
币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 02:42:26 评论:0



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作者:vitalik.eth 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

十年前,以太坊项目公开发布的两周之前,我在比特币杂志上发表了这篇文章,主张发行代币可能是一种为重要公共项目融资的新方式。 当时的思考是这样的:社会需要资助有价值的大型项目,市场和机构(包括公司和政府)是我们今天拥有的主要手段,两者在某些情况下有效,在另一些情况下则会失败。 发行新代币似乎是第三种大规模融资技术,它似乎与市场和机构都足够不同,将在不同的领域取得成功和失败 - 因此它可以填补一些重要空白。

关心癌症研究的人可以持有、接受和交易AntiCancerCoin; 关心环保的人会持有和使用气候币,等等。 人们选择使用的代币将决定哪些事业获得资助。

今天,在 2024 年,“加密领域”的主要讨论话题之一似乎是迷因币。 我们之前见过迷因币,最早可以追溯到 2015 年的狗狗币,而“狗狗币”在 2020-21 赛季期间也是一个主要话题。 这段时间,它们再次升温,但这种方式让许多人感到不安,因为这些迷因币并没有什么特别新奇或有趣的地方。 事实上,往往恰恰相反:最近,一些 Solana 迷因币被公开曝光为超级种族主义。 即使是非种族主义的迷因币,似乎也经常只是价格上下波动,事后没有任何价值贡献。


就连长期以太坊哲学家 Polynya 也非常非常不高兴:



我见过的最有趣的硬币是其中很大一部分代币供应(或一些持续的收费机制)专门用于某种慈善机构的硬币。一年半前,有一种名为“GiveWell Inu”的代币(不再活跃)将收益捐赠给 GiveWell。近两年,出现了一枚名为“龙霸寓言”的钱币,除了其他事业外,还支持与抗衰老研究相关的文化项目。不幸的是,这两个都远非完美:GiveWell Inu 似乎不再被维护,而另一个有一些非常烦人的核心社区成员,他们不断地缠着我关注,这让我目前不愿意多次提及他们。更成功的是,在我获得一半的 Dogelon Mars 代币供应后,玛土撒拉基金会,两个玛土撒拉基金会和Dogelon Mars社区似乎彼此发展出了正和关系,追溯地将$ELON转换成慈善币。



原则上,人们参与模因币是因为(i)价值可能会上涨,(ii)他们感到民主并且对任何人都开放,并且(iii)他们很有趣。我们可以抽走很大一部分 memecoin 的供应来支持人们看重的公共产品,但这对参与者没有直接的帮助,而且实际上是以牺牲 (i) 为代价的,如果做得不好,就会以 (ii) 为代价也。我们能否做一些事情来改善普通用户的这两方面?

(iii) 的答案很简单:不要只制作硬币,还要制作游戏。但要制作一个真正有意义且有趣的游戏。不要以为区块链上的《Candy Crush》;想想区块链上的魔兽世界。


魔兽世界中的“以太坊研究员” 。如果你杀死一个,你会得到 15 银 61 铜,并且有 0.16% 的几率得到一些“以太坊中继数据”。不要在现实生活中尝试。

现在,罗宾汉部分怎么样?当我走访低收入东南亚国家时,我经常听到的一种说法是,有些人或其家庭成员以前很穷,但在2021 年通过Axie Infinity的边玩边赚功能变得中等富裕。当然,2022年Axie Infinity的处境就有些不太有利了。但即便如此,我的印象是,如果考虑到游戏的“边玩边赚”属性,平均而言,高收入用户的净财务收益为负,但对于低收入用户来说可能(强调可能!)为正。 -收入用户。这似乎是一个不错的财产:如果你必须在经济上对某人残酷,那么对那些能够处理它的人残酷,但有一个安全网来保护低收入用户,甚至试图让他们过得更好比他们进来的时候

不管 Axie Infinity 在这方面做得有多好,直觉上感觉(i)如果目标是满足人们玩得开心的愿望,我们不应该制作简单的复制粘贴硬币,而应该制作更复杂和有趣的游戏,并且( ii) 那些让低收入玩家特别是在经济上变得更好的游戏更有可能让他们的社区比他们进来时更好。慈善币和游戏甚至可以结合起来:游戏的特点之一可能是一种机制,玩家可以成功完成某项任务可以参与投票,决定将发行的资金分配给哪些慈善机构。

也就是说,制作一款真正有趣的游戏是一项挑战 - 看看Axie 在有趣方面的一些负面看法,以及他们自那时以来如何进步的积极看法。我个人最有信心制作有趣的加密游戏的团队是0xPARC,因为他们已经成功制作了两次(!!)加密游戏(首先是Dark Forest,然后是FrogCrypto),玩家愿意完全为了乐趣而玩,而不是出于赚钱的欲望。理想情况下,目标是创造一个让所有玩家都满意的共同创造的环境:金钱是零和的,但乐趣可以是正和的。


