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The changes in the mass media, with the rise of the media of tremors, small red books, and so on, show a marked change in marketing charges and consumer behavior. The following article focuses on the changes in the Web1.0-Web3.0 era consumer behavior model.


As the mass media changes, significant changes in marketing charges and consumer behaviour can be observed.


In the age of traditional media, consumer confidence in marketing advertising in traditional media, such as television advertising, and especially in the prime-time advertising of authoritative media, such as glamour, became a necessity for major brands.


With the rise of media such as tremors, small red books, brands have become eager to work with a large number of fans, and even many brands have begun to interact with fans to pick up their dust and to open up a simple business battle. The live airs have been seen washing their heads with bees, drinking ice-creams, and wearing Hung Xingulk. Consumers have also swam through the big brands live, sharing their passions and showing their passions.


During the 1990s, the commercial war was much more exciting, and Wu Xiaobo recalled such a signage in "The Big Loser" on 8 November 1995, when a company that had never been noticed had its name all night, the Qin Po Wine Factory in Himing County, Shandong Province.


On that day, Qin Chi wine took off the crown of the central TV commercial, "The King" for $6.66 million. After that, Qin Chi advertising went up to the golden hour and took down the labeled Queen, the unnamed Qin Chi wine quickly became the most prominent new brand in China’s white wine market.


In 1996, according to data reported to the public by the Qin Institute, the annual sales revenue of the company was 980 million yuan, with a tax of 220 million yuan, increasing by five to six times. The following year, “Etern Green, Etern Green, Qin Chi, Qin Gu,” the Qin pool succeeded with a crown of 312.11 million yuan.


On 8 November 1996, however, Qin Chi’s dream of “going into a Santana every day and launching a luxury Odyssey” did not become a reality. In the absence of timely translation of economic benefits into development, Qin’s Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Quei Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que n Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Q is Q are Q is ` Q are Q are ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q is ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q


Since then, news of the “auction” of the Qin pool has been evaporated by the media. In fact, the Qin pool wine factory is still in production, although the glory of the year has been a trance.


In that era, winning the brand, for all the brands, created a brilliant path for the brands. Seeing the influence of traditional centralized media, it was also associated with the consumer’s purchasing behaviour of that era.


The industry has widely adopted the AIDMA model, whereby the client's main behavioral link in the formation of purchasing behaviour can be broken down as: Note (Attenance) - Interest - Desire - Desire - Memory - Action.


One of the most critical behaviors in the AIDMA model is also A, and the greater the commercial value of a brand, which maximizes the attention of its clients. Attention can also quantify the amount of coverage, arrival and attention, and, from the medium at the time, the centralized media, especially the visual media, is undoubtedly the most overstretched.


Underline shops can also cover some of the coverage and arrival rates, but underline shop construction is certainly not as efficient as centralized media. However, many brands will follow a parallel model of centralised media advertising plus the underline shop distribution system, media advertisements will quickly open up their visibility, maximize customer attention, low-line shops will have a long flow, assist clients in the coverage sector, in-depth customers’ attention, and make it easier for customers to convert their purchases.


With regard to customer interest, desire, memory and mobility, which were largely based on advertising design, the position of the advertising company at the time was high, with a good advertisement often hitting the pain point (uplifting the desire rate), short and “brainwashing” (uplifting the memory rate), and many people having a few familiar ads in their childhood.


Advertisements such as “What's the power of excavator technology, the search for Blue Shang in Shandong, China”, “This year's holidays are no more than platinum” can still be remembered in the minds of some people, which, for brands, is an invaluable brand asset.


In the Web 2.0 era, the entire media landscape began to be decentralized, and while traditional media still have a certain amount of voice, the rise of social media has given greater influence to UGC, or more ordinary users.


The marketing effect of brainwashing advertising based solely on centralized media has been weakened, consumers spend more time on the Internet than traditional media, and consumer behaviour decision-making models have been gradually transformed from AIDMA to AISAS: (attention), interest (Interest), search (Search), purchasing (action), and sharing (Share).


The main change is the new search-and-sharing behaviour of clients, and the relationship between Internet brands and consumers is beginning to be based on a two-way interaction. At the same time, there is a decline in the ROI input of traditional media-centred advertising.


Commercial advertising costs to the Internet are rising (China's average annual growth rate of Internet advertising is as high as 65 per cent, well over 13 per cent of the overall advertising market), and the spread of the Internet provides consumers with access to information, giving them the opportunity to obtain detailed professional information from a variety of sources for relatively “understood” consumption.

所以这个时代的商战围绕着SEO(Search Engine Optimization)、SEM(Search Engine Marketing)和分享裂变营销开展。整体的营销布局不仅仅围绕着“被看到”、“被记住”展开,“被搜到”和“被分享”可以大大提升最终的购买转化效率和品牌影响力,甚至在这个阶段,去中心化的分享影响力价值开始大于中心化广告传播带来的转化价值。

So the commercial battle of this era revolves around the SEEO (Search Engineering Organization), SEEM (Search Engineering Marketing) and the sharing of fission marketing. The overall marketing layout is not just “seen” or “remembered”, and “researched” and “shared” can greatly enhance the ultimate efficiency of purchasing conversion and branding influence, even at this stage, where the value of decentralized sharing of influence begins to outpace the value of transformation from central advertising.


