2020年中国区块链行业发展现状分析 2019年市场规模达12亿元 近年来我国区块链行业发展迅速,市场规模由2016年的1亿元增加至2019年的12亿元,提供相关服务的企业数量达到1006...

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来源:雪球App,作者: 用户8302426719,(https://xueqiu.com/8302426719/147966143)


In recent years, our block chain industry has grown rapidly, growing from 100 million yuan in 2016 to 1.2 billion yuan in 2019, with a total of 1006 enterprises providing related services, mainly in four congregated areas. The number of block chain research institutions has reached 97, the number of participating universities has reached 24, the results of which are significant, and the number of patent applications globally stands at 60 per cent. In 2020, our block chain policy will continue to improve well, standards will improve, industry size will continue to grow, technology will continue to innovate, and the demonstration effects of the application of priority areas will accelerate.


Block Chain Definition


As defined in the White Paper on Block Chains (2019) of the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology: Block Chains (


Block chain technology, which collectively maintains credible database technology in a decentralized manner, is characterized by decentralisation, tampering and highly scalable features, is rapidly integrating with the new generation of information technologies, such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and 5G, and is being applied to key areas such as government, medical care, public good philanthropy, judicial governance, among others, and is expected to move humanity from the information Internet age to the value Internet age.


Block Chain Development Phase


Over the past decade, the technology of the block chain has been upgraded and the industry has divided its evolution into three phases, which have not been achieved sequentially, but have been developed together and mutually reinforcing.


Comparison of block chains in three modes


There are three different modes of application for block chains, with different advantages, which can be used in different settings. In these, the public chain refers to the chain of blocks in which anyone can be involved at any time in the system to read data and initiate a transaction, with the typical representative being Bitcoin; the union chain refers to the chain of blocks in which several agencies are jointly involved; and the private chain is the chain of blocks in which all participating nodes strictly control the particular institution.


Public chains, chains of association, private chains, and general distributed technologies are shown in the following graphs in terms of the level of environmental trust, the difficulty of manipulation, and the efficiency of business processing. The federal chain model is currently the main direction to be applied in the area of finance.


Policy advocacy


Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, a number of policies have been put in place at the national level and at the provincial and municipal levels to promote the development of block-chain industries, while at the same time providing guidance for the development of block-chain technologies.


More than 30 provinces and municipalities throughout the country have issued policy guidance documents and set up district-chain-related policies. By the end of 2019, the provinces and municipalities had adopted 106 policies relating to the block-chain. In terms of regional distribution, Zhejiang issued the largest number of policies, with Beijing and Guangdong ranked second in the list of eight.

区块链企业超千家 主要分布在四大聚集区

Over a thousand block chain businesses are located mainly in four clusters .


Since 2016, large IT Internet companies have been setting up block chains, starting up businesses entering the well blow-out model, investing more often and more, and expanding their industries. As of December 2019, the country has provided specialized technical support, products, solutions, etc., with a total of 1006 block-chain enterprises with input or output.


The enterprises are located in four main clusters: the Rim Sea, which is dominated by Beijing and Shandong, the Yangtze Delta, which is dominated by the Sea above and Zhejiang, the Pearl River Delta, which is dominated by Guangdong, and the Sichuan, which is dominated by Chongqing and Sichuan.


Industry market size reached $1.2 billion in 2019

2016年中国区块链行业市场规模在1亿元左右,到2018年增长至10亿元, 2019年我国区块链产业规模稳步增长,产业规模约12亿元。随着各地政府的关注和重视,预计到2022年,我国区块链核心产品和解决方案以及相关衍生严业的市场规模将达到百亿元。

In 2016, the market size of China's block chain industry was around 100 million yuan, rising to 1 billion yuan by 2018, and in 2019, the country's block chain industry grew steadily, with an industry of about 1.2 billion yuan. With the attention and attention of governments everywhere, it is expected that by 2022, the market size of the core products and solutions of the block chain and the relevant derivative industries will reach 10 billion yuan.


Over half of the public chain market


In terms of structure, the market structure of the block chain consists of a public chain, a union chain and a private chain. In 2018, the public chain accounted for a major share of the market structure of the global block chain, amounting to $6.89 billion, or 56.2 per cent; the private chain, amounting to $3.10 billion, or 25.3 per cent; and the coalition chain, amounting to $2.27 billion, or 18.5 per cent.

研究实力增加 研究成果显著

Increased research power.


By the end of 2019, the number of block-chain research institutions in our country had reached 97. Moreover, there were a number of high-level schools in the country, including


In terms of the results of the study, our consensus mechanism has gradually moved from a single algorithm to a mixed consensus; in terms of cryptographic algorithms, the application of cryptographic algorithms such as safe multi-counting, homogenous encryption, zero-knowledge certification, etc. has continued to be integrated; and research into cross-chain and security technologies has gradually become a hot spot for research.


From the point of view of block chain hardware, at present, the world's leading suppliers of digital money mining equipment are located in China, with


In terms of industry applications, the financial sector


Chinese patent applications accounted for 60% of the world in 2019


With national policies tilting the block chain to the ground for application in various fields, patents associated with the block chain are gaining importance. In 2019, the number of patent applications related to the block chain of our enterprises increased significantly, compared to 2018, with 63% of the top 100 global companies.


The sector chain industry by 2020 will be further regulated


In 2020, our block-chain policy will continue to be beneficial, standard-standardized, industry-wide growth, technological innovation, and demonstration effects for the application of priority areas. In response to the problems of the development of the block-chain in 2019, the Sadie block-chain Institute made six recommendations to accelerate the design of the top-level design, to establish a sound regulatory system, to accelerate research and development on core technological innovation, to promote third-party evaluation and certification, to strengthen professional skills development, and to accelerate the deployment of applications in various fields.


The above data are derived from the Institute of Forward-looking Industries, , while the Institute of Forward-looking Industries provides solutions such as large-scale industrial data, industrial planning, industrial declaration, industrial park planning, and investment promotion.


More in-depth industry analysis is available at the APP [foresee economics], and interaction with 500+ economists/senior industry researchers is also possible.


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