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With the development of Internet-related technologies and the expansion of user size, the number of Internet accounts is growing. The information contained in these Internet accounts is the data of the users themselves, but the users do not own these Internet accounts at both the legal and technical levels, nor do they have control of their interests, while the problems of disclosure and misuse of user data in Internet accounts are becoming more pronounced.

1. 蚂蚁链:蚂蚁链融合包括区块链、AIOT、智能风控等技术,通过链接各个产业网络,推动区块链技术平民化


2. 以太坊公链:以太坊是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币提供去中心化的以太虚拟机来处理点对点合约。

Ether is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contract functions that handles point-to-point contracts through decentralised Ether virtual machines in its exclusive encryption currency.

以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。

The Tails concept was first proposed by Programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin between 2013 and 2014, to the effect that the next generation of encrypted money and decentralized applications will be developed in 2014 through ICO crowds.

3. 至信链:“至信链可信存证服务”是腾讯公司联合生态伙伴北京枫调理顺科技发展有限公司发布的可信存证区块链服务,基于国产开源自主可控的“长安链”技术底层建设,已有十余家社会各界公信力机构作为节点加入。

`Credible Documentation Service to the letter chain' is a credible documented block chain service issued by Map Beijing, a joint ecological partner of RTC, based on national production derived from the controlled construction of the technological base of the long-chain', in which more than a dozen credible institutions from all sectors of society have joined as nodes.


“Creditable Documentation Service to the Letter Chain” can provide a variety of confidence solutions for the information Internet, providing a credible route from electronic data to electronic evidence through block chain technology that connects the commercial and judicial ends of the information society, leading to the credible preservation, safe transmission and legal use of electronic data.

4. 百度超级链

4. 100-degree superchain


The 100-degree superchain (Xuper Chain) technology is a 100-degree block chain technology with fully autonomous intellectual property rights, with more than 240 patents on innovative supernode structures, parallel technologies in the chain, reciprocable side chain technologies and bottom of the chain, such as parallel chain management.


The project, which began in May 2019, has been operating for more than a year, maintaining high-frequency updates and overlaps, and has built active open-source communities with extensive presence in more than 20 areas of government, justice and health care.

5. 树图链

5. tree-mapping chain

树图区块链是在上海市政府的关心支持下,由多伦多大学教授龙凡博士创始发起,华人唯一图灵奖得主、著名计算机科学家姚期智院士担任首席科学家,立足 Conflux 区块链底层系统公链的研发而创立的区块链。

The tree block chain was initiated by Dr. Longfan, Professor at the University of Toronto, with the interest of the Shanghai Municipality, and the only Chinese winner of the Turing Prize, a prominent computer scientist, Yao Chisu, as chief scientist, building on the development and development of the public chain of the lower part of the Conflux block chain.

6. BSN联盟链

6. BSN Union Chain

BSN是由国家信息中心、中国移动通信集团有限公司、中国银联股份有限公司、北京红枣科技有限公司共同发起和建立的跨云服务、跨门户、跨底层框架,用于部署和运行各类区块链应用的全球性基础设施网络,目前已在全球建立了一百二十余个公共城市节点。BSN开放联盟链(BSN Open Permissioned Blockchain, 简称OPB)包括多条基于公有链框架和联盟链框架搭建的公用链,开发者可以选择适合应用业务需求的开放联盟链部署和运行智能合约和分布式应用。

BSN, a global network of infrastructure for deployment and operation of block-chain applications, co-sponsored and developed by the National Information Centre, China Mobile Communications Group Ltd., China Silver Union Ltd., and Beijing Palm Science and Technology Ltd., has now established over 120 public city nodes around the globe. The BSN Open Alliance Chain (BSN Open Missioned Blockchain, known as OPB) includes multiple public-use chains based on a public-chain framework and a coalition-chain framework that allows developers to choose open-chain deployment and operating smart contracts and distributed applications that are appropriate for applying business needs.

7. 京东智臻链


The intellectual chain, the brand of a block chain under the Kyoto technology flag, has autonomous intellectual property rights in Kyoto. It introduces new research results and engineering structures in data books, consensus agreements, cryptographic algorithms, storage, etc., addressing fundamental and critical technical issues such as performance, scalability, expansion, security, and the creation of innovative technological structures and applications.

