering, logging, assassination operations and encryption software development.


In addition, with regard to Le Roux, Wikipedia has an update:


LeRoux is currently under arrest by the United States police on charges of planning an assassination, resulting in the death of six people.


Readers may have read The Master of Crime on the Atavist platform, which is no stranger to Le Roux's story.


There is a highly general phrase on the serial cover that says:


He was a talented computer engineer and a vicious criminal leader, and was later given special attention by the United States Government.

  正如上面所说,除去他的罪犯身份,LeRoux还是一名非常出色的程序员。1999年,LeRoux曾主持设计Windows的免费磁盘加密软件E4M,此外,还有可能参与开发了基于E4M的开源True Crypt磁盘加密技术软件。

As stated above, LeRoux is also a very good programmer, apart from his criminal identity. In 1999, LeRoux hosted the design of the free disk encryption software for Windows, E4M. In addition, it was possible to participate in the development of the open source True Crypt encryption software based on E4M.

  那么问题来了:这样一个怪才——一个兼具深厚的犯罪背景和卓越的编程贡献的人怎么会跟Craig Wright庭审案联系起来呢?又怎么会成为中本聪的新人选呢?

So the question arises: how can such a genius — a man with a deep criminal background and excellent programming contribution — be connected to Craig Wright’s trial? How can he be a new candidate?


Let's take a look at the evidence in the case.


3; case unexpectedly leads to new leads

  Craig Wright在公开宣称自己是中本聪后不久,就被Kleiman家族在佛罗里达州法院起诉,起诉原因是Wright从已故的Dave Kleiman处盗取了价值110亿美元的比特币。据称,Dave Kleiman是一名计算机取证专家,也曾被外界猜测是中本聪的真身,两人曾经是合作伙伴,直到2013年kleiman去世。

Craig Wright was indicted by the Kleiman family in the Florida State Court shortly after publicly claiming that he was a mid-sight, for stealing $11 billion worth of bitcoin from the late Dave Kleiman. Dave Kleiman was allegedly a computer forensic expert and was once assumed by the outside world to be the true person of middle-sight, both of whom were partners until the death of Kleiman in 2013.

  在这起诉讼案中,被告Craig Wright提交的证据里存在大量让人匪夷所思的推测,此外还有很多误导信息、造假文件和虚假内容。

In this suit, the evidence submitted by the defendant Craig Wright contained a large number of incredible speculations, in addition to misleading information, false documents and false content.

  让人匪夷所思的推测集中体现在Wright提交的187号文件《Craig Wright的保护令提议》中。

Enormous speculation is concentrated in Wright's proposal for a protection order in document 187, Craig Wright.

  据该文件显示,在证明Craig Wright中本聪身份和110亿美元比特币所有权的证据中包含多项敏感信息,其中一条是关于Craige Wright与犯罪组织建立联系,并参与抓捕行动的。

According to the document, evidence of Craig Wright's intellectual identity and ownership of $11 billion in bitcoin contained a number of sensitive information, including one on Craig Wright's association with criminal organizations and his involvement in arrest operations.


The content of the document had been modified by Wright in the fear that inmates would learn of reprisals for their hard work.

  倒霉的是,修改文件的人忽略了文件下方的一处脚注。恰恰是这处被忽略的细节指向了犯罪组织头目PaulLe Roux,也就是本文的主角。

Unfortunately, the person who modified the document ignored a footnote at the bottom of the document. It was precisely this missing detail that pointed to Paul Le Roux, the head of the criminal organization, who was the main actor.



The incomplete link shown in the footnote above points to an article in the British Daily Post that describes LeRoux:


In reality, an organization leader of the drug and arms empires across four continents, comparable to the Bond film sect, became a superinformer of the United States police.

  另外,未修改的脚注中还有一个链接指向LeRoux的维基百科信息。信息称,Craige Wright的惧怕对象极有可能就是LeRoux。

In addition, there is a link in the unmodified footnote to LeRoux's Wikipedia message. The message states that Craig Wright's fear is most likely the object of LeRoux.

  4、PaulLe Roux、中本聪和Craig Wright的关系大推理

4, Paul Le Roux, Nakamoto and Craig Wright

  随着187文件的公开,诸多迹象表明PaulLe Roux可能就是中本聪真身,同时Craig Wright手里还掌握着PaulLe Roux的100万比特币加密硬盘。

With the release of 187 documents, there are many indications that Paul Le Roux may be the middle-senior body, while Craig Wright holds 1 million bits of Paul Le Roux's encrypted hard drive.

  但Craig Wright、Dave Kleiman和PaulLe Roux在这个事件中到底是什么关系呢?

But what does Craig Wright, Dave Kleiman and Paul Le Roux have to do with this?


According to the unmodified evidence in documents 187 and LeRoux, LeRoux was the anonymous person mentioned in the Wright document.


