为什么 Web 3.0 的推出并不能保证区块链的采用

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Web 3.0 和区块链技术是过去几年最热门的两个术语。这些概念看似像手套中的手一样结合在一起,被誉为我们数字生活的未来。但它们是什么意思?

Web 3.0 and block chain technology are the two most popular terms of the past few years. These concepts seem to be combined like hands in gloves, and they are celebrated as the future of our digital life. What do they mean?


block chain


The block chain is a public ledger of transactions maintained by a computer network. It uses cryptography to protect its records. The encryption Hash function creates a unique digital fingerprint for each transaction. Each block contains a reference to the previous block, so once added to the chain, it cannot be changed or deleted.


Block chains are protected by a network of point-to-point nodes that validate transactions and add them to the chain. These nodes are referred to as miners. Miners use their computing power to solve complex mathematics problems. In doing so, they are rewarded in the form of newly created tokens.

区块链技术最突出地用于为数字货币和非同质化代币 (NFT) 提供动力。

block chain technology is most prominently used to give impetus to digital money and non-symmetrical tokens (NFTs).

Web 3.0

另一方面,Web 3.0指的是下一代互联网。简而言之,这意味着从当前的网络技术过渡到新的网络技术,例如区块链、人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML)。

On the other hand, Web 3.0 refers to the next generation of the Internet. In short, this means a transition from current network technologies to new network technologies, such as block chains, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

该术语是由以太坊的联合创始人加文伍德创造的,他认为下一代互联网将使用分布式账本技术 (DLT) 构建。他说现在的互联网是有限的,因为它基于几个中央服务器。

The term was created by Gavin Wood, the co-founder of Tails, who argued that the next generation of the Internet would be built using distributed account book technology (DLT). He said that the Internet was limited because it was based on several central servers.

Web 3.0 有望彻底改变全球信息存储和共享的方式。这将允许每个人随时随地访问数据,而无需依赖第三方。

Web 3.0 is expected to radically change the way global information is stored and shared. This will allow everyone to access data at all times without relying on third parties.

Web 3.0 的基础由三个基本理念构成:去中心化、开放性和提高消费者实用性。这三个想法也为区块链、加密货币和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 等技术提供了 Web 3.0。

Web 3.0 is based on three basic concepts: decentralisation, openness, and consumer relevance. The three ideas also provide Web 3.0 for block chains, encrypted money, and decentralized finance (DeFi).

出于这个原因,人们常常认为 Web 3.0 的推出自然会导致更广泛地采用区块链及其组成技术。但它是切割和干燥的吗?

For this reason, it is often assumed that the introduction of Web 3.0 will naturally lead to a wider use of block chains and their components. Is it cutting and dry?

毕竟,Web 3.0 可能不利于区块链的采用

After all, Web 3.0 may not be conducive to the use of block chains.

虽然共识是即将推出的 Web 3.0 将增加区块链的使用,但有几个原因可能会使情况完全相反。

While there is consensus that the upcoming launch of Web 3.0 will increase the use of block chains, there are several reasons why this may be the opposite.



互联网的当前迭代,也被称为 Web 2.0,由巨大的广告收入提供支持。据估计,到 2026 年,全球广告市场价值可能达到 8000 亿美元左右。这个令人难以置信的数字是 Web 2.0 上一些最受欢迎的应用程序(包括 Facebook、TikTok、Snapchat、Twitter 和 Spotify)主要是免费的原因。

The current overlap of the Internet, also known as Web 2.0, is supported by huge advertising revenues. It is estimated that by 2026 the global advertising market could be worth about $80 billion. This incredible figure is that some of the most popular applications on Web 2.0 (including Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter and Spotify) are mainly free.

这些平台通过广告赚钱。他们收集用户的数据并以高价出售给营销人员。然而,Web 3.0 完全有可能堵塞这个利润丰厚的广告渠道。Web 3.0 底层的去中心化架构将不支持主要 Web 2.0 玩家使用的贪婪监视广告模型。

These platforms make money through advertising. They collect user data and sell them to marketing people at high prices. However, Web 3.0 has the potential to block a lucrative advertising channel. Web 3.0 bottom level decentralized structures will not support the greedy advertising model used by the main Web 2.0 player.


This means that large companies that make a living by selling our personal data are likely to find themselves starving in an environment based on block chains that prioritizes privacy and data autonomy.

