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More and more people are focusing on the currency ring, but few really know where to start and share some of the basic knowledge about the currency ring with the newcomers today.


Let's start with this article, which is like stock, house and foreign exchange, which are bought at a low price and sold at a higher price to earn a better price.


For example, you think that the price of a house is going to rise, buy it right away, until it's going up, sell it, make a fortune, and, differently, that the price of the coins is paid for digital money, a freer trading mechanism (stop trading 24 hours a day), a greater profit margin (no increase or drop limit), making the digital currency an investment return that is far higher than that of traditional stock markets, futures markets, funds, real estate, etc.

交易所就是交易数字货币的平台,现在普遍用的都是币安(官方注册 官方下载)、欧易(官方注册 官方下载)交易所。

The exchange is a platform for trading digital currencies and is now commonly used for the official downloads of currency (), ; 这篇文章

It describes the download of Andre's mobile phone, which requires overseas appleid, and can refer to the article .


There are many other small exchanges, like banks with four large banks and a variety of other banks, with a high safety factor on the front-ranked exchange, which can be safely traded, and some of which can only be bought on individual special exchanges.


The exchange is where we trade digital currencies, such as bitcoins, which require an intermediary currency, also known as a stable currency, USDT. This is also the French currency that we use most often.


The USDT, called Tedar, is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to the legal currency of the United States dollar, a virtual currency that is kept in foreign exchange reserve accounts and is supported by the legal currency. You can simply interpret it as a dollar.

泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元。

The United States dollar (USDT) is a tether USD (hereinafter USDT), 1 USDT = US$ 1, introduced by Tether, based on a stable value currency, the United States dollar (USD).


The exchange itself cannot sell, buy virtual currency, or sell you USDT. If you want to buy currency, you need to buy USDT in renminbi and then USDT for digital money you want to buy. If you want to sell currency, you need to exchange your digital currency for USDT and then sell it for renminbi. When you have USDT, you can exchange any digital currency on the exchange, which is called currency transactions.


Location: refers to ratio of actual investment and actual investment funds of investors.


Full warehouse: All funds are purchased in virtual currency.


Less: Selling part but not all of the virtual currency.


Rehousing: Virtual currency accounts for a larger share of money than virtual currency.


(b) Light storage: the share of funds is greater than the share of the virtual currency.


Empty: All the virtual currency held in your hand is sold and converted into money.


Discharge: When a certain gain is obtained, the held virtual currency is sold to preserve the profit.


Deficiencies: When losses have reached a certain level, virtual currency held is sold to prevent further losses.


Cow City: Prices continue to rise and prospects are positive.


Bear City: Prices continue to fall and prospects are bleak.


Multiple head (dos): The buyer, believing that the currency price will rise in the future, buys it and sells it at a higher price when the price rises.


Empty (empty): The seller, believing that the currency will fall in the future, sells a portion of the currency held in its hand (or borrows it from the trading platform) and closes it after it falls to a certain price, while avoiding risk.


Construction: Purchase of virtual currency.


Replenishment: Purchase of virtual currency in bulk, e.g., 1 BTC first, followed by 1 BTC later.


Reverse: When currency prices fall, prices recover because they fall too fast.


Integrator (cross-cutting): Price fluctuations are small and currency prices are stable.


Decline: Currency prices are falling slowly.


Jumping (falls): The price of the currency is falling fast, and it's very large.


Meat cutting: When you buy a virtual currency, the price falls and you sell a virtual currency in order to avoid increased losses. Or when you borrow it, the price rises, and the price buys a virtual currency.


Concealment: The expected currency price rises and the price falls when it is bought, or the expected price falls and the price rises when it is sold.


Solverment: The fall in the value of the virtual currency when it was purchased resulted in a temporary loss of account, but then the price recovered and the loss was reversed.

踏空: 因看淡后市卖出虚拟币后,币价却一路上涨,未能及时买入,因此未能赚得利润。

Stepping aside: & nbsp; after looking down the market sold virtual currency, the currency price rose and was not bought in time to make a profit.


Overpurchase: The value of the currency continues to rise to a certain level, the buyer's power is largely exhausted and the price is about to fall.


Oversold: The value of the currency continues to fall to a certain low point, the seller is largely exhausted and the price is about to rise.

