新手入门教程:投资元宇宙的 7 种方法

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在过去的几个月中,您可能已经多次使用过“metaverse”一词。这是一个热门话题,几家大公司和投资者都在押注它的未来。在加密货币和 NFT 领域花费的时间和我一样多,我看到这个词每天被无数次使用。

In the past few months, you may have used the term "metaverse" many times. It's a hot topic, and a few big companies and investors are keeping an eye on its future. I spend as much time in encryption money and NFT as I do, and I see it being used countless times a day.


尽管我们谈论了多少元宇宙,但它仍然难以定义。我我最喜欢的简短定义是对 Matthew Ball 如何描述它的改编:

Although we've talked about how many metaspaces, it's still hard to define. My favorite short definition is how Matthew Ball describes it:


Metaverse 是一个巨大的沉浸式 3D 虚拟世界网络,可以由无限数量的人实时体验。

Metaverse is a huge immersion 3D virtual world network that can be experienced in real time by an unlimited number of people.



The truth is, we're still trying to define what the meta-cosmos is. This highlights how early we are, which in turn means that we have a good investment opportunity. It also means that investment is as risky as it gets.


有无数的公司、加密货币和 NFT 项目定位于非常切向地接触元宇宙。我现在将忽略这些,而是专注于那些更直接曝光的,尽管我所涵盖的许多都不是纯粹的元宇宙投资。

There are countless companies, encrypted money, and NFT projects that are well positioned to touch the meta-cosmos. I will now ignore them and focus on those that are more directly exposed, even though many of the investments I cover are not purely meta-cosm investments.



As usual, it's not a financial proposition, and investing in any one of them is very risky. The meta-cosm may never happen, and we certainly don't know what form it might take.



But if it does, I believe that the asset classes covered below are some of our best investment opportunities.



大多数人都同意,我们将在身临其境的虚拟 3D 世界中拥有许多未来的元宇宙体验。可能戴着我们的 VR 耳机。这些世界很可能是由虚拟的“土地”组成的,无论是开阔的田野、密集城市中的地块,还是高层建筑中的楼层。

Most people agree that we will have a lot of future meta-cosm experience in the virtual 3D world where we live. We may wear our VR headphones. These worlds are probably made up of virtual "land" -- open fields, lots in dense cities, and floors in high-rise buildings.



Developers will build their shops, theatres, schools and sites on these virtual lands. Basically, building what they can imagine will enhance our digital life. A few of these virtual worlds are already under development.


Sandbox和Decentraland是该领域的两个领导者。它们每个都由大约 100,000 块土地组成。其他现任者包括NFT Worlds、World Wide Webb、Somnium Space和备受期待的Yuga Labs的 Otherside ,即将在不久的将来推出。

Sandbox and Decentraland are two leaders in this area. Each of them consists of about 100,000 plots of land. Other incumbents include NFT WorldWebb, Somnium Space, and the expected Yuga Labs Otheside, which will be launched in the near future.




Virtual land investment cases are the same as in the real world: some worlds are more popular than others, just as some countries and cities are more popular than others. Because land is limited, the value of each plot increases with demand.



In addition, some plots are more valuable than others. Larger plots are more expensive when they are naturally smaller.


但你的邻居也很重要。在 Decentraland 最受欢迎的聚会地点旁边可能会物有所值,因为它可能会为您的位置带来大量知名度和客流量。

But your neighbor is also important. Next to the most popular meeting place in Decentraland, it might be worth something because it could bring a lot of visibility and traffic to your location.



But some people will object to all of this. The new virtual world has been created, and they can easily expand with new land. It destroys the scarcity factor. The location is irrelevant, because we can easily see and “move” anywhere on the map by clicking on the button.



来自 Decentraland、The Sandbox 和 NFT Worlds 的地块在 OpenSea 上出售



Personally, I hesitated, and I didn't know enough about every virtual world to express a strong opinion. Obviously, many of these virtual lands were huge investments in the past. Whether you buy them or not, this is a basic meta-cosm concept that needs to be understood.



上面介绍的许多虚拟世界都有自己的本地加密代币。这些通常用作每个世界内部的交换媒介。沙盒有自己的 $SAND 代币,Decentraland 有 $MANA,NFT Worlds 有 $WLRD,等等。

Many of the virtual worlds described above have their own local encrypted tokens. These are usually used as an exchange medium within each world. Sandboxes have their own $SAND tokens, Decentraland has $MANAs, NFT Worlds has $WLRD, etc.



As activity increases in the given virtual world, so does the demand for its own currency. And so is its value. At least that's the idea.




The dollar tokens have been a huge investment in the last few years.