金钱支配着世界,无法将 Web 3.0 完全货币化可能会导致公司要么在其去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 上引入付费墙,要么找到一种方法来减缓或控制更广泛市场中区块链技术的采用。

Money dominates the world and the inability to fully monetize Web 3.0 may lead companies either to introduce payment walls on their decentralized applications or to find a way to slow down or control the adoption of block chain technology in the wider market.

无论公司走哪条路,它们都将不可避免地使区块链变得更加昂贵和包容性降低。我们已经看到一些科技巨头将自己重新定位为 Web 3.0 的守门人,以开发和控制潜在的收入流。

Regardless of the company’s path, they will inevitably make the block chain more expensive and less inclusive. We have seen some tech giants reposition themselves as web 3.0 gatekeepers to develop and control potential revenue streams.


Slow Progress

去中心化是 Web 3.0 和区块链最重要的方面,需要开发各方都接受的共享协议。这是一个漫长的过程,通常涉及竞争企业之间的共识。

Decentralization is the most important aspect of the web 3.0 and block chain, requiring the development of shared agreements that are accepted by all parties. This is a long process, often involving consensus among competing firms.

因为很多 Web 3.0 硬件和软件都是基于这些商定的标准开发的,所以在协议建立后更改或扩展这些协议将变得极其困难。

Since many Web 3.0 hardware and software are developed on the basis of these agreed standards, it will be extremely difficult to modify or expand agreements once they are established.

在某些时候,开发人员可以创建插件、补丁、扩展,甚至是更新版本的 Web 3.0 DApp;这些方法通常很麻烦,并且可能导致碎片问题。

In some cases, developers can create plugs, patches, extensions, or even updated versions of Web 3.0 Dapp; these methods are often cumbersome and may lead to debris problems.

具有讽刺意味的是,区块链的成功越大,就需要越多的节点来跟上变化,从而使修改变得更加困难。从本质上讲,Web 3.0 的最终推出和成功可能会在不经意间暴露出区块链的软肋。

Ironically, the greater the success of the block chain, the more nodes are needed to keep up with the change, making the change more difficult. In essence, the ultimate roll-out and success of Web 3.0 may inadvertently reveal the weakness of the block chain.


cannot store data

与流行的看法相反,区块链不适合存储通用数据。平均而言,一个基于 Web 3.0 应用程序的区块链每天可能有大约 300,000 个区块 的吞吐量,每个区块使用的能源量与一个小公寓差不多。

Contrary to the prevailing view, block chains are not suitable for storing common data. On average, a web-based 3.0 application-based block chain may have about 300,000 blocks per day of throughput, each using energy equivalent to that of a small apartment.


Each node on the network must store a snapshot of the entire transaction history of the block chain. There is no space for data fractions or pipelines, so block chains are a very impractical way of storing data.

这个问题只会随着 Web 3.0 的推出而加剧。你如何让这样一个足够大的系统来处理一个庞大的数据密集型、去中心化应用程序网络?

The problem will only increase with the launch of Web 3.0. How do you get such a large enough system to handle a vast network of data-intensive, decentralised applications?

最简单的解决方案是让 Web 3.0 应用程序继续将其数据存储在运行 Apache 实例的 Web 服务器上。而这意味着区块链作为一种存储数据的方式可能对Web 3.0没有好处,所以Web 3.0的推出对于鼓励更多人使用区块链并没有太大的帮助。

The simplest solution is for the Web 3.0 application to continue to store its data on the web server that runs the Apache example. This means that the block chain may not be useful for Web 3.0 as a way to store the data, so the Web 3.0 roll-out does not help much to encourage more people to use the block chain.



Web 3.0 的概念基于更大的可扩展性、隐私性、透明度、去中心化、数据控制和无需中介的直接支付的梦想。尽管所有这些都可以通过利用 Web 3.0 中的区块链来实现,但该技术仍然存在严重的局限性,可能使其在语义网络中的使用变得站不住脚。

The concept of Web 3.0 is based on the dream of greater scalability, privacy, transparency, decentralisation, data control and direct payment without intermediaries. While all this can be achieved through the use of the block chain in Web 3.0, the technology still has serious limitations that may render its use in semantic networks untenable.


Decentralized hardware and energy costs are quite high, expansion is a nightmare, and there are few ways to make money from people's personal data.

因此,尽管我们在大肆宣传 Web 3.0,但我们需要降低对其对采用区块链技术的影响的期望。

We therefore need to lower our expectations about the impact on the adoption of block chain technology, despite the fact that we are making a great deal of publicity about Web 3.0.


The view in this paper is for reference purposes only and does not constitute an investment proposal.


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