诱多: 币价盘整已久,下跌可能性较大,空头大多已卖出虚拟币,突然空方将币价拉高,诱使多方以为币价将会上涨,纷纷买入,结果空方打压币价,使多方套牢。

Incentives: & nbsp; the price of the currency has been fixed for a long time and is more likely to fall. Most of the empty money has been sold, and suddenly the empty side raises the price of the currency, prompting many to think that the price of the currency is going to rise, buying and buying, with the result that the empty side presses down the price of the currency and locks it down.

诱空: 多头买入虚拟币后,故意打压币价,使空头以为币价将会下跌,纷纷抛出,结果误入多头的陷阱。

Inducement: & nbsp; when you buy a lot of virtual coins, you deliberately press down the price so that the empty ones think the price is going to fall, throw it out, and then fall into a trap.


The dominant currency is the value currency, the Bitcoin is the boss, the Etherno is the cock, some think that only these two are the mainstream digital currency, others think that the top 10 market values of the exchange are the mainstream digital currency, and others think that only those who are on the mainstream exchange are the mainstream digital currency.


By way of example, we can see the market value ranking of the currencies in question. Main currency rankings are advanced, such as Bitcoin’s market value ranking.


In general, the higher market value, the higher market recognition, the better liquidity and the higher value of the investment; in contrast, the lower market value, the lower recognition and the lower liquidity, and the corresponding higher investment risk, the user is advised to be careful to buy.


One of the most pertinent suggestions in terms of investment in encrypted money may come from Vitalik & Middot, founder of Etheria; Butrin: that is & mdash; & mdash; and do not invest in any money that you cannot afford. Once again, remind all small whites to do what they can, and advise against borrowing money, loans, mortgages, credit cards, especially contracts.

币币交易属于现货交易,要想在上涨或者下跌行情中赚钱,就要做合约交易,合约交易与币币交易相对,属于期货交易,也就是说这些交易的标的物都是标准化的一张一张的合约 。

Currency transactions are off-the-shelf transactions, and in order to earn money in the event of a rise or fall, they are contractual transactions, as opposed to currency transactions, futures transactions, that is to say, the subject matter of these transactions is a standardized one-size-fits-all contract.


You can pay a certain percentage of the bond, borrow a portion of the digital currency, choose to do more when the post-market rises, either when the post-market falls or becomes empty, or you can make two-way transactions, double-crossing, hedge risks. As a result, contractual transactions can make money, regardless of whether they rise or fall.


For example, if you judge that the post-BTC market is going down, you can borrow 100 BTCs, or 100 times the leverage, for a minimum of 1 per cent of the BTC bonds, and then you can borrow 100 BTCs, or 100 times the leverage, and then you sell 100 times the BTC's earnings and wait to fall. If BTC falls from $35,000 to $34,000, buys back 100 BTCs and returns the platform, you will get a return ($35,000-3400) * $100 = $100,000. If you do not make a contract transaction, you will not be able to profit from the drop. If you do not have 100 times the leverage, you will not get 100 times the benefit, that is the contract.


Newer does not play contract! Newer does not play contract! Newer does not play contract! Three important things!

一、一台安卓手机。(安卓更方便,苹果容易掉证书) 安卓手机也是玩项目必备的。

First, there's an Andre phone. Andre's phone is also necessary for the project.

二、闲钱。近期不急用的钱,亏了也不影响生活质量 。

II. Free money. The money that is not needed in the near future does not affect the quality of life.


III. Psychiatry. There is a risk that those who suffer and lose will not be involved.


Currency circles are not the only ones that can make money, and there are too many ways to explore, and returns are always matched by investment, and I hope that you and I will both get something in the circles.


1. Decentralization: Web3.0 emphasizes decentralisation, i.e. eliminating centralized authorities or intermediaries in the network.


Block chain technology: The block chain is one of the basic technologies of Web3.0. It is a chain data structure of blocks, each containing a certain amount of transactions or information.


3. Smart contracts: Smart contracts are automated contracts executed on the block chain and contain specific rules and logic.


4. Decentralization applications (DApps): Decentralization applications are applications based on block chain technology, which are usually open, transparent and decentralised.


5. Encrypted currency: An encrypted currency is a digital asset that is issued and traded on the block chain.


6. Decentralization (CID): Decentralization refers to the identification and management in Web3.0, which enables users to have their own identification data and to authenticate their identity with security and privacy protection between different applications.


