1分钟链圈 | 2018年底比特币价格将突破4万美元!?春节前神秘买家豪掷4亿美元“抄底”比特币

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This is February 18th, a daily story from Strong, which takes only one minute, so that you don't miss the hottest and most timely global block-link news at the beginning of the year.



  • 95后神奇少女王凯歆就OKB私募向徐明星致歉:对接渠道有问题
  • 比特币基金会执行董事预测:年底比特币价格将突破4万美元,但九成山寨币会失败
  • Fundstrat Global Advisors研究主管:现在是抄底比特币的绝佳时刻,年底前会超过2.5万美元
  • 以太坊创始人:别在数字货币中投入超过你可承担的金额



  • 日本将全面调查申请中的虚拟货币交易所
  • 瑞典金融服务局就数字加密货币投资发出警告
  • 俄罗斯两个州准备接纳加密货币挖矿基础设施,帮助该行业成为一种产业
  • 英国区块链公司FarmaTrust与蒙古国政府达成合作
  • 美国怀俄明州推动4项区块链和加密货币立法,寻求成为美国加密货币中心
  • 春节前神秘买家豪掷4亿美元“抄底”比特币
  • 美银以45项区块链相关专利居排行榜首位,阿里巴巴有36项



  • Workday成立2.5亿美元基金,侧重人工智能、区块链等前沿技术
  • 溯源链完成700万人民币天使轮融资
  • IBM区块链副总裁:IBM已参与400多个区块链项目
  • Bitfinex宣布将推出基于Eos.io平台的分布式加密货币兑换平台



  • 全球加密货币对冲基金数量创历史新高
  • 今年全年,北京市将启动一项没有明确监察名单的能耗异常的用能单位专项监察
  • 2017年韩国数字货币交易所销售同比暴涨8倍


Congratulations. Today's news is over. One minute chain, Sunday card.



Japan will conduct a comprehensive survey of the virtual currency exchange in its application .


According to the Japan Commons Agency, in the light of the virtual currency outflow problem at Coincheck, a large virtual currency exchange, Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Taro Aso, announced on 16 days that an in-house survey would be conducted on all registered exchanges, including Coincheck, who had already been surveyed.


2. The Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation predicts that by the end of the year, the price of the bitcoin will be over $40,000, but 90% of the price will fail

据Business Insider报道,比特币基金会执行董事Llew Claasen预测,到今年年底,比特币价格将会突破4万美元,而其他数字货币项目中,90%都会以失败告终。他认为绝大多数数字货币项目失败的主要原因是投资者对数字货币项目的投资实在是太多了,因此导致风险加剧。

According to Business Insider, Llew Claasen, Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation, predicted that by the end of the year, the price of Bitcoin would have exceeded $40,000, while 90% of other digital money items would have failed. He argued that the main reason for the failure of most digital money projects was that investors invested too much in digital money projects, thus increasing risk.


3. Swedish Financial Services Authority (FSA) issued a warning on the investment of digital encrypted money


According to Swedish TV SVT, the Swedish Financial Services Authority (FSA) warns about digitally encrypted money investments.


4.Workday established a $250 million fund focusing on cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, block chains

36氪获悉,日前,Workday宣布成立一项2.5亿美元的基金Workday Ventures。Workday Ventures是该公司的战略投资部门,专注投资处于早期发展阶段的公司,并与其合作开发可应用于企业的新兴技术,如人工智能和机器学习、区块链以及增强现实、虚拟现实技术。(36氪)

36 kryptons were informed that earlier, Worldday announced the establishment of a $250 million fund, Workday Ventures. WorldVentures is the strategic investment arm of the company, focusing on companies in the early stages of development and working with it to develop emerging technologies that can be applied to the enterprise, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, block chains and the enhancement of reality and virtual reality technologies. (36 kryptons)