In this era, there are countless classic cases of the rise of SEO\SEM. In it, Kyouta contributed to our classic battle of "frogging, fishing and profiting."


At that time, as a result of an unpleasant incident between Alibaba and Pekdo over the search for competitive advertising and natural search rankings, the Alibaba website (including treasure-grabbing) was completely blocked, resulting in product information on treasures and Alibaba, while commodity information disappeared in the results of the 100-degree search.


This allows some third-party power-market platforms to take advantage of, and Kyoto takes advantage of, SEO optimization techniques to intercept market-hunting traffic and, through SEO, optimizes the interception of some of the market-grabbing keys in 100-degree search engines free of charge, bringing significant sales to the start-up city. So, the SEO can provide a company with valuable rise energy.


But when the giants of the electric traders tried to sink the market by sharing the fission cells, they returned home and found that parents who had never been able to shop online were skilled in doing so, knowing that they had joined the multiplicity of camps under the temptation of friends to cut and grow apples under the temptation of friends and relatives to actually grow apples.


Now that a good friend's help, a certain orchard, has become the label of the major platforms, the amount of sharing has not been used in recent years as a major factor in measuring the effects of fission, and the value-sharing has begun to be assessed in a more refined quantitative way and quickly fed back into the design of marketing strategies.


The AISAS model is beginning to evolve towards a more open multi-dimensional SICAS model. In the Web3.0 age of the Internet, intelligent Internet applications offer the possibility of real-time monitoring of consumer behaviour.


The real-time, continuous and long-term monitoring of users by technical means by DCCI reveals that user consumption behaviour is shifting from linear behavioral consumption processes to mesh-like, multidirectional and perception-based connections, and that user experience sharing is becoming a true source of consumption.



In the first place, branders need to be based on Internet-based product patterns, create web-wide contact points for real-time perceptions of consumer behaviour, provide agile guidance, evaluate marketing decisions, allow brand messages to appear in a timely manner where consumers are interested in consumer information, and the more sophisticated they are, the better they are able to capture the dynamics of their customers.


Compared to the previous period, brands have begun to invest more resources in building client contacts, measuring analysis of contact data, and evaluating marketing effects. And simple money-spill fission marketing has evolved into content-based fission, with branders not only focusing on consumer-sharing behaviour, but also engaging in and influencing consumer-sharing decision-making through content.


As a result, the country's “peasant business battle” is no longer “peasant” either. In this wave of commerce, many people are familiar with and unfamiliar with some of the country's goods. The familiar point is that the traditional distribution channels, such as the business super, are still scarcely visible, and that bees, ice-creams, or Hongsingerk have intensive underline sales contacts.


In practice, however, these brands have also created their own online contact points, which are somewhat weak in the operation of their users, and young people's impressions of brands are “earth”, “low” or “no fun”, which in part affect young people's desire to share or interact.


And this is a powerful rebirth of the brand, with the social media enjoying the sharing of the beeflowers “stealing cardboards”, “picking fans”, but with the branding impression that they are “interesting”; while seeing the head of the beeflowers in their hair, there is greater recognition of the beeflowers' “favourable” location, and the purchase of these products is no longer “soil”, but rather a noble act of “patrioticism” and the rise of the donor state.


, in conjunction with the SICAS model and the case of the foreign merchants, can see one or two different brands.

  • 第一,完善线上触点获取海量用户数据,同时加上用户品牌感知源,数据源越丰富,才能获取越精准的用户洞察,触点越丰富,越有机会打造强用户心智。
  • 第二,根据触点场景建立连接和互动沟通场域,并引导客户产生兴趣&形成互动,不再有一套广告语可以适配所有的营销场域,线上有线上的打法,线下有线下的打法,比如蜜雪冰城,线上拍雪王动画片强化雪王人设,线下通过雪王人偶和其他人偶互动制造分享话题,深深拿捏不同场景客户的兴趣点,也预留了足够的客户互动空间。
  • 第三,促成分享行为。分享行为看似越来越轻量化,轻轻一点,客户即可完成分享行为,但是分享的引导却做的越来越重,除了传统的物质激励模式之外,品牌方在内容生产、产品设计方向就需要预埋分享点,让客户的分享行为除了获得现实的物质激励外,还可以为自己的社交形象加分,如爱国、有品位、专业度足够强等社交货币在这个时代更能促成最终的分享链路。


The future era, with the evolution of intelligence and the constant change in media channels, will see a gradual change in the form of “commercial warfare” and, in any case, a deep insight into the key points of user decision-making behaviour by brands, making full use of a number of intellectually constructed enabling brands, will allow brands to change in the era to become neutral and undefeated.

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This post is published by @paralysis and everyone is a product manager. It is forbidden to reproduce it without permission.

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