7. Decentralized storage: Decentralized storage is a distributed method of storage where data are stored on multiple nodes of the network rather than concentrated on individual servers.


Understand these basic concepts and applied technologies. This will provide you with a solid foundation for better understanding and exploration.


First, the trading platform must be formal and subject to regulatory requirements to ensure the security of your transactions and personal data. Second, the trading platform must provide a stable and reliable trading environment that not only guarantees smooth transactions, but also protects against malicious attacks and fraud.

比较靠谱的交易所国内常用的交易平台主要包括币安、欧易 国内首选欧易,其次币安,一般来说少金额的可以放交易所,建议分散放,一般web3钱包也可以,钱包建议使用欧易web3.0钱包、imtoken、MetaMask。

The trading platforms that are commonly used in the more structured exchange countries include, among others, currency security, Euro-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-es-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s.


1. Gold Books: a one-stop industrial service platform for clustering industry news, information, goodwill, data, etc., we pursue timely, comprehensive, professional and accurate information and data and are committed to providing the best services to sector chain entrepreneurs and digital money investors.


2. Babbitt: Founder of the Forum, who started with a large number of bulls, has now been transformed into a news platform, and has done well at the lower-chain node forum. Traditional output media, rich in content and of high quality, are unique: old-fashioned information flow software, with the strongest combination.


3. Mars Finances: It is a segmental industry media platform that is similar to gold and has the advantage of listening to news.

4.区块链头条:区块链头条是新锐区块链媒体品牌,聚焦全球区块链行业资讯,专注于区块链产业的服务平台。集快讯、时讯、深研、行情、课堂等为一体。7*24 小时行业资讯追踪报道,秉承“客观、真实、深度”的理念,服务全球区块链领域生态。

4. Block chain headlines: The block chain header is a brand new block chain media brand that focuses on global block chain industry information and focuses on service platforms in block chain industry. The QuickSurvey, Time, Study, Behavior, Classroom, etc. are integrated. 7 *24 hours of industry information tracking coverage, based on &ldquao; objective, real, deep & rdquao; and the idea of serving the ecology of the global block chain.

1.Aicoin:炒币软件必备,圈子里用的人挺多的。Aicoin适合技术分析派,里面有很多技术分析工具、画线图表,优点是划线可以保存,并且有多个平台的行情,提供大量合约相关数据。AICoin ,是一款行情软件,有国内的团队开发,有手机客户端,上面也有各类的资讯提供。

1. Aicoin: This software is necessary and is used by a large number of people in the circle. Aicoin is suitable for technical analysts, with many technical analytical tools, graphic drawings, and the advantage is that it can be saved by drawing lines and multiple platforms, providing a large amount of contract-related data. AICoin, a community development in the country, a mobile phone client, and a variety of information on it.


A social network of 15 million traders and investors, using the world's best graphics and analytical tools to identify opportunities in the global market. Use us to track assets you like, find trade ideas, talk to others, discover trends and make transactions directly on our charts.


CoinMarketcap: Coinmarketcap, or CMC, primarily in the United States market, is a well-established block-chain data service site, and ranking data has been questioned in the industry since it was acquired by the currency this year, although it is still one of the largest in the world. CoinMarketCap is the most quoted global price-tracking site for encrypted assets in the fast-growing area of cryptography. Its mission is to draw its own wise conclusions by giving neutral, high-quality and accurate information to retail users so that encryption becomes detectable and efficient on a global scale.


2. Non-quantifiable: The country's very good block chain data service provider is also a standing tool for people in the community. It is a national platform for data analysis focusing on block chain data, bringing together global digital asset resources, providing information in big currency, providing professional real-time transactions, trend analysis, asset booking, etc.


1. Euroweb3.0 Wallet, the most popular, best used decentralized wallet, and more secure for large companies.


2.imtoken: is one of the most dominant wallets in the current currency circle and has achieved a new financial mode of one-stop management of accounts, where users can perform bill collection operations.


MetaMask: More specialized categories and more advanced applications than other software of the same type.


1. Coin: Performance indicators, with better data and a reminder function, are useful. Most importantly, you can access data from mainstream platforms, record your own operations, and make it easier to rewrite them.


BitFrog (former contractor): The real disk functions are similar to the coins.


This paper does not contain any investment proposals, but merely an explanation of the status quo and terminology.



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