A combination of documentary information and a number of reasoning leads to the conclusion that Wright could have worked under LeRoux, who was imprisoned as a result of reporting to the police in 2012.

  顺着这个假定的故事线往后走,据一名Reddit贴吧的匿名吧友反映,Wright跟他的老朋友兼生意伙伴Dave Kleiman成功拿到了LeRoux的加密硬盘,里面装有LeRoux的100万比特币。

Following this hypothetical storyline, according to an anonymous friend of Reddit's bar, Wright and his old friend and business partner, Dave Kleiman, successfully obtained LeRoux's encrypted hard drive containing LeRoux's 1 million bits of coin.

  但这些比特币都锁在LeRoux的True Crypt软件加密卷里(这款密码加密软件也是LeRoux参与开发的)。Wright花费几年功夫不断尝试破译密码,均告失败。这也解释了为什么Wright一直拿不出他是中本聪的实际证据。

But all of this bitcoin is locked in the True Crypt encrypt of LeRoux (which LeRoux was also involved in the development of). Wright's years of effort to try to decipher the code failed. This explains why Wright has not been able to produce the actual evidence that he is middle-hearing.

  随后Craig Wright的好友Calvin Ayre帮助建立数个电脑仓库,试图解锁加密的硬盘编码,整个仓库区伪装成一个加密货币矿场,借助采矿行为来打掩护。

Calvin Ayre, a friend of Craig Wright's, then helped to build several computer warehouses, attempting to unlock encrypted hard disk codes, and the entire warehouse area was disguised as an encrypted currency mine, using mining practices as a cover.

  因此,这个猜测虽然看上去眼花缭乱但情节相对合理。Craig Wright公开宣称是自己是“中本聪”的目的就是要破解密码,拿到100万比特币,然后堂而皇之地合法变现。

So, this speculation, although it seems confusing, is quite reasonable. Craig Wright has publicly declared himself to be a “medium-breath” in order to decipher the code, get 1 million bitcoins, and then legalize it.

  上面的图片来自Kleimanv Wright诉讼案的一页文件。Wright在文件中声明,他手里有Kleiman的比特币True Crypt存储文件包,可以在5到10年的时间内解锁。这样的话,我们可以得出Wright手里的True Crypt文件实际上属于LeRoux,并不是Kleiman。

The above picture was taken from a page of the Kleimanv Wright suit. Wright stated in the file that he had a bitcoin True Crypt bag in Kleiman, which could be unlocked over a period of 5 to 10 years. In that way, we could come to the conclusion that the True Crypt file in Wright's hand actually belonged to LeRoux, not Kleiman.

  上述的信息量确实很大,你可能还存在诸多疑虑和问题,这并不奇怪,因为这本来就是一个非常复杂的推论。但如果仔细观察,PaulLe Roux和中本聪确有大量相似之处。

It is not surprising that there are many doubts and questions that you may still have, because it is a very complex inference. If you look at it carefully, Paul Le Roux does have a lot of similarities with medium-breathing.

  5、PaulLe Roux和中本聪有哪些相似之处?

What are the similarities between 5, Paul Le Roux and Nakamoto?

  除了Craig Wright提供的PaulLe Roux信息,还有很多诡异的巧合似乎能佐证犯罪组织头目LeRoux是中本聪真身。

In addition to the Paul Le Roux information provided by Craig Wright, there appear to be a number of strange coincidences that support the fact that Le Roux, the leader of a criminal organization, is a Chinese human being.

  1.PaulLe Roux化名中的“Solotshi”一词与中本聪的Satoshi非常接近

The word “Solotshi” in the alias of Paul Le Roux is very close to Satoshi in the middle.

  在LeRoux的多本护照中,他一直使用“Solotshi”一词作为自己的名字,该词读音非常像中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)里的“Satoshi”。

In Le Roux's multiple passports, he has been using the term “Solotshi” as his name, which is very much like the word “Satoshi” in Satoshi Nakamoto.

  2.PaulLe Roux与中本聪一样,都是程序高手且都熟悉C++

2. Paul Le Roux, like Nakamoto, is a good programmer and familiar with C++.

  在PaulLe Roux从事犯罪活动之前,曾是一名非常杰出的计算机程序员,对密码学和隐私保护研究几近痴迷,这一点很像中本聪。

Prior to Paul Le Roux's criminal activities, he had been a very distinguished computer programmer and was almost obsessed with cryptography and privacy protection, which was much like being a medium-brained computer programmer.

  前面提到,1997年他开始研究E4M加密程序(Encryption for the Masses),该程序可以加密整个硬盘并且合理拒绝加密卷的访问。

As mentioned above, in 1997 he began to study the E4M encryption program for the Masses, which can encrypt the entire hard drive and reasonably refuse access to the encrypt volume.