I published this article in Bitcoin magazine ten years ago, two weeks before the public release of the Ethereum project, arguing that issuing tokens may be a new way to finance important public projects. At that time, the thinking was that such a society needs to fund valuable large-scale projects, and the market and institutions, including companies and governments, are the main means we have today. Both of them are effective in some cases and will fail in others. It seems that issuing new tokens is the third largest. Scale financing technology, which seems to be different from the market and institutions, will succeed and fail in different fields, so it can fill some important gaps. People who care about cancer research can hold, accept and trade, people who care about environmental protection will hold and use climate coins, and so on. The tokens that people choose to use will determine which undertakings will be funded. Today, one of the main topics of discussion in the field of encryption in 2008 seems to be meme coins. We have seen meme coins before, which can be traced back to dogecoin in 2008 and dogecoin is in the competition. The season is also a major topic. During this time, they are heating up again, but this way makes many people feel uneasy, because there is nothing particularly novel or interesting about these memes. In fact, it is often the opposite. Recently, some memes have been publicly exposed as super racist, even non-racist memes. It seems that they often just fluctuate in price and have no value contribution afterwards. People are depressed, and even long-term Ethereum philosophers are very, very unhappy to solve this problem. The answer is to shake our heads and send a virtue signal to show how much we hate and oppose this stupid behavior. To some extent, this is the right thing to do, but at the same time, we can also ask another question. If people value fun and financial games seem to provide this at least sometimes, can there be a corrected and reconciled version of the whole concept? The most interesting coin I have ever seen is that a large part of tokens are supplied or some continuous charging mechanism is dedicated to a certain charity. Coin A year and a half ago, a token named Longba Fable was no longer active, and the proceeds were donated to the past two years. In addition to other undertakings, a coin also supported cultural projects related to anti-aging research. Unfortunately, both of them were far from perfect and seemed to be no longer maintained. The other one had some very annoying core community members who kept pestering me to pay attention, which made me reluctant to mention them many times at present. What was more successful was that after I got half of the token supply, two of them were the Methuselah Foundation. The Methuselah Foundation and the community seem to have developed a positive relationship with each other, and it feels that there is an unclaimed opportunity to try to create something more correct and lasting, but in the end, I think even this will cause some fundamental limitations and we can do better in Robin Hood games. In principle, people participate in memes because the value may rise, they feel democratic and open to anyone, and they are very interesting, and we can take away a lot. Part of the supply is to support the public goods that people value, but it is not directly helpful to the participants, and in fact it is at the expense. If it is not done well, it will be at the expense. Can we do something to improve the ordinary users? The answers to these two questions are simple: don't just make coins, but make a really meaningful and interesting game. Don't think about the world of Warcraft on the blockchain. If you kill a researcher in the world of Warcraft, You will get silver and copper and have a chance to get some Ethernet relay data. Don't try it in real life. What about Robin Hood now? When I visit low-income Southeast Asian countries, I often hear a saying that some people or their family members used to be poor, but the function of earning while playing passed in 2008 became moderately rich. Of course, the situation in 2008 was somewhat unfavorable, but even so, my impression is that if we consider the property of earning while playing games, on average, the net financial income of high-income users. The benefits are negative, but for low-income users, it may be emphasized that they may be positive-income users. This seems to be a good property. If you have to be cruel to someone financially, it is cruel to those who can handle it. However, there is a safety net to protect low-income users and even try to make them live a better life than when they came in. Intuitively, if the goal is to satisfy people's desire to have fun, we should make simple copy and paste coins instead. More complex and interesting games, and those that make low-income players, especially those that make them better economically, are more likely to make their communities better than when they came in. Charity coins and games can even be combined. One of the characteristics of the game may be a mechanism in which players can successfully complete a task and participate in voting to decide which charities to allocate the issued funds to, that is to say, it is a challenge to make a really interesting game. Look at some negative views on fun and him. I personally have the most confidence in the team making interesting encrypted games because they have successfully made two encrypted games. First, players are willing to play for fun, not out of the desire to make money. Ideally, the goal is to create a co-creation environment that all players are satisfied with. Money is zero sum, but fun can be positive sum. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

我有一条个人道德守则:“如果你不喜欢某类人或团体,请愿意至少表扬其中做得最好的几个,因为他们最符合你的价值观。” 如果你因为政府侵犯人民自由而厌恶它们,也许你可以在内心深处找到一些空间,为瑞士政府说点好话。 如果你厌恶社交媒体平台因为它掠夺用户价值并鼓励有害行为,但你认为 Reddit 只有社交媒体一半的恶劣,那就多说点 Reddit 的好话吧。 相反的做法 - 大喊“是的,所有 X 都有问题” - 虽然当下感觉痛快,但会疏远人们,并将他们进一步推向自己的信息茧房,在那里他们将完全屏蔽你未来可能发出的任何道德呼吁。

我对加密领域的“投机”部分持同样的看法。我对那些以极权政治运动、骗局、地毯式拉盘命名的代币毫无兴趣,它们在 N 月份让人兴奋,但在 N+1 月份却让每个人都心烦。与此同时,我尊重人们想要娱乐的愿望,我宁愿加密领域想办法“顺应”这种潮流,而不是逆流而行。因此,我希望看到更高质量的趣味项目获得更多关注,这些项目能为整个生态系统和周围世界做出积极贡献(而不仅仅是“吸引用户”)。至少,应该有好玩的模因币多于垃圾的模因币,理想情况下它们应该支持公共产品,而不是仅仅让内部人员和创造者获利。最理想的是,做游戏而不是代币,做人们喜欢参与的项目。


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