Web3 词汇表:必须了解概念才能成为房间里最聪明的人

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如果您曾经对 web3 空间中的一些术语感到困惑,那么您肯定并不孤单。从 NFT 到 Airdropping 和 Burning,许多术语可能让人难以理解和混淆。当文章读起来像外语时,有些人会被推迟,这也许不足为奇。

If you've ever been confused about some of the terms in the web3 space, you're certainly not alone. From NFT to Airdropping and Burning, many terms can be hard to understand and confusing. It's not surprising that some people are delayed when they read articles like foreign languages.



It's the ultimate vocabulary of the terms we use -- it's meant to understand the language. Your grandmother can understand the explanation here.




理解 NFT 并不像人们想象的那么棘手。简单地说,NFT 是不可替代的代币,是存储在区块链上的数据,可以出售和交易。有些代币给你东西(免费赠品、活动门票等),有些是艺术品,有些是收藏品——NFT 技术有很多用例。

Understanding NFT is not as difficult as people think. In short, NFT is an irreplaceable token, data stored on the block chain, that can be sold and traded. Some tokens give you things (free gifts, campaign tickets, etc.), some are works of art, some are collections of NFT technology, for example.



Confusion with the place of substitution? Inconsistency basically means that it is a unique digital object, and you cannot exchange, replace or divide another or smaller denomination.


您可能已经熟悉了许多出色的 NFT 创作者——但如果您需要更多灵感,我们建议您查看Bored Ape Yacht Club或 BAYC,它拥有各种不同的 NFT 艺术品,但最出名的是它收集 10,000 个动画猿头像。另一个你绝对应该知道的收藏品是Last Raptor——一件 1923 年的生成艺术品,拥有数百个手绘收藏品。每个 NFT Art 都是标志性的,拥有自己的调色板、构图和功能,并在二级市场上创造了数百万美元的销售额。

You may already be familiar with a number of excellent NFT creators -- if you need more inspiration, we suggest that you look at Bored Ape Yacht Club or BayC, which has a variety of NFT artworks, but is most famous for collecting 10,000 animated ape images. Another collection you should certainly know is Last Raptor, a 1923 work of art with hundreds of hand-made collections. Each NFT Art is iconic, has its own palettes, drawings and functions, and creates millions of dollars in sales in the secondary market.



如果您想成为 NFT 创建者,首先需要了解区块链。好消息是,这正是它在锡上所说的——一串积木。

If you want to be a NFT creator, you need to know the chain of blocks first. The good news is, that's what it says on tin -- a bunch of blocks.


区块包含数字信息——将它们想象成数据包,像数字圣诞礼物一样整齐地捆绑在一起——并允许公司交易数字或现实世界的商品。好的一点是所有的块都绑在一起,(在一个链中!)所以你不能在不改变整个链的情况下编辑一个 - 这意味着不可能破解、欺诈或任何其他可能让人紧张的可怕事情在线交易。

Blocks contain digital information — imagine them as data packages, tied together like a digital Christmas gift — and allow companies to trade in numbers or goods of the real world. The good thing is that all blocks are tied together, so you cannot edit one without changing the whole chain – which means that it is impossible to break, fraud or any other terrible thing that could become stressful online.


在我们的世界中,NFT 存储在区块链上,因此可以安全地出售和交易。

In our world, NFT is stored on the block chain, so it can be sold and traded safely.



这就是一切变得真实的地方。铸币是 NFT 成为区块链一部分的过程。一旦资产被放到区块链上,它就会被“铸造”为代币,并且无法更改。可以把它想象成推出你的收藏品——一旦你的 NFT 在区块链上,它们就可以被买卖(和出售),你就可以开始参与你的社区。

And that's where it all gets real. Founding coins is the process by which NFT becomes part of the block chain. Once the asset is placed on the block chain, it's "made" as a token, and it can't be changed. You can imagine it as rolling out your collection -- once your NFT is on the block chain, they can be bought and sold, and you can start participating in your community.


如需灵感,请查看本月正在铸造的 Supreme Skulls——包含 6,666 个高品质步行 3D 角色的集合酷炫的艺术品附带商品的短期计划、新的免费 NFT 角色供持有者使用,以及独家访问其他项目发布和与该领域的顶级人物建立联系。好东西!

If you need inspiration, please look at the Supreme Skulls, which is being forged this month - a collection of 6,666 high-quality 3D characters . Short-term plan for cool art with commodities, new free NFT roles for use by holders, and exclusive access to other project launches and contacts with top figures in this field!