8. 新版链

8. new version


The “new version chain” is organized and operated by the Sichuan Provincial Block Chain Copyright Commission, which is the copyright ecological chain designated by the Sichuan Provincial Block Chain Services Infrastructure for the construction of the Sichuan Province Block Chain Building Work Plan for the Sichuan Province Block Chain Building Action Plan, the National Digital Economic Innovation Development Experimental Area (Sichuan) Building Work Programme. The purpose of the “new version chain” is to build a country-wide, credible sector chain copyright infrastructure for Sichuan Province, providing copyright certification for products, copyright trading, copyright violation monitoring rights, certification of copyright assets, and block chain support services for copyright capital securitization throughout the country.

9. 火币生态链

9. Coal Ecolink

火币生态链 Huobi ECO Chain (Heco) 是一个去中心化高效节能公链,也是火币开放平台推出的首个产品,在支撑高性能交易的基础上,实现智能合约的兼容,火币生态链Heco的原数字资产为HT,采HPoS共识机制。

Huobi Eco Chain (Heco) is a decentralised energy efficient public chain and the first product to be launched by the Open Platform to Support high-performance transactions to achieve compatibility of smart contracts, the original digital asset of Heco in the chain is HT, and the HPoS consensus mechanism.

10. 天河链

10. Sky River Chain


The Tianhai River Chain, an autonomous block chain technology developed by the Tianhai Cloud, was established in 2015 as a high-technology enterprise focused on the provision of technology development at the bottom of the block chain and software and hardware development, with a number of core, autonomous and controlled technologies and close to 100 applications in the areas of government, industry and literature.

11. 趣链

fun chain


Nationally owned and controlled bottom-of-the-coalition platform for science and technology development in the interesting chain meets the commercial needs of enterprise-level applications in a wide range of features, competencies, security, privacy, reliability, scalability and transport dimensions.


The platform was the first core technical platform of the country's block chain, which was tested through the STB and ICST block chain standards and was in line with the National Strategic Security Plan, and was ranked first in several consecutive years in the IBI block chain function and performance tests.

12. 网易区块链

12. web-based block chains

“网易区块链” 由网易自研引擎“天玄 3.0”驱动,具有支持业务高并发、强稳定性、高灵活度、安全性等特点,并已通过权威机构“国家信息中心电子数据司法鉴定所”的鉴定评估。

The "net-free block chain" is driven by the web-friendly self-research engine "Tiangen 3.0", with features supporting high operational convergence, strong stability, high flexibility and security, and has been validated by the National Information Centre's Electronic Data Forensic Institute, an authoritative body.


The web-friendly block chain is maintained jointly by the Network-Friendly Ecologic Union and includes, in addition to its own business scenes, Internet notaries, electronic certification bodies, and partners in the fields of justice, copyright, culture, entertainment, electricity vendors, science and technology, among others.

13. 领御链


TUSI block chains are secured by tether security, building on the multi-dimensional product capability of the tether security, building a platform for the security management of municipal block chain assets based on “credible computing environment + credible data + credible identity”, cross-chained and collaboratively managed, compatible with the industry-mainstreamed sector block chain BaaS platforms.


The chain of command builds high-capacity, well-supervised infrastructure facilities for the urban block chain, and the use of public components in the urban block chain can meet the needs of a credible block chain industry in different scenarios by focusing on communications and partner business scene capabilities.

14. 高能链

high-energy chain


The high-energy chain is a digital ecology built for a new generation of applications, culture, games and digital assets, designed to create open innovation and inclusive digital communities of origin.

15. 长安链



Chang Anseen Chainmaker is a new generation of block chain open-source bottom-source software platform with a core framework for block chain, a rich assembly of components and tools dedicated to achieving demand for user-efficient and accurate solutions to the differentiated block chain and to building a new digital infrastructure with high performance, high credibility and high security.

16. BSC

ETH是目前主流公链的龙头,是全球最大、流通性最高的公链生态系统;BSC与以太坊兼容且具备智能合约功能的区块链,BSC希望帮助币安生态系统中的项目更好的构建 DApp。

ETH is the leader of the current mainstream public chain, the largest and most mobile public chain ecosystem in the world; BSC and Ether-compatible block chains with smart contract functions, and BSC aims to help better build Dapps for projects in the currency ecosystem.

17. META链

17. META chain

Aurora极光链、Achain、亦来云、MATRIX、TrustNote强强联合,成立META Union元联盟,Aurora极光链是一个区块链技术应用公链。

Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurarian, Achain, Alsoy Cloud, MARTIX, TrustNote, a strong coalition of META Union dollar unions, Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Auroral Chain is a public chain for the application of block chain technologies.


