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Based on a global perspective, the world is actively embracing a new industrial revolution, taking advantage of new industries, new races, and new technologies such as the meta-cosmos, Web3.0, artificial intelligence, the digital economy, and so on.

  Web 3.0开启新纪元

Web 3.0 Starts a new era

  在全新的技术领域,Web 3.0是一个全新的互联网形态,它将使每个个体都可以成为创造者和生产者,而不仅仅是消费者。

In an entirely new technological field, Web 3.0 is a brand new form of the Internet, which will enable each individual to become a creator and producer, not just a consumer.

  Web 3.0的核心是去中心化,它将打破传统的信息传播模式,使信息传播变得更公平和透明。互联网和社交媒体的兴起,打破了传统商业门槛和媒体控制,使个体能够通过自己的创造力和努力实现自我表达和商业成功。

The core of Web 3.0 is decentralization, which will break down traditional modes of information dissemination and make it more equitable and transparent. The rise of the Internet and social media has broken traditional business thresholds and media control, enabling individuals to express themselves and achieve business success through their creativity and efforts.

  Web 3.0不仅是技术革新,更是社会关系的革新,它将改变人类本质的生活方式、思维模式乃至价值观念。Web3.0超越了用户生成的内容和社交网络,专注于协作、知识共享和个性化体验。虽然转型仍在进行中,但正在为数字领域的革命性转变奠定基础。

Web 3.0 is not only a technological innovation, but also a social innovation that will change the way of life, mindsets, and even values of the nature of human beings. Web3.0 transcends user-generated content and social networks and focuses on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and personalized experiences. While the transformation is still under way, it is laying the foundation for revolutionary transformations in the digital field.

  Web 3.0关键技术

Web 3.0 Key Technologies

  多项突破性技术支撑着向Web 3.0技术革命的过渡,推动其重塑数字格局的潜力。

Breakthrough technologies underpin the transition to the Web 3.0 technological revolution and drive its potential to reshape digital patterns.

  去中心化和区块链:区块链技术处于Web 3.0的最前沿。其透明和防篡改的性质使其成为在数字领域建立信任的强大工具。去中心化应用(dApp)和智能合约允许直接点对点交易并消除中介机构,正在彻底改变金融交易。

Decentralization and block chains: Block chain technology is at the cutting edge of Web 3.0. Its transparent and anti-frozen nature makes it a powerful tool for building trust in the digital field.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: Artificial intelligence is the driving force for processing and analysing large amounts of data, translating them into personalized content delivery and predictive insights. A virtual assistant, driven by artificial intelligence, enhances user experience by understanding content and intent, leading to more intuitive interaction.

  物联网(IoT):将物联网设备集成到Web 3.0中,增强了实时信息收集和交互。这使得智能家居、互联医疗设备和高效智能城市的发展成为可能,展示了Web 3.0的真正潜力。

IOT: The integration of the devices into Web 3.0 enhances real-time information gathering and interaction. This makes it possible to develop intelligent homes, interconnected medical equipment and efficient smart cities and demonstrates the real potential of Web 3.0.

  不可否认的是,如今Web 3.0概念越来越受关注后,其在社交、游戏、竞赛等方面的应用更多。根据《2023-2032 Web 3.0市场预测》报告,预计到 2032 年,Web 3.0 市场规模将达 819 亿美元,其中亚太地区 Web 3.0 市场预计将在 2023 年到 2032 年间达到 47% 的复合年增长率。

There is no denying that the Web 3.0 concept is now becoming more relevant to socialization, play, competition, and so on. According to the 2023-2032 Web 3.0 Market Forecast, the Web 3.0 market is projected to be $81.9 billion by 2032, of which the Asia-Pacific region's Web 3.0 market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 47 per cent between 2023 and 2032.

  微美全息助力Web 3.0 应用创新及产业规模化发展

Web 3.0 Application of innovation and industry-scale development

  而在全球Web 3.0 产业链发展进程中,科技企业也在拥抱革命性的Web 3.0,以抢占市场机遇。据了解,微美全息(WIMI.US)作为前沿科技领域的创新公司,致力于探索技术创新与与传统产业融合发展的路径与模式。其中不少应用Web 3.0和其他最新技术,为用户和品牌进入Web 3.0世界提供平台支持和技术服务,目前在基础设施与应用生态建设方面已取得了阶段性成果,或为数字经济发展提供新动能。

Science and technology firms are also embracing revolutionary Web 3.0 in the global Web 3.0 process of industrial chain development in order to take advantage of market opportunities. It is understood that Micro-American Holloway (WIMI.US) is a front-line innovation company in the field of science and technology, working to explore pathways and models for technological innovation and the integration of traditional industries into development. Many of these applications, Web 3.0 and other latest technologies, provide platform support and technical services to users and brands entering the Web 3.0 world, have already achieved milestones in infrastructure and applied ecology, or provide new dynamic energy for digital economic development.

  当前Web 3.0互联网发展过程中,新一代的应用机遇在行业里不断涌现,随时可能会带来颠覆性变革。一方面,微美全息紧跟 Web3.0 技术创新进展,用自身技术创新助力产业规模化落地,包括AR +数字孪生、AI识别+数字孪生等技术提升在多链跨链生态互通、Web3.0商业应用方面的创新服务能力,并密切关注全球围绕 Web3.0 的政策以支持客户及生态伙伴规范发展。

In the current development of Web 3.0 Internet, a new generation of applications is emerging in the industry, with potential for disruptive change. On the one hand, the United States is following with interest the technological innovation of Web3.0, helping to scale industries with its own technological innovation, including AR+digital twin, AI-ID+digital twin, and so on, to upgrade its capacity to provide innovative services in multi-chain, inter-linkages, and Web3.0 commercial applications, and to pay close attention to policies around Web3.0 around the world to support client and ecological partner normative development.


On the other hand, the company will simultaneously promote the expansion of domestic and international markets. Focusing on the domestic market to achieve a digital economy, using the main features of the Web3.0 industry to enable technology to play a real value and create real benefits in the industry.

  反观之下,在面向国际市场上,目前微美全息积极引进培育工业机器人、人形机器人、脑机接口等软硬协同泛智能产业。未来以此拉通全产业链的深度融合并进一步促进商业化落地,最终将形成闭环的商业生态,全面迎接Web3.0 时代的来临。

In contrast, in the face of the international market, micro-Americans are now actively engaging in the development of industrial robots, man-made robots, brain interfaces, and so on. This will lead to deeper integration and further commercialization of the entire industrial chain in the future, leading to a closed business ecology that will fully meet the dawn of the Web3.0 era.



  至今已经过去三十多年,互联网叙事终于来到了跨越性的Web3.0 。正如所有超前概念发展都需要时间,真正的Web3.0 还未来临,但仍然可以看到,扎根其中的开发者们正在慢慢崛起。以技术革新推动经济增长,Web3.0 的发展正靠近“黄金起点”。站在这个新的数字前沿的风口浪尖时,希望更多的从业者深入探讨Web3.0 的前沿技术,共建有中国特色的Web3.0,共谋下一代互联网的未来!

So far, more than three decades have passed since Internet narratives have come to the Transfrontial Web3. Just as all pre-concept development has taken time, the real Web 3.0 has not yet arrived, but it can still be seen that the root developers are slowly rising. With technological innovation driving economic growth, Web3.0 is approaching the “gold start.” At the tip of this new digital frontier, it is hoped that more practitioners will explore the cutting edge of Web3.0 in depth, building a Chinese-character Web3.0, and conspiring to the future of the next generation of the Internet!


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