另一个简单的,你会很高兴听到的。销毁是指彻底销毁 NFT——永久地摆脱它。你可以通过将 NFT 发送到 NFT 合约地址来“烧掉”一个 NFT,这样它就会被销毁并且不再可转让。让我们希望您自己的收藏中不需要太多这样的东西!

Another simple thing you'll be glad to hear. Destruction means total destruction of NFT -- permanently rid of it. You can "burn" an NFT by sending NFT to the NFT contract address, so it will be destroyed and no longer transferable. Let's hope that you don't need much of this stuff in your own collection!




Airdrops are a money distribution method for sending encrypted money or money to the wallet of the holder. This is a good tool for existing creators who want to improve loyalty by sending new content to the holder to maintain their participation and stickyness.


有价值的 NFT 空投的一个很好的例子是 Bored Ape Mutant Serum。Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT 的持有者被空投了所谓的 Mutant Serum NFT 的变体。尽管这些 Mutant Serum 被免费空投给持有者,但没过多久,它们就开始在二级 NFT 市场上以数千美元的价格出售。事实上,一份超级突变血清的售价超过了三百万美元。那是巨大的。

A good example of a valuable NFT drop is Bored Ape Mutant Serum. The owner of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT was dropped on a variant of the so-called Mutant Serum NFT. Although these Mutant Serum were dropped to the holder free of charge, they started selling it on the secondary NFT market for thousands of dollars. In fact, a super mutant serum was sold for more than $3 million. That was huge.




白名单就是让人们成为一个专属俱乐部的一部分——在那里他们可以在人群中抢先获得东西。将人员添加到您的白名单中,他们将在您的 NFT 收藏发布到公众之前抢先访问它。

The White List is about making people part of a exclusive club -- where they can get something in the crowd. Add people to your White List, which they will visit before your NFT collection is released to the public.



ERC-721 是 NFT 的标准。换句话说,它告诉你你创建(或购买)的代币类型是独一无二的,并且可能与来自同一智能合约的另一个代币具有不同的价值——可能是由于它的年龄、稀有性或它的外观。重要的东西。

ERC-721 is the NFT standard. In other words, it tells you that the type of token you create (or buy) is unique and may be of value different from another token from the same intelligent contract -- probably because of its age, rareness or appearance. Something important.



或者钱,钱,钱!以太坊于 2015 年首次出现,目前是世界上第二大加密货币。如果你想完全准确,以太坊是网络的名称,而以太币是实际的加密货币——但这些术语在日常对话中是可以互换的。

Or money, money, money! For the first time in 2015, Ether was the second largest encrypted currency in the world. If you want to be absolutely accurate, Ether is the name of the network, and Ether is the actual encrypted currency -- these terms are interchangeable in daily conversations.



如果你去过拍卖行,你就会知道这个词。简单地说,底价是任何给定 NFT 类别中的最低价格。“买地板”就是购买项目或收藏中最便宜的 NFT。

If you go to the auction house, you know the word. Simply put, the floor price is the lowest price in any given NFT category. " Buy the floor" is the cheapest NFT in the item or collection.



就像房地产中的共享所有权计划一样,部分所有权是您购买 NFT 的一部分的地方——在涉及非常昂贵的部分时更为常见。卖家可以出售一定比例的作品,买家可以购买他们负担得起的东西——这是使行业民主化并让更多人参与的好方法。Cryptopunks就是一个很好的例子——它的方法允许较小的买家接触 CryptoPunks,如果朋克的售价高于底价,则可能获利。

As in the case of shared ownership schemes in real estate, some ownership is part of what you buy for NFTs -- more often when it comes to very expensive parts. Sellers can sell a certain proportion of the work, buyers can buy what they can afford -- a good way to democratize the industry and involve more people. Criptopunks is a good example of how it allows smaller buyers to access CryptoPunks, which can be profitable if punks sell at prices higher than the bottom.


有几个平台可以实现 NFT 的细分。其中包括Niftex和DAOfi或Fractional,这是首批允许用户启动分式 NFT 的 NFT 项目之一。

Several platforms can achieve a breakdown of NFT. These include Niftex and DAOfi or Fractional, which was one of the first NFT projects to allow users to start a split NFT.





与信用卡费用一样,Gas Fees 是您为在区块链上进行交易而支付的金额。它们在很大程度上特定于以太坊,好消息是它们确保交易是真实的——阻止不良行为者向网络发送大量交易的垃圾邮件。

Like credit card fees, Gas Fees is the amount you pay to make a transaction on the block chain. They are highly specific to Ether, and the good news is that they make sure that the transaction is true - preventing bad actors from sending a lot of deals of spam to the network.



