current period : requests climb bitcoin information and map price trends
- anaconda丨pycharm
- python3.11.4
- requests
The order to install the réquests libraryxff1a;
- 学习网络爬虫相关技术,熟悉爬虫基本库requests的使用。
- 熟悉网络爬虫相关基础知识。
1. 尝试爬取网站数据
1. Try to crawl to web data
编写实例文件"", 抓取网站中BTC和ETH的报价数据并打印输出BTC和ETH的实时价格:
Preparation of example documents 34;" xff0c; capture of quoted data from BTC and ETH on the website and printing of real-time prices for BTC and ETH outputxff1a;
program design
program analysis
This code uses Python's réquests library to obtain price information for encrypted currencies. It defines a function called Price & #xff0c; the function accepts a token symbol as parameter & #xff0c; and the list of comparative currency symbols and the name of the exchange can be selected.
The logic of the function is to build an url& #xff0c first; then use the réquests library to send GET requests for price data for encrypted currencies. The url uses Cryptocompare's API, constructs specific API requests by collating symbols and comparing currencies.
In the main function xff0c; it uses the price function to obtain the dollar price of BTC and ETH respectively xff0c; and then prints the results out.
The code is to be analysed in detail xff0c; this can be done in the following ways xff1a;
function & #xff1a; the function accepts a token symbol as a parameter & #xff0c; optionally accepts the list of comparative currency symbols and the name of the exchange. It returns a dictionary object that contains price information.
API requests & #xff1a; the function constructs a specific API request for url, then uses the réquests library to send GET requests for price data for encrypted currencies. This request uses Cryptocompare's API, real-time price information can be obtained on the basis of a token and a comparative currency.
Data parsing and processing xff1a; the function retrieves the API returned data xff0c; converts it to a Python dictionary object using a json() method. Then xff0c; extracts the price information and returns it.
The main function uses xff1a; the main function calls the price function to obtain the dollar price of BTC and ETHxff0c; and prints out the results.
In general, xff0c; this code is a simple encrypt currency price acquisition program. It uses Cryptocompare's API to capture real-time price data xff0c; and returns the result. The code xff0c can be further expanded and modified; it can be adapted to more encrypted currencies and exchanges.
2. 简单绘制一下比特/美元价格曲线
2. A simple bit/dollar price curve
编写实例文件"", 使用matplotlib库绘制比特/美元的价格曲线:
Preparation of example documents 34;" xff0c; mapping of price curves of bits/dollars xff1a using the matplatlib library;
program design
program analysis
This code is a program for real-time mapping of bitcoin prices. It imports a function called Price xff0c; this function has defined xff0c in the previous code; it is used to get price information for bitcoin. xff0c; it also imports some of the necessary libraries xff0c; e.g. datetime and matplatlib.pyplot.
The code defines two empty lists x and y, used for storage time and bitcoin prices. Next & #xff0c; created a graphic packaging fig, and initialized using the plt.gcf() method. & #xff0c; displays the graphic packaging fig, and makes empty maps via fig.canvas.draw().
& #xff0c. Then & #xff0c; add time and price to the list of x and y, respectively. Next & #xff0c; set the range of the y-axis by plt.ylim() & #xff0c; plt.title() sets the chart title xff0c; and draws the x and y curves by plt.pllot() method. Final xff0c; draw the updated graphics xff0c using fig.canvas.draw(); and hold the plt.pause() method for 10 seconds.
In general, xff0c; this code allows the acquisition of real-time bitcoin prices xff0c; it is displayed in the form of line charts. It allows real-time viewing of bitcoin price changes by constantly updating graphic packagings xff0c. The parameters in the code xff0c can be adjusted according to need; it can be adapted to different needs and exchanges.
3. 绘制BTC和ETH的历史价格曲线图
3. Draw historical price curves for BTC and ETH
编写实例文件"", 首先抓取网站中BTC和ETH的历史价格数据,然后使用matplotlib和pandas绘制BTC和ETH的历史价格曲线图:
Preparation of example documents 34;
program design
program analysis
This code is a procedure for obtaining historical data on bitcoin and near-term prices in Etheria xff0c; and for drawing line charts.
First xff0c; the code defines two functions xff0c; hourly_price_historical and plotchart. hourly_price_historical xff0c; it receives parameters symbol( currency symbol xff09; comparson_symbol( comparison currency symbol xff09; mitxff08; number of hours taken xff09; aggregregate( aggregation parameter xff0c; specify time intervals of each data point xff09; and exchangexff08; exchange ffff0; option #xffff09; first to return the URL #xffcc requested by API to request data; and then to send data requests.
The plotchart function is used to draw line charts & #xff0c; it receives parameters axis( subchart axis & #xff09; df( DataFrame) symbol( currency symbol xff09; and comparison_symbol( comparative currency symbol xff09; the function uses the plot method to draw data for close column #xff08; represents collection price #xff09; and time stamp (tamestamp).
xff0c in the main program; first call the hour_price_historical function to get Bitcoin and Xff0c historical hour price data xff0c; stored in df1 and df2 respectively. Then , create a graphic with two subcharts using plt.subplots() xff0c; then call the platchart function to draw bitcoin and xff0c; and pass on the corresponding data and currency pair information. Last #xff0c; call to display graphics.
In general, xff0c; this code allows for the acquisition of historical hour price data for specified currencies xff0c; and it is displayed in the form of line charts. The historical price data for different currencies can be adjusted according to the parameters of the code xff0c; by using the pandas and matpoltlib library xff0c; by easily processing and visualizing data xff0c; for technical analysis and trend observations.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I'm an interesting rabbit.
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