Like virtual plots, many of these tokens have been excellent investments in the past. Time will prove whether this trend will be sustained and which do the best.



许多 NFT avatar 项目对元宇宙抱有很大的野心。他们想为社区活动、聚会和谈话建立虚拟空间,让他们的成员只是闲逛和社交。其中大部分仅适用于给定项目的头像所有者,他们也将能够显示他们的头像。

Many NFT avatar projects have great ambitions for the meta-cosmos. They want to create virtual spaces for community activities, gatherings, and conversations, so that their members can just hang around and socialize. Most of them only apply to the headowners of the given project, who will also be able to show as their head.


Snopp Dogg 是拥抱元宇宙的名人之一



At this moment, it feels like almost every head project is trying to create something in the metaspace. But their thoughts are very different. Some are building their own virtual world or game, and some are building in the existing game described above.




上面提到的所有虚拟世界,它们各自的代币,以及 NFT 头像项目都是建立在区块链技术之上的。大多数领先的都是在以太坊区块链上创建的。其他的则建立在 Solana、Terra、WAX、Tezos 和 BNB 智能链上,仅举几例。

All the virtual worlds mentioned above, their respective tokens, and the NFT project are based on block chain technology. Most of the leading players are created on the Teapan block chain. The others are built on the Solara, Terra, WAX, Tezos and BNB smart chains, to mention just a few.



As the activity on these block chains increases, so does the value of the raw encrypted currency. At least theoretically and in the long run, we have seen many of them perform better than the wider encryption market in the recent past.


Terra 和 Solana 等区块链是最近最好的加密投资之一


这些区块链不是直接的元界投资,因为它们也被用于许多其他应用程序。例如,这包括 DeFi(去中心化金融)、游戏和文件存储。

These block chains are not direct meta-level investments because they are also used in many other applications. This includes, for example, DeFi (decentralized finance), games and file storage.


另一方面,无论谁最终赢得虚拟世界之战,以太坊都会受益。您不必在 The Sandbox、Decentraland 和所有其他争夺市场份额的虚拟世界中选择最喜欢的。这就是使这些区块链成为如此吸引人的投资的原因。

On the other hand, Etheria benefits whoever wins the virtual world battle. You do not have to choose between the Sandbox, the Decentraland, and all the other virtual worlds that compete for market share. That is why these blocks become such attractive investments.




As far as block chain ecosystems are concerned, Ether is an indisputable leader. However, it does have some limitations. When network activity surges, it is easily convulsed, resulting in high transaction costs. The scaling solution is designed to solve the problem.


以太坊被称为“第一层”区块链。已经创建了第 2 层区块链和侧链,以便以更有效的方式处理交易。该领域的一些领导者是 Polygon ($MATIC)、Immutable X ($IMX) 和 Loopring ($LRC)。

It is called the " first layer " block chain. A 2nd block chain and a side chain have been created to handle transactions in a more efficient manner. Some of the leaders in this area are Polygon ($MATIC), Immutable X ($IMX) and Loopering ($LRC).



迄今为止,Polygon 一直是以太坊扩展解决方案中的明显领导者


就像以太坊和其他第 1 层区块链一样,这些扩展解决方案并不是直接押注于元界。它们同样适用于 DeFi、游戏和 NFT。不过,在过去的几个月里,它们已经获得了一些重要的牵引力和价值,它们绝对值得仔细研究。

These extended solutions, like the Etherm and the other 1st block chains, are not directly tied to the meta-region. They are equally applicable to DeFi, games and NFTs. However, in the past few months, they have gained some important traction and value, which are absolutely worthy of careful study.




Roblox has been creating virtual experiences for many years. Many large companies have now incorporated the universe into their business strategies, and even taken the first step in that direction.



Meta 对 Metaverse 的贡献包括 Horizon Home、Worlds 和 Workrooms(来源:Meta)

Meta contributions to Metaverse include Horizon Home, Worlds and Workrooms (source: Meta)


最明显的例子是 Meta,以前称为 Facebook。马克·扎克伯格对虚拟世界有很大的计划,并希望引领潮流。他在 2014 年收购 Oculus 以及最近的更名说明了一切。

The most obvious example is Meta, formerly known as Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has a great plan for the virtual world and hopes to lead the tide. He acquired Ocuulus in 2014 and recently .


耐克于去年 11 月开设了他们的元界商店Nikeland 。一个月后,他们收购了 RTFKT,这是一家专门从事数字运动鞋和其他手工艺品的工作室。他们也是前面提到的CloneX的创造者。而阿迪达斯不想被抛在后面。

Nike opened their meta-store, Nikeland, last November. A month later, they bought RTFKT, a studio specializing in digital sneakers and other handicrafts. They were also the creators of CloneX, as mentioned earlier. Adidas did not want to be left behind.