元数据只是关于数据的数据。这意味着它是数据的描述和上下文——重要的是,它定义了所有权并将一个 NFT 与另一个区分开来。

The metadata are only data about the data. This means that it is the description and context of the data -- and, importantly, it defines ownership and distinguishes one NFT from the other.


实践中的一个很好的例子是CryptoKitties——一个由 80,000 多只独特的数字猫组成的集合,它们都有不同的“猫属性”,持有者可以购买、出售、交换甚至繁殖。对于每只小猫,NFT 的元数据将准确地告诉持有者他们得到了什么——从它是什么,到它的稀有价值,到它的创建时间和创建者。

A good example of practice is CryptoKittys -- a collection of more than 80,000 unique digital cats, all of which have different "cat properties" that holders can buy, sell, exchange, or even reproduce. For every kitten, NFT metadata will tell the holder exactly what they get -- from what it is, to its rare value, to the time it was created and to its creator.



MetaMask 是一种加密货币钱包,可作为 Chrome、Firefox、Opera 和 Brave 的浏览器扩展。钱包是您的浏览器和以太坊区块链之间的连接。

MetaMask is an encrypted currency wallet that can be expanded as a browser for chrome, Firefox, Opa and Brave. The wallet is the connection between your browser and the Etherm block chain.



从某种意义上说,这是第一个也是最大的 NFT 市场——也是业内大多数业务完成的地方。目前有超过 8000 万个 NFT 在 OpenSea 上——这是巨大的。

In a sense, this is the first and largest NFT market -- and where most of the business is done. There are now more than 80 million NFTs on OpenSea -- that's huge.



就像在音乐行业一样,NFT 创作者通过代币在二级市场上的转售赚取的钱。每次出售 NFT 时,一些 NFT 会自动支付版税。更重要的是,可以对 NFT 进行硬编码以永久支付艺术家版税。

As in the music industry, NFT creators earn money through the resale of tokens in secondary markets. Each time NFTs are sold, some NFTs automatically pay royalties. More importantly, NFTs can be hard-coded to pay artist royalties permanently.

NFT 世界的版税通常从 2% 到 10% 不等——每次 NFT 易手,创作者都会获得这笔版税——所以难怪许多创作者在二次销售上押注很大,认为这是赚大钱的地方可以制作。

NFT world royalties usually range from 2% to 10% — and every time NFT hands off, creators get the royalties — so it's no wonder that many creators put a big bet on secondary sales, which they think can be made where they make a lot of money.




每个 NFT 都有一个智能合约。它们是直接写入代码行的自动执行合约,每个智能合约都包含买卖双方之间的协议条款,因此不足为奇。用于创建智能合约的编程语言称为 Solidity。

Each NFT has a smart contract. They are automatically executed contracts that are written directly into the code line, and each smart contract contains the terms of the agreement between the seller and the buyer, so it is not surprising. The programming language used to create the smart contract is called Solidity.



实用程序正在为 NFT 收藏品赋予真实世界的价值——本质上使其“有用”——而不仅仅是“只是”一件艺术品。例如,NFT 可以兼作活动门票,或者兑换实体或数字商品。

Practical programs are giving the NFT collection the value of the real world — essentially making it “useful” — more than simply a piece of art. For example, NFT can be used as a ticket to an event, or to exchange entities or digital goods.


一个很好的例子是Tarantino NFT收藏——持有者不仅可以获得一件很棒的 Tarantino-eque 艺术作品,还可以获得奖励内容,包括原始的手写脚本页面、新评论以及有关未删减场景的详细信息电影低俗小说。

A good example of this is the Tarantino NFT collection, where not only do holders have access to a great Tarantino-eque work of art, but also to reward content, including original handwritten script pages, new reviews and low-class films with detailed information about the unreduced scene.


传奇音乐节 Coachella 是另一个向市场展示实用 NFT 的品牌。今年,除了出售实体票外,Coachella 还提供了一些NFT 门票。并再次证明 NFT 可以“不仅仅是 jpeg”,Coachella 的 Sights and Sounds Collection 精选了来自 Coachella 马球场的十张照片,这些照片可以兑换成实物打印带回家。好东西!

The Legendary Music Festival, Coachella, is another brand that shows the market a practical NFT. This year, in addition to selling physical tickets, Coachella provided some NFT tickets. Again, it was proved that NFT could be “not just jpeg,” and the Lights and Sounds Collaction of Coachella selected 10 photos from the Coachella Mall, which can be converted into physical printing and brought home. Good stuff!



We believe that utilities are a good way to keep holders sticky and engage on a long-term basis — and to attract new potential holders.


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