大家观察 | 徐立春:区块链与溯源

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根据根源链联合创始人徐立春先生2018年8月18日晚间在DAGA | Blockchain & AI (核心群)的在线分享整理。

based on the online sharing of Mr. Seo Lichun, Founder of the Roots Chain, on the evening of 18 August 2018 at DAGA Blockchain & AI (Column).



Good evening, everyone:

? ? ? 我是徐立春,跟郭老师一样,都是根源链的社群发起人之一。 很荣幸获得如此宝贵的机会,跟大家交流区块链技术在溯源领域的应用。

I am Seo Li-chun, like Mr. Kwok, one of the community’s initiators of the chain of origin. It is a privilege to have such a valuable opportunity to share with you the application of block chain technology in the field of traceability.


Today, as one of the beneficiaries of Mr. Kwok's DAGA community, there is no road show, no advertising, and it is hoped that you will be able to interact actively, critical and positive.


I myself began contacting the block chain in 13 years, starting with a period of financing monetization (bitcoin), and then, for reasons of national policy, went back to normal working conditions, working in financial institutions, inter-fund platforms, etc., with a certain technical, product design and operational background. It was because of the experience of financial products that I was better at integrating and integrating block chain technology with traditional industries.


Okay, let's get this straight. There's something special about the way I share it today. Let's get out of perspective and then argue. It's a disorderly way of understanding.


(一)、区块链+ 溯源,不能解决被溯源产品(或信息)的真假和品质好坏问题,只作为数字化存证工具,方便大家进行回溯、追踪等。


When you talk to people, you're asked how to solve the real problem before the upper chain. In fact, it's not true, it's the understanding of the chain of blocks for retroactive application that goes into the wrong zone based on consumption expectations.


In essence, the block chain + retrospectively records the process of production, circulation and consumption of products (or information) from a two-dimensional point of view of time and space, and cannot be tampered with. This process may involve material networking facilities, with the aim of achieving a technology-based branding of products (or information) so that the value of products (or information) can be objectively understood.


means "objective": it's true, it's fake; it's good, it's bad.



I think technology will never work, and it's the people who use it . If you want to solve the primitive problems before the chain, you need to be out of people's hands, and the whole process is done in a technological way.


If so, the cost would become a decision-making element of the critical application block chain + traceability technology, and if the value added of the targeted product (or information) is not sufficient to cover the cost, the application would be of little value, it would be difficult to land and would not be traceable, managed and understood, resulting in consumption of the final product (information), upgrading of management capacity and savings in operating management costs.


: I don't think the block chain solves the real problem. It's possible to fake the input as long as someone comes in.


The practical approach, then, is: controls the trace depth based on the value added space of the target product (or information) .


When a block is chained, you are responsible for information and data on your upper chain.


The block chain + retrospectively achieves a market environment that optimizes the expulsion of cheap currency by increasing the costs of counterfeiting. does not directly address the authenticity and quality of the target product (or information).




There is a problem of hypocrisy when your brand has a consumer value, or when your supply chain is more complex.


On this issue, needs to introduce anti-false techniques that combine with retrospective sources . It may be a physical anti-false mark, a supply chain management mechanism or a consumer closed-door incentive, etc.


That is the second point.


We also welcome you all.


Let's get to the third point.



随着信息化时代的发展,各类社会活动均会产生大量的信息和数据,如金融服务、 大宗交易、商品贸易、日常消费、产品质量与供应链管理、社交互动、电子政务、游戏活 动以及物联网/互联网安全等。

As the age of information evolves, a wide range of social activities generate a wealth of information and data, such as financial services, bulk trading, commodity trade, day-to-day consumption, product quality and supply chain management, social interaction, e-government, play dynamics and physical networking/Internet security.


This information data is often transformed through a variety of “packagings” into a tradable asset that is widely accepted by society.


When the data becomes an asset, financial attributes become strong. Trading around the data becomes the motivator for upgrading the information industry .

同时,也成为了滋生信息的暗网交易、个人隐 私数据泄漏、基于大数据杀熟营销、行业溯源造假等一些灰色的产业生态。

At the same time, it has become some grey industrial ecology, such as dark web trading that breeds information, private personal data leaks, big data-based marketing, industry backstabbling, etc.


In addition, data and information generated by business development processes are not connected, shared and exchanged due to increased industrial competitiveness, inadequate social credit functions, and business privacy protection, which constitute barriers to the application of large data industries.


How to identify the boundaries of authority and responsibility of data information subjects, objects, and how to develop a good data development and use climate that addresses the relationship between security and development. block chains + traceability (recognizing registration) can be well used and the market space for the application of information back to 2C is vast.


That is the third point.


Welcome to the exchange.




At present, market-based retroactive product applications do not form an effective closed circle because consumer end-users do not have the habit and motivation of using query tools to obtain product details.