Roblox 中的 Nikeland 视图和CloneX头像之一


Tinder 背后的公司 Match Group 希望将其配对工作带到虚拟世界。这包括基于化身的虚拟体验、称为 Tinder Coins 的虚拟货币和虚拟世界 Single Town。

The company behind Tinder Match Group wants to bring its matchmaking to the virtual world. This includes the virtual experience based on incarnation, the virtual currency called Tinder Coins, and the virtual world Single Town.


Nvidia、Unity 和 Cloudflare 等公司提供了公司在元宇宙中构建所需的基础设施、软件和安全性。你可以很容易地用谷歌搜索更多像这样的“元宇宙股票”。

Nvidia, Unity and Cloudflare provide the infrastructure, software and security that companies need to build in the metacosystem. You can easily use Google to search for more metacosystem stocks like this.




Personally, I am a strong supporter of index investment, not an attempt to select individual winners. Fortunately for us, we also have some opportunities to invest in our meta-communities, though they all have some trade-offs.


股票市场上实际上有几种 Metaverse ETF(交易所交易基金)。其中一些领先的是 Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF、Fount Metaverse ETF、Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF 和 Evolve Metaverse ETF。

In the stock market, there are actually a few Metaverse ETFs. Some of them are leading by Amplify Transformational Data Sharing ETF, Fount Metaverse ETF, Rowundhill Ball Metaverse ETF and Evolve Metaverse ETF.

像 $METV 这样的新元界 ETF 在 2021 年炒作期间推出,此后价值下跌


这些 ETF 的明显缺点是只包括上市公司,即股票。但是,如果您确实想接触元宇宙股票,那么这些 ETF 之一可能是获得它的好方法。

The obvious disadvantage of these ETFs is that only listed companies, i.e. stocks, are included. But if you really want to get in touch with Woncos shares, one of these ETFs may be a good way to get it.


放眼股市之外,我们现在最好的选择是元宇宙指数。您现在可以在 Uniswap、Hoo 或 BKEX 上以加密代币 (?$MVI ) 的形式购买它。不幸的是,该指数是根据一些非常有限的标准编制的。

Beyond the stock market, the best option we have now is the meta-cosm index. You can now buy it on Uniswap, Hoo, or BKEX in the form of an encrypted token (?$MVI). Unfortunately, the index is based on very limited criteria.


首先,虽然 ETF 不包括所有加密货币,但 MVI 不包括所有股票。因此,如果不是为了下一个标准,投资 ETFMVI 似乎是一个很好的解决方案。

First, while ETFs do not include all encrypted currencies, MVIs do not include all stocks. So investing in ETF and MVI does seem a good solution if not for the next standard.



This is all the more worrying: it's only allowed to use encrypted tokens based on the Etherm. It's just a little worrying, because most meta-cosm development takes place in Etherm. I don't like simply excluding all other similar block chains.



元界指数一直波动,但自 2021 年 4 月成立以来略有上涨


我最关心的是索引中的标记。除了 Decentraland 和 The Sandbox,我不会将索引中的 16 个令牌中的任何一个分类为实际的元宇宙令牌。我自己拥有其中的许多,但将它们视为我的游戏和 NFT 投资组合的一部分。以Rarible和Audius为例,NFT 市场和音乐流媒体服务。

What matters most to me is the tags in the index. With the exception of Decentraland and The Sandbox, I will not classify any of the 16 medals in the index as actual meta-cosm. I own many of them myself, but see them as part of my game and NFT portfolio. For example, Rarible and Audius, NFT markets and music flow media services.


因此,虽然我真的很喜欢广泛的元宇宙索引的想法,但我们在加密方面的选择目前并不值得。不过,我鼓励你留意新的机会。最终会有人做对的。同时,考虑一下领先的元宇宙 ETF 之一。

So, while I really like the idea of an extensive meta-cosm index, our choice in encryption is not worth it at this time. But I encourage you to keep an eye on new opportunities. Eventually, someone will do the right thing. And consider one of the leading meta-cosmos ETFs.





As you can see from this paper, there are many ways in which we can invest in the meta-cosm revolution. Which fits you will depend on your own circumstances, risk tolerance, start-up funding and countless other factors.



I want to end this with a description of the game, because you can certainly argue that the immersion open world game meets the definition of meta-cosmos. But, as I've already mentioned, I personally think it's a separate category.



There are a lot of new games that are being built, especially encryption. These games also offer a range of investment opportunities, and if you are curious about the subject, it is absolutely worth some research in the meantime.


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