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中国经济新闻网 2023-07-26 14:16:35


On July 25, at the first Conference of the WebX Industry, held in Tokyo, Japan, Tron’s founder and member of the China Dollar’s Global Advisory Committee, Sun Woo, was invited to attend and deliver a keynote address. Sun Woo’s presentation said that the arrival of Web3.0 would unleash the great potential of the future society and that encryption technology would pave the way for individual empowerment and financial inclusion. He remained optimistic about the potential of the block chain and the Web3.0 economy, and that the dynamic development of the industry was only a matter of time.


RWA track rises and TRON takes the lead.

  在以《RWAs: TRON如何接近加密领域最令人垂涎的宝藏》为主题的演讲中,孙宇晨强调稳定币和实物资产(RWA)代币化是Web3.0的重要领域。稳定币作为数字代币与实物货币1比1挂钩,将实现跨境汇款的革命性优势,带来即时、低成本的结算,并提供更安全可靠的交易方式。孙宇晨对稳定币和央行数字货币(CBDC)的未来发展都持乐观态度,“CBDC是一个很好的示范,与区块链具备相同的优势”。

In a presentation on the theme " RWAs: How Tron approaches the most enviable treasures in the field of encryption ", Sun Woo-moo emphasized that the monetization of stable currency and physical assets (RWA) is an important area of Web3.0. Stabilizing the currency as a digital token to one-to-one physical currency would achieve a revolutionary advantage in cross-border remittances, bringing instant, low-cost settlements and providing a safer and reliable way of dealing. Sun Woo-moo was optimistic about the future development of stable currency and central bank digital currency (CBDC), & & &ldquao; CBDC is a good example, with the same advantages as the chain of blocks & & rdquao;


Sun Woo further noted that monetized physical assets, such as real estate, commodities, and works of art, would provide more investment opportunities. He argued that the RWA’s potential was unlimited and would open up more investment possibilities, making the investment market more equitable and diversified, and that institutions such as the Singapore Financial Authority and the Bank of China were also pushing ahead with RWA-related projects & rdquao;


As founder of TRON, Sun Woo-moo also showed participants the dynamism of the TRON ecosystem and the ability to support the stability currency and the RWA project. He said that, as one of the most popular Layer-1 block chain agreements around the world, the TRON created a diverse and rich community ecology, with a strong block chain infrastructure, and became an important conduit for a large number of mainstream stable currencies, such as USDT, TUSD, and TCNH.


In addition, according to media reports, TRON recently officially announced its support for the RWA track product stUSDT. Sun Woo’s morning also publicly stated that stUSDT would grow into a surplus treasure of Web3.0, a bridge linking traditional markets and block-chain ecosystems, providing more diversified investment options for users of the encrypted world.


Web3.0 is in a critical period of development and will focus this year on the Asian region


Sun Woo-moo said that, despite his confidence in the future development of Web3.0, it is important to note that the Web3.0 industry is still a long way off. As at many moments in history, the Web3.0 industry is now at a critical juncture and urgently needs a sound regulatory framework to support its rapid development. Therefore, it is grateful to Japan, the Hong Kong SAR of China, for hosting and providing policy support for the development of the Web3.0 industry.


For example, in April 2023, Japan released a White Paper on Web3.0, which sets out a blueprint for the regulation of encrypted currency exchanges and the development of NFTs, currency stability, DAOs, etc. With a focus on intellectual property and content creation, Japan is expected to become a leader in the Web3.0 field; Hong Kong, China, has also announced this year the policy rules and regulatory framework for the Virtual Asset Management Agency’s practice in Hong Kong.

  在与MarketAcross执行合伙人Itai Elizur进行对话时,孙宇晨则着重强调了加密货币需回归货币本源。他表示,加密货币需要为全球用户服务,而不仅仅是行业内的交易者。他相信加密货币未来会像支付宝一样普及,有很多机会可以挖掘,且不仅限于基础设施。他认为,目前更多的机会在于实际应用和解决现实问题层面。

During a dialogue with the executive partner of MarketAcross, Itai Elizur, Sun Woo’s morning emphasis was on the need for encrypted money to return to its source. He said that encrypted money needed to serve global users, not just traders in the industry. He believed that encrypted money would be as widespread in the future as payment treasures, with many opportunities to tap, and not just infrastructure.


Sun Woo concluded by saying that he would focus this year on development opportunities in the Asian region, particularly in Japan and the Hong Kong SAR of China. He said that we have now seen a setback in United States regulatory policies, in contrast to the positive developments in the Asian region’s crypto-currency markets and regulatory policies.

  据悉,WebX是由日本主流加密媒体CoinPost策划和管理的亚洲最大web3盛会,今年为第一届,吸引了日本首相岸田文雄、日本自民党政务调查会长萩生田光一、Yuga Labs首席执行官Daniel Alegre、柴犬 Kabosu和AI机器人Desdemona等众多政策制定者和行业ICON参会。会议旨在探讨将日本定位为亚洲Web3中心的可能性,重点讨论如何将区块链等去中心化技术引入社会治理,加速全球业务合作等议题。

WebX is known to have been the largest web3 event in Asia, planned and managed by Coin Post, the mainstream encrypted media in Japan. This year, for the first time, it attracted Japanese Prime Minister Kiyoshi Akida, the President of the Japan Self-Democrat Political Survey, Hitoshi Hashida, the Chief Executive Officer of Yuga Labs, Daniel Alegre, the Chai Dog, and the AI robot Desdemona. The purpose of the meeting was to explore the possibility of positioning Japan as the Web3 centre in Asia, focusing on how to introduce decentralize technologies, such as block chains, into social governance and accelerate global operational cooperation.

来源:咸宁新闻网 编辑: editor016       


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