Missing consumer end data greatly diminishes the value of applying traceability technology. Imagine, when we prove that the target product (or information) has a high value added but does not allow consumption promotion (sales) to help them realize value realization, whether the subject of the target product (or possession of information) will rethink and assess whether it is subject to retroactive services.


The merciless economic logic of the block chain can effectively remedy the problem by driving consumption end-use search tools to understand the value of the target products (or information) in a consumer-mining (recording) manner, thereby further recognizing brand value and achieving consumption and even sustained consumption.


With end-of-consumption data, subject-matters (or information) that are traced can use such techniques as big data, artificial intelligence, etc. for precision market placement and marketing, and can continue to use “consumption or mining” to increase consumer brand dependency, as well as “promotion or mining” to promote indirect passive marketing of brands.


In addition, the marketing (issuing) ecotoken is more costly because it is distributed in a reasonable way on a particular platform. The introduction of a mediocre economic logic creates a technical barrier that is naturally capable of preventing counterfeiting.


Finally, as a result of the lack of consistency in the interest of the nodes involved in bookkeeping, back-to-back information based on block chain technology has become more credible.


Therefore, it is necessary to introduce hyphenation in the design of block chain + retroactive application.


That is the fourth point.




The application of block chain technology in the field of traceability is large, and it is important that 2C scenarios of 2B, as well as direct 2C scenarios, be taken into account when initiating block chain traceability projects, since the flow is still Wang Tao.


We'll start with an ad, and we'll share a few cases.



The chain of origin is a public chain infrastructure for information traceability, data validation and transactions. The main network, which is online in January, currently has close to 4,000 nodes of accounts and close to 50 participants in applications, is a valuable public chain network.


Welcome to the chat.


2B + 2C 的 区块链 + 溯源 + 游戏 的产品设计: 区块链鸡游戏, 该游戏是一个传统(古典)的上市企业在根源链基础之上实现的应用。

2B + 2C block chain + retrospective + game product design: block chain chicken game, a traditional (classical) listed enterprise application based on the root-source chain.

2B: 销售鸡 及 鸡蛋,将自己的养鸡场变成自己运营的养鸡场,通过游戏环节,采用订单方式销售鸡和鸡蛋,达到产业升级转型的目的。 该模式具有超强的复制性。

2B: Selling chickens and eggs , turning their own chicken farms into their own operating chicken farms, selling chickens and eggs through the game chain by means of orders, for the purpose of industrial upgrading transformation, a model that is extremely replicable.


It's a game. It's a game. It's a game-enhanced game. If it's too heavy, it's a good idea. A token model with chicken as collateral.

2C : 参与线上游戏,通过玩游戏的过程,领养线下实体鸡,并根据鸡下蛋的科学数据享受所购买鸡的产蛋权。 玩游戏的过程可以获得token ,下蛋即挖矿。该token支持交易所的品台币、社群的币、也支持根源链的BSTK 。

2C: Participation in online games, adoption of real chickens under the line, and enjoyment of the right to produce chickens on the basis of scientific data on chicken eggs. The game can be played with token and eggs are mined. The token supports the exchange's Taiwan coins, the community's coins, and the root chain of Bâlón.


Each chicken has its only identity on-line.

线上游戏设置商店功能,可以买卖鸡,买卖鸡蛋、用token的方式。 这样可以促进token的流通性。

Online games set up shop functions, can buy and sell chickens, eggs, and token, which promotes token circulation.

除此之外,设计了试养体验、社交功能,增加游戏的趣味性。 该项目是一个很好的区块链助力实体经济转型的案例。也是很容易实现的区块链技术应用。

In addition to this, testing experiences, social functions, and games are designed to increase fun. The project is a good case of block-chains contributing to the transformation of the real economy. It is also an easy-to-be application of block-chain technology.


This game can help build communities of partners that are less concerned with currency copying, more likely to experience the dividends of block chains + Internet + agriculture, and more interesting communities and to promote token trading.


Well, that's where we're going to share it today, and hopefully it's worth it for all of us.


Welcome to the exchange.




Zhang Qing: Let me drop the question first. Data are undoubtedly of great importance, scenes, and values, but how do we solve the power problem? It is the lives of data monopolies who are afraid of going back, who have no incentive to embrace the chain of blocks, and token incentives alone seem to be ineffective.


Tan: Mr. Xu, how does the identity of the chickens under the line bind to the identity on the line?

徐立春:溯源是证明价值所在,需要消费才可以让价值变现。 所以需要进行交易。信息确权了,形成了数据资产,再引入市场定价机制(google 的算法),然后就可以交易了呀

Xu Lichun: Retroactivity is the proof of the value, and consumption is needed to make it real. So it needs to be traded. Information is authenticated, data assets are created, and market pricing mechanisms (google algorithms) are introduced, and then it can be traded.