In addition, Le Roux has issued a declaration that sets out ideas very similar to those of the Chinese White Paper. The following is a Wikipedia note:


In the political section of the E4M website, LeRoux published a declaration that the Government is increasingly relying on the power of electronic data collection, as exemplified by the “Echelon” project of the United States and the United Kingdom, which eventually turned into a “Five Eyes Alliance” after including Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In response, LeRoux claims that the privacy of citizens will be a great challenge, and encryption is the only way to protect civil liberties.


At the end of the Declaration, he said:


In the information age and the post-information age, powerful encryption technology is an effective mechanism for combating individual invasions, protecting your individual rights and safeguarding your personal freedom.

  3.LeRoux可能还开发了True Crypt加密软件,中本聪的100万比特币现存在该软件中

3. LeRoux may have also developed the True Crypt encryption software, in which one million bits of Chinese bellicose is currently in place.

  据说,中本聪的100万比特币就安全存放在True Crypt的加密卷里。True Crypt是基于E4M程序的开发软件,LeRoux很有可能就是匿名开发者团队的成员。

One million bitcoins are said to have been safely stored in True Crypt's encryption file. True Crypt is based on the E4M program development software, and LeRoux is likely to be a member of the group of anonymous developers.


This assumption is reasonable because, according to Le Roux's former colleagues, Le Roux had studied the software, but they had no reliable evidence, so the mystery remains unresolved.

  总之,如果有人能在True Crypt的冷钱包中储存数量达100万之巨的比特币,很难相信他跟参与开发硬盘加密软件没有一点关系。

In short, it is difficult to believe that a person who can store the largest amount of bitcoins of 1 million in True Crypt's cold wallet has nothing to do with his involvement in the development of hard disk encryption software.


4. The disappearance of the neutron trail coincides with LeRoux's transfer time.


In early 2011, Nakamoto suddenly disappeared, while LeRoux left the area of software development as owner of a coalition of large pharmaceutical companies. Soon after, RXLimited was hit by the United States Government and the United States Drug Enforcement Agency for illegal international pharmaceutical operations.


This is how Wikipedia describes the experience:


About in 2011, LeRoux suddenly evaporated, and his whereabouts were unknown to his employees for a long time. As the pace of investigation by the US government department accelerated, LeRoux took refuge in Rio de Janeiro, and subsequently planned to settle permanently.


The sudden disappearance and ambush of LeRoux largely coincides with the time when Nakamoto disappeared online. This is a very large resemblance to the other two.


Internet posts circulated in 2002 suspected of having been made by Le Roux.


Just seven years before Bitcoin was born in 2002, there was a post in the forum that sounded very much like the conception of Bitcoin.


For a long time, it has been assumed that the post could have been written by Nakamoto seven years before Bitcoin was born. And it's interesting to know that the IP address that was posted at that time came from the Netherlands, where LeRoux was right then.


In addition to the big points above, Le Roux and Nakamoto have many other similarities:


Both were very vigilant against the Government — as demonstrated by the E4M Declaration of Le Roux and the Chinese White Paper of Bitcoin.


Both are interested in online gambling – we know LeRoux was involved in online gambling, and Bitcoin’s initial code contains a poker client program.


Both understand that a new digital payment system is needed to address the challenges that arise in traditional payment systems. LeRoux aims to improve the more cumbersome payment system used in the online prescription drug market, and Chinabone has set out a new concept for payment systems in the White Paper Bitcoin.


There are similar spellings and writing styles in both public documents, such as analyse, colour, defence, Brody, hard, which are highly similar.


Le Roux was at least a millionaire, so he did not cash the bitcoin in his hand when the price of Bitcoin rose.

  6、Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux到底是不是中本聪?

6, Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux? >/strong >


While all the evidence suggests that LeRoux is likely to be middle-aged, many questions remain. For example, when Ben was able to perfect Bitcoin in mid-2009, LeRoux’s status as head of a major business alliance was established, and drug smuggling and arms shipments started.

  所以,有人认为,Craig Wright声称与LeRoux存在联系完全是编造的,目的是为了告诉世人他与比特币的起源是存在关联的。

Thus, it has been argued that Craig Wright's claim to have a link with LeRoux was entirely fabricated in order to tell the world that he had a connection with the origins of Bitcoin.

  不过,Wright在加密技术行业没有什么好名声,除了Calvin Ayre相信他的话,没有其他人相信。

However, Wright has no good reputation in the encryption industry, and no one but Calvin Ayre believes what he says.


Therefore, Wright's statements must be strictly substantiated by facts and must be treated with caution.

  如果Craig Wright和LeRoux存在的可疑联系被证实,Solotshi最终成为如假包换的中本聪,这应该是史上最不可思议的一则大新闻了,昆汀导演一定不会放过这个绝佳的电影素材。

If the suspicious connection between Craig Wright and Le Roux is confirmed, Solotshi will eventually become the most incredible piece of news in history.


Original link:

  https://www.investinblockchain.com/new-evidence-suggests-satoshi-nakamoto-is-paul-solotshi-the-creator-of-encryption-software-e4m-and-True Crypt/


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