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There's a lot of people who mix blocks with bitcoin, and there's a difference. Bitcoin is just one of the applications of block chains, but the trend in block chains starts with bitcoin. Let's give you some details about bitcoin today.


1, the origin of Bitcoin


Behind Bitcoin is the block chain system (distributed, password-based account system).

2008 年底,一位自称“中本聪”的人突然在互联网上发表了关于电子现金系统的白皮书;2009 年初,“中本聪”在位于芬兰赫尔辛基的一个小型服务器上发展出比特币的第一个区块,标志着比特币的诞生。

At the end of 2008, a white paper on the e-cash system was suddenly published on the Internet by a person who called himself the “Middle-Hear”; at the beginning of 2009, the first block of Bitcoin was developed on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, marking the birth of Bitcoin.


Not only has the entire Bitcoin system been established and put into practice independently, but he has lost sight of the enormous technological wealth that he has contributed to the world; so far no one has known who is.

2009 年 1 月 3 日被公认为是比特币的诞生日,之后比特币价格持续为 0(比特币处于持续发掘中,但没有交易),直到 2010 年 5 月 22 日,美国佛罗里达州的一个程序员成功用一万个比特币换取了 2 块披萨,这是比特币第一次在现实世界获得定价。

After being recognized as the birth date of Bitcoin on January 3, 2009, the price of bitcoin continued to be 0 (bitcoin in continuous excavation, but not traded) until May 22, 2010, a programmer from Florida, United States, successfully traded 10,000 bitcoins for 2 pieces of pizza, which was the first time that bitcoin had been priced in the real world.


2, Bitcoin Development


After a great deal of decline, Western governments (including the Chinese Government) are more cautious in the case of bitcoin (cross-border currency, involving illegal money-laundering, interference with national monetary systems, etc., and ongoing disputes).


Bitcoin itself has a powerful life, and government repression and denial do not cause its demise, and the price of bitcoin continues to rise.


The technology behind Bitcoin is valued worldwide, from Governments to financial institutions, businesses and investment agencies, and a number of funds have been set up at the international level to devote to bitcoin or block chains.


3, Bitcoin Features

(1)去中心化:比特币是第一种分布式的虚拟货币,整个网络由用户构成,没有中央银行。去中心化是比特币安全与自由的保证 。

(1) Decentralization: Bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, and the entire network is made up of users without a central bank. Decentralization is a guarantee of bitcoin security and freedom.


(2) Worldwide circulation: Bitcoin can be managed on any computer connected to the Internet.


(3) Exclusive ownership: The control of Bitcoin requires a private key that can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can access it except the user itself.


(4) Low transaction costs: Bitcoin may be transferred free of charge, but eventually approximately 1 bit of transaction fee will be charged for each transaction to ensure faster execution of the transaction.


(5) There are no hidden costs: Bitcoin, as a means of payment from A to B, has no onerous limits or formalities.


(6) Cross-platform excavation: Users can tap into the computing capabilities of different hardware on numerous platforms.


4, the advantages of Bitcoin


The distribution and circulation are done through the open source p2p algorithm.


(2) Anonymous, exempt from taxation, exempt from supervision.


(iii) Strongness. Bitcoin is completely dependent on the p2p network, with no distribution centre, so it cannot be shut off externally. Bitcoin prices may fluctuate, collapse, and multinational governments may declare it illegal, but the large p2p network of Bitcoin and Bitcoin will not disappear.


Cross-border transfers are cross-border and cross-border. Cross-border remittances pass through layers of foreign exchange control agencies, and transactions are recorded in multiple records.


As the Bitcoin algorithm is fully open, anyone can download to the source code, modify parameters, and redraw it, and create a new p2p currency. These bounties are fragile and vulnerable to 51% of attacks. Any person or organization that controls 51% of a p2p monetary network can easily manipulate transactions, currency values, and this will have a devastating impact on the p2p currency.


5, shortcomings of Bitcoin


The Bitcoin network is robust, but the Bitcoin trading platform is fragile.


(2) The transaction is confirmed over a long period of time. When the Bitcoin wallet is first installed, a significant amount of time is spent downloading the historical transaction block.


(3) Prices are highly volatile. As a result of the intervention of a large number of spree households, the price of bitcoin for cash has fluctuated, as in mountain cars. Bitcoin is better suited for speculation than for anonymous transactions.


(4) The general public does not understand the principles, and the resistance of traditional financial practitioners. Active netizens understand the principles of the p2p network and know that Bitcoin cannot be manipulated and controlled by human beings. But the general public does not understand that many people cannot even distinguish between bitcoins and Queens.


6, the legal status of Bitcoin in China


In China, the RMB Regulation prohibits the production and sale of coupons. Since there is no clear judicial explanation for the definition of coupons, there is uncertainty about the legal future of Bitcoins in China if they are included in “coin coupons.”


The circular of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Commerce on strengthening the management of virtual money for online games (No. [20.2009]) dated 4 June 1999 states that for the first time, the scope of application of the virtual currency for online games has been clarified, distinguishing between the virtual currency for current online games and the virtual props in the game; at the same time, the circular states that enterprises engaged in related services are subject to authorization before they can operate.


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