5. The British block chain company FarmaTrust entered into cooperation with the Government of Mongolia

英国区块链公司FarmaTrust于2月11日与蒙古国Tuv省专门监察局及蒙古国电子政务中心达成为期一年的合作,将以蒙古国首都乌兰巴托周边的Tuv省为试点,协助政府对药房及药品供应链进行监管。FarmaTrust首席执行官Raja Sharif称,“该项目旨在融合区块链和其他新兴技术来保障和优化药品供应链。”(华尔街见闻)

FarmaTrust, a British block chain company, entered into a one-year cooperation with the Special Inspectorate of Tuv Province of Mongolia and the Centre for E-Government in Mongolia on 11 February, piloting Tuv Province around Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, to assist the Government in regulating the pharmaceutical supply chain for pharmacies and drugs. FarmaTrust CEO Raja Sharif stated that “the project aims to integrate block chains and other emerging technologies to secure and optimize the supply chain of medicines.” (Wall Street interview)


6. Experts call for an excellent time to copy the Debitcoin, which will exceed $25,000 by the end of the year .

Fundstrat Global Advisors研究主管Tom Lee在最新的报告中表示9000美元应该是比特币的大底,Lee在上个月预测比特币在年底前会走上2.5万美元。Interactive Investor股市策略主管Lee Wild则认为比特币不到两个月内的暴跌提供了绝佳的买入机会。(FX168)

In his latest report, Tom Lee, research director of Fundstrat Global Advisors, stated that $9,000 should be the bottom of Bitcoin, and Lee predicted that Bitcoin would go up to $25,000 by the end of the year last month. Lee Wild, city strategy manager of Interactive Investor, argued that Bitcoin’s collapse in less than two months provided an excellent opportunity to buy. (FX168)


7. Bitfinex announced the launch of a distributed encrypted currency exchange platform based on the Eos.io platform

Bitfinex宣布将推出基于Eos.io平台的分布式加密货币兑换平台。新平台Eosfinex将成为第一个使用Eos.io分散式应用程序基础架构托管的交换平台。Bitfinex 声称 Eosfinex将通过Eosfinex为Eos.io的协议构建第一个分散式交换提供一个“快速,透明和可靠的数字资产交易平台”。Bitfinex首席执行官范德维德(Van Der Velde)表示:“我们很高兴能够利用EOS.io平台进一步推进高性能、可靠的在线交换领域。”(金色财经)

Bitfinex announced that it would launch a distributed encrypted currency exchange platform based on the Eos.io platform. The new platform, Eosfinex, will be the first exchange platform to be hosted using the Eos.io decentralized application infrastructure. Bitfinex claims that Eosfinex will provide a “fast, transparent and reliable platform for digital asset trading” through Eosfinex to construct the first decentralized exchange for the Eos.io agreement. Van Der Velde, Chief Executive Officer of Bitfinex, said: “We are pleased to be able to use the EOS.io platform to further advance the field of high-performance, reliable online exchange.


8. The two Russian oblasts are preparing to host an encrypted money mining infrastructure to help the industry become an industry .

两个俄罗斯州的州长已经表示准备好接纳大型加密货币挖矿基础设施。俄罗斯联邦最西边的两个州——加里宁格勒和列宁格勒——愿意欢迎矿工的到来并且希望参与到“比特币生产”中。当地政府已经表示打算将加密货币挖矿行业带出拥挤的车库,转而帮助这个行业成为一种产业。他们目前正在向莫斯科试压,寻求监管。加里宁格勒州长Anton Alihanov表示该州可能会成为一个巨大的矿场。(华尔街见闻)

The governors of two Russian states have expressed their readiness to host large-scale encrypted money mining infrastructure. The two westernmost regions of the Russian Federation – Kaliningrad and Leningrad – are willing to welcome miners and wish to participate in “bitcoin production.” The local government has indicated its intention to take the encrypted money mining industry out of a crowded garage and turn it into an industry.