Daiii333: Where is the physical infrastructure of the chain of origin? How is it calculated?


Liu Jin-yung: In practice, there are better answers. Just, on the road to practice.

徐立春:@Daiii333 分布在超过13个国家和地区,节点地图可以查到哈。到哈。https://nodemap.genyuanlian.com

Xu Lichun: @Daiii333 in more than 13 countries and territories, nodal maps can be found. Go to Ha. https://nodemap.genyuanlian.com


Zhang Tim: Thank you for the answer, although I did not answer my question directly, but I understood the meaning behind it and needed to be driven by interests.


Li Li: The real trace is a combination of physical textures of the commodity itself, and the rest I think is a pseudo-retroactivity @Spring? Because trace marks and retrospective physical separation are replicable.


Tan: With a defined line of identity, the binding can be achieved.


Liu Zhentung: Both moral and material rewards are benefits and normal.

徐立春:@周红伟 技术从来都不是问题, 这么多区块链项目被“空气币“ ,不是他们不想做事情,而是缺少社会资源、产业资源以及政府资源。

Xu Lichun: Technology has never been a problem, and so many block-chain projects have been “airbills”, not because they don't want to do anything, but because they lack social, industrial and government resources.

徐立春:@李立中 针对类似如珠宝、文物等可以采用这样的方式。

Xu Lichun: @Li Li-jung can take this approach to something like jewellery, artifacts, etc.


Zhang Tim: The example given by Mr. Xu is that the identity of the chickens under the line and the chickens on the line is quite simple, indeed. This corresponds only to the chicken farm and not to the flow. The logic of the game, though based on the chain of blocks, can remain central. It does not give rise to a crisis of trust.

徐立春:@李立中 溯源是一个工具,要想做好产品品质,还需要有科学的管理手段、积极的政府监管及处罚措施、消费者的互动反馈等。

Xu Lichun: @Li Li Retroactivity is a tool that requires scientific management, active government regulation and penalties, interactive feedback from consumers, etc. for good product quality.

张添:@立春 还有个问题,区块链溯源,是个广泛的概念,执行的时候需要落实到具体行业里,我们知道每个行业都在忙乎自己的区块链溯源项目,比如版权链、酒链、养鸡养猪链、中药链、艺术品链等等,那根源链听起来像大一统的区块链平台,怎么和具体行业里的项目去结合甚至竞争呢?

Zhang Qing: @Lichun, there is also a problem: the chain of blocks is a broad concept that needs to be implemented in specific industries, and we know that each industry is busy with its own chain of traceability projects, such as copyright chains, chains of wine, chicken-breeding chains, chains of Chinese medicine, chains of works of art, etc., and how does the chain of origin sound like a single chain platform, and how can it be combined or even competed with projects in specific industries?

徐立春:@张添-艺术品区块链 用区块链,互动性更好而已。token 在这里面是一种提货凭证,是帮助项目进行了落地了

Xu Lichun: @Jancai-art block chains use block chains to interact better.


Zhang All Army: @Li Li-jung? A safe lock based on the micro-feather veins and their mobility recognition is safer than a fingerprint lock. Feels like what you call "physical texture."

Hans Lee@shs:@周红伟?感觉要达到溯源需要政府这个守门员去政策引导

Hans Lee@shs: @Chou Hung Wai? Feels like going back requires policy guidance from a government watchman.


Tan: @Silchun: Don't you have to stick the chickens on the line?

徐立春:需要的啊, 脚环 @谭作文

Xu Lichun: Yes, the ankle rings @Tam's essay

徐立春:大家说的溯源难, 其实是有误区的。 用销售驱动溯源,还是很有价值。信息和数据的有价共享,就是一个很有前途的大场景呀。@木桃科技郗昌峰 本身就是一个平台啊,所以可以加很多2b的, 也可以把社群的2C导进来,其实是一个数字货币支撑的 以物易物的现货和期货交易所

The price-sharing of information and data is a promising scenario. @Peach Technology Changchang is a platform, so it can add a lot of 2bs, or it can bring in a community 2C, actually a digital currency-backed cash and futures exchange.


Daiii333: @Lichun? How can we promote industry by playing games to earn Token, not by selling chickens?

徐立春:@Daiii333 哈哈。。。商业秘密。 玩笑的,在玩鸡的时候,在一定的节点需要付费买的。这个游戏: 本身就是一个平台啊,所以可以加很多2b的, 也可以把社群的2C导进来,其实是一个数字货币支撑的 以物易物的现货和期货交易所。

Xu Lichun: @Daiii333 Haha. Business secret. A joker, when he's playing chicken, has to pay for it at a certain node. This game: it's a platform, so it can add a lot of 2b, or it can bring in a community 2C, actually a digital currency-backed spot and futures exchange.


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