Using the DPOS+BFT consensus mechanism, the auroral chain can significantly increase the speed of operation of the block chain through the P2P stereo network and the application of intelligent segregation technology, Achain being the earlier public chain in the country.


TrustNote, a global leader in mining and supporting connectivity, is the DAG public chain. Clouds are the smart web, driven by block chain technology, which is the first operating system in the world that addresses the current stage of the block chain, where smart contracts and virtual machines are highly interoperable and do not function properly. MATRIX is the new generation of artificial open-source public chains, which have used the latest artificial intelligence technology to innovate the applied ecological environment of encrypted money and open-source public chains.

18. 币安链


The money chain was launched in April 2019 and is the first public chain in the currency two-chain plan.


In addition to its basic functions of currency issuance, use and exchange, it also has a high and low-delayed capacity comparable to that of a centralised system, which guarantees the speed and good experience of transactions at a decentralized exchange.

19. 大唐链

Grand Tang >


The Grand Tang chain is a chain of industrial blocks for cultural works of art and copyright built by the Great Tangxi City Group in association with the National Information Centre, China Mobile etc. to provide industrial solutions and services such as copyright, trade, finance and traceability of works of art.

20. ENBLOCK 企盟链


《ENBLOCK Engine企盟链引擎》自上线以来得到多方认可,搭建的区块链中间层可快速使用上链服务,2020年已全面启用《智源链、智存链》区块链溯源及存证平台。

The ENBLOCK Engine Enterprise Chain Engine, which has been widely recognized since it was launched, allows for the rapid use of upper-chain services in the built mid-level of the block chain, with the full implementation in 2020 of the Retaliation and Documentation Platform for the Ideals, Ideas Chains and Ideas Chains.


ENBLOCK links can cover multiple areas at the same time, including e-government, supply chain traceability, digital finance, supply chain finance, intellectual property rights documentation, health, education, public goods, electricity suppliers, etc.

21. 海斯匹链

Seaspiring Chain


The Heaping Chain is a service platform for the autonomous development of open alliance chains by MiSt, with flexible modules at the infrastructure level based on the relationship between Alliance members and the distribution of data control, addressing the high cost of existing block chain networks, the high development threshold, the impossibility of large-scale commercial landings, high performance, rapid access, flexibility and efficiency, low cost, and security compliance.


Through more reliable, secure and efficient platform services and the creation of one-stop block-chain services, partners can easily build business scenes and effectively address the application of block-chains in such multi-sector scenarios as finance, retailing, medical care, government, agriculture, etc.

22. 众链



China’s Guangzhou Arbitration Council, China’s Rihun Technology Ltd., PricewaterhouseCoopers, and China’s Material Coding Centre have set up the country’s first federal block chain of evidence for electronic data record-keeping. The chain is used to provide customers with electronic data multiple forensics, forensics, forensics, and notarial services to solve the problem of judicial access to the chain.

23. 骏途链


It is an enterprise located in the country at an early stage in the region and is an online tourism platform in western China, with destination tourism at its core, providing online booking services for tourism products, including tourist tickets, hotels, small traffic, uniforms, perimeter/domestic/exit tours and free travel, as well as for local tourists.


also comes from the cloud chain

亦来云区块链是奠定Elastos生态信任和价值传递的基础,Elastos Blockchain采用主侧链双层结构:主链通过与比特币联合挖矿共享算力,采用PoW+DPoS联合共识机制保证可信和安全。集群侧链可灵活拓展区块链能力,侧链可以兼容以太坊、NEO等多种智能合约,实现区块数据的可信传递。

The cloud block chain also provides the foundation for eco-trust and value transfer in Elastos, which uses a two-storey structure of the main side chain: the primary chain, which shares its numeracy through joint mining with Bitcoin, and the PoW+DPoS joint consensus mechanism to ensure credibility and security. The cluster side chain has the flexibility to expand the capacity of the block chain, which is compatible with a variety of smart contracts, such as the Taipan and the NEO, to achieve a credible transfer of block data.

24. 安存联盟链

Survive Union Chain


Founded in 2008, Hangzhou Security Network Technology Ltd. works to build credible electronic data, i.e., to prove or verify the authenticity of electronic data by technical means, in order to bring them into line with the trinity of evidentiary law.

25. 海峡链

Strait Chain


The strait chain is the bottom-of-the-chain infrastructure of the nation that promotes digital integration and development of economic industries by strengthening, promoting and serving cross-Straits and even global economic and trade culture exchanges.



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