9. Korean digital currency sales skyrocketed by more than eight times

据韩联社消息,2017年韩国数字货币交易所销售同比暴涨8倍。 韩国执政党代表Park Kwang-on公布数据称,在2017年年底,30多家韩国数字货币交易所累计经手价值7000亿韩元(约合6.48亿美元)数字货币交易,而该数据在2016年仅为80亿韩元。(金色财经)

According to the Chongryon, the Korean Digital Currency Exchange sold eight times more in 2017 than in the previous year. Park Kwang-on, the Korean ruling party’s representative, published data that, at the end of 2017, more than 30 Korea Digital Currency Exchanges had accumulated digital currency transactions valued at 700 billion won (approximately $648 million), whereas in 2016 that figure was only 8 billion won.


10. FCC warns Bitcoin miners that you have disrupted the T-Mobile network

美国联邦通信委员会FCC于15日向纽约市民Victor Rosario发出“有害干扰通知”称,委员会收到了来自T-Mobile的干扰投诉,该名市民的比特币挖矿硬件正在干扰T-Mobile运营的宽带网络,若继续挖矿将可能面临处罚。(华尔街见闻)

The United States Federal Communications Commission FCC issued a “harmful interference notice” on 15 to a New York citizen, Victor Rosario, stating that the Commission had received a complaint of interference from T-Mobile, a citizen whose bitcoin mining hardware was interfering with the broadband network operated by T-Mobile, and could face punishment if the mining continued.


11. The retroactive chain completes 7 million yuan in Angel Finance

溯源链Traceability Chain在2017年底完成700万人民币天使轮融资,创世资本、星耀资本、先知资本和区块链领域的早期投资人参与了天使投资,资金主要用于搭建全球化区块链平台。溯源链创始人王鹏飞希望能通过由区块链技术搭建的溯源公链实现商品生命周期数字化。(猎云网)

At the end of 2017, the retrospective chain Tradeabilty Chain completed 7 million yuan in Angel Round Finance, involving early investors in the fields of Genesis Capital, Starlight Capital, Prophet Capital, and Block Chains, mainly to set up a platform for global block chains. Wang Peng, the founder of the traceability chain, hopes to digitalize the commodity life cycle through the retrospective public chain built by block chain technology.


12. Pre-spring mysterious buyers throw $400 million to "cook" bitcoin


According to reports on Wall Street, the mysterious buyer of Bitcoin, 3Cbq7aT1tY8kMxWLbitaG7ybPbKhq64, spent $400 million between 9 and 12 February to buy bitcoin, increasing its Bitcoin balance from 55,000 to more than 96,000.


13.95 The Wonder Girl Wang Kajian apologized to Xu Star for his personal engagement:


Yesterday, the founder of OKcoin, Xu-Star, called the KOB a fraud, saying that all of them called the OK-B line were liars and pointing out that KOB's owning was a typical fraud. Yesterday night, Wang Kai-jun apologized to Xu-Star, claiming that he had no knowledge of it, that he had signed an agreement on access, and that the whole of the KOB collected yesterday had already been retrenched.


14. Wyoming, United States, promotes four block chains and encrypted currency legislation seeking to become an encrypted currency centre in the United States

美国怀俄明州的技术创新渴望者、区块链爱好者和州立法者正在寻求使该州成为美国的加密货币中心,如今正在推动4项立法。该州共和党州代表Tyler Lindholm表示,其中第一项立法就是“如果区块链上发行的ICO代币的定位不是一种投资,或者不可用于交换商品或服务,那么这些代币将不属于该州资金转移法的管辖范畴。(华尔街见闻)

Four pieces of legislation are now being promoted by United States technocrats, block-chain fans, and state legislators seeking to make the state an encrypted currency centre in the United States. The Republican state representative Tyler Lindholm said that the first of these legislation was that “if the ICO tokens issued on the block chain are not located as an investment, or are not used to exchange goods or services, they will not fall within the jurisdiction of the state’s money transfer law.


15. Silver is at the top of the list with 45 block-chain-related patents

与2015年和2016年相比,2017年公司申请的区块链相关专利数目均有所上升。其中,美银以45项专利居于首位,阿里巴巴和IBM专利申请量均超过33项,分别为36项和34项。(Bitcoin patent report)

Compared to 2015 and 2016, there was an increase in the number of block chain-related patents applied by companies in 2017. Of these, the United States of America and the United States of America were in the forefront of 45 patents, while Alibaba and IBM had more than 33 patent applications, 36 and 34 respectively. (Bitcoin patent report)


15. IBM Deputy Managing Director of Block Chains: IBM has been involved in over 400 block chain projects

IBM区块链技术副总裁Gennaro Cuomo近日向国会作证时表示,IBM已经参与了超过400个区块链项目。IBM全球支付主管Rajesh Venkatraman对这个数字并不感到惊讶,他表示“我们的大多数客户都在以某种形式探索区块链对其业务的意义。”在支付方面,IBM已经推出了一种区块链跨境支付平台,能够使资金以几乎实时的速度在一个单一的网络上转移资金。(巴比特)

IBM Technical Vice-President Gennaro Cuomo recently testified to Congress that IBM had been involved in more than 400 block chain projects. IBM Global Payments Manager Rajesh Venkatraman was not surprised by this figure, stating that “most of our clients are exploring in some way what the block chain means for their operations.” In terms of payments, IBM has introduced a block chain cross-border payment platform that allows funds to be transferred on a single network at almost real-time speed.

16.Will Murphy:十年后,我们不再有区块链

16. Will Murphy: Ten years later, we no longer have a block chain

Talla.com副总裁Will Murphy发表观点称,十年后,区块链技术将会发展到再将其称为“区块链”已不合适的水平。他认为,未来不再需要区块,取而代之的是一套将交易连接在一起并可确认之前交易的系统,其速度会更快;而链也不再是将区块连在一起的单独线条,而是网状或图表状,或许会有非线性的一套分支连向不同目的地,也就是说,会发生许多相互平行的交易,就像IOTA里面的缠结Tangle一样。(金色财经)

Talla.com’s Vice-President, Will Murphy, commented that ten years from now, block chain technology will evolve to a level that is no longer appropriate for it to be called a “block chain.” In his view, the future would no longer require blocks, which would be replaced by a system that links transactions together and confirms transactions prior to them, which would be faster; the chain would no longer be a single line that links blocks together, but a net or chart form, and perhaps a non-linear set of branches would be connected to different destinations, that is, there would be many parallel transactions, as in IOTA’s entangled Tangle.


17. Founder of Ethio: Don't invest more money in digital currency than you can afford

今日以太坊创始人V神(Vitalik Buterin)发布推文提醒,数字货币仍是一个全新的且极不稳定的资产种类,随时有可能下跌到接近零点。不要投入超过你心中能接受损失的金额。如果你仍在思考去哪储存生活储蓄金,那么传统资产仍是最安全的选择。(巴比特)

Today, the founder Vitalik Buterin warns that digital money is still a brand new and highly unstable asset class that could fall close to zero at any moment. Don’t invest more than you can accept your loss. If you still think about where to store your living savings, traditional assets are the safest option.


18. The number of secure currency hedge funds worldwide is at an all-time high

根据研究公司Autonomous Next的数据,全球加密货币对冲基金的数量达到了226个的历史新高。领先的对冲基金数据库供应商Eurekahedge跟踪的对冲基金平均2017年回报率为1477.85%。(华尔街见闻)

According to the research company Autonomous Next, the number of secure currency hedge funds worldwide has reached an all-time high of 226. Eurekahedge, the leading hedge fund database provider, tracked hedge funds with an average return of 1477.85% in 2017. (Wall Street)


19. The city of Beijing will carry out special inspections of energy-excessive units


Throughout the year, the city of Beijing will launch a special inspection of energy-consuming units that do not have a clear monitoring list. According to the information provided by the authorities in the various sectors, if there is an abnormal energy-consumption data in a single unit, it will be